Friday, May 31, 2013


"Share your life, and find the finest joy one can know. Do not be stingy with your heart. Get out of yourself into the lives of others, and new life will flow into you - share and share alike."
-Joseph Fort Newton

"There's a gift of quiet blessing only friendship can impart, for a friend shares life with gentle hands, kind words and a caring heart."
-Author Unknown

"Love is warmth and love is caring. Love is kind and love is sharing. Love is given and love is taken. Real true love cannot be shaken."
-Author Unknown

We picked up the grandkids on Wednesday and
decided to take them over to visit their great grandparents.
It quickly turned into an impromptu pizza party
with extra relatives
and the next door neighbours...
a fun night of CARING & SHARING!

Mariah loves to climb the big tree in the backyard
at the Great Grandparent's house.
Beau and Mariah also love the swing and sharing time
with my niece Rowen whenever they get a chance.

Brian and I enjoy sharing time with our grandkids, and popped by
Tuesday night for a visit.
Mariah was having a bowl of rice and watching TV,
and Beau was outside playing when we arrived,
and they both ended up showing us their
skate boarding skills!

These are Mariah's professional dance photos this year,
she was anxious to SHARE those with us...
I snapped a pic of each one, and hope to scrap book
them all eventually!

Shuffle really cares for this warmer weather,
and has enjoyed sharing time with us
out in the sunshine on our back deck
this past week.

I'm sharing photos of some recent flowers...
The Gerbera Daisy in the owl stand on the lawn, from Costco.
The Daisies and Dahlias in polka dot pots on our patio table,
and the lovely lillies we received from my nephew and his wife.

Sharing some more family time at the Berry Barn
last night for supper.
Some people were not wanting to SHARE their food, though!!!
hehehe wink,wink!

I love the little attached store beside the Berry Barn
and here are some cute signs I thought I would
SHARE with their CARING messages!

It was a BERRY fun evening from start to finish... and here
are some of the BERRY YUMMY desserts we had.

I love this photo of the kids in the big tree
at the Raskobs on Wednesday...
cute message on Mariah's shirt, too!
All the grandkids and great grandkids and neighbours
have SHARED hours of enjoyment on this TREE
over the years... TREE-MENDOUS
memories for all to SHARE!

First of all... once again thanks for stopping by my blog to see what I am SHARING today!

I am always one who likes to SHARE what goes on around here with my blogs and photos. It is kind of like my own little journal of events. I tend to take many pictures and try to capture the moments in time as they unfold.

This week alone there were many moments of SHARING and CARING... and visits with family and friends...

Monday I was invited to my friend Ella's for a cool drink and visit with her and my 
neighbour, Heather. Wednesday Ella came here for an ice tea in the sunshine, too... we enjoy times we can share visits always! We also are gym buddies... but I haven't shared much time with her there lately... need to get back into that groove really soon!

Tuesday we popped by Jana's to visit the grandkids and treat them to a little dairy queen. They were very entertaining out on their skateboards in the back yard.
We all enjoy time we can share. I feel so lucky to have them living so close, so we can spend lots of family time together.

Wednesday night we picked up the grandkids from daycare and school, as their parents were both working late.
We popped by my in-laws so they could have a visit with all of us. They love it when we can pop by to show we care...and share some time.
It ended up turning into a fun impromptu pizza party, too!
The new next door neighbors who recently moved here from Australia, came over and shared some fun too.
They have two little girls...
Mia age 5 and Chloe age 3. The little girls hit it off really well with Mariah and Beau and instantly became friends...
nothing better than watching kids sharing time together in the outdoors playing!

Yesterday, my friend Lynne, from Regina, was to have come to share some girlfriend bonding time for a couple days... but it got post phoned to next week... so now I have a clean house out of that... as I cleaned in prep for company!!!

Instead yesterday after taking Shuffle for a long walk, which she loved... I popped by for a chai tea with my sister-in-law, Arleen. We do not visit that often,
but we enjoyed getting caught up on the latest.
She also shared her recent scrapbooking projects and her room she has set up for it, too... which I was inspired by...and hopefully soon will share some
time doing more of that as well.

