Monday, November 28, 2011


"Now a soft kiss - Aye, by that kiss, I vow an endless bliss."
-John Keats

"Nothing is more important than reconnecting with your bliss. Nothing is as rich. Nothing is as real."
-Deepak Choprah

Here is a photo from our wedding 35 years ago.
This photo still sits out in our dining room to this day!
November 27th, 1976

35 years later!
This was Brian and me after our dinner last night
November 27th, 2011 

Here are the beautiful flowers Brian gave me
for our anniversary. 

I gave Brian the "Steve Jobs" book,
and here he is well into it already,
with Shuffle tucked between his legs on the couch!!!

Beau in some cute red flannel sleepers yesterday
when we picked up Jana and Nels
 to join us for a
celebration dinner out! 

Mariah yesterday with some special
loving for her
poppa when we were there! 

Us out celebrating our 35 years of wedded bliss
with Jana and Nels.
(unfortunately this camera was on the wrong setting
so my photos on it didn't turn out well, yesterday!) 

Gifts and cards of celebration! 

Four people who have made our marriage so special.
This photo taken last October is of our two kids...
and two grandkids..

(Believe it or not...I think this is the only
picture to date of those four in the same photo!)

for SANTA pics and memories!
Here is a cute one I found
of JANA & COLIN from 1985.

A special MEMORY among many
in our 35 years of marriage!

Today I am drinking my morning java from the red cup with white polka dots that says this inside...

"Life is what you make it"

I am feeling very celebrated today...
and my life is good! 

Yesterday Brian and I celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary and received many wishes and greetings from loved ones near and far.
I am so grateful for those sentiments, and also for my 35 year marriage.

In this day and age marriages often do not last that long, so I am proud to say we are still very happily married.

Brian and I chatted this weekend about some of the things that have made our life together special as a married couple.
We both agreed that some of the highlights were having our two children,
Colin (who is now 32 )
and Jana, (who is now 30).
Along with becoming grandparents
to our two grandkids...
Mariah (who is now 5)
and Beau (who is now 1).

We have celebrated many things
along the road of our marriage
from Birthdays to Christmases,
Valentine's Days to Easters,
Thanksgivings, Halloweens, Anniversaries,
Mother's Days, Father's Days,
 and Grandparent's Days...
Dance recitals and competitions,
Hockey games and tournaments,
holidays, and vacations.
In addition we have shared sad times such as losses of loved ones along the way.

We have had 3 dogs in our married life...
our cocker spaniel, QUINCY...
our Pug, MOCHA
...and our current little Bug breed...
All of the family pets have been special members of our family.
I know we have had a few other animals...
such as fish and turtles along the way as well.

We have been on trips throughout Canada, the United States, along with being on trips to Japan, Korea, and Barbados.

But when pondering the moments that we have shared together, we came to the conclusion  that it isn't the big things in life so much that we have shared in together, but often the small daily life events that keep us happy as a couple.
I think these things in many people's lives often get over looked!

I was reminded when looking at our wedding photo how the people in our wedding party all played a big role, too, leading up to that special event in our lives.

I tried scanning the photo twice today and after spending way too long trying to add the scanned version in with no success, decided to take a photo of the framed photo
 for the blog, instead!

All four of my bridesmaids were married before me, and I was a bridesmaid for them as well at their weddings.
my maid of honor, Janice,(I call her JAY),
and my friend Marg,
( who was the friend who set me up
on the blind date to meet
Brian in the first place!)
 my sister-in-law, Arleen
(who was expecting my
nephew Jeff at the time!)
and my X-sister-in-law, Carol
(her and my brother Brian
sadly are no longer together.)
I was also a bridesmaid for my cousin Darcy, whose daughter Val was our flowergirl.
I was a Jr. Bridesmaid for my cousin Diane,
too, when I was only 9!

Brian's brother Bruce was a groomsman, along with 3 of his friends... Spence, Pete and Jim.

