Thursday, April 28, 2011

That's What FRiENDS Are For!

Friends are Angels that lift us up when our wings forget how to fly. -  Author Unknown

Although I didn't take lots of pics "with" my friends this week... I did find some of me with the ones who were there for me this past week! 
I thank them for always making me feel special 
in one way or another... everyone needs that!

Sisterfriend, LINDA!
Photo taken June, 2010

My partner in crime buddy...
GAILENE brings out the DEVIL in me!
Photo taken Feb., 2011

Me and my Dancing Buddy, BRENDA
here we are OUT TO LUNCH!
April 14th, 2011

LYNNE... isn't on the computer much,
 but we can sure talk LONG on the phone!
This is a photo from my mom's funeral
Oct. 30, 2010

Little gifts from Linda's trip to NYC!
... and a Starbucks cup, too!

BEAU and his buddy, SHUFFLE
and I call this "PUPPY LOVE"
 pic taken April 25th, 2011

With all the goings on lately around here, between being sick... Jana's big sale, Brian's excitement with his boat, and the hours of babysitting...
                       It is sure nice to know 

I also love all my inbox and FB messages from special FB friends such as Arlene, Arlene, Joan and Colleen, too!... amongst many others... 
                  too many to mention!!!! 
                   I just know I am lucky!

This past week has been another busy one... I babysat all day Monday. I ventured out on my own with Beau to the store... but his car seat didn't balance well in the shopping cart, so I didn't stay long before heading home once again. I find I am better staying put when babysitting!
I enjoyed an update phone call from my friend, Lynne in Regina, too... she is not one to be on the computer... but her and I make up for lost time when we chat on the phone!

 Tuesday I did a morning at the gym, followed by a little coffee/shopping outing with my friend Brenda... who came to be with me at the Dr.,too, which I so appreciated! I felt happy she had time before heading off to another dance competition to spend a few hours with me!

Wednesday morning I was at the airport to pick up my good buddy Linda after her little excursion to the big apple, NYC! She had a blast...and brought me back a little "D" key chain with "bling" and the Statue of Liberty on it, plus some 
Polka Dot sticky notes, too... so thoughtful of her. We had time to squeeze in a little (traditional) visit and Starbucks before she headed back to her home in Lanigan. I wish we had longer... but she had to get back to work... she was doing a full week's work in 2 and half days this week!

 I was to have babysat Beau yesterday afternoon, but Jana said he was being good at her store, so I went for a little shopping fun with my partner in crime...and soul sisterfriend, Gailene! She always brings out the devilish side in both of us and we have lots of laughs! We even bought some stuff, too... always a PICK ME UP ... when we can PICK ME UP some stuff!!! hehehe

Then I picked up Mariah from daycare yesterday and brought her here to wait till her mommy and Beau picked her up after work! Nels was in Regina working! They joined us for pizza supper while watching American Idol on TV before they headed home. Mariah has so much spunk to her... I always feel pooped when she has been here for a bit!... but in a good way!

Today I have Beau here all day again... he is snoozing now, so I'm racing through a new blog while I have some quick moments to do so!  He sat in his high chair and loved his pablum today... and he had a little swing out back, too. I may post videos of those cute and precious memories to my FB later! I take at least 50 pics of him every time he comes here, so I am slowing down on posting, because, although he is so irresistably cute... I know all my blog readers have seen lots of him here as well as on my FB.  Mariah is harder for me to capture lately... mostly because I do not have her here as much,(she goes to her daycare, and Beau is still not old enough!) ...
 but also because, she is over Grammie D and her camera!!! hehehe

When my mom passed away last October, my friend, Linda, gave me a book called "FRiEND", 
Here are some quotes taken from that book...

When I choose a friend - I choose one who loves truth, who respects life and me, one who hears music  and sees the moon, one who loves to see me smiling. -Laura Merz

Friends are those rare people who ask how we are, and then wait to hear the answer. 
-Ed Cunningham

Treasure each other in the recognition that we do not know how long we shall have each other. - Joshua Loth Liebman

Here is just a short poem from me today!

