Tuesday, April 30, 2013

LiFE is like a DANCE!

"Dance is the only art of which we ourselves are the stuff of which it is made."
-Ted Shawn

"You can dance anywhere, even if only in your heart."
-Author Unknown

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned from life:
It goes on."
-Robert Frost

Here's where the DANCE of life began
 for the 3 generations of girls here...
Above is me at age 4, Jana at age 3 and Mariah at age 3...

Here are the 3 of us yesterday at Mariah's
dance picture day...
This is Mariah's TAP costume this year!

Jana's DANCE SCRAP BOOKS... I enjoyed a little trip
down memory lane while looking through these yesterday!

On of the early memories in Jana's
Dance years... our first Mother Daughter Tap Duo when she was 5!
 We went on to do 3 more mom-daughter duos over her dance years
...such fond cherished memories.

Here is Jana doing Mariah's hair yesterday at her dance pics...
She is a little LION for her Ballet group!

Here is Mariah's costume for her very first year of JAZZ...
we both love this one... maybe it is the polka dots!!!

Jana is featured in this lovely photo/quote book.

Here is one of the pages with a photo of Jana
in the above mentioned album...
the book is called "balance".

Here is a great poster Jana bought to hang in Mariah's bedroom,
with a great quote to tie my theme of today's blog together!

A photo of Beau and Mariah from last Wedensday
before we went away to Edmonton on a little trip.

Some pics of my good friend, Linda,and her daughter, Teresa, with her little girls, Cadence and Austyn. We met up in Sherwood Park at a dance festival last weekend followed by a fun starbucks outing. Teresa was a dance student of mine and now her little girl is competing... so makes me feel proud on many levels....
and I got share Linda's "GRANNY PRIDE!"

Out for breakfast with friends
Myrna and Larry in Edmonton this past weekend.
Myrna's family owns the LECKY SCHOOL OF DANCE
which is still going strong there. I met Myrna
in the late 60's at a dance summer school, and because of her and her family I started doing dance competitions,
in Edmonton... the rest is history!

Here is my doggie last week at the vet...
She is named after the famous tap step...

Here are a couple of T-shirts I have with TAP related saying on them!
I made the TAPPINESS ones in my final year of teaching, with a portion of sales going to cancer... the keep calm one I found one day and had to have it!

First of all to any one TAPPING by to read this blog...

I have wanted to do a blog on DANCE for a long time... and with yesterday 
being INTERNATIONAL DANCE DAY, this seemed like good timing for it!

For many of my blog followers, you already know what a big impact DANCE has had on not only my life, but for many of my family, and friends, too.

The past 3 weekends straight I have been at DANCE competitions watching and judging as well. I will always have a passion for it. Although I retired from teaching in 2008, it is always in me where ever I go.

I am grateful my mom enrolled me in DANCE at the age of 3 or 4... hard to tell by my photos!... We certainly didn't have as many back in those days. I began dance lessons with my backdoor neighbour and best friend growing up, Janice Adams... the two of us danced in the basement of a lady's house. Her name was Mrs. Ellingham...and all I can remember is that she had many cats...and she smoked like crazy! We performed our recitals in those years at St. Joeseph's Hall on Broadway... kind of co-incidental that I started out "ON BROADWAY!"

I did a year or two with another teacher who taught out of her home, named Mrs. Caldwell, followed by a teacher named Nadia Stadolla
(who was actually more into baton than dance!)...
Then I went to a "REAL" dance studio...
GAIL'S DANCE ACADEMY when I was 9... and that is when my competing began, however I did not do a solo until I was 12... and it was to "Five Foot Two, Eyes of Blue" by Mrs. Millar... and I used to get up and practice first thing every morning. I loved it and took pride in working on every sound in my footwork! My brothers didn't like those days, listening to me tap in the basement at 6AM each day!!!!

I used to compete in the MOOSE JAW DANCE FESTIVAL and the SDTA Provincial competition each year.
Competitions were so different back then. Some studios had their students all doing solos, but they actually danced their group dance as a solo a duo and small group as well as a large group... so one could watch the same dance over and over... my categories in solos were large with upwards of 40 kids my age in them. Every one danced to dances on records... which often skipped when the stereos were bumped back stage!... Oh the memories!