We received a call from Colin in Montreal, yesterday wishing us happy anniversary.
He is always very good at remembering the important dates in our life.
We always enjoy hearing from him and he sounded very upbeat!

Brian's sister, Bev, babysat Mariah and Beau last night while we went out to MR. RIZO'S for a nice relaxed evening of celebration with
 Jana and Nels.

They surprised us with a week's accommodation in VEGAS,
and Brian is paying for the airfare.
What a lovely gift!!!!
In addition to that I was spoiled by Brian with some beautiful flowers and my favorite chocolates called HARDEN and HUYSE.
I had bought Brian the "Steve Jobs" book as he mentioned it was one he was interested in.
It is hard to find a gift for him,
as he always says he needs nothing!
He is well into the book already,
so he is enjoying it.

As we head toward the next celebration of Christmas in December...
I am reminded to live each day to it's fullest along the way and just live in the moment, because it is the moments that make life
all worthwhile in the end.

"The rays of happiness, like those of light,
are colorless when unbroken."
-Henry Wordsworth Longfellow

so on that quote...
my poem of the day!

I knew that I loved him from the very first kiss,
And after 35 years of our wedded bliss...
So much has happened to
bring us closer and bond,
And so many things that
together we are fond.
From being very blessed with a girl and a boy,
And having two grandkids
to add to that joy,
3 dogs have been in our family, too...
And many a trip ...yes
we've taken quite a few!
But mostly it's the simple things
that make our life so sweet,
All the in between stuff...
the fun and the neat!
Those are the things to make marriages last,
The memories forever
of the present and the past!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Moments... Milestones...Traditions!

"Life isn't a matter of milestones but of moments."
-Rose F. Kennedy

November 27th, 1976
I was married to Brian so will be celebrating our

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,
but the moments that take our breath away."
-Author Unknown

 Beau and Mariah at their
visit this year!!!!
Such a cute expression...

Here is Jana on SANTA'S knee at
the annual Kiwanis Christmas party
in December of 1981.
Jana is nearly one in this photo,
and she had the same impression of
SANTA as Beau did this year!

"All great achievements require time."
- Maya Angelou

Mariah's Kindergarten picture this year...
She is growing up so fast!

"Don't go through life, grow through life."-Erin Butterworth 

A picture from Thursday at Jana's
Beau was much happier when returning home
from his Santa visit...
  getting such loving from his big sister, Mariah! 

BEAU the little superman
when we babysat him Thursday 

Poppa Brian carrying on the family traditional
 little German verse
BEAU loved it and kept coming back for more!!!

A couple more TRADITIONS at this time of year...

The tree is up again... with all the TRADITIONAL
decorations past and present.
So many remind me of mom and her 28 years of
selling AVON! 

Some fun TRADITIONAL favorites by the fireplace!  

A yummy little snack to help me with my decorating yesterday,
...a little chocolate fondue and apple slices!

AS I sit down to write today's blog,
I am sipping  my new
coffee called "Winter Carnival"
out of the white mug with black dots
that says this inside...

I received an email from my son,
Colin this week. It is always nice to
hear from him. He doesn't connect often,
but when ever he does, it makes my day!
He is sounding very happy in life at the moment... working hard,
and enjoying his life in Montreal.

Thursday ...
Jana took the kids to Midtown Plaza
to see SANTA. It was a successful trip
as far as Mariah was concerned,
however, Beau on the other hand,
 wasn't too thrilled to sit on the knee
of this random chubby dude
in the red suit with a big beard...
the photo is adorable none the less!

Jana was not really into SANTA,
 either when she was little like Beau,
as you can see by the photo above!

Brian and I babysat Beau on Thursday when Jana, Nels and Mariah went to do her Kindergarten parent watch day.
Beau was loving his time with us that day
in his own comfort zone!

