Sunday, November 25, 2012

GRiN... and "BEAR" iT!

"Some people grin and bear it, 
others smile and do it."
-Author Unknown

"A smile starts on the lips, a grin spreads to the eyes, a chuckle comes from the belly; But a good laugh bursts forth from the soul overflows, and bubbles all around."
-Carolyn Birmingham

"Once the bear's hug has got you, 
it is apt to be for keeps."
-Harold MacMillan

A BEARY cute photo of Mariah giving her little BEAR
at her school on Friday. 

I felt BEARY honored to be invited to the

How cute is this "GRIN" & "BEAR" it photo?
This is Mariah and one of her BEARY
cute little friends from Grade one. 

This was my picnic bag all packed and BEARY ready to go! 

The sign on the Gymnasium door at Mariah's school...
filled with little teddy BEAR stickers and info!

Beau looking BEARY relaxed at his house before
 the BEARY fun picnic on Friday.
Note the Teddy BEAR and beautiful tree in the background!

BEAU once again "BEARY" relaxed!
He did a sleepover here last night and
was sound asleep when his daddy dropped him off. 

A really sweet pic of Beau enjoying the new
light up Snowman last night.
Unfortunately Costco called with a recall of these
saying they are considered a fire hazard...
so sadly it has to go back to the store.
(We will have to "grin & bear it!")

Here was BEAU GRINNING by our tree
in his new BEARY cute shirt last night!

I don't know who was more played out here...
Poppa on the couch or Beau sitting on the table??? 

SHUFFLE spends a lot of time in her kennel ,
but here is Beau letting her out briefly last night! 

Beau enjoying some stickers! 

BEAU grinning and playing with some of the ornaments here.

A BEARY special memory ...
these photos still sit out in our dining room.
Hard to believe we have been married 36 years
this coming Tuesday the 27th of November.
Our married life has been filled with many

I was feeling more than BEARY special when Mariah invited me to her grade one
which was held in her school gym on Friday.
It was for all 3 grade one classes plus any family members who could attend and bring a blanket , bear and lunch to share in the fun!
I stopped by Jana's first so that her, Beau and I could travel along together.

Later that day we joined good friends
Joan and Gerry for a BEARY delicious supper and great visit, too, at Chilli's restaurant!

Yesterday after going to the gym in the morning I met my good friend, Ella at the new GAP shopping outlet here in the city and we cashed in on some BEARY  super good deals there, and ended up sharing a nice visit and tea at the little coffee shop by our homes called MOKA.

We had BEAU for a little sleepover last night, while his sister went to a little friends for a sleepover. Beau was not as energetic as some times due to a little cold he had. I woke up with the sniffles, too... so seem to be catching what ever it is that he has... oh oh... I guess I will have to GRIN and BEAR IT!

Hard to believe that today is exactly one month until CHRISTMAS... which I am sure will come faster than we know it.

This coming Tuesday Brian and I will celebrate one more year of WEDDED BLISS...
making it our 36th anniversary this year.
People say time flies when you are having fun, and it certainly has flown by for us that is for sure... and here is to many more years and loving BEAR HUGS for us!

To celebrate our special day of the year  this year we are BEARY LUCKY!!!!!!
We will be attending a concert with icon idol,
We are looking forward to a little visit in Edmonton for that, too.

So all in all ...
 lots to GRIN about and be

There's been some BEARY special times
in my last few days,
From picnics, sleepovers, dining out
and shopping to amaze!
Lots of things are going on
in and around my life,
And soon I'll celebrate another year
of being a happy wife.
Off to a big concert... with idol
dear SIR PAUL...
I am BEARY excited for that...
 the trip and all!
Christmas is soon coming up,
it's just a month away.
Just so much to be thankful for
each and every day!

Thursday, November 22, 2012


"Trees are all the earth's endless effort 
to speak to the listening heaven."
-Rabindranath Tagore

Lightful: Full of light; bright

"Of all the senses sight must be 
the most delightful."
-Helen Keller

Get ready for the TREE "LIGHT"FUL
 journey of me putting up the tree this year...
HoHoHOPE you enjoy it!