I remember loving to watch dancing by the hour at those competitions... and I know I developed a keen interest from young on... (much like my grand daughter Mariah now!)
My mom could not pry me from the audience, because I might miss something!!! hehehe

I often did little neighbourhood shows and ones with my cousins utilizing my costumes during the summers off of dancing! I loved it...and I'm sure that is where I decided that becoming a dance teacher might be a route for me to go one day!

When I was in high school I added more intense ballet training at Sasktoon School Of Ballet under the instruction of Lusia Pavlychenko... who in those days was the queen of ballet! (Sadly she recently passed away in fall of 2012)
I got introduced to dance exams then, too, passing my entire CDTA Tap exam syllabus, and many of the RAD Ballet ones as well. I remember trainging for TAP in ballet slippers because Lusia didn't like the noise of tap shoes, but she always claimed if we could hear our sounds clearly in slippers, they would be very clear in tap shoes... and I believe she had a point!

In my later dance years... I did summer schools here and there meeting many new dance friends and connections to other dance ventures in my life! When I was 18 I travelled to Toronto for a couple weeks of intensive training with BRIAN FOLEY who has since created the ADAPT dance exam syllabus many studios follow today.

After teaching the tap program at Saskatoon School of Ballet, for 4 years, and a year of parks and recreational teaching for a couple years... I opened up
in the former home of SONIA'S DANCE ACADEMY, on the 3rd floor of the Candian Linen Supply Building where I ran my studio for 20 dance seasons before moving to our home on BROADWAY in the Avalon shopping centre, when I completed 8 more seasons before closing my studio.

My dad used to install the taps on each and every pair of shoes of dancers enrolled in my studio. He knew just how to make them sound great... he had a skill for sound!He also did many other jobs in and around my studio and following his sudden passing in January of 2000... my decision to close became easier for me.

My good friend, Brenda, also lost her father... only one month after my dad's passing. We found ourselves meeting for lunches to share notes on our studios...and eventually in September of 2002 I joined forces with her as the TAP DIRECTOR of her current studio called
(BSOBAD)... which is still going strong to this day.

My daughter, Jana, grew up dancing all her life and went on to 5 contracts working in a professional career as a performer for TOKYO DISNEYLAND and DISNEY SEA.
Jana did well with her dancing growing up and also taught and choreographed many numbers in her dance career as well.

Now Jana and I watch as her daughter, 6 year old, Mariah dances in BSOBAD studio. She did 3 seasons of combo classes and is in her first year of TAP, JAZZ and BALLET classes now and had her dance photos just yesterday.

I am becoming a very OVER ANXIOUS GRANDMA (OAG) for the day that Mariah will get to compete... but I am quite sure it will be very soon!

So now that I have been on so many sides of the stage... from dancer to assistant teacher, to studio owner, to parent and grandparent of a dancer... along with auntie of a dancer... and teacher and adjudicator to many dance generations over my many years... I can honestly say my life is like one big dance!

People often ask me if I miss teaching dance or owning my studio... and my answer is this....
I have so many fond memories from it all and I am in a new chapter of life now. I love my time spent as a grandma and love that I can share my stories and knowledge with those who want it along the way.

I will continue to be passionate about dance and especially my specialty of TAP! I hope I have made an impact on those I've been fortunate enough to share with over the years...I will continue to TAP into those passions for years to come.

I say to all those friends I have still teaching and very involved in the dance world... I still have great respect for each every one of you. It is a very demanding job... but the rewards out way the demands in the end... by making memories of a lifetime!

This is really a very shortened version of my life as a dancer... but will give a brief idea of where my roots began!

AS dancers continue to compete, and perform in their shows coming up at seasons' end... I wish you all the best... KEEP TAPPING INTO YOUR BEST EFFORTS...
and keep putting your best foot forward!

on that note... my little rhyme of the day...

As I take a trip down memory lane...
I love looking back to see it all again!
With every photo and at every glance,
My life seems like just one big dance.
As I shuffle along from day to day,
With each step I take along the way,
Reminds me just how I've evolved,
All around dance, my life's revolved.
With every dancer I have come to know,
They've all made an impact and added flow.
My life is truly like a dance...
From every leap of faith and prance,
Memories continue to fill each page,
Each chapter of life at every stage.
I'll continue to tap into where it leads me,
Dance adds balance, it's so easy to see!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Worldly Celebrations!