Yesterday I started to get out the
decorations once again.
It is always fun to rediscover the
little traditional ornaments that have been tucked away for the past year.
I have so many memories of my mom
when putting out the decorations,
as many of them came from her days
of selling Avon.
She sold it for 28 years... giving me many ornaments from the traditional avon
books of those years.

I have lots of memories of my dad when doing the decorating, too.
One of those is the "SQUINT TEST"!
Dad used to stand back and squint looking
 at the tree lights and if they looked evenly balanced during the "SQUINT TEST"...
we were good to go on the decorations!
That was back in the day when we
added the lights to the REAL TREES!
Nowadays they come with lights already installed on the artificial trees.

Yesterday when I put our tree up and
plugged it in, the mid section of our lights
were not working, much to my dismay!
So I ended up having to get more lights
so it wasn't just twinkling top and bottom.
I then gave it the
before proceeding with the rest of the trims!

We have so many things in our cupboard
where the Christmas stuff lives between seasons, so it is still a work in progress.
Infact, often I am bringing stuff up from that cupboard leading up to the
25th of December!

It is always an ongoing event and soon
after the BIG DAY has come and gone,
it is time to put it all away again...
(That is the tradition I find harder to do!)

Tomorrow I will
It is hard to believe that many years have gone by already, but I still remember my
wedding day like it was only yesterday...
I have so many fond memories of that day
and every thing in between which
leads us up to this milestone.
I feel very fortunate to have such
a wonderful and loving husband, too.

My Seize the Day calendar says this 

for today and tomorrow...

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. "
-Albert Einstein

So on that quote...
here is my rhyme of the day!

So many memories...
in so many years,
So many smiles, laughs and some tears.
So many trees, with many a trim...
Many cups filled right up to the brim.
Pictures with Santa...
some happy... some sad...
All are still memories of times that I've had.
Traditions come out every year at this time,
They stir up the memories
and all are sublime.
All these remind me of my 

journey through life,
Way back to the day that I became a wife.
And even before then... 

so much to remember,
Tis the season of joys...
leading up to December!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


"A good teacher can inspire, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning."
-Brad Henry

"Creative thinking inspires ideas. Ideas inspire change."
-Barbara Januszkiewicz

"Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire good actions in others."

A fun and INSPIRING little photo shoot
5 years ago with photographer, Tammy Boehmer!
My hubby and I will be celebrating
35 years of marriage this coming weekend.
I think it is inspiring to know some marriages
were just meant to be!
I love my husband, BRIAN,
and thank him for being a daily

Karina and JR,
I found their journey to be so inspirational .
They were crowned the new winners last night.

Last night's X- Factor episode was very INSPIRATIONAL.
Each of the singers dedicated their performance last night
to someone whom they were grateful for in their lives.

More fun and INSPIRATION on ELLEN yesterday!
These two little darlings from Essex England,
Rosie and Sophia Grace, have been inspired
by the singer Niki Monage .
Ellen had them do interviews on the red carpet
at Sunday's AMA show.
I am ever inspired by ELLEN,
and have grown to love these TUTU cuties on her show!

INSPIRATIONAL judging on the TV show
L to R
Ben Folds, Sara Bareilles, Shawn Stockman
These judges are great and really know
the music industry and give such
intelligent and inspiring comments. 

I have been totally INSIRED by the mega talents on the show...
They will crown their new winners next Monday ...
I am rooting for the group called "PENTATONIX",
but the top 3 groups are all amazing!

As all my blog readers know...
my two Grandkids...
are constant sources of inspiration to me.
This photo in canvas has found a spot on my fireplace mantel.
I love the Whimsical humor it brings!!!!
Photo by photographer- Chelsea Klette
(She captured a true essence of childhood in this one!)
I do like it when the grandkids are smiling, though!
I love some of my little Christmas ornaments, too...
My Christmas mice, who I have also named
Mariah and Beau,
...and the little TAP DANCING Santa and Snowmen

I was at the BSOBAD dance studio Monday updating
Bulletin Boards.
I was inspired to keep it simple on these two boards
by just turning them into large Christmas gifts! 