Family often cannot read between the spaces,
They're often too busy and in other places.
That is when the friends who care the most...
Step in to help out and not let you coast!
We all have times when we feel a bit down...
FRIENDS help us smile instead of frown.
I'm blessed to  have so many great friends,
To help to give me the perfect blends,
They really always seem to just know...
When I am feeling kind of low.
So THANKS for all they do... and more...
I guess that is what FRIENDS are for!

Monday, April 25, 2011

S M i L E !

I am just having a little drink of coffee out of my mug that says...

In the back ground Natalie Cole is singing my all time favorite song... 
"SMILE" written by Charlie Chaplin

Mariah trying out her new pink shades
from her Easter basket!
A cute SMILE!

Beau looking sleepy
this morning
right before nap time!

The Easter baskets full of goodies and
GRAMMiE D cards for the Grandkids!

SMILE food and beverage...
for my blog writing today!

 on Saturday!

My Niece, EMILY and Shuffle
visiting from Vancouver

Well I had a busy few days of things going on around here...
and many SMILES, too,
over the last couple of days.

Where to start...

Brian and I babysat Mariah and Beau for
11 and a half hours on saturday.
It was a day of adventure from start to finish, and as you can well imagine... we captured a lot of it, however I only put a few pics here today.

They got here first thing and played in Brian's new boat. Mariah was in control eating her yellow chips out of her yellow bowl!

Next we baked Easter cookies, and crafted more cards, however, Mariah seemed to want to do Christmas cards instead, for some strange reason... what a kid!

We took a basket of our fresh baked cookies and a couple Easter cards over to the Great Grandparents place. They always love a little impromptu visit from us!  My niece, Rowen was there too, so she came back to paint fridge magnets with Mariah!

We also went for a walk... Beau in the stroller, and Mariah using her grandpa's binaculars...
and in her PINK hunter rubber boots...
(all the better to go splashing with!)

Beau is crawling and climbing everywhere and loves Shuffle's face licks so always goes back for more!

After a long day of visitors, snacks movies,pizza,and crafts, etc, etc....
Jana and Nels came to get their kids to get them in bed before the Easter Bunny came!

Grammie and Poppa were tired out after a long but fun filled day full of SMILES!

Easter Sunday was nice, too... we did our traditional Fudrucker morning breakfast with friends Bob and Jacquie.

My niece and nephew are visiting from Vancouver, so we picked up Emily and took her to visit Mariah and Beau and deliver Easter baskets, too!

Mariah came back here, then to hang out with Emily at our place. They cleaned the swings off and had a fun afternoon of playing out in the fresh air.

We had a very yummy chicken and ham supper... cooked by my wonderful hubby. It always makes me SMILE that he loves to cook.
Jana, Nels and the kids were here
to help us eat it!
I would be SMILING even more if anyone enjoyed helping with the clean up afterward!!!

After the kids left from Easter supper, and I cleaned the dishes ... I was anxious to put away the Easter decorations
(which have been out since March 20th!!!)

Beau is having his morning nap now... he is busy when he is awake,
so I am enjoying this
little time of blogging, to myself!

Six months ago today, also a monday morning, my mom passed away. I really miss her... and each day go further back in my memories to really APPRECIATE what a
wonderful mom she truly was.
She brought me so many
SMiLES in my life.

"You'll find that life is still worthwhile,
if you just SMiLE." 
-Charlie Chaplin

Time is passing very fast,
But the happy memories will always last.
Memories of MY MOM today...
"SMILE" on and on,
and will always stay!


Friday, April 22, 2011

Some "BUNNY" Has Been Busy!

A hopeful attitude expects the best, is prepared for the worst, and is flexible enough to take what comes.

If your mind and soul are motivated by hope your actions will reflect your mental well-being, and your optimism will be contagious.

Both these quotes are written by Anna Trimiew

A couple funny bunnies


another FUNNY BUNNY!
Hopped over to brighten our day

Beau now knows how to
open the dog kennel!

Gailene's photo shoot
 played Beau right out
& he fell asleep in my arms

another birthday celebration for Brenda
FUN... FAB ... & 50!

My bestie, Linda and me
doing our Traditional STARBUCKS
on route to the airport

in front of his latest toy...
A brand new boat!