"Do what you can to show you care about other people, and you will make the world a better place."
-Rosalyn Carter

"You make a living by what you make, but you make a life by what you give."
-Winston Churchill

"The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is to celebrate."
-Oprah Winfey

CELEBRATING my father-law's 88th BIRTHDAY
last week with his wife, Blanche... and with my grandkids, Mariah and Beau
 and with his niece's kids, Brayden and Keira.

Mariah enjoyed watching my niece Rowen dancing
at the Performer last week and came again to the competition
with me to watch more yesterday.

Beau enjoyed a day with me before I dropped
him off at his mommy's store on saturday
to go to a COWBOY birthday for his buddy.

Saturday included a fun visit from my brother...along with lots of
playing with my doggie, Shuffle, making parade with the toys, and sticker crafts!

Day one of the Performer Dance competition ended in a staff CELEBRATION
for Brenda's birthday at Earl's restaurant.

Today is EARTH DAY... so my blog is not only in CELEBRATION of the earth and the world... but also a little update on all the celebrations that have gone on in and around my own little world in this past week.

I have been kept busy  attending a local dance competition called "THE PERFORMER" which ran at TCU from Wednesday, April 17th- through Sunday, April 21st.
The studio I work for, BSOBAD, had many entries in it,
so I was out to cheer them on off and on through the five days. I enjoyed taking my grand daughter, Mariah a couple of times. I am becoming a bit of an "OAG"
...(Over Anxious Grandma!)
I just cannot wait until Mariah is ready to compete with her dancing... and even she asked me both times we went to watch, when it would be her turn to go on stage!

Until that day comes... we will just be good spectators!!!
We did enjoy my niece Rowen in her open line number which got a silver medal on Thursday night.

In all the stages as well as all the sides of the many stages I have been on in my dance career, I continue to be amazed with the talents out there... and feel I am still learning lots of new things as I make more memorable moments in my life!
Lots of worthy celebrations!

Last week on Wednesday, Brenda, "Queen BEE" of BSOBAD celebrated her birthday, and the staff was out to CELEBRATE her following the first day of competing at

The next day my father-in-law, GREG, celebrated his 88th birthday, so we popped by with some cupcakes in CELEBRATION with some relatives on route to cheer on my niece at the dance competition.
I am ever grateful for such a wonderful father-in-law in my life... and what a role model he has been for his family on so many levels... a very loved and celebrated man!

On the weekend I spent a day with my grandson, Beau. His sister was off to visit her cousins, while I babysat. He was one excited little COWBOY full of GIDDY-NESS and GIDDY-UP and GO! After a day filled with lots more fun memorable movement and "BEAU"-ments... crafting, playing and visiting with my brother ... I dropped him off at his mommy's shoe store where she was to take him to a cowboy birthday celebration of one of his little buddies.
He was more than excited!!!!!

I sure did enjoy many days of watching dancing the last week... teachers and dancers have so much to CELEBRATE!
I remember the days when I ran my studio, and the hard work that goes in before the competitions... which brings on the rewarding end results.
Hats off to all my dancer friends for their fabulous efforts once again!

This week BSOBAD is off to Sherwood Park to compete some more. I wish them luck as they TAP into more success, and many more memories worth celebrating!

My nephew Jeff is Celebrating another birthday this week on the 26th... so wishing him a fun celebration in advance!

I have enjoyed all the competitive shows on TV... in and around all the other activities going on in my little world.
Tonight I look forward to a celebration of STEVIE WONDER tunes on DWTS... I am a huge fan!
Last night I enjoyed seeing KD Lang receive her inductee into the Candadian Music Hall Of Fame award at the Junos.
She is a very worthy candidate, definitely worth celebration!

There is always something to CELEBRATE...
so make the most of the celebrations each and every day...after all they are what makes the WORLD go round!

On that note... my rhyme of the day!

There's lots to celebrate every day...
It's about making memories along the way.
Life is a journey, and it's not by chance,
We celebrate our earth in song and dance!
There is something so special that each day brings,
And special can be found in so many things.
It's all in what we look for and in what we see,
When we look for celebration...
that's what there will be!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

DaNCE through each STaGE of LiFE!

"Let your life lightly dance on the edges of time like dew on the tip of a leaf."