The snow last Friday ...
I found it inspiring as it formed huge polka dots on the window!
Although many people are not inspired by this weather,
I do enjoy some snow leading up to Christmas,
but not as inspiring for the months of Jan. Feb. and Mar!

Today as I thought about something to
inspire a theme for today's blog...
I decided to dedicate this one to things that have recently inspired me!

I am constantly inspired by
many things in my life, and
I must say this blog has given me
a purpose to keep being
 inspired to write all about it!

I have mentioned in previous blogs
how I have been so committed to
several reality TV shows lately.
This week's episodes of the shows
I have been watching were all
very inspirational to me.

Monday night's episode of
was great. This is a show of singing
Acapella groups. I am super inspired
by the talents of not only the singers
on that show, but also by the judges
who speak so intelligently and
are always inspiring
with their comments.

Last nights final episode of this season's DANCING WITH THE STARS
was also very exciting.
I have always loved Derick Hough
as a pro on that show, and was kind
of banking on him and his partner,
Ricki Lake, winning, however
they ended up in 3rd place.
I was fine with that due to the fact
that Derick has won several times already.
I was thrilled with the winners being Karina Schmirnoff and her partner JR Martinez.
Karina has been on every show
in it's 9 seasons and never won
until this year. Her partner was
so inspirational not only as a dancer
but as a person having such a great spirit
 and story of heroism to share with the world.

Last night's X- FACTOR episode was also an inspiration to me with each of the singer's dedicating their songs to some one who they are grateful for in their lives.
Tonight's show will be interesting to see who will be voted off, as I feel there is
lots of talent on that show as well!
I personally am not as big a fan of the
rapper/ hip hop style of singers,
however, that being said,
I believe there are lots of fans
of that style of music watching the
show and voting for their favorites.
I know that show is all about the mentoring done by the judges and how they
have been inspirational to their singers.

Normally on tuesdays I attend
two classes at the gym, however
after taking a week off last week from the gym,
I chose to only do one yesterday....
to ease back in!
I am always inspired by the classes at GOODLIFE gym and their amazing instructors.
It inspires me to continue to go
and keep trying to stay fit for life!

I had two coffee breaks yesterday as well. I went for a quick one with my new gym friend, Ella. Then later I had my neighbour,
Heather over for a coffee, too.
 I am inspired by both of these two friends of mine. Each of them recently lost their husbands to illness, and they continue to cope with
day to day life in such a positive way.

I have many friends who are going through different things in their lives and I am constantly inspired with their stories and their ability to keep calm and carry on!

Today I will attend a funeral of someone who was not only very inspirational to me,
but also to so many people in
and around Saskatoon.
Mr. Hinitt inspired me and so many
in many ways to make the most of your creativity and passion for life!

I am inspired to wish all of my 

to have a very 

So on that note...

I'm constantly inspired every day,
To look at things in a positive way.
I'm inspired by people and also by things,
Each simple thought and the power it brings!
I feel that my life is such a good blend,
Of such a great family and many a friend.
Life is a circle of inspiration to me,
I am grateful for all inspirations I see.
Sometimes it doesn't take much at all...
Infact it is often in something real small.
I hope to continue to never get tired,
Of feeling so grateful and also inspired!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

SnOwMaN JaMMeeZ at PoPPa & GRaMMiE'S!

"A well spent day brings happy sleep."
-Leonardo Da Vinci

"Sleep is the best meditation."
-Dalai Lama

"Surely two of the most satisfying experiences in life must be those of being a grandchild or a grandparent."
-Donald A. Norberg

Mariah and Beau in their new matching
Snowman Jammeez
last night here for a sleepover!

Laying on the floor for a comparrison
shot to last year's snowman jammeez pic!

