This morning Beau and his daddy came to get their stroller from our garage to sell in their garage sale today. I just happened to capture Beau in this cute pic... he is "almost done being two" as he puts it ...and will be celebrating his THIRD BIRTHDAY this week on Thursday... I love all the memories we are able to CAPTURE along the way!
Well... where do I begin? I guess I could say that the long lapse in my blog posts is due to all the events going on in our lives these days... and thankfully I have CAPTURED many of them along the way.
I know I drive my family a little crazy at times when I pull out my iphone and or my camera to CAPTURE every little thing in our lives from day to day... but my philosophy is this... You have to live in the moment, and try to CAPTURE as many or those moments as you can as you live them! Life truly is what you make it... so why not enjoy it and capture it?!
Because our lives have been a whirlwind of events and sharing those with so many friends and family members... I decided I would just highlight some of the things we have been up to in point form since my last blog post, seeing as I have sort of CAPTURED it in the photos above!
We have been doing lunches, suppers, coffees, ice creams, happy hours, going to the gym, and to gymnastics camp, friend bonding, shopping, babysitting, dog walking, fringe festival -ing, card making, photo taking and printing, poem writing, garage sale preps, lip balm making, trips to the strawberry ranch, special occasion celebrations... LIVING, LOVING and LAUGHING... and CAPTURING it as much as possible along the way!
Today on my Facebook I saw this quote witch really sums up much of my life...
"OPTIMIST: Someone who figures that taking a step backward after taking a step forward is not a disaster, it's a cha-cha!" -Robert Brault
Today I am thinking my special Aunt and Uncle who celebrate their 68th year of marriage. I wish them so much love as they are and always have been so dear to me. On the 7th my cousin Gwen celebrates another birthday, and on the 8th my fun loving grandson, Beau will be 3... So I wish them all special memories and I hope they get CAPTURED on their special days!
On that note... a short poem today!
I try to capture every minute of each day... In a memory or a photograph before it slips away. The memories are captured so they live on longer, Capturing the photos keeps them living on much stronger. Whether it's the special... or just the simplest of things... Capturing each moment, can share what each day brings. I try to make the least of bad , and of good I make the most, And I capture the things that make me proud... and share them as I boast! |