"There are two things to aim at in life:
first to get what you want; and,  after that, to enjoy it.
Only the wisest of mankind achieve the second."
-Logan Pearsall Smith

"You've got to get to that stage in life where going for it is more important than winning or losing."
-Arthur Ash

A little blend of DANCE-LIFE related photos
from the past few weeks...
I received a b-lated Christmas tree ornament
just last week from a dance friend.
I am wearing my "Keep Calm and Shuffle On"shirt with Beau!
The grandkids dancing for us on Easter Sunday.

The love shines through in these photos
of my grandson, BEAU, here with
his GREAT GRAND father and mother.
Tomorrow GREG celebrates another year of life...
as he has another BIRTHDAY.

Yesterday I went for an impromptu Birthday celebration
for my buddy, Brenda, who has a birthday today.
I gave her a necklace with a great quote suited to

On the weekend I added one more
chapter to my dance life...as I adjudicated
a competition in Rose Valley.
I shared the experience with Jodykym,
shown here with her fancy phone on day 1,
with me after the long day 2,
at the start and finish of day 3...
"WITCH" we enjoyed together a lot!!!!

I took a photo of Jodykym's youngest daughter, Adalie,
here on route to Rose Valley last Friday...along with a photo of
the place we stayed and shared it with Videographers,
from P.A.... Matthew and Barry.
Little doggie outside, wanted to share time with us this weekend, too!

Some random photos of the SMOKEM OUTFITTERS
hunting lodge in ARCHERWILL, SK.
 where we stayed  for our weekend of adjudicating the Rose Valley
DANCE MANIA 13 Dance competition.

My sticker collection continues to serve me through
every STAGE of LIFE...
Especially at Dance Competitions!!!!

Once again I was reminded how my
life compares to dance in so many ways.

I added another chapter to my adjudicating this past weekend in Rose Valley, Saskatchewan.
I got to know the other adjudicator,
JODYKYM really well as we travelled together there and back. Her husband, Chad was kind enough to drive us there with their youngest of 3 daughters, Adalie, age 3.
(She was a little sweetheart on the ride, too!)
Brian picked us up at the end of the weekend.
Thank goodness for our hubbies...
who do not mind travelling in any kind of weather.
With this ongoing extended winter we have had this year,
we wanted good vehicles and drivers... just incase we ran into bad weather on our travels!!!

Every time I adjudicate I appreciate the efforts of the dancers, dance teachers, and parents 
involved. Small town dance competitions are always so efficiently run, with the whole town getting on board to help out and volunteer.
This weekend there was a bit of a glitch for the competition  with the town's power going off on the starting day, causing it to get off to a slower start. They took it all in stride, though, making appropriate adjustments necessary.
Thanks to Brad from Rose Valley for inviting me to their  annual event. His wife, Glenys... worked very hard along with many others to run a very awesome little canteen all weekend, too. The food was delish!

We stayed in the hunting lodge just 10 minutes out of
Rose Valley called Smokem Outfitters, located in Archerwill.
We shared the lodge with father and son team from P.A. who video taped every dance of the competition with our voice over adjudications on them.
All in all a very enjoyable weekend.

This week I hope to get to see more dancing as there is a dance competition taking place here in Saskatoon at TCU called "THE PERFORMER". There is a high calibre of dancers attending from all over the province for the upcoming 5 days. I enjoy watching that one!

I got to thinking once again how I have been on so many sides of the stage... from being a child who danced all my life to a teen who assisted in a prestigious studio, to teaching for parks and recreation, to opening and running a successful studio of my own for 28 dance seasons. During that time I was not only the teacher to many dancers who went from beginner to pro... but also the proud mom of a dancer who did exactly that! When I closed my studio and joined forces at BSOBAD dance studio with my good friend BRENDA BENNETT, I was the Tap director there, before retiring from teaching in May of 2008. Now I free lance and dabble here and there in teaching whether it be as a sub teacher or a guest one at a summer school, and or workshop, or doing a piece of choreography.I have continued to take on adjudicating jobs over the past several years of my dance career, to help keep me connected.
I have enjoyed every STAGE along the way... and now I am the proud grandma of a dancer, who I am so excited to see
dance on STAGE. She is always performing for me, whether on stage or not!!!