It started out nice and warm yesterday so I suggested going to the Berry Barn for supper. We were joined by Jana, Nels and their kids. It had cooled off quite a bit by the time we went there. Beau was quite the entertainer...and some what noisy, too... so I'm guessing not everyone was appreciating him as much as were!!! He was really wanting
"Bugs & Cheese"... which is what he has when ever we go to Boston Pizza, but they did not have that on this menu...
so he was a little ticked off with that.
He ended up with fries and chicken fingers... but was in no mood to SHARE his fries!!! He was a funny little character...
It is a reminder of why taking 2 year olds to restaurants is not always the best idea!!! wink wink!!!
We still enjoyed the family time we shared, none the less!

Today I shared a lunch at a cute little cafe called
"CITY PERKS" with my girlfriend, Brenda.
She often is very busy with her dance studio, so now that her season just finished...
she had some time to SHARE!
We both discussed the idea of getting back into our scrapbooking again soon. It is something we both CARE for  so we are going to try to encourage and inspire each other to get going on that really soon.

It is hard to believe how fast May has gone by... soon we will be into June and lots of my favourite things to SHARE...
one being the Annual Jazz Festival...
such a fun and exciting time of year to SHARE
with friends and family.

On that thought... here is my poem today
(which is something I also enjoy SHARING!)

I just like to live my life and share...
And that is simply because I truly care!
Anyone interested along the way,
Can choose to read what I have to say...
Or just share by looking at the photos I post,
I take lots of the grandkids, and love to boast!
I figure the moments in time pass so fast,
So why not try to make them all last?
I know I'll be glad I did years from now.
The memories can live on for longer somehow!
My family and friends mean a lot to me,
So what I can share is important, you see.
I try to take photos and make lots of room,
Here on my blog for my stories to bloom.
Caring and sharing is what I like to do,
It's my journey, my story, my memories, too!

Monday, May 27, 2013


"When we discover how to appreciate the timeless values in our daily experiences, we can enjoy the best things in life."
-Jerome K. Jerome

"Sometimes you will never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory."

My calendar quote for today says this...
"We are made happy when the reason can discover no occasion for it. The memory of some past moments is more persuasive than the experience of present ones. "
-Henry David Thoreau

Last October I created a book of family
photos and memories for Brian's 60th Birthday gift.
This page is one that ties so well to this time of year
for us. Here is Mariah and Brian taking a little stroll
with our family pug, Mocha... on May 24th
2008... this was Mariah's 2nd Birthday.
2 days later Mocha passed away.

That same week I had my final show as a full time dance teacher
at the 25th annual dance show of BSOBAD.
So many TIMELESS MEMORIES in time.

This past week I crafted some cards for the teachers
and friends at BSOBAD in honour of my friend, BRENDA'S
BSOBAD 30th Anniversary Show...
and a card for each of Mariah's dance teachers too.
We made many more TIMELESS MEMORIES
this dance season.

This past Friday we celebrated another
here are gifts and a card I crafted for MARIAH'S
7th Birthday, plus a little celebration gift for Beau, too!

I have traditionally wrapped year end gifts for
the BSOBAD year-end show since May of 2001.
Above are the 72 little gifts I wrapped up this year,
along with the program and beautiful flowers I
received following the year end show co-incidentally called
"TIMELESS"  held on
National Tap Dance Day... May 25th!

Some TIMELESS photos from Mariah's 7th Birthday family supper on Friday.
She was thrilled with the mini ipad she got as a family gift,
Beau got some little treasures, too, but was more into
the Batman mask on the gift bag!

Grandma Nancy sharing her expertise with supper
and some hugs with Beau.
Her home made cup cakes were so

Here are some of the Pedersons
enjoying the family birthday fun on Friday...
Beau in his little PEDERSON shirt with Nancy in the background
 and him blowing a party horn...
along with Ingrid and Mariah enjoying their yummy cupcakes,
and Grandpa Arvid trying to capture a snuggle with Beau!

