Thursday, June 27, 2013


"Spend more time enjoying what you love to do."
-Tracy Dinh

"Life is a song-sing it.  Life is a game- play it.  Life is a challenge- meet it.  Life is a dream - realize it.  Life is a sacrifice -offer it. Life is love - enjoy it."
-Sai Baba

"The most important thing is to enjoy your life -be happy- it's all that matters."
- Audrey Hepburn

Spend time with Loved ones... doing what you LOVE most!

the smurfs have added so much ENJOYMENT to generations of life here!
The kids and grandkids have added enjoyment... and at this time of year
Jazz fest and grads are celebrations to ENJOY!

We enjoyed a fun supper outing on Sunday with Jana, Nels and their kids
Mariah and Beau... so enjoyable to spend time with our kids and grandkids!

Mariah loves to dance...and she did a little summer special course for
ballet the last few weeks at the dance studio with Ballet teacher...
Miss Michelle... and really enjoyed it!

My father in law, Greg... enjoys barns... he is sharing his passion and photos
here with my son,  Colin and Grandson, Beau last week.
We really enjoyed Colin's visit while  he was home for a family bond last week.

One of my favourite times of the year is jazz fest time!
Here I am enjoying jazz and some starbucks, too... with good friends...

Jana and her store partner, Melissa... celebrated their 4th birthday last saturday...
SWANK SHOE LOUNGE has been around 4 years... and has brought
lots of enjoyment and success to their lives in that time!

My niece, Rowen Graduated from Grade 8 last week... she is such
a great role model for my two grandkids... we enjoy having her around always.
Our dear friend, Robin has popped by a few times lately... we adore her...
Shuffle adds so much enjoyment to our lives always as well!

I enjoy chances to craft a card for any celebration...
 in fact I just enjoy a celebration!
Mariah graduated from grade 1 yesterday... Uncle Charlie turned 90 then, too!
Friend Jacquie celebrated a birthday last Saturday, and this coming saturday
my mom will celebrate her 3rd birthday in heaven...

Yesterday I was happy to be a part of the special celebration for my dear Uncle Charlie
at my Auntie Mary's nursing home with their 3 daughters... along with my sister-inlaw.
Next wednesday... Auntie Mary celebrates another birthday too!
So much to celebrate... and ENJOY in this LiFE!

Life is short... so one has to ENJOY every moment of it doing what matters most!
I enjoy to share my stories and photos here on my blog... but find lately my blogs have been fewer and farther between... because I'm too busy ENJOYING day to day life!

This last week alone has been filled with family, friends, jazz festing, birthday celebrations, grads, and just enjoying life!
We are so fortunate to have such a loving family and so many friends to share it with... which is what I love most about my life...and this time of year especially holds so many fond memories for me.
Last week we really enjoyed my son, Colin's home visit ...and he managed to see most of his cousins and aunts, uncles, grandparents and niece and nephew along with us and his sis, too! He shared time with some of his good buddies as well. Next week we are off to Montreal to see him once again... so we feel extra lucky to get this much time in with him this year. Montreal is one of our favourite places to go... so much to do there...and so much to enjoy about going there.
I'm soon off to hear more jazz in the park... so will cut this short for now... but just share that life has been rather enjoyable lately... especially when the sun is out and shining...hopefully my photos will fill you in on some of the events of the past week... I tend to take so many photos...that I chose to collage them together to get more in here for you to enjoy!
There have been lots of celebrations as mentioned above in the photo captions... but once again I'll share...
Birthday wishes...
Last saturday to SWANK SHOE LOUNGE...and friend, Jacquie, yesterday to Uncle Charlie, This saturday to mom in HEAVEN, next week to Auntie Mary, and her grand daughter, Elaine. As well as our friend Kristi, in Toronto!

Celebrate the special moments in life... and turn the little things be celebrations to enjoy every day...LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE!
on that note... my rhyme of the day...

Make the most of your best, & least of your worst,
And always put  your happiness first.
Just do the things you enjoy the most...
Please have fun, and try not to coast!
Life's a journey, so make it fun...
Because in life... there is only one!
One chance to live a life filled with smiles,
Through every milestone and all of the miles!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Family Bonding & Roots!