Life has really been like one big DANCE for me... Each STAGE has been different, with different steps to it, but all so enjoyable and all adding to the BOOK of my LIFE!

The steps in my life are all fun... some are crossed over and others are new... but all in all it has been like a piece of choreography every step of the way!

I am wanting to mention how sad it was to watch the
Boston Marathon unfold this week
with it's tragic turn of events.
A fellow from the gym where I go, Nicholas Berrns, ran that marathon. Luckily both he and his parents who came to cheer him on, all were fortunate enough to escape the bombs with no injuries. His sister, Ashley, is a dancer, who grew up doing some training in my dance studio...
and has gone on to open her own studio here in the city.
Small world... congrats to Nick on his run!

Today is my good friend, Brenda's birthday. She will be spending it at The Performer dance competition where her BSOBAD dance studio will dance for the next five days...
So I wish her a very
as the dance competing portion of the season
begins... I know each and every dancer will be TAPPING into their very best efforts and will be enjoying their turn in the spotlights... win or lose.

In the end it is all about the journey and the memories made as we all DANCE through LIFE!

Tomorrow my father-in-law, GREG, celebrates another BIRTHDAY in his DANCE through the stages of LiFE.
I consider my self lucky to have such a special man like him in my life... and wish him all the HAPPiEST MEMORiES on his special day, too!

Yesterday would have been
He was born in 1889...
but his legend lives on through the memories.

I stumbled across a poem I wrote near the ending of my dance teaching career, written in April of 2008... and I thought it suited this theme very well, so I will share it now...

For many of us dancers,
we've reached milestones this year.
And we will all be holding those memories so dear.
We've practiced every single step,
to complete the many dances...
We've learned so many things along the way,
and took some chances.
The pictures that we took today...
will help us to remember,
The many months from here to come,
from January- December.
The pictures we have taken now
adorn the many walls,
On all the very many boards along the studio halls.
The trophies and the medals that we won,
have brought us pride,
The dance exams we studied for,
we've passed with every stride.
We've learned so many styles...
every rhythm... every rhyme...
We've tried real hard to stay on top,
it's been a steady climb.
It seems like only yesterday,
when everyone was small.
But now they've all grown older,
in fact some are real tall!
The simple steps we learned to start,
helped to build foundation.
Then all the steps we added on ,
developed our education.
But in the end...
the accomplishments are only one small part,
The PEOPLE that we've met along the way
will hold our heart.
The memories we'll hold the closest,
will be the ones of fun...
We had a lot to laugh at,
with all we've said and done.
We'll always cherish the memories
and the very many looks,
As we enter the next chapters
in all of our life books!
The many milestones that we've reached
along the path till now....
Have given us great memories,
and left us saying WOW! 

Thursday, April 11, 2013


The kids here on sunday...
they never have any issues hanging upside down 
on the couch!

I little FAM-JAM here on Sunday night...
with my dad's Birthday the next day,
we had Roast Beef in his honour...one of his favs!

Some pics of the last week with babysistting the grandkids
drop offs and pick-ups!

Beau when their family joined us at Fuddrucker's Sunday for Breakfast
...he is drinking milk out of the coke cup!

Mariah helped me with studio bulletin boards on Sunday, and
was in a helpful mood when we came back here, so was busy scrubbing and cleaning!
She is a good little helper!

Mariah standing
in my living room on Sunday, 

just before her and Beau
sang a little Happy Birthday to my dad's photo!

Here are some photos to represent my Dad's
birthday on Monday, April 8th... 

he has been gone for over
13 years, but would have been 87...
I still celebrated him by having canned tomatoes and toast,
along with a mini cake for lunch that day!
I always go back to the memory of what he wrote in my autograph book, too!

Easter Sunday Supper at Jana and Nels's house.

Easter Supper Entertainment provided by the grandkids!

A little visit with a former dance student, Susan...
at Starbucks!

This is a quick photo of the ice hanging off our garage yesterday,
not only are we having ISSUES with ICE...
but also with 


Hello Blog readers... 
sorry it has been a full week since my last "ISSUE" of my blog! 
Some of you already know that I have been experiencing a lot of ISSUES with my computer and my blog along with photo attaching! So today when I had planned on doing a quick blog update, I decided to see if photos could be attached today, and yes they could... YAY!!!