More TIMELESS memories this weekend...
Mariah's Auntie Ingrid doing her hair for the show,and
photos following the big performance in front of TCU.
The show was not only called TIMELESS...
The experience will leave us
 TIMELESS MEMORIES for years to come.

Some of the special and proud moments following
the TIMELESS afternoon...
here is Mariah and her parents and Grandma Nancy.
We missed getting a photo with Grandpa Arvid...
but he was there, too...and proud as well!

More TIMELESS MEMORIES from Saturday...
Friends Jacquie and Shelane came to watch Mariah's little show.
Shelane and Beau joined the family for supper following the afternoon
show. Beau spent the afternoon with
my sister-in-law Bev.

Saturday morning
another TIMELESS MEMORY was made...
when we attended a funeral for the father of Jana's
business partner's father.
Always sad to lose a loved one...
that live in our hearts forever.
My thoughts and prayers go to the

Some more TIMELESS moments...
here is my brother Brian sharing a BBQ supper with us yesterday.
Our doggie SHUFFLE enjoys the attention from him!
Also a couple of pics of Jana and Beau this morning
after a visit to the medi centre...
Beau has a little infected eye...
we think it is a reaction to a bug bite...
poor little guy!

Mariah's Birthday weekend was simply TIMELESS...
she was so sweet and very appreciative of all the love
she received... and she read every card out loud.
We are so proud of what a great little reader she has become...
kids grow up so fast... so we have to CHERISH
the TIMELESS MEMORIES along the way!

This past week has been filled with many
such a whirlwind of events in our lives and reminders of ones gone by related to this time of year.

Five years ago the weekend of celebrating Mariah's 2nd Birthday... we also lost our family pet of that time, our little pug Mocha. That same week was a milestone anniversary dance recital for BSOBAD where I taught dancing for my final 6 years of my teaching career.
So while I was hitting a milestone in my career...
Brenda was hitting a TIMELESS season of her studio.

I was reminded of those memories this weekend... when
we celebrated Mariah's 7th birthday... and Brenda celebrated her 30th TIMELESS year end show milestone.

We attended a funeral for Jana's store partner's dad also on saturday. Melissa's dad was well celebrated and 
honoured through the many cherished and fond
TIMELESS MEMORIES they have of him.
It was obvious just how well thought of he was by the huge attendance at his memorial service and lunch to follow.
My heart goes out to their family.

It seems like lots has gone on in just this past week alone... and many photos have been taken along the way...many I have shared on Facebook, but for those of you who follow the blog who are not on FB...
these photos are lots of the ones I shred there, too.

Congratulations to my good friend BRENDA BENNETT
who celebrated her 30th year end
Dance Recitals on Saturday.
She put on two SPEC-TAP-ULAR shows...
the one in the afternoon featured her younger students and the one in the evening was her older and more competitive dancers of her studio. She also invited past alumni to come and one of those ballet teachers brought her 9 year old daughter to perform as a guest feature in the show.
This young dancer, TATE, opened the show both in the afternoon and evening and she was an outstanding little dancer. Both shows left the audience with TIMELESS memories to live on for years to come.
I'm proud to be considered the SOCIAL DIRECTOR
of that studio!

Brenda had asked me to write a poem for her program
a while back... however due to the fact the show info filled
the program, it left no room for the poem !

So here is the little poem I wrote for the
TIMELESS Program....

Our lives are just like a song and a dance...
at every glance!
It's really all about the rhythm and the rhyme,
Our life is like a journey as we dance through time.
Memories are what we have printed in our heart,
That's where they begin right from the very start.
Life is so TIMELESS... it's so true...
filled with me and you

Monday, May 20, 2013

Make Each Moment Count!

"We have more possibilities available in each moment than we realize."
-Tich Nihat Hanh

"Enjoy every moment of your life. Make each day count. A happy heart with a happy mind results to a peaceful and grateful well being."
-Author Unknown

Each moment of your life is a picture you have never seen before and will never see again. So live each moment to make it count and make each moment beautiful."
-Ash Sweeney

A picture is worth a thousand words...
this is just one little moment in time!

Here are some special moments spent
at the ZOO on Saturday!

