Monday, August 31, 2015

TAP into Positive Creativity!

"There is a fountain of youth: It is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of the people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you truly have defeated age."
-Sophia Loren

"Happiness is something you are and it comes from the way you think"
-Dr. Wayne Dyer

"You've got to accentuate the positive
Eliminate the negative
Latch on to the affirmative
Don't mess with Mr. in-between ."
-Johnny Mercer

I decorated my Tap Shoes with polka dots on Thursday…
and on Friday I put them on for a little
"HAPPY TAPPY HOUR" on the deck, too!!!

Last week, our good friend, Robin shared some
POSITIVITY with us, when she stopped by for a visit
and to drop off this beautiful plant and card!
She is such a sweet caring soul.

Last Wednesday was NATIONAL DOG DAY…
so here is my doggie, SHUFFLE, named after the TAP step…
sharing some "PAWS-ITIVITY!"

Last Friday…
Brian and I joined Jana, and Mariah
at Montana's for a fun lunch outing…
I got a few creative photos  of Jana's facials…
but just shared the 2 here!
Mariah took the pic of Brian and me.
It is always a Positive experience with these two girlies.

Later on Friday… friend Ella and I had a walk in the park…
followed by a Happy Hour on our deck
with  Brian and friend, Heather.
It was a fun afternoon tapping into the positives!

Hard to believe tomorrow marks the 33 year date
 of when we moved into this house.
We have created lots of positive memories here over those years.
Here are some photos of the place I spend a lot of time lately…
I love my own back yard… it helps me TAP into POSITIVITY!

Saturday… we did a Farmer's Market run… so I enjoyed some yummy
blueberries on the deck.
Later… sister-in-law, Bev dropped by with some veggies
from her garden… which were so yummy!
Then as she was leaving, Jana, Nels, Beau and Jazz stopped by and ended
up having supper with us on the deck.
They also brought some titbits and donuts, too!!!

(Mariah was off to a little friend sleepover that night!)

Beau's supper consisted of mostly titbits and pickles!!!…
so he had energy to burn after supper…
They happened to bring his bike along…
so as well as climbing a ladder out front,
he was also riding his bike up and down the sidewalk out front.

Yesterday morning Jana, Nels, and the kids joined us at Fuddruckers
for Sunday breakfast…
the kids each had those gigantic cinnamon buns
to share with their parents.
Notice… the men on their cel phones here!!! hehehe
(that is what they often do during meals )

Also at Fuddrucker's yesterday were my friends, Jacquie and Ella.
I spent some time at their table, too,  before our family arrived!
These two are such a positive couple of friends for me!

Where does the time go????
It seems it was only yesterday when I did my last blog post,
but another week has flown by… in fact this month has really gone by quickly. People say time flies when you are having fun!!! Although not all of my days are filled with fun…
I try to make the most of the time
I have and create positivity when ever I can!

I can hardly believe that August is nearly over already and soon it is back to routines for many families who have kids in school and activities. I actually used to love this time of year when I owned my dance studio… it was the beginning of a new season for me. I could TAP into lots of CREATIVITY.
As a parent, I was always happy to have my kids return to their school and activities, too.

I know this also marks the time of year we moved into this home 33 years ago. We have created so many positive and creative memories in this house. It is very dated, but it is still home. I especially love sitting in the back yard and recalling all the fun we have had together over time here…
and watching the trees grow from little to big!

I am excited for my grandkids to begin school again… well for Beau it is actually his first year in school. Tomorrow he begins Kindergarten. Mariah will be in grade 4 already. They will both be busy in their extra activities too. Mariah is dancing every week day after school… and Beau will be in skating, hockey and Tae Kwando again too.
I know both kids will CREATE many POSITIVE memories as they begin this new season. Today is Beau's last day at daycare… so that is the end of a chapter in his life.
The daycare lady, Ceylyn, looked after Mariah till she began school, and also Beau… and she was such a caring and influential lady in both of their lives. I personally was so thankful for her and all she taught my grandkids while they were in her care. I know they will miss her, but really have lots of positive fun memories from going to her house .