Here is the tree as it comes in from the garage in it's box...
ready to go
up in the traditional spot! 

Piece by piece it goes together... 

Last year when I plugged it in the middle section
did not light up, so I added a string of lights...
this year the bottom section wasn't working
so I went shopping for a new tree! 

... HOWEVER...
after looking at new trees, I decided to just purchase
a new string of lights for the bottom of the old tree ...
and Voila... here is the finished TREE looking all LIGHTFUL! 

Brian gave me this cute Snowman holding a little TREE
with LIGHTS that has a little train that lights up and runs through it, too...
SNOW very cute and LIGHTFUL!

Me out to lunch!
(Mariah took this photo of me at Boston Pizza on Tuesday
when she called and asked me to take her for lunch!) 

Mariah enjoying her jello and whipped cream for dessert,
before heading back to her afternoon of school. 

An old TRADITION that always LIGHTS up our old door!
The Snowflake window clings and the home made wreath with
pics of my kids from Christmas of 1981. 

Mariah checking out our tree when
she was here last night for supper...
everything old look new again! 

Beau giving the thumbs up to the Christmas balls...
which he proceeded to toss across the room!
He is ALL BOY!!!!!

SHUFFLE looking delightful in her Santa RUFFLE! 

Mariah working on some math with her poppa last night.
She seems very keen on her school work. 

Beau with his poppa snuggling in with some yogurt
 and his sippy cup while watching the BUBBLE GUPPIES on TV! 

Shuffle in her Ruffle checking out the SNOW out the family room window!


The new TREE skirt is delightful and SNOW adorable!

I was inspired to start in early on the CHRISTMAS decor this year after visiting the Garden Architecture Store last Friday to see their beautiful Christmas Tree display.However... this year's set up wasn't as easy as some I've done in the past!!!!!!!!

Monday when I got up I was excited to get going but had a few delays... first of all I like to vacuum where I put the tree before putting it up, and our vacuum was on loan to my daughter!
My hubby was off for the day Monday so I sent him to pick it up, but in the mean time I debated about switching our TREE location this year.
I ended up putting it in the same spot we have had it for years, in the end, though...
I guess I couldn't break tradition...
I like it in our Family room because the room is red and so Christmassy and cozy.

So it is always a big process... starting with bringing in the box with the squished up tree in it's 3 pieces from the garage where it lives all year round when it is not up.
Last year when I put it up the middle section was no longer lit up, so I replaced those lights. This year I was once again frustrated when the bottom section didn't light up. I mentioned this to Jana and she told me of a one day only sale at the Bay that day on Trees.
So off I went with buying a new TREE in mind.... When I got there, the advertised TREES
were all sold out.... GRRRRRRR....
so I bought more lights!

When I went to leave the parking lot at Midtown plaza, I could not find my parking pass,
so my parking cost me $25.00 for the hour
or so that I was there...
 now I was losing my enthusiasm towards the TREE SET UP!...
Let's just say I wasn't feeling quite as "LIGHTFUL!"

I decided to stop and share my experience with Jana and Mariah who were just arriving at the dance studio for Mariah's weekly lessons. Mariah was excited to see me and was anxious for me to get her into her dancing stuff and was in a rush to get into her class, when I tried to explain my day so far to Jana...
she had no time to listen, because she was in a rush to go to the gym while Mariah danced..... sheesh!

So off I went to try to get my enthusiasm back toward my decorating! I decided to wiggle the tree once more and to my surprise....
the bottom lights all came twinkling on!...
So the decorating was about to begin and I was feeling a bit more LIGHTFUL once again....
( it didn't hurt that I had decided to pour myself a little Mike's Hard Cranberry Lemonade... which also helped LIGHTEN the mood!)

I decorated for the entire two hour stint of DWTS on TV...and finally put my feet up for THE VOICE
and relaxed the rest of the night away!

Tuesday following my classes at the gym I had plans to do more house decorations, but got a call from Mariah on route to her school, asking if I could come and take her for lunch that day.
I felt special... and who knows how much longer she will want her GRAMMIE D to come and take her for lunch?...
We enjoyed our quick little trip to
 her favorite spot, Boston Pizza.