Here are Beau and Mariah on NOVEMBER 6th, 2010.
These were their "JAMMEEZ" last year from the
store called JAMMEEZ before it closed!
They have both grown a lot  in a year... especially Beau. 

Mariah smiling sweetly in her new cuddly cozy
jammeez, but poor girl has such chapped lips. 

Beau on the move ...
Something so special about a toddler in sleepers! 

Snuggling in on the couch to watch the movie "HOME ALONE"
That was Mariah's pick even though we have all seen it a few times.
She really likes "KEVIN" in that show! 

Beau enjoying some chips with his poppa! 

Mariah in her little reindeer yoga pose

My little dancer performing for us in the Santa hat!
Beau was not into the hat at all...
I couldn't keep it on him long enough for a pic even! 

Here was Beau last night when he arrived here
looking very serious... but don't let that look fool you,
He became very mischievous as the evening wore on. 

Today waiting for their mommy and daddy to come...
coloring and snacking! 

Beau was intrigued with this little tree ...
It has lights and decorations on it already.
It was my mom's, but I got it out for Jana to take to her store. 

Mariah locked herself into the bathroom
for a wee make-over!
She likes the dark lipsticks especially.

This was the bedtime story of the night.
Mariah loves all the "FANCY NANCY"
books, because her other grandma is named NANCY!

Today after my grandkiddies were picked up around 1 from their little sleepover...
I was pretty much ready for
an afternoon nap to recoup!

I did have a short nap, and then kind of was wanting to go for a STARBUCKS...
but instead decided to make myself a
with CINNAMON on top.
That is what I normally have at
I am drinking it out of my 
white mug
with red dots with this saying inside...
"Whoever Smiles First Wins."

Last night was an action packed, fun filled evening of many things with the
sweet grandkiddies!

We did lots of things from making tents, to watching movies, to having snacks, crafting, coloring, dancing, bubble bathing, and sharing fun with relatives!

Brian and I had gone shopping on Friday
and picked up some new snowman jammeez
to keep at our house for the occasional sleepovers here and there,
that I am sure there will be leading up to Christmas and throughout the winter.

We had got them some blue ones last year,
so decided to make it a tradition now...
and get them some new
Christmas Jammeez each year.
They seemed to love them and I know they were kept cozy and warm in them as well.

Mariah chose the movie "HOME ALONE" last night off the videos that we can rent off TV.
We just nicely got going on that when my two sisters-in-law, Bev and Brenda, and my niece, Rowen popped by for a visit.
Rowen and Mariah went down stairs
and were kept busy crafting ...
while Beau entertained us adults upstairs!

After the company left... Beau was off to bed and then Mariah finished her movie and had a story and then the rest of us were off to bed.

Both kids went right to sleep, but Beau
was up at 4 AM for some milk and
a diaper change. He really had no idea
of going back to sleep either,
so after struggling with that for
about an hour or so...
Mariah was also awake.
I decided to give them a hot bubble bath
with hopes of tiring them out again...
but we were up for the day then,
and downstairs we came to begin the adventures of the day!

By around 9:30 Beau was down for a nap...
and shortly after Mariah drifted off
watching her TV shows.
Later when she got up, she wanted to watch another movie and this time chose
"Pirates of The Caribbean 4"
I thought it was an odd choice
for a 5 year old girl, but she had
seen it before and said she loved it!
I wanted to rent "RIO"... or
But nope she wasn't having it,
and so we watched her choice!

When Beau got up I brought out a little tree
that mom used to have in her apartment.
It lights up and is decorated,
so he was very intrigued with it!

Mariah wanted to then put up our big tree. When I suggested waiting till another day,
she chose to go do a makeover instead.
She went into my makeup and hair stuff
in the bathroom and came out all
made up and with pigtails in her hair...
What a kid!!!

Shortly after Mariah and Beau's
Mommy and Daddy came for them.
I adore my grandkids dearly,
but today was ready for a nap when they left.
Maybe because I am still recovering from
a bad cold... I really was pooped out this time!