Moments at the ZOO with our dear grandkids...and Mariah was so excited
when we ran into her little friend Drew there, too!

I am so proud of every moment Mariah looks after
her little brother Beau!
 Here she is putting sunscreen on him at the zoo!

Any Moments spent with family are ones I enjoy...
Here we are sharing a fun outing to Marble Slab
on Friday night for ice cream!

Any moments spent revolving around friends,and traditions
are cherished ones...
I have wrapped year end gifts for my friend Brenda annually since 2001,
 and here are the start of this year's gifts... still need tags, and ribbons!
My friend Linda and I traditionally go to starbucks every visit, and she
was in town yesterday. My friend Ella and I enjoyed an impromptu shop and supper outing on thursday, and her and I enjoy the gym and many coffees, together as well!

We enjoyed more moments spent at Jana's yesterday for a
a little BBQ that Nels treated us to.
Mariah was at a sleepover, but Beau was very entertaining...
he enjoys every moment he can spend outdoors!

This coming weekend will be filled with many cherished moments
and memories of dancing at another TIMELESS dance recital.
Here is Mariah with her Tap/Jazz teacher- Miss Cara
and her Ballet teacher- Miss Chelsea.
Mariah loves every moment she spends dancing!

More moments to TAP into...
I loved Derek Hough and his partner Kellie Pickler 
in their dancing on DWTS last week, and look forward to more of them tonight.
Mariah loves moments spent with her little pal, Chloe at the dance studio
here she is on last tuesday's dress rehearsal at the studio.
This coming weekend we will be TAPPING into a special celebration
to represent many moments in time...
We will celebrate a special 7th birthday on the 24th and
not only is it national TAP DANCE DAY on May 25th...
It is BSOBAD'S 30th Anniversary Dance recital...

My life has revolved so many cherished moments in this past week, so here are but a few!

I once blogged daily ...then did one every second or third day,and now I just get caught up in the MOMENTS and am lucky if I get to my blog weekly!

Brian and I do keep ourselves very busy with family, friends,celebrations and just special moments in time shared together. This past week has been no exception to those thoughts!!! We are living every MOMENT in TIME...and making each and every one count!

I have continued to enjoy trips to the gym and coffees following with my friend Ella. My friend Linda from Lanigan came to the city yesterday and we shared yet another traditional starbucks and shop together.

Brian and I have spent time in our yard and with our sweet grandkids... kids...and friends. We always meet friends Bob and Jacquie for Fuddrucker's sunday breakfast...and yesterday our good friend Vern joined us, too.

I have loved all my TV competitive TV shows... and was happy for last week's winner on American Idol,
Candice Glover. I am really routing for Derek and Kellie on this year's DWTS... and then it's onto crowning winners on the Voice, and watching the new season of SYTYCD...
and the beat goes on!

This is a very busy week of celebrations of many moments in time...
MARIAH turns SEVEN on Friday... she shares her birthday with THE QUEEN! So it is not surprising with that ROYAL DATE... that she is such a PRINCESS!
I still remember vividly the phone call we got 7 years ago that Jana was in the hospital having our first grandchild...
that is a MOMENT that will count for ever in my mind.

The moment I became a GRANDMA was of the best MOMENTS in TIME of my entire life!

This weekend I look forward to more MOMENTS at the 30th Anniversary shows for BSOBAD... called "TIMELESS".
Co-incidentally it takes place on National Tap Dance Day.

Brian and I are cherishing our moments spent together this long weekend ... revolving around family, friends and fun ...
It's good to MAKE EVERY MOMENT COUNT... always.

On that note here is my rhyme of the day...

There's so much in life... yes a large amount,
The trick is to make every moment count.
Life is a journey of moments on the way,
Our purpose is 
to fill each moment, every day.
Whether it be busy, and in a big rush...
Or just chillaxin' in the sunshine with a slush!
Each and every moment adds up to quite a few,
It makes a real big difference in just what we do.
Lots of it revolves around our attitude...
From enjoying life with lots and lots of gratitude.
Pick a life that fits like a glove...
Life is TIMELESS... so fill it with LOVE!
Count your blessings... every one,
Remember to cherish it, and just have fun.
Life is a journey... a real SONG & DANCE...
LIVE every moment, take every chance!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom."
-Marcel Proust

"Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude is going to determine how you're going to live your life."
-Joel Osteen

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast a house into a home, a stranger into a friend."
-Melody Beattie

This past week has been a whirl wind of time spent with
my adorable grandkids...and I am so GRATEFUL
for all the time I get to spend with them.