So the pictures above capture some of the FUN highlights in my week!

Monday, my friend Gailene popped over for a latte and visit... and ofcourse one more little photo shoot. She loves to take photos even more than me... hard to imagine, but true!
She is always a bright spot in our day when ever she comes to see BEAU and me!

Tuesday I thought I was super human... either that or knew I was so out of shape so thought by doubling up on classes I'd get fit faster!
I did Body Vive and Body Flow in a row...
TWO class TWOS- DAY!
It made me wonder how I used to teach 7 Tap classes in a row on TAPPIN TUESDAYS...
back in the day!

Wednesday my friends, Kellie and Brenda met me for one more Birthday celebration for Brenda, who turned 50 last weekend.

Some how I was beginning to feel lousy around then... nothing to do with the party...I had the chills and ached all over and really had a sore throat. At first I was thinking I over did the gym on Tuesday... but then realized
it was more than that.

Wednesday night Jana had us lined up to babysit the kids, but I felt so sick that Brian went and babysat them on his own at their place. He enjoyed his one on one bond!

Thursday morning I headed to the Dr. to check on this throat situation that was becoming worse! Turned out I had STREP THROAT... yuk!

I also got results from my brain scan I had 2 weeks ago. Apparently the scan was not clear... they explained it as having cloudyness... so I will do a follow up MRI next,
in the near future for that.

I am now on antibiotics for my throat, so am starting to feel a bit more human again!

Also on Thursday, my friend, Linda drove here from Lanigan on route to NYC. We had time for a little visit and STARBUCKS on our way to the airport. She was super excited for her trip... and I always love the chance to see her... and go to STARBUCKS, too!
For us that has become tradition. I had a cold frappicino this time though... easier to swallow !

I was to have babysat yesterday, but with being sick I thought it was best I didn't, so Beau went to work with his daddy for the day.

Brian picked up his new boat yesterday, too... he loves it... must be a man thing!
I'm sure we'll have some family fun with it this summer.

Tomorrow we will babysit both kids for the day as Jana has a huge shoe sale on and needs Nels to help her out. We will do some fun EASTER things with them then.

So here is my little poem to sum up my week...

I really had a busy week,
but some things I didn't pick!
In amongst some of the fun,
I also got real sick.
Monday I had baby BEAU,
He was a real cute BUNNY!
My friend popped by to visit us,
she was very funny!
She loves to do a photo shoot,
... even more than me...
She took some real fun pictures, too,
of BEAUZY and of me.
Tuesday I outdid myself
by doing lots of gym...
I kind of did it out of shape,
and also on a whim.
Later on I paid the price
by feeling really sore,
But it wasn't just my body, no...
it was so much more!
I battled with the aches and pains,
hoping they would pass,
I then began to think
I only should have done one class!
But as the time progressed
it moved into my throat,
Everything I tried to eat
would not go down, but float!
I went out to a birthday lunch
but I was not so well...
I was getting chilly there,
it was a sign , I could tell.
Thursday I found out
that I had got strep throat...
But Brian was excited
as that day he got his boat.
I took my friend to starbucks
on route to catch a flight...
She was going to New York,
for her a trip so bright.
Today I'm feeling better
than I was a day ago...
The medicine I'm on now,
will heal me fast I know.
As we head into the weekend,
EASTER'S on it's way...
So I am just about to plan
and prep for that today!

Monday, April 18, 2011


Happy Birthday to a "Special" Great Grandpa!
Mariah helping him open the gift from our family.

Feel the LOVE!

A very proud and loving POPPA!

BEAU loving his pablum!

The ENERGIZER BUNNY in motion!


A beautiful Book of PHOTOS taken by
My Father -in Law, GREG.

My  coffee out of my Polka Dot Mug!

Count your blessings daily.
You will be surprised at how quickly the numbers add up.
-Anna Trimiew

Today my Father-in-law is 86 years YOUNG!
I feel so blessed to have such wonderful PARENTS-IN- LAW in my life!
They are both so sharp of mind and young at heart as well as grateful for their family and every little thing in their daily lives.

They are really true BLESSINGS
in our lives, too!