"Family-like branches on a tree, we all grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one."
-Author Unknown

"To us, family means putting your arms around each other and being there."
-Barbara Bush

"The love of family and the admiration of friends is much more important than wealth and privilege."
-Charles Kuralt

In honor of FATHER'S DAY this past week...
here is a lovely photo I took last week
of Brian and his little girl!
This is taken in Jana's shoe store
where ROOTS of her passions are!

A photo of us in Jana's store last week!

Mariah had a day surgery last week to get adenoids out and tubes in her ears.
I hope this gets to the ROOTs of her health problems!!!
Nice of her Pederson Grandparents and cousin Morgan
to also come and visit her after her surgery.

The house where my mother-in-law grew up on a farm between Humboldt and Muenster...
where many of the FAMILY ROOTS began years ago.

One of the many barns built by my father-in-law, Greg and his father.
They were on the roof of this barn  working on it
 the day Greg's first son, Bruce was born.

Mariah and Beau at Saskatoon Inn on Sunday when we had a
Father's Day family brunch.

Nels and Brian at the FATHER'S DAY breakfast outing.

FATHER'S DAY Supper at Jana's with our darling grandkids!

The cute poster Brian got as a gift from Jana, Nels & kids
for Father's day.

Jana's store owner/partner, MELISSA recently lost her father.
She had always wanted to do a father's day picnic with him for that occasion,
 but instead shared that desire with BRIAN this year by giving him this lovely picnic basket
 filled with food and fun stuff for us to do a picnic soon!
That was so thoughtful of her to share that with him.

Two things my son, colin brought to us from Montreal while here for a visit this week.
His band's record...and the Montreal Jazz Festival program.
MUSIC is a shared thing in our family ROOTS!

Always enjoy taking our grandkids to see their GREAT
Grandparents... and They love it when we stop by, too.
Here is Mariah with her  GREAT GRANDMA BLANCHE...
so much LOVE in the FAMILY ROOTS!

Like father like son...
sure not hard to see that the apple does not fall far from the tree
in these family roots!
My father-in-law, Greg... with his look alike son.

I realize it has been over a week since my last blog post, and there have been so many things going on around here since then. It has been a whirlwind of activity filled with family bonding.

Last week my son, Colin decided to come home for a surprise visit over Father's Day to bond with family .He had not been home since October of 2010,
so it has been nice to have him home. I have taken many photos of him but he has requested I do not post his face everywhere... so I have respected his wishes here in this blog. I had so many great shots with several of the relatives we have bonded with... but you all know who you are and saw him in person and enjoyed your visits in person!

As well last week, Mariah had a day surgery at Royal University Hospital to have her adenoids out and tubes put into her ears. The surgery was a huge success, and she was happy to have both sets of her grand parents as well as a cousin on their side of the family come and visit her in the hospital. The grandkids are so lucky to have such loving in their family roots!

Sunday was a nice day of Celebration for the fathers in our family. Our family shared a nice family brunch
at Saskatoon Inn...and later that day my kids...
Colin, Jana along with Nels cooked up a very tasty supper at their house for us to all have in celebration.

Colin is a vegetarian so is great at cooking some tasty dishes in the veggie style. He made a delicious egg plant parmesian supper here on Saturday night which we shared with my brother Brian.

Monday my father-in-law, Greg, along with my hubby, and kids  took a very historic trip to Humboldt, Muenster, and St. Gregor to see where many of the family roots began.
We visited grave sites in both Humboldt and St. Gregor along with the family farm my mother-in-law grew up on between Humboldt and Muenster. We visited a special barn that Greg and his father built back in the 50's when Greg became father to his first son. We went to the stunning St. Peter's Abby featuring the paintings of Imhoff. We also went to St. Peter's College where my father in law went to school years ago. Greg was in his glory sharing the FAMILY ROOTS with his children and grandchildren...and we made memories to cherish for the rest of our lives.

Last night my brother, Bob, his wife, Arleen along with their oldest son, Brad and his wife, Janelle joined us for pizza on our deck as we enjoyed the super weather out on our deck.
We thoroughly enjoyed that visit and evening another memory to cherish for a long time.

I am a person who loves to SHARE my life stories and photos... as my blog viewers have already witnessed.
Funny how everyone in our family is not as into sharing as much... but one thing we all have in common and share lots of... is LOVE, which all began in our FAMILY ROOTS.

We have enjoyed the many visits we have shared this past week with our family and look forward to many more of those to come in our future.

On that note... here is my short poem of the day!