Sunday was mother's day and it was beautiful out...
I was GRATEFUL for time spent with family on my deck.

I was so GRATEFUL for these lovely gifts on
A heartfelt card from Jana's family with a cut PUG ornament,
a painted sign from Mariah, and beautiful flowers from
my loving hubby.

I love this photo of my son and his girlfriend, which I see
everyday when I open up the laptop computer.
We enjoyed a nice visit from Colin and Caro on
MOTHER'S DAY, when they called us and
spoke with the family here...
always GRATEFUL for connections we make
by phone and computer.

I'm always GRATEFUL for chances to craft some cards!
Here are some recent ones for MOTHER'S DAY,
as well as a belated on for Colin's girlfriend Caro.

I picked up Mariah and Beau many days last week during a busy
week of events for Jana and Nels...
I'm GRATEFUL for the many photos I get of the grandkids,
these are only but a few from our outdoor fun last week.

We celebrated my MOM in HEAVEN on Mother's day
with a little Dairy Queen Cake (she loved ice cream!)
I am now GRATEFUL I can not only enjoy the leftover cake,
but also GRATEFUL for plans to slim down!!!
Whether it be SLIM FAST, SLIM SLOW... or I'm liking the looks of
the STARBUCKS DIET in a magazine I found last week!

Yesterday I went and watched Mariah at her in studio
DANCE dress rehearsal for her JAZZ number.
I was GRATEFUL to see what she has learned in her first
season of JAZZ... also pleased BEAU was so good there, too!
(Today is part two of the show, so her TAP and BALLET are then)

Here is a little blast from the past in honour of
I'm GRATEFUL that MEMORIES live on in my heart...
here are my brothers and my mom with me in Vancouver
in 1960... dad must be taking the photo!

I was GRATEFUL for our family gathering on MOTHER'S DAY...
such a beautiful day and yummy meal cooked by my sweet hubby!

I'm always GRATEFUL for friends
and reasons to CELEBRATE any occasion!
Here are friends Kellie and Brenda who both
recently had birthdays!
We had an impromptu lunch on Friday last week.

First of all may I once again say how GRATEFUL I am when you stop by to read about my little life here at
 "TAP into SIMPLE!"  There has been a lapse since my last post, which simply means I have been TAPPING into daily life and living it to the fullest!!!

Yesterday when I sat down to write this blog post, my computer was giving me more issues to deal with, so I was not feeling quite so GRATEFUL at that moment...and decided to wait till today to do up this blog!!!
 I was ever so GRATEFUL that my hubby, Brian was able to resolve the issues I was 
having yesterday.
I am always so GRATEFUL to him as he is truly a wonderful husband, and I am so very lucky to have him.

Last week my daughter was busy with many events and things and my son in law was also busy with work and he was working over time literally... so luckily for all of us...I was available and on call to pick up and drop off their kiddies lots.
I am always ever so GRATEFUL that Jana and Nels are so successful and happy in their business life and their family life too. I am also GRATEFUL I get to see lots of my grandkids while they are still young. We have made so many
wonderful memories in their lives already to this point... and for those memories I'm GRATEFUL!

I have made it to the gym hit and miss, but am GRATEFUL for not only the close location of GOODLIFE GYM, but for the friends I have made by going there weekly.
I'm also GRATEFUL for the awesome classes and instructors they have... which all contribute to my

I'm ever so GRATEFUL for the times we can spend with family and friends... just this past Sunday alone...
we went for a nice breakfast with friends, Bob and Jacquie, followed by a lovely mother's day visit with my in-laws when we popped by to deliver a plant and card for my sweet mother-in-law, Blanche. During the afternoon I enjoyed a nice one on one visit with my hubby on the deck soaking up the sunshine with our doggie Shuffle. Later that day Brian cooked a delicious supper of beef tenderloin and chicken with barbecued veggies on the BBQ!
We shared that with Jana, Nels and the grandkids and my brother, Brian, too. We enjoyed DQ cake in my mom's honour... she always loved her DQ ice cream... so I know she would have been smiling from heaven
with that dessert choice!