Yesterday we had a little Birthday CELEBRATION to HONOUR ...
My father-in law, Brian's father, my kid's Grandpa... and my grandkid's

He is a man with so much LOVE and PRIDE!

I put in a picture of the Photo Book he and I created with his photos
2 summers ago on the computer.
He takes beautiful photography and is
very proud of his work, and rightfully so!

Today as I babysit... I have BEAU babbling away beside me right now in his exersaucer, while I have one more coffee out of my
Polka dot mug that says....
 in it...and...
That is what Beau and I do every
time I babysit him!

Last night we babysat Mariah and Beau after our celebration dinner... so he had a late night last night...and needs a nap now!

He is making lots of new noises today... I think he has discovered his voice!
He also said "BYE BYE"
clear as a bell as his mommy
drove away this morning!

My Quaker oats happy heart tips of the day
say this today...

"Take the stairs instead of the elevator."

"Walk or bike to the store."

(I think both are clues and
hints to get more exercise!!!!)

I did actually try a new class at the gym yesterday called BODY VIVE...
and I am S T I F F today!

As always... I crafted a birthday card ... and here is the poem from that card for my

To a FATHER-IN LAW... who is simply the best,
You're a dad and a grandpa, too...
oh we're so blessed.
You're just a man who is always so kind,
You're always so thoughtful,
with us on your mind.
So many memories, you like to make.
Photos of homesteads and barns, you take.
You are the type, with a very soft heart,
You love everyone, and love to be a big part,
You share what you know and
what you love most,
That's why we love you, and just have to boast!
So on this day let's all CELEBRATE...
who is really GREAT!
that's true...
And that SPECIAL someone... is just truly you!

Saturday, April 16, 2011


My brothers and me at Cousin Bev's
New Year's open house
January 2011

Bob and Brian at
my nephew Brad's
gift opening celebration
July 11th, 2010

One of the many recent visits
My brother Brian with Beau...
February 2011

Bob coloring with Mariah
January 2010

My husband, Brian and his brother Bruce
October, 2010

Beau... (Mariah's baby Brother!)
Just yesterday!

Mariah yesterday admiring
my flowers on my kitchen table!

She loves her little brother
just like I love my brothers!

You can give without loving, but you can never love without giving. 
- Marcia and Dave Kaplan

When I was a child... I always wanted a sister so badly. I used to pretend I had one.  My friends and I would always tell people we were sisters! hehehe... I guess many girls do that when they do not have a real sister! 

Now I just feel blessed that I have so many "SISTER"-FRIENDS... along with some great "SISTER"- IN- LAWS, too!

But recently when a couple of my sisterfriends, LYNNE and GAILENE, lost their brothers... 
it made me realize just how LUCKY I am to still have not one, but two BROTHERS I hold so dear to my heart.  

We were lucky too, to be brought up in such a loving and caring way... so thanks to my parents... for doing such a wonderful job of raising us as kids... we all got along so great! Now that my parents are both gone they live on through my brothers and me... as well as in all of our hearts!

I also have a super brother-in-law, too... BRUCE, who lives in Vancouver. He was recently diagnosed with cancer, and sadly is now going through treatments ... both radiation and chemo for it. I say prayers that he will pull through what he is going through. Cancer is such a wicked disease.

My brother BRIAN phones me weekly to see if I am babysitting Beau and pops by nearly every time I have him. He was here just yesterday and this past monday, too. I have always been close to my brother Brian. We share a lot of common bonds. Music is one of those. He is a musician... he currently plays in 3 bands in the city in and around at events. He is with the "Paul Tobin Band", "The Magic Band" and a band called 
"Bull Rush"! He is extremely talented at writing and singing as well as a gifted musician  who can play many instruments, but he usually is the bass player in his bands. He and I enjoy sharing our current views on the American Idol from week to week. 

He is also a janitor for the TUSQ restaurant here in the city... so his job is done early in the day.  

He was married briefly but when his marriage didn't last, he never remarried. He is the kindest and sweetest guy... very thoughtful, too. He has many traits my dad had... and he even really looks like my dad, too. I love when he pops by to see me each week... I know he loves coming to see Beau and Shuffle... but we always have a fun visit, while he is here as well. 