I did a bit more decor that day and
yesterday as well. I got asked to pick up the kids from daycare and school yesterday and bring them here for supper, so another ENLIGHTENING day of

I know my grandkids enjoyed all the decor...however some of it will have to be placed out of arms reach when Beau stops by!
He loved the little train that goes around in my new snowman. He kept saying here comes Santa every time Santa came around the
little lit up tunnel again!

and to all of them I wish a day of

Next week I am excited to go hear an idol of mine for many years...
one who has ENLIGHTENED me and my interest for music all my life....
I'm very excited about that little trip and concert.

The following week is the annual
dance studio, and as always
I will do up all the exam students' names
in theme for that event.
This year I decided to go for a
and hope all the students do

On that thought... my rhyme of the day...

A special thing about Christmas
 is putting up the tree,
And it's even better when
the lights all work for me!
I love every twinkle
from each and every light.
And I love when their sparkle
is ever so bright!
When lights are not working,
it spoils the fun....
Because it is hard to get going
and get done!
But once all the lights
are twinkling away,
The danglers can add so much splendor...
and sway...
The more that goes on, the brighter the look!
And no one will know
all the time that it took!
Snowflakes look pretty
and add to the glow,
It feels more like Christmas
when there is fresh snow.
It reminds me of snow kisses
coming from above,
From my sweet angels
who are sending all their love!
To me it is a time that
is cherished each year...
It's hard to believe Christmas
soon will be here!


Monday, November 19, 2012


"Tradition simply means that we need to end what began well and continue what is worth 
-Jose Beramin

"Tradition doesn't have to be logical; it only has to emphasize the light of Christ and his everlasting love."
-Lori Copeland

"All major religious traditions carry basically the same message, that is love, compassion forgiveness...the important thing is they should be part of our daily lives."
-Dalai Lama

This was my Lanigan BESTIE, Linda and me at STARBUCKS yesterday,
We "TRADITIONALLY" get a pic every time we visit there...
(we both look tired here after our little power shop... we were ready for a coffee!)

Beau with his Poppa Brian here at Boston Pizza Saturday night...
TRADITIONALLY the kid's favorite restaurant to eat... and they
always have their favorite meal... "Bugs N' Cheese!" 

Here is the "GIRL" side of the table at Boston Pizza...
Mariah had her little friend, Drew along to enjoy the fun, too!
Check out the fellows in red turbans behind us...
Beau thought that was SANTA...and 'nother one' SANTA!

Here is the NATIVITY as seen through our car window
while driving through the ENCHANTED FOREST
with the kids on Saturday night.... more TRADITIONS!

Another SLEEPOVER!!!!!!
The kids love when they have a TRADITIONAL one of those, too!

Funny how the TRADITION of making little SMURF PARADES
lives on into it's second generation of kids!

This was on Friday outside the extra location of
GARDEN ARCHITECTURE  on 20th and Ave. B.
I loved this little SNOWMAN in the POLKA DOT box in the window!

Here are my friends HEATHER & ELLA
inside the Beautiful store filled with TREES ...
and Spectacular decor.

Another look at the TREE-mendous display at Garden Architecture. 

I loved this WHIMSICAL TREE...
it had a few of those cute SNOWMEN in the boxes on it, too.

A TREE-LIGHTFUL glance at many of the TREES in the window
at Garden Architecture  on Friday's TRADITIONAL annual visit.

I had a hard time sleeping last night because
I was so excited about putting my tree up today...however here I am already sidetracked!

I went to get ready for the big TRADITIONAL tree set up... but got thinking I might break TRADITION a bit by setting it up in  a new spot this year.  After making space for it in it's usual spot in our family room, I found that the carpet looked funny when I moved the couch. We have a new carpet since last Christmas.
I thought maybe this year I might put it in our living room instead to switch things up.

Jana has our vaccuum, so I couldn't vaccuum first... therefore, decided to blog while I think the whole thing over, now!