I am ever GRATEFUL for my job and connection with the dance studio where I work. They are very busy in prep for their year end shows now which are at TCU on MAY 25th.
It is the 30th anniversary of BSOBAD... so a real milestone for BRENDA owner and director of the studio.
Co-incdentally it is also International TAP DANCE DAY on that date as well. I get to watch my grand daughter do 3 dances in the afternoon show, too!
She is rehearsing in costume for those shows today, and I get to take her to the practice for her TAP and Ballet in costume... (she did the jazz yesterday).

Also I am GRATEFUL for all the TV shows I'm into that revolve around SONG and DANCE...
All the competitive shows...
American Idol
Dancing With The Stars
The Voice...
and tonight the new season of
So You Think You Can Dance... starts up too.
I still enjoy the chances I get to watch
ELLEN, Marilyn Dennis, Big Bang Theory,
and SMASH... but there are so many shows I like, that I am selective and do not get a chance to see them all.
I am so GRATEFUL for the PVR on our TV!

I have learned this from my life so far that GRATITUDE never goes out of style...and the more GRATEFUL we are, the better our lives are... so for every thing and everyone who has given me reason to be GRATEFUL... I say THANKS to all of you!

I missed Colin's Girlfriend's Birthday on April 30th... so B-Lated Greetings to CARO.
Today my cousin, STEVE has a birthday... so Happy Wishes to him as well.

On that note... it is nearly time to go get Mariah for her dancing practice... so here is my RHYME of the day!

Everyday I have so much to be GRATEFUL for,
From the love of my family, my friends and so much more.
My life was special right from the start...
I was born to MY PARENTS,
who now live in my heart.
My 2 brothers spoil me... and I have lots of cousins, too,
So many circles of friends to share all that I do.
I have the best children, and grandkids to keep my youth,
They honestly keep me on my toes...
and that is sure the truth!!!
I love my hubby dearly...he makes my heart sing,
And my doggie, Shuffle, is the sweetest thing!
I'm GRATEFUL for the seasons, that make the years go by.
And DANCING through my hobbies, make me think and try!
My life has been a story... in a great big book,
I love every chapter when I stop and take a look!
I really enjoy each reason I have to celebrate...
I am just so GRATEFUL... my life is just so great!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Time for a CHANGE!

Today is MAY 4th... so this saying is so cute...
"MAY the FOURTH be with you!

I'm CHANGING it up a bit today by starting with my poem...

People say CHANGE is as good as a rest,
When we switch things up, it brings out our best.
A time for warmth and a brand new season,
Winter was long but maybe for a reason...
A reason of which ... no one is sure,
But now we're all ready for sunshine so pure!
Change is good... or so they say...
Let's all gear up for the month of MAY!

Here is BEAU changing things up yesterdaywith his flip flop on his head
as we shopped at Midtown plaza...
a fun little CHANGE of pace for both of us!

Some more photos from yesterday's outing with Beau,
and my cousin Gwen. We often go to Starbucks.... but chose a different
Starbucks location yesterday to CHANGE it up!
Beau was such a good little shopper,
I rewarded him with the BATMAN jammies and SPIDERMAN socks
he spotted on our shopping adventure!

Last night it was a nice CHANGE to get out with my GIRLS!
We enjoyed the "STARS ON ICE"  together.

Mariah ran into her little girlfriend, Tyler,
at intermission of the show last night...
they both looked so darling all dressed up!

Last week Brian and I changed things up
by getting away to Edmonton for a few days...
I love to do the WHYTE AVE experience, always
a fun CHANGE of pace!

Thursday my gym friend, ELLA, and I had a CHANGE of routine!
We went for Zumba at the gym but it ended up getting CHANGED to Combat that day.
We went to Ella's for coffee after ward, and Ella showed me some of her latest VV purchases... with a little fashion show,
 then we had a lunch and a shopping spree following that!