He is a great lawn mower for us in the summer! We enjoy having him for sunday suppers, as well... although with dance competition season upon us... it has been a while since we had one of those!!!

My brother BOB, is a great guy, too. He is very busy with his job at BAZAAR NOVELTY . It is a store that provides services for special events... and he is very dedicated and hard working. He is a real family kind of guy as well. He and his wife, ARLEEN have the two boys... Brad and Jeff. Brad was married to Janelle last summer, and Jeff lives with his girlfriend, Savannah.
Just this week I asked Bob if he could bring home a balloon bouquet for my friend Brenda's fiftieth party. So he did up a helium filled bouquet and brought it home for me! When I popped by his place to pick it up... the whole family was there enjoying a hockey game on TV together! 

Bob is fabulous with kids... and although he has no grandkids of his own yet... he does enjoy mine! He will often sit right down and color with Mariah even... and he is a real "TRICKSTER"... and loves to joke around. He has a super sense of humor... which we all get a real kick out of!

Both my brothers love to play golf. I think they got that love from my dad. He shared that love and played many a golf game with the boys. My dad was very much into Bob's sports interests as well as Brian's music interests, too. We often talk about what a great and close family we have... and I just had to share that with my blog readers, too!

So although I never got a sister... I'm really lucky to have two special and loving Brothers... 
in BOB and BRIAN!

When I was much younger, 
I hoped for a sister...
But brothers I had, yep... Mister and Mister!
Now, here on earth, I've got no dad or mother,
I'm ever so grateful that I still have a brother!
Infact I am lucky... because I have TWO...
And I'm grateful for everything 
that they still do.
BOB is the oldest... he's fun and he's kind,
BRIAN is next, he's so sweet, too, I find!
As brothers go, mine are really the best,
Infact I must say, that I truly am blessed.
We've always been close,
since my growing up years.
They're special to me, 
infact they're real dears!
I know I was spoiled by them, when so small,
I was their one sister... so I had it all!
Now in our adulthood, I've come to see,
Just how much BROTHERS... do mean to me.
They really are different in so many ways,
But that is what brightens up so many days.
They both love to golf... just like my dad,
And many a fun time, the 3 of them had!
While Bob likes his sports, 
Brian's music he writes.
Bob plays hockey, 
Brian's bands play at nights.
They both are supportive of each other, too...
They get along great as good brothers do.
So though I haven't a SISTER, for real...
I have many SISTERFRIENDS...
and that's a good deal!
And BROTHERS... I'm lucky, because, 
I have TWO,
for all that you do!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Each day comes bearing it's own gifts... 
untie the ribbons!
Ruth Ann Schabacker

Surprise Celebration for Miss Brenda
during her production class at the studio
Happy 50th QUEEN "B"(sobad!)

Production lesson... photo opp...
before birthday cake!

Balloons card and party stuff!

I was at the studio doing bulletin board updates on Tuesday and thought it might be fun to pull off a bit of a Birthday Surprise for Miss Brenda... the Queen "B" of BSOBAD!

She is turning 50 this sunday... so I knew she wouldn't be expecting a surprise party there ... or today either!

Her production class is the perfect time to catch many people in the studio at once...
and it went over very well!

What I didn't know was that today was the 13th year anniversary of her mom's passing. Brenda called me to join her for lunch today. We hadn't been for a lunch together in a long time, so it was coincidental that this all worked out today!
So the surprise went one step further.

Take from every moment it's unique meaning and you will be surprised by joy that fills you.
-Anna Trimiew

Mariah snacking and watching TV at
Grammie D's
house this morning!

Beau at the table today,
He enjoys pulling himself up and
banging on the table!

Mariah pulling Beau up to look at the camera...
she has a firm grip on his one eye!

This morning Jana phoned me to see if she could bring the kids by for a  visit. I was delighted because in Jana's busy day to day life she very seldom has time for a coffee and visit!
I enjoyed seeing them all as I always do.

Mariah was enthusiastic about showing me her dance moves... she was so cute doing her PLIES... or PEELAYS as she was calling them!!!
She still had her jammees on... but Beau was dressed in big boy clothes today and is starting to look so much older now!
Even though I see him lots each week...
he continues to change daily!