Yesterday, I chose to clean out my garage… it was a job and a half… I was busy going through many creative memories in boxes out there. It is hard for me to downsize the junk we have accumulated in time. Not only do we have our own stuff, we have my dance studio stuff, my mom's leftover stuff, and now my stuff from my in-law's too!
I am a sentimental type and do not like to part with things, but I was feeling quite accomplished when I managed to throw a few things away yesterday!!!
That made me feel good… and tired, too!!!
What a big job it became, but so rewarding, too.

Colin was 3 and Jana was 1 when we moved in to this neighbourhood and we have tapped into so many fun times and memories over the time spent in this home.
I cannot imagine ever living anywhere else, but one day we might have to move forward to a smaller place, so I guess it doesn't hurt to start downsizing now!

When I posted the pic of my polka dot tap shoes on my Facebook and Instagram page last week… it got quite a bit of attention. There is a page on instagram called "livinthetaplife" which does posts on
tapshoes every Thursday.
He likes people with colourful tap shoes to share pics of "Those Tap Shoes Though"… so I decided to add colour to my shoes for that… by putting polka dot stickers on the shoes and changing up the laces. Also when Brenda, from BSOBAD, noticed my shoes on FB, she asked me to teach the first day back to adult tap at her studio which is on the 14th of September. It is an honour to be asked, so I accepted that… but it is only for that date.
for that night!

Next week… Jana, Mariah and I are going on
 a "Girl's Night Out" to hear icon,
JANET JACKSON in concert… we are all so excited.
Jana danced to many of Janet Jackson's songs over her years of dance lessons growing up… so I know it will be a fun and positive memory for us for sure… can't wait!

I am still enjoying the shows on TV, SYTYCD and AGT…as well as other various TV competitive shows. Lots of CREATIVITY and POSITIVITY on those types of shows.

Saturday we visited my mother-in-law, Blanche. She continues to do pretty well in her home where she has lived for nearly a year now. She is still anxious for her house to sell, but sounds like there is a deal in the works there. We are all anxious for that chapter to be completed.

Well on that note…
here is my rather short rhyme of the day…

TAP into the positive, and be creative, too…
Bring out some happiness with the things you do.
SPOT the little things that brighten everyday,
And make the most of each moment along the way.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Always Look Up With A SMiLE!

"Be someone's else's sunshine. Be the reason someone smiles today."
-Author Unknown

"Use your smile to change the world, but don't let this world change your smile."
-Author Unknown

"Not only does a smile cost less than electricity, it also brightens your day."
-Author Unknown

Here are some photos from a couple different days at my daughter's store…
Mariah with Jana's store partner, Melissa, after a fun time they shared
together on the weekend.
Jana and Beau with my great niece Jorja…
lots of sweet smiles here!

Yesterday I had many thoughts and memories of my parents,
and it was their little verses written many years ago in  my
autograph book that inspired the title for today's blog.

I often look up to the skies above smiling as I think of
what loving parents I had…and although I miss them,
I have comfort in knowing they are my angels
watching over me from above.

I love these memories of my parents.
They were married on August 24th, 1949…
so yesterday would have been their 66th Wedding Anniversary.
I love these memories of my mom and dad's special day in their life.
As you can see there were plenty of smiles on that day for them.

On Sunday night we were invited to Jana and Nels's place for supper.
We sat up on their deck over looking their hot tub… where the kids had fun
and looked up smiling many times and made sure we were watching them!

Also at Jana's on sunday… the kids played so well together
as we enjoyed visits up on the deck.
Jana and I are smiling and kind of squinting into the sun
as we shared a little cheers with a glass of wine!
I got a selfie with Jazz… but kind of cut him out of the picture!
Thanks to Jana and Nels for the yummy supper and great visit.

Earlier Sunday… Brian, Nels, and the kids took a brief stroll
on 2nd Ave to see the cool cars on display at the car show.
We discovered an A&W ROOT BEAR in the front seat of
the car in front of Jana's shoe store, too!

Once again Mariah worked at the Dog Adoption on Saturday…
she was in a kennel full of little puppies, and although she was kept busy,
she was in her glory with them !
She loves to work at the adoption whenever she can.

Who's in the dog house now?????
It's Beau-man! Last week on some of my babysitting days,
Beau got himself locked into Shuffle's Kennel…
what a kid!