Every family begins with roots
and from that they all grow.
Lots of bonding and a whole lot of love
from that will always show.
Love is the glue that bonds us together,
as different as we all are.
And we all remain connected...
whether near or far!

Monday, June 10, 2013

All in the CARDS!

"Life is like a game of cards. The hand you are dealt is determinism; the way you play is free will."
-Jawaharlai Nehru

"You play the hand you are dealt. I think the game's worthwhile."
-Christopher Reeves

"Don't get lost in the shuffle!"
-Author Unknown

Here are the cards we played this weekendwhen our friends visited from Regina for
 a weekend of fun and KAISER!

Brian, Lynne and Mike ...
happiness and laughter
during our fun games of KAISER!

Even though the weather wasn't hot ...
it was still in the cards to enjoy some fun girlfriend bonding
this weekend with my buddy, Lynne!

Good food is always in the cards when our friends
Lynne and Mike come for a weekend visit!

I got to thinking today how I look at this fridge daily...
and it is sometimes hard to not get lost in the shuffle ,
so many photos... so many quotes... so many thoughts!

Our little JOKER... SHUFFLE...
not wanting to get "lost in the shuffle" this past weekend!

With the cooler and rainy weather this weekend...
our lilac bush was in bloom... and Hunter Rubber boots
were in the cards!

Mariah in front of her mommy's store at closing time...
a swimming party was in the cards next for their family,
here is her adorable new colourful bathing suit.

Here is Beau waiting patiently in the car in his trunks
waiting to go for a swim...
and hoping to go down the water slide, too!

LIFE is truly like a card game... and this past weekend we even got a few card games in while our former next door neighbour friends, from Regina, Mike and Lynne came for a little fun and games! It is tradition when ever we get together with them to play a few games of favorite game...
"KAISER"... which the guys usually win at... but I think it is only because Lynne and I are too busy getting caught up on visiting and a little lost in the shuffle!!!

Lynne and I usually get in a little shop while the guys cook up a fancy meal of some sort for us. It has been tradition since our girls were little to look at hair accessories and barrettes... and find some cute ones... and well this weekend, it was once again in the cards to follow through!
 Even though our girls are grown... we can now buy
"Cute barrettes" for our grand daughters.
hehehe fun times continue!

Yesterday when our company left to go home ... we had hoped to see our grandkids for a bit... they were off to a swimming birthday party following the closing time of Swank Shoe Lounge... so Brian and I popped down to catch a quick hi and few pics of the grandkids as they waited for their mom in front of her store.

The weather has been chilly and wet the past few days, which has been good for the plants, but not great to be outside in. I did get a little wear out of my nice red HUNTER rubber boots from SWANK SHOE LOUNGE!

This week has some things in store for us... and lots of life card playing to do!

Mariah is beginning a little summer ballet course at BSOBAD today to begin training for Primary RAD ballet exam work. That is a new card in her card game of life...
but I know ...being the little "QUEEN" she is,
 she will like it once she gets there!
Later this week, she is getting tubes in her ears and her 
adenoids out... so a few things to cause her to be nervous, but I know she will shuffle through... and I am sending her a positive hand in advance for that one!

Here's to a good week in our game of life...
hoping everyone gets dealt a hand they can deal with!!!

On that rhyme of the day...

In life it's all about how you read each card,
Sometimes it's easy and sometimes it's hard.
Life deals everyone a different hand...
With a different game plan, for all to expand.
So try to have fun, don't get lost in the shuffle,
Because things can often seem like a kerfluffle!
Make the most of the best, and least of the worst,
Shine like a diamond,  and put your heart first.
Life is a card game , so play it well,
What ends up happening... only time will tell.
Do things that will leave you feeling heart felt,
Reguardless of the hand of cards you are dealt!
Enjoy every Jack,every King and each Queen,
Enjoy every moment and every where you've been,
Life is a card game, but it is no race...
Just give it your all... and each thing you'll ace!

Thursday, June 6, 2013


"Where ever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine."
-Anthony D'Angelo

"Spending time outdoors makes you feel great."
-Elizabeth Hurley

"Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot  
see your shadow."
-Helen Keller

Brian and I escaped to Elk Ridge Lodge for a day...
to enjoy some SUNSHiNE & OUTDOOR FUN!

Here are a few more pics of us enjoying some relaxing
meals at Elk Ridge and Waskesiu.