I was so incredibly inspired with the
when visiting their new store location
on Friday with my two friends,
Ella and Heather.
Their store location is still the same...
but this is an additional location to make room for all their beautiful trees and decor...
I highly recommend you all go check it out if you are in Saskatoon during this season.

My friend Linda and her daughter Kim came to the city yesterday to power shop for Christmas...and Linda and I had our TRADITIONAL LATTE at our favorite visiting spot... STARBUCKS!...
We always have fun when we connect.

We had the grandkids for a sleepover
on the weekend... so there was a
lot going on as per normal!
The kids keep us on our toes always...
but there is never a dull moment when they are around, and we love having them here.

Our local news does a flashback on the news from time to time reviewing things from the same date on years gone by.
Friday night they flashed back to a clip
from the Saskatoon Public Library with my Auntie Frances from that date in 1984.
Not only was it fun to see the video of her, but my son, Colin was in that clip as well...
and was only 4 then!

Last night I watched the
 Those are shows I
TRADITIONALLY watch and enjoy.
Nice to see the CANADIANS picking up awards at the AMA's...
congrats to JUSTIN BIEBER
on his 3 last night!

OPRAH'S Favorite things show
got me thinking about what my favorite things would be.... I think my list would be pretty long... that might be a whole separate
blog post for me!... hehehe

Well maybe I will try to start in on
what I started out to do today now...
and that is set up the tree!
I'll keep you posted on where
I finally decide to put it and
whether I break my

Tomorrow is my oldest brother,

So on that note ... here is my TRADITIONAL rhyme of the day part of my blog!

Traditions continue... from year to year,
They help us remember
just what we hold dear!
They help us to connect each dot to dot...
Through little things, special memories
and thought.
Whether it's sharing visits with a dear friend,
Or writing some notes
in the cards that we send.
Remembering special times
from years gone by,
Is what TRADITIONS are for...
the where and the why!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Simple & Special

"Life becomes precious and more special to us when we look for the little everyday miracles and get excited about the priveleges of simply being human."
-Tim Hansel

"I believe that a simple and unassuming manner of life is best for everyone and best for both the body and the mind."
-Albert Einstein

"Only someone special can make ordinary moments seem extraordinary."
-Author Unknown

Here was Mariah last night wishing her Grandma Nancy
"Happy Birthday".
Notice the little Teddy Bear drawing she was working on , too!

shown in the photo above... is an invite for a SPECIAL day at her school next Friday.
I feel honored she chose me to come to that

Here is BEAU last night sitting on the kitchen floor
with some of his SPECIAL toys and his bedtime milk.
He is proudly wearing his Edmonton Oiler's HOCKEYshirt, too!

Mariah enjoying a simply special moment with her poppa
playing a little video game in her bedroom, last night before bedtime. 

Beau picking out some stories for me to read to him before bedtime last night.
He is simply adorable... growing up so fast...
(his hair is also growing so fast!)
... I personally think it would be SPECIAL if he got a little trim,
however his parents are going for the "SURFER- DUDE" look apparently!

Yesterday this SPECIAL package came in the mail
for BRIAN as a BELATED BIRTHDAY greeting from COLIN.
It is a beautifully hand crafted card by his girlfriend's mom,
with a nice message in it.


SHUFFLE squeezed into a little SANTA Jacket
I bought her yesterday... need to get a bigger size! 

SPOT how SPECIAL it is even though a bit too tight to do up!
Shuffle was so sad when I took it off to return to Winner's! 

SPOT how cute this little pan is...
I found it at Safeway and it is SIMPLY perfect for making one egg,
... I love that it has polka dots!!!!! 

The first batch of NUTS & BOLTS is always SIMPLY SPECIAL around here...
it is a traditional kick off to the Christmas season for our family! 

Some SIMPLY SPECIAL people in my life!
My brother Brian with my cousin Bev and my Auntie Betty in the background...
this was taken earlier this week at a family supper out at Gibson's Fish & Chips.
This is also a traditional place to go for a meal while Auntie Betty is in town...
and the best place in town for yummy fish! 