So my rather unplanned day... came off with many surprises and it was a fun
celebration kind of day!

If you have something to do, someone to love, and something to hope for, every day becomes a celebration.
-Anna Trimiew

I have had many thoughts about my blog lately... so many themes... but so little time!
I keep thinking of things I want to share in my daily blog, but will save those for another day and another blog!

I spent the last couple of days gathering pictures for a couple big collages for Brenda's surprise 50th celebration today. I had them hanging on the stand with her cake and balloons... the kids enjoyed looking at them as much as Brenda... Some were from years gone by...
so many memories!

When I taught more at BSOBAD I did so much with Brenda, so it was a nice trip down memory lane for me as well!

I created a BIG HUGE CARD...
so all the kids could sign it!...
and here is the poem I had inside!

HaPpY TaPpY 50th BRENDA!

FIFTY is FABULOUS and you wear it well...
You just look fantastic like a
You have hit many milestones, up until now,
But this one is special... oh yes... and how!
You've always had fashion and
also such style,
FIFTY'S and "F" word with FLAIR for a mile!
Wishes are right from our hearts
and our feet...
We all wish you well and it's right on the beat.
We love the things that make
you who you are...
To us you will always be our favorite STAR!
Like royalty... you are like our sweet
You just fit that title... oh yes... to a "T"!
You're truly a role model
we've grown to adore,
We all just love you, so need I say more...
Just party on and keep strutting your stuff,
Have a sweet latte, complete with the fluff!
Here's to you... so just celebrate,
Because in our world...
YOU are always just GREAT!

Monday, April 11, 2011


"ENTHUSIASM is the inner fire that fuels the furnace of achievement." -William Arthur Ward

 is now crawling,
but even more ENTHUSIASTIC
about climbing and pulling himself up
where ever he can...
He is determined and DEDICATED!

BSOBAD did a production of an
take on the WIZARD OF OZ called

Above is the Wizard, Dorothy,
the Lion, Tin Man and Scarecrow
with a kick line behind
in rehearsal at competition yesterday.
This number placed 1st with a high score.

Here is the BSOBAD genious...
BRENDA... with me as her cheerleader!
at yesterday's "Performer Competition"
She is SUPER DEDICATED to her studio.
She has always been a very creative and
ENTHUSIASTIC role model to so many!

An article on my daughter, Jana and her
business partner, Melissa in yesterday's
"Sunday Sun" news paper.
They have both been very DEDICATED
to the success of their shoe store...
I'm so proud of them!

Another kind of DEDICATION!
My cousin Gwen popped by on
Friday with cupcakes and napkins
saying "85" on them DEDICATED
to what would have been my
DAD'S 85th birthday.
She brought a cool pic of my dad
from his graduation as well!

This is a pic of my cousin Gwen
She is always fully dedicated
to everything she does!
... and is the most
person I know!

(I took this pic with the bright sun
shining in behind her so it
isn't a clear shot!)

totally DEDICATED to relaxing!

I have always thought that anyone who is super ENTHUSIASTIC about what they are doing will be able to DEDICATE themselves fully into doing a good job of what ever
it is they are doing!

After watching 5 days of the PERFORMER Dance Competition here in Saskatoon,
I realized just how far
could go!

There were so many amazing dance numbers... tons of talents...thanks to the efforts and dedication of the fabulous dance teachers in and around Saskatchewan...
with the support and team work of the dancers, dance parents and a very
well organized and run competition.
The adjudicators were superb as well.
LOTS of DEDICATION goes a long way!

I remember what DEDICATION I had when both running my own studio,
Diane Will Dance Studio
and then working as the tap director of
(Brenda's School Of Baton and Dance).

Now I am able to sit back and enjoy the next generations of DEDICATED teachers and students alike as they continue to set the world on fire with their abilities!

I am now more DEDICATED to being the best GRAMMiE D I can be!

I am once again babysitting BEAU today.
My brother Brian stopped by today!
He is pretty dedicated to visiting when ever I am babysitting, too! I know he enjoys seeing Beau and Shuffle and having a chance to have a visit with his sister, as well!