Mariah and Beau after I picked them up from
school and daycare on Tuesday.
Normally they like a popsicle, but they
CHANGED it up by having ice cream cones that day!

Here is a CHANGE I am always ready to welcome each year,
JAZZ FESTIVAL time! This program came out just yesterday
with the local news paper...and I am excited for more
JAZZIN' IT UP .. one of my favourite things every summer.

This photo of golfers was in yesterday's sports section
of the news paper. It is my brother Brian and some of his golf buddies...
I know he has been anxiously awaiting golf season this year,
a welcome CHANGE of weather has made it so he can once again golf!

I still cannot drive by this building without
remembering how the 20 years I spent
teaching dancing on the third floor there...
CHANGED my life forever!
So many fond memories were made there,
I was at a red light yesterday so just snapped a pic!

This famous shoe store on Whyte Ave, in Edmonton
was life CHANGING for my daughter, Jana!
Each year when we went to Edmonton to do our annual dance festivals,
it became tradition that she get a new pair (or more ) of shoes here...
This is where her shoe fetish began... and now she is
the proud owner of her SWANK SHOE LOUNGE store,
which opened in June 4 years ago.

Mariah at dance photos on Monday last week,
she is always trying to work on stretching
to improve and CHaNGE her flexibility!

Here is Mariah also at picture day with her Dance Teacher,
MISS CARA... who not only has CHANGED Mariah's little dance career
so far... but is also in for more CHANGE in her life soon when she
s expecting her second baby in August!

I think everyone is more than ready for a CHANGE of not only month... but of weather and season!
The welcome CHANGE of warmer weather is always a mood booster, for sure...and it is time for that, after the very long winter we just had this season.

I am ready... for spring and summer now...and Brian and I enjoyed a little get away to Edmonton last week to kick that off. We love a little trip there always.
On Thursday when I went to what I thought was going to be a Zumba class at the gym, they had CHANGED the schedule for this week. Because I missed last Thursday, I wasn't prewarned about the schedule CHANGE!
Although COMBAT taught by instructor, PEGGY, was a great workout... I'm not sure I'm ready to CHNGE to that just yet. I was and am still super stiff from using muscles that haven't been worked in a while! Today I tried to work some of that stiffness out at my normal Body Vive saturday morning class. Normally Saturdays are taught by instructor,
Theresa, but Trent has filled in for her for the last month or so... soon I look forward to Theresa's return and the new launch of Body Vive to CHANGE things up there again!
That being said... all teachers at GOODLIFE GYM are great
and are constantly steering us toward healthier
CHANGES in our day to day life!

Yesterday I was happy to reconnect with my cousin GWEN... we haven't seen each other in a while.
She has CHANGED her life a bit since February, when her current home was ready to be repaired from some leaky roof issues. So she CHANGED locations temporarily to live with her dad, who doesn't have internet... thus not as much email connections from Gwen lately! We did enjoy our little shop and starbucks outing. I was babysitting Beau yesterday, too...and he was such a good little shopper!

I have been loving all my TV shows, the competitive ones especially, but was really sad to see AMBER voted off American Idol this week, I was hopeful that she might be this year's winner, but now I'll CHANGE my hopes toward CANDICE being this year's idol winner!

MAY is always a fun month with many things to look forward to from Mother's Day, to Dance Recital preps and excitement for the year end show, as well as Mariah's birthday, to mention a few!

The warmer weather will have us all CHANGING our routines by getting out doors more.
We are looking forward to our first barbeque of this season on our deck tomorrow... we were out there a bit earlier last year... but better late than never!

Because I am CHANGING things up today....
my quotes are at the end of my blog instead of the beginning...Once again MAY I say
THANKS to each and everyone of you who take the time to pop by and read about my little corner of the world...
I'm grateful always!

"If you change the way you look at things,
the things you look at change."
-Wayne Dyer

"If you don't like something change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude."
-Maya Angelou

"A change is as good as a rest!"
-Author Unknown