Even a SIMPLE lunch can be SPECIAL!
This was what I ate today for lunch...
polka dot plates and napkins help the presentation, too...
not to mention the yummy mini chocolate fondue for my apple slices for dessert!

My last blog was a tough act to follow!!!!!
However that being said...
I find it SPECIAL that you have popped by to read about my SIMPLE little life this week!

Even though my life has had a simpler feel to it this week, I have had many moments of SPECIAL in it along the way.

After the excitement of last weekend's big wedding for my nephew Jeff and his new wife, Savannah... I have gotten back to routine again this week. Oh and if you would like to check out a stunning photo of them by the professional photographer, go to GINA'S PORTRAITS. She has a wonderful blog of her photography,
I actually got caught up in it the other day for well over an hour looking at her

I have made it to the gym everyday this week so far in the mornings with a follow up coffee with my friend, Ella, and one day we were joined by my neighbor Heather as well.
Today later on we plan to all go for a
SPECIAL outing as well.

Yesterday I had a fun lunch and Starbucks visit with my dance buddy, Brenda and ran into my cousin Gwen out shopping after that, too.
Always fun with them!

Last night we popped by Nels and Jana's for a quick little GRANDKID fix.  The kids were  busy as ever... in fact Mariah was talking on the phone to her GRANDMA NANCY when we arrived. It was her birthday yesterday... so we got to wish her special greeting while there as well. Beau was all over the place...
active and demanding as ever...
but ever so cute as always!

Mariah had colored a very SPECIAL invitation for me to attend a TEDDY BEAR'S PICNIC at her school next Friday which I am already excited about... should be such a fun time for us. Her parents will be working so she phoned me on Wednesday night to invite me already!
The call was SIMPLY SPECIAL, too...
she is becoming so grown up since she has been in Grade one.

This week's TV shows have been great...
really enjoying all the singing and dance shows...along with my favorite ELLEN.
I always compare notes on what we thought over phone calls with my brother, Brian who also watches the singing shows...
The Voice and X Factor, too!

Today it was rather SPECIAL at the gym when they congratulated one of the teachers there, PEGGY... on her video as an international presenter of the new launches video taped in New Zeland. Peggy is one of my favorite teachers at Goodlife and taught a fabulous body flow class today, too. I cannot say enough about how lucky I am to have such a great gym with awesome instructors to attend on a daily basis only 10 minutes from home!

I was pleasantly surprised when a package arrived in the mail from my son, Colin yesterday. Those of you who do not know him... you have to know that he is very SIMPLISTIC and is usually a minimalist.
LESS is truly MORE always to him!
In the time he has lived in Montreal
(nearly 14 years) this is only the second thing we have ever received from him in the mail.
He doesn't do cards and gifts really as a rule... since he was a teen... he thinks it isn't really necessary... however he sent this lovely hand crafted card with nice message for his dad's recent birthday... which we both found to be SIMPLY SPECIAL!

This afternoon I am looking forward to a trip to a local store here in the city called
I am going with two of my friends to see the annual display of their spectacular
Christmas trees... no one does them up more SPECIAL!!!!!

Tomorrow I am having my grandkids for a sleepover...and then on Sunday I look forward to a visit from my LANIGAN bestie, LINDA.
We will for sure have to do a traditional STARBUCKS run...
first one for us two in a long time!

I am beginning to get excited for my upcoming trip to Edmonton to see Sir Paul McCarteny
in a little over a week... that will be

This week has been some what simpler than last week... but I am very content with all the little special moments it's had to offer.

In my final year of teaching dancing full time
I created this saying which truly fits this blog post and really every day of life....

"TAP into something SIMPLE and make it SPECIAL everyday."

So on that note and quote....

Life's about simple things
and making them special everyday,
From the littlest routine things...
to what you do and say.
Noticing the details...
and realizing their beauty,
Sharing special moments...
with someone who's a cutie!
Drinking fancy coffees
with cinnamon or honey,
Enjoying time to laugh at things
that seem so very funny!
Doing things that mean a lot
with friends or on your own,
Sharing smiles with people
can set the tone.