Just a good pic for my THEME about TUTUS and TWOS...
TWO TAP SHOES, with TWO TAPS on each
Today as I got thinking of a theme for my blog,
TWO came to mind!
My last blog was written TWO days ago and it was on a TWOSDAY, as I have renamed it, because I do TWO classes at the
gym on that day.
This week there were TWO CELEBRATIONS that day, which I wrote about in my previous blog. There was my husband, Brian's birthday, and there was my first
anniversary of mom's passing.
Those TWO people are people
so significant in my life!
That day I went out for TWO special meals to celebrate the TWO things and TWO PEOPLE!
Yesterday was a dress up day at
Mariah's dance lesson.
There were many little TUTUS
along with other costumes and all were just
TUTU cute, to say the least!
My favorite had to be Mariah's teacher,
Miss Cara's costume, though!
She is expecting her first baby in January
and her costume said
on her baker's apron ...
such a clever theme to that costume...
and you know how I LOVE a THEME!!!
So there is another example of TWO... COSTUME plus THEME!
I was just trying to figure out how I could tie this theme together, when I realized how significant the number TWO is in my life!
For me it started at my birth to my
TWO wonderful parents.
At that point I had TWO sets of grandparents, and TWO brothers.
Later in life I would be married to the LOVE of my life, Brian. So I then had TWO
Parents-in-law and so did he!!
Then as time passed the TWO of us went on to having TWO children of our own...
a son, COLIN and a daughter, JANA.
JANA met the LOVE of her life, NELS,
and the TWO of them made Brian and me the proud TWO grandparents of
our TWO grandchildren.
I like to think I have TWO groups of people in my life... FAMILY and FRIENDS... and they have DOUBLED my pleasures of life along the way!
I was involved with DANCING throughout my life and taught at TWO prominent studios...
Where I was involved with many
This morning as I was at the gym I got to thinking how TWO days a week I am able to take TWO classes back to back.
(which I now call TWOSDAYS)
and Thursdays...
I do go other days as well!
TWO words hold true from going there...
I am connected a lot to TWO things lately...
TV and Computer!
On TV I like TWO reality shows and both are TWO hours long and TWO times weekly!
I also like TWO comedy talk shows...
On the computer I like TWO connections... EMAIL and FACEBOOK.
I also enjoy the BLOG
which is where I can connect all the THEMES!
So that is also TWO... BLOG plus THEME!
Without TWO of so many body parts,
I would be unable to do anything...
TWO... eyes, ears,arms, legs, hands feet,
and so on!
TWO is always TWICE the fun
and often TWO is better than one!
TWO cousins of mine, sisters...
told me had their dad still been living,
he would have been 100 years old
yesterday on the 26th.
Just another of the many
celebrations this month!
I am sure there are many more
TWOS and TuTus in my life...
but for now here is my poem of the day!
Often when thinking of just the right theme,
to write about in my blog...
Some things revolve around grandkids,
and others around my dog!
Today I got to thinking,
how many things are in TWOS,
And also so many things about choice,
to make me have to choose.
This week has been a reminder of many
things involving TWO,
Celebrations of life and death...
and also old and new!
I'm always very grateful of the
many TWOS I know,
And just how many there really are,
so many in a row!
TWO is really better than the
previous number... one!
Because it is like double
or just TWO times the fun!
TWO is so significant
to just so many things...
Like TWO ears to hear the many songs
that everybody sings!
TWO hands to clap, and write and type,
and also just to pray,
TWO feet to walk, and run, and climb
and dance along the way!
TWO arms to hug and wrap around
the people that I love,
TWO legs to sit, and bend, and kick, and sometimes just to shove.
TWO groups of special people...
my family and my friends,
I think the NUMBER TWO is great,
and also never ends!