More dog days of summer…
Here are the dogs, Shuffle and Jazz…and I love the dog on the August
page of my calendar… a very cute pug!!!

Saturday we were invited for an impromptu supper at
our friend, Vern's place. Our friend Ella was invited, too.
Supper was yummy… and I took over some muffins I made to
add to the dessert!

Brian and I made it out to a couple lunches last week…
one at the newly located Gibson's Fish & Chips…
as well as a lunch at  a funky little place called
Drift Sidewalk Cafe…
Both tasty meals.

We also met Brian's sisters, Bev and Brenda and some family friends at
a lunch at Earl's, too… but didn't get photos that day.

I managed to get over to BSOBAD dance studio to
update a few bulletin boards.
This little diversion to my summer schedule was
a good change of pace and creativity for me!

From one dance studio to another…
Mariah took a Ballet Boot Camp at La Danse last week…
she loved it… but was in too big a rush to let me snap a pic of her,
so I got one of her going in to the studio from behind,
when I dropped her off there last week.
I know she learned a lot… and we enjoyed her little display
at the end of the week, too.

Yesterday Brian and I had a brief outing in the afternoon,
which included buying a new hat for him…
as well as going to let Jazz out for a bit at Jana's .
Even Jazz seemed to be looking up with a smile
at Brian's new hat!
Jazz has brought so much added love and enjoyment
to our family… Brian is a proud grandpa of that dog!

On Saturday I picked up some colourful flowers at the grocery store,
and had a little cafe mocha… to add some cheer to a gloomy day outside!

Yesterday we received this delivery of a cute little edible bouquet from
Jana and Nels and the kids to SWEETEN up our day!

A bouquet of any kind adds SMILES to my day always!!!

Welcome to my blog of the week… It has been another busy one once again. Yesterday sort of ran away without me, so here I am today playing catch up on the blog.

I was sure thinking a lot of my parents yesterday on what would have been their 66th wedding anniversary. I am pretty sure they would be dancing up in heaven to their favourite tune, "Satin Doll". They loved that song and they loved to dance. They were such a great couple…not to mention the most wonderful parents and role models I could have ever asked for. I really miss them, and especially on days of special celebrations revolving around them, but there is comfort in knowing they are always watching over me from above. I have so many fond memories of them and included their little verses from my autograph book in the photos above. My dad's verse has got me through many days when things were not going great … the message in his verse is so uplifting and was the biggest inspiration for today's blog title. He always loved the colour red, and my mom loved blue… so I outlined their verses in their favourite colours.

Interestingly… my mom's sister, Phyllis and her husband, Grant, were also married on August 24th, years before my parents… so it would have been their anniversary yesterday too… My Aunt is still living, but my Uncle is in heaven.

I did lots more babysitting last week of both the grand kids and the grand dog, as well. The kids did a total of 5 sleepovers and the dog did 6! I know why God gives us our kids when we are younger and have more energy… I sure tired out… but don't get me wrong… I love my grandkids dearly… I was happy when Jana returned home from her get away… and I could return the grandkids and get a decent night's sleep again!!! We shared many smiles and lots of fun while the kids were here, though.

August has been a month filled with many mixed emotions with anniversaries of occasions of loved ones in Heaven… as well as special occasions for many we love still with us. Just last week my nephew Sam turned 26 on the 22nd. And tomorrow our good friend, Mike has a birthday which he shares with his only grandson, Miles who turns 2  in Toronto.
My friends Linda and Dennis are coming up to their milestone 40th Anniversary the end of this week on the 29th. Linda always puts on her wedding gown and walks the walk on her special day… kinda cool… I know I couldn't do that…
my dress is a few sizes smaller than me now! hehehe

We've had some up days and down days… but there is always lots going on which keeps us looking upward  and moving onward with hope and a smile.

I have enjoyed lots of the competition shows on TV, too…and like to practice my judging skills while watching them!

I want to give a shout out to my hairdresser, Marla…
who is always there to not only help with the bad hair days… but to share in a fun visit while doing so.
She freshened up my "do" just yesterday!!!

We feel so lucky to have such good friends and family who always share in our life as we journey forth.