This will be a quick update on my past week, for those who are not on Facebook to keep up with me there on a day to day basis! Since my previous blog... I have had a few babysitting sessions with the kids... I have gone out for some meals with friends and family,I remembered and acknowledged my dad on what would have been his 87th birthday. I've taken some gym classes, I taught some dance classes for a friend, been to Starbucks to share some coffees with friends, and even received
a belated Christmas gift!...
and am soon off to adjudicate a dance competition
 in Rose Valley , SK. tomorrow.

Not only have there been issues with my computer and blog post updates... I am having huge ISSUES with this way too long winter we are having... just when we think we are on our way to having SPRING... we once again
SPRING back to WINTER!..... GRRRRRRRR!!!!!
We have melts causing lots of ICE- ICE BABY...
then more SNOW!!!!!
It has made huge ISSUES for driving
not only in the city, but on the highways as well... which does concern me for my travel out of town tomorrow.

I am still watching many of my shows on TV when ever I can fit them in... luckily I can record them all and watch them when it is convenient. Even "SMASH" is having ISSUES, and has now been moved from it's normal Tuesday night time slot to a Saturday night.

I am having a big ISSUE with the one and only remaining male singer, LAZARO, still being on"AMERICAN IDOL"... The girl singers are far superior this year...
and I am crossing my fingers he goes
on tonight's episode of that show.

I had a Dr.'s appointment this morning to sort out ISSUES I had with a medication mix up... if it's not one thing it's another... always issues... but hopefully it is sorted out, now!

I had so much wanted to do a big tribute to my DAD, on his birthday...and when I sat down to do a blog on him, the blog site would not let me add any photos, I quickly became sidetracked and never did do it! I sure thought of my dad lots all day that day, though and I celebrated him in many ways... including eating one of his favorite meals on Sunday, and another favorite lunch on his actual day, followed by a little mini birthday cake I made in a mug!I did include a candle and make a wish before blowing it, out, too.
I shopped and bought a nice red cardigan in his honour as well, because, red was always his favorite colour!!!
He was such a wonderful man in my life, and he does dance on in my heart forever.

Co-incidentally.... the studio I sub taught at last night, "KRISTY'S DANCE FUSION", I was cleaning numbers for her just for the night as she had another commitment.
One of the lyrical dances was to a song called
I felt very appreciated after that class and the kids all gave me a big group hug!!!

We did enjoy an nice meal with our next door neighbours, Cheryl and Floyd last weekend. Floyd did lots of snow blowing on our driveway for us all winter long, so this was our payment to them... fun to share time with them...
need to do it more often!

I am sure there are other details from my past week, missing from this blog update... but time to get on with my packing and prep for my trip out of town this weekend.

"Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them"
-Albert Einstein

"Focus 90% of your time on solutions and only 10% of your time on problems."
-Anthony D'Angelo

"Always look up with a smile,
Never look down with a frown,
For it takes a good fish to swim up a stream,
And any old fish can swim down."
-written in my autograph book by my dad
in June of 1965

Ont those thoughts and quotes...
a short poem from me today!

My life has had smiles and also needed tissues
I've had many adventures and also some issues,
But one thing that I've known all along,
Life is all better when accompanied by a song!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

"TWO" times the FUN!

"It's kind of fun to do the impossible."
-Walt Disney

"Ive realized that being happy is a choice. You never want to rub anyone the wrong way or not to be fun to be around, but you have to be happy."
-Angelina Jolie

"Today was good. Today was fun. tomorrow is another one."
-Dr. Seuss

As I sit here with my tazo green tea out of the 
red polka dot mug with this saying in it... 
"Life is what you make it." ...
I am already to start in on the blog I had hoped to do on Tuesday which I had planned on calling ...
"Another TWOS-DAY", however when I didn't do it then, 
I decided to change my title to "TWO times the FUN!"

Now all that being said, I am not having TWO times the FUN at the moment, with another issue adding photos... but I will proceed with the words on my blog anyhow.
(Hopefully I will add some photos later!)

Brian and I enjoyed our Easter supper at Jana's where we   delivered our TWO Easter baskets to the TWO darling grandkids. We not only enjoyed supper but got TWO times the FUN when we were well entertained by the grandkids following supper. I am guessing they each had their fair share of sugar that day from treats left by the easter bunny... thus the burst of energy they displayed in their evening performance for us.