I have really enjoyed my blog writing lately... I feel dedicated to pulling my thoughts together in a theme of the day!
I do love a quote or two to pull it all together!

"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve."-Napoleon Hill

I am DEDICATED to trying to create a poem for my daily blogs, as well, even though some are more ENTHUSIASTIC efforts than others!!!

So very many people are devoted
to what they do.
Their really strong devotion is what helps them
follow through.
They truly give it their best shot...
to the finish from the start,
They try their very best to give it passion
from their heart.
The end result is usually when they see all
their success.
After lots of years of learning...
they go on to impress!
Their dedication and hard work
really does go far...
It takes more than an average one,
to become a super star.
The ones who do the ground work
all along the way...
Are the champions for those
who are the winners of today!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Dance... & Celebr- EIGHT!

Live in the moment and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering!
- Fanny Crosby

My Dad
Today would have been his 85th
birthday and I know he'll be celebrating
in the skies above!

This photo has been in my living room ever since he passed away on January 2, 2000.
Inside this photo box are the sympathy cards I received when he passed... and I often take them out to read messages inside.
There is also a little poster I had that hung at my studio after his passing which said ...
There will never be anyone to FILL your shoes... or to FIX our shoes the way you did, but you will DANCE on in our HEARTS forever.
Thanks for all you've done for me and my studio,

My dad always put the TAPS on all the tap shoes at my studio...and no one could do that like him!

These words made me think of him from the song "ALL THE THINGS YOU ARE"
by Hammerstein and Kern

"You are the angel glow that lights a star,
The dearest things I know, are what you are."


Brother Brian stopped by this morning
He is holding  BEAU,
who is also
celebr- "EIGHT"ING!
 on the "EIGHTH" day of April!

My niece, Rowen came to
see little BEAU today as well.
Rowen stayed and crafted cards
 with me for a bit after, too.
She is such a sweetie!

Yesterday Rowen danced in the 
here in the city.
Mariah came to cheer her on!

A pic from 2009 with Brenda and me
in our polka dots!
Yesterday BRENDA was honored at
a banquet for her recent
Of the Year Award.
She is a very accomplished lady
for sure and so deserving of this honor.

This week has been a mixed bag of events from babysitting, to watching and supporting the dancers at a very well run local dance competition here in the city at TCU... called
Once again I am reminded just how much awesome DANCE talents there are in Saskatchewan.

My niece, Rowen, placed second in her little jazz group from BSOBAD dance studio,
 earning her a silver medal too!
I am finding it so much fun just sitting in the audience and just enjoying the
dance numbers with no stress attached.

I even had a brain scan this week...
so kind of lots of things going on!

My April quote on the Mary Engelbreit calendar says this...
"Cheerfulness keeps up a kind of daylight in the mind, and fills it with a steady and
perpetual serenity." - Joseph Addison

My Seize the day calendar said this yesterday...
"The purpose of life is a life of purpose."
- Robert Byrne

So from celebrations to company and visits, to lots of dancing... this week has been
hectic and fun!

My cousin Gwen just phoned and is now on her way over to visit little BEAU and me... so will wrap this blog up for today with a poem I wrote in tribute to my very dear sweet DAD...

When I think of a man worth a CELEBRATE...That man is my dad... cuz he sure was great!
And if my dad were still alive,
Today he would be EIGHTY FIVE.
My dad set an example, second to none,
He was always smiling, and having fun.
He always kept me close to mind,
He was always gentle and very kind.
A well respected man, he sure was...
I LOVED him so many ways, because...
He taught  me many things I know,
He did them well, when he would show.
He was creative and his writing was neat...
He was musical, played the piano so sweet!
He was never one to hog the spotlight,
But when in the light, he would shine so bright!
Although he's been gone for eleven years...
Some days it's harder to hide my tears.
I'm grateful, for all he did for me...
All of his traits are the BEST... you see!
Although he is no longer here today...
I try to live my life like him every way.
He was a man who was a friend to everyone...
He was always that way until his life was done.
So on this day he's eating cake in the sky...
And I am toasting my DAD...