We met up with our friends...
Bob and Jacquie and shared some fun with them too.
Jacquie and I even got in a little shop!

Food always tastes better in the OUTDOORS...
Elk Ridge even serves up Starbucks coffee!!!

We even saw a sweet DEER on the side of the road
in Elk Ridge yesterday morning enjoying the SUNSHINE!

After our Sunday breakfast at Fuddrucker's, our friends
Bob and Jacquie invited us over, here we are on their deck.

Last Saturday the grandkids were here for the day
and they spent much of it outdoors in the sunshine!

Here is Jana sitting on our deck enjoying some sunshine
 when she dropped off her kids
on Saturday morning.

The grandkids enjoying our backyard and the park
and all the wonderful sunshine on saturday.

My grandkids and their dare devil fun!
Beau loved jumping off the top of the little slide...
and Mariah was quite the little monkey... hanging upside down
on the monkey bars at the park!

The kids loved being outside on Saturday...
and Jana and our friend Vern joined us for some Chinese
food on our deck when Jana came for her kids
at the end of her day.

Even Shuffle was loving being in the sunshine outdoors,
and as always loves it when ever any food drops for her to eat!!!
Here she is getting ready to cash in on Beau's dropped popsicle!

This past week we have enjoyed the beautiful SUNSHINE and GREAT OUTDOORS... and for some reason it seems even better following the extremely long winter we had this year!

Nels was away on the past weekend, so Jana had us lined up to babysit her kids while she was at work on Saturday.
We loved every minute of hanging out with the grandkids as we always do... but we were tired after playing hard outside in the sunshine all day!

Brian took Beau to see some boats... and was impressed with his knowledge of the different boats from quads, to fishing boats at the young age of 2!

Mariah and I walked to the neighbourhood park while they were gone to see boats. Brian and Beau joined us later in the park, where there was a lot going on that day. We had hotdogs and popsicles there in a concession stand for a soccer day going on.

We had my sister-in-law, Brenda, drop by for a visit on the deck in the afternoon...and were joined by our friend, Vern  for some Chinese food supper later.

Sunday morning's traditional Fuddruckers' breakfast turned into an impromptu party when we were joined by not only friends, Bob and Jacquie, who come each week... but also by Bob's son, Danny, our friend, Vern...and friends
Brenda and her husband, Vern.

Monday I met my friend, Joanne for a little Starbucks out in the sunshine... too... followed by a little shopping fun!

Tuesday we decided to drive to Elk Ridge Lodge. We had a gift certificate for one night there... which was nice... it is a beautiful resort type place to go. Our friends Bob and Jacquie were there Bob was golfing in the Sr. Lobstick this week in Waskesiu. So we managed to share some time with them while there as well.

Food always tastes better on the deck or outdoors... but I am eating way too much lately and after stepping on our scale this morning... yikes... time to start eating more salads!!! wink wink!

I have not been getting to the gym nearly enough lately either... due to a little shoulder issue I am having. I was cleaning last week and pulled something in my left shoulder... so therefore, my gym routine has been on the back burner since then!!! I hope it works itself out soon, as with all the summer eating I've doing I will need to kick it up a notch... literally!

We are looking forward to a visit from former neighbours and friends, Lynne and Mike this weekend... so I anticipate more outdoor fun in the sunshine... and yes likely more eating... but 
maybe Lynne and I can burn off some calories and go shopping!!! hehehe

This is such a nice time of year, and it is always great to sit outside and visit with either neighbours and or friends when ever we get the chance. Yesterday our friend Robin popped by and later our neighbour, Floyd sat on the deck with Brian for a bit, too.

My dear Uncle Charlie was in the hospital... and I got a chance to go visit him last Sunday... I know he was looking forward to getting out of the hospital and enjoying more sunshine really soon... I wish him a speedy recovery.

Time for me to go take a walk in the park with Shuffle while the sun is shining, as we woke up to a morning rain this morning!

In life there is more than doing your chores,
It's way more fun to enjoy the outdoors.
When the sun is shining and the grass is green,
A nice little change, where the snow was last seen!
Soaking up the sunshine, or walking in the rain,
Fresh air is medicine for the soul and the brain.
Spring and summer are usually not long...
So it's time to enjoy them... like a sweet song!
Soak up the memories while there is sun,
Make the most of each moment,
laugh and have fun!