I have learned that "sleepovers"
do not really involve as much "SLEEP"
for me as they do for everyone else here!
But I know I am chalking up so
many precious memories and in the end
it is all worth the lack of sleep!

Today I wish my big Brother, Bob,
a Happy 61st Birthday!

And on that note...

Tis the season for snowman jammeez,
Especially when sleeping at
Poppa and Grammie's!
Had a little sleepover with Mariah and Beau,
And they were sure as warm as toast
in their PJ's , you know.
Fluffy red fleece with snowmen
and snowflakes,
So much energy... with very little breaks!
From movies to crafting  and many a snack,
We were kept very busy,
and nothing did we lack!
Bathing in bubbles that looked
like white fluff,
We did do some sleeping,
but not quite enough!!!
Oh how the memories add up each year,
With Mariah and Beau,
whom I LOVE so dear!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Keepin' it SiMPLE!

Today as I sit down to write my blog... I am drinking my hazelnut vanilla coffee out of my 
black and white polka dot mug that says this inside... "KEEP IT SIMPLE"

My morning oatmeal package said this for the happy heart tips, coincidentally today....
"Simplify your life. Prioritize what matters most. Invest time in friendships."

So on that note I begin!

My morning cup of JAVA
out of the KEEP IT SIMPLE mug! 

This sign is a daily reminder to me to keep it simple!
I received this as a gift on my FREEDOM
birthday from my good friend Linda ...
and I love how it looks hanging in my red family room!

"We shall never know all the good that a
simple smile can do."
-Mother Teresa

I have a had a week of
because I have been fighting a bit of a cold.
 I have been staying in and just enjoying SIMPLE things all week!

I have had time to sit and enjoy the shows I love on TV, along with doing a little crafting...
which always brings me contentment, happiness and simplicity!

I'm always reminded when my grandkids are here... just how the simple things matter most!
I have been browsing through some old pictures and little videos of them as well, and cannot believe how fast the time is going.
It makes me realize how we need
to appreciate every
SIMPLE little thing along the way!

Here is MARIAH on Sunday filling out her birthday card to her
little dancing friend CADENCE!
She is loving to print now that she is in kindergarten,
and she makes it look so SIMPLE too! 

Here is BEAU happily entertained with a couple of little toys
here on Sunday.
Often the SIMPLEST things  keep him content!

"Sometimes the questions are complicated
and the answers are simple."
-Dr. Seuss

Here is MARIAH... a girl after my own heart...
CRAFTING is a SIMPLE way to contentment.
I am SIMPLY thrilled that she enjoys that so much!

Even the SIMPLICITY of giving his sippy cup
a ride in the little truck

So although this week has had a
SIMPLE tone to it...
it has been a good week,
none the less!

so this has been a week to
do some of that.
It not only fills in time when I am at home,
but it is always gratifying to me
to be able to take a SIMPLE photo
and either scrapbook it or
craft it into a card for
one occasion or another!

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."
-Leonardo Da Vinci

Here is just one example of a little card I crafted this week!
I took a photo of the big canvas wall photo of the kids,
and then turned it into a birthday card by
adding party hats and a few embellishments!

Speaking of Birthdays...
today would have been my
NANA Harrington's birthday.
I am not sure how old she would have been,
but now she can spend it with
4 of her 5 of her children...
in heaven.

This coming sunday, November 20th
is my brother, BOB's birthday,
so incase
 I do not get to
another blog before then
I'll wish him a

"By doing simple acts of kindness
for others,  we can't help but help lift ourselves up, too."
-Author Unknown

So on that quote...
here is my poem of the day!

Keepin' it simple is often the best,
And when one is sick,
it's good to get rest.
Do things that make you feel
warm and content,
And stay away from things
that you might resent.
Simplicity really is special,
you know...
I think it is often the right way to go!
So when you are doubting
about what to do...
Just ask your heart,
and then follow through!