Tuesday this week after feeling a little TWO times the fluffy, following a few TWO TOO many easter treats myself, I decided to take TWO classes at Goodlife gym. I used to do that regularly but had sort of gotten out of that habit. I figured it was high time to get back into my 
 as I named it long ago. I did enjoy my Body Vive with instructor, Trent... followed by Body Flow with Peggy. TWO excellent teachers that I always enjoy at the gym. My good gym buddy, Ella came back here for coffee after our two classes...and then I never did get to my blog!

Yesterday I had TWO times the FUN... when I babysat my TWO grandkiddoes all day. There is never a dull moment when they are here, and yesterday was no exception... we started the day off in a whirlwind of activity which continued on from start to finish... when not only was the day done... but I was, too! I was once again reminded why I had my children when I was younger... they never seem to run out of energy.

I do love to have the kids one by one sometimes so I do not have to divide my attention between the two darlings!!! Sometimes they are in competition for my undivided attention.

Mariah, who is nearly 7, now, is very independent, though and much more grown up these days and good at entertaining herself.  Beau, who is 2 and a half...and all boy... is very rammy and full of beans. He is at the age where potty talk is his favourite... anything with "poopy, bum-bum, stinky butt-head... or pee-pee" in the sentence is what he finds to be most entertaining. I must admit, although I know this is just a two year old boy stage of life... it is hard to be firm and disciplinary with him with out laughing. When suggesting he go into "time-outs" for his behaviour... he would say his other new favourite line... "I don't care"!... making for a bit of a longer day, to say the least!! He and Mariah do have their fair share of sibling rivalry, too... which can be TWO times the challenge at times... especially when hitting and hair pulling is involved! All that being said... they were TWO times the FUN when we chose to go out doors to play in the snow and puddles outside... TWO times yesterday. 

I tend to eat TWO times the amount of food when the kids are here, as not only do I consume my food... but I seem to finish everything they leave behind as well. Popsicles are one thing they do seem to finish...and they have a lot of those, too. Mariah is partial to pink and purple ones, where Beau eats any colour. I also have a lot of things such as popcorn twists, fishy crackers, chocolate chip cookies, and other snack-like favourites on hand. I do find it hard to get them to eat healthy... but managed to get them to eat some fruit yesterday by turning it into a fun little picnic... and that made it  TWO times the FUN to them!

This morning I got my first hair trim in 4 months... so that felt good and helped to lighten me up a bit... too bad it wasn't around my waistline, though... wink wink!

Tomorrow I will have both the grandkids here for another full day of FUN and games! Luckily for me Brian will take tomorrow off to help me out... so there will be TWO of us grandparents in charge this time!... It is Easter break at school, therefore no school and daycare all this week, is why we were more needed this week.

I have continued to enjoy all the competitive shows on TV which I am following now... and each of those are TWO nights a week and some of them are TWO hours long to watch. I am watching "Dancing With The Stars", "The Voice" and "American Idol"...which take up lots of time in my week nights. In addition to those evening favourites... I have TWO day time talk shows I also like to watch so I record them daily and watch when I get a chance... "ELLEN" and "MARILYN DENNIS." I am also loving year TWO of the TV show called "SMASH"... which has added a second show within the show, now... so it is about TWO musicals... BOMBSHELL and another one as well... so lots of twists and turns to that plot and very well cast and acted.

Ellen announced on her show this week that after several years there will finally be a sequel to "FINDING NEMO"...and will be called "FINDING DORY"... which is the funny fish who Ellen is the voice of...and I am sure it will be 
TWO times the FUN!

Many of you follow me on Facebook, and now I am on instagram as well... so TWO times the places to watch for my photos... (but still learning on the instagram page!!!)... kind of still learning this new computer as well... so therefore am having a struggle with the photos today. I have posted new ones to my Facebook page though just yesterday... so for now, this blog post only has words... which is NOT
"TWO times the FUN!"

On that note... here is my poem for today...

Another "TWOS"-DAY at the gym...
Another effort to attempt to get slim!
TWO times the shows I watch each night,
Or make that three, some nights I might!
TWO grandkids coming tomorrow all day,
TWO times the FUN and lots of play.
When the grandkids are here, it's TWO times the fun,
But I'm sure pooped out when it's all said and done!