On that note…
here is my rhyme of the day….

A smile is something that brightens a face,
It can turn sad to happy, in such a small space.
Let's face it we all have good days and also some bad,
But smiling can pick us up, when we're feeling sad.
When we look on the bright side and keep our chin up,
And add something special to our full cup,
Things often seem better and more worthwhile,
By just looking up, and wearing a smile!

Monday, August 17, 2015


"You can buy children anything in the world, but nothing will compare to the memories you make with them."
-Author Unknown

"What children need most are the essentials grandparents provide in abundance- unconditional love, patience, kindness, comfort, lessons in life, humour… and most importantly cookies."
-Rudolph Giuliani

"Grandma's house- Admission:1 HUG"
-Author Unknown

Last week I had the kids here after picking them up from day care
on Monday... as well as all weekend and for 3 sleepovers,
while their parents were on a get away to Vegas.
They had fun with outdoor and indoor activities
and with the dogs, too!

I decided to turn the weekend into a fun little camp
and I named it "CAMP GRAMMIE D"
I made up a basket of activities and rules for the kids for the time
while they would be here… sometimes guidelines make things
not only more fun, but more smooth running!!!

The kids took what was in their little baskets and created stations
with it… and we put on the timer and went to each station for a short time
before onto the next… while the dogs looked on!

Friday night was pizza, popcorn, movie night.
They chose a Disney movie called
"The Descendants" to watch…
it was a fun movie about the kids of characters
from other Disney shows.
(Mariah actually watched it 3 times during the weekend!!!)

The kids love to craft when ever they come here…
and here they were making a sign for Camp Grammie D… they were
also getting some exercise… Beau played a little indoor hockey,
Mariah did some yoga… and then they did some down time together, too…
which for Beau never lasts long before he is off and running again!

Mariah enjoyed the bubble blowing fingers…
and they blew great bubbles, too!…
she also liked watering plants, the sign making… among other things.
She is a good little helper around as well… here doing some vacuuming,
and she helped load the dish washer, helped pack the car
 and cleaned up after the doggies
outside, too… she is very responsible!

Beau needs to be channeled into activities or he can get into mischief!!!
We made some lego together, as well as making puzzles and he was really
proud of his crafted book mark for his mom, too.
He cut the paper with the cutter, punched the holes, picked the ribbon and tied it
as well as adding the embellishments and he told me what to write!

Beau is like a teenager in training… always hungry…
and he changes his clothes lots, too.
We even had to go get his "New Balance" runners to match his outfit,
as him mommy hadn't packed them!!!

Saturday we were invited to visit my nephew, Brad, his wife, Janelle,
and their adorable baby, Brielle, who just turned 3 months.
Both kids were very excited to go, and were on their best
behaviour there, too.
Mariah is so nurturing… and enjoyed holding
Brielle, too, while Beau enjoyed watching
her bounce in the Jolly Jumper…
or "JELLY" jumper as he referred to
it later!!!

While we were there… both my brother, Bob and his wife, Arleen
were there, too.
They are also very proud GRANDPARENTS!!!
We all enjoyed our visits over delicious snacks…
and the kids even got a little lunch, too…
thanks to them for that!

Mariah and Beau played school in Brad and Janelle's basement…
Mariah makes quite a little teacher, too… but being a student
is a new experience for Beau…
he might need some practice at that one!!!
He is excited to bigin kindergarten in the fall.

Brad gave Mariah some books too…
and she has already begun reading them, she loves reading.

Sunday… Mariah was busy doing a doggie photo shoot…
the dogs co-operated well, too… I think they were
especially enjoying the treats they got after each photo!!!

Beau wanted in on the action so we did a few selflies taken by him!

The kids and the dogs all love the attention from Grandpa, too!
Beau needed to have an outing so he and I went for some groceries
to restock on some of the favourites…
we got treats for everyone, too…
maybe a few too many... Beau gets a bit hyper after sweets!!

The kids had fun with their gardening stuff… eating freezies,
looking at stuff on the ipad…including some old videos
of the kids when they were little… Beau loved those especially!

Last week my gym classes were cancelled two days in a row…
but with the nice weather, I enjoyed some  deck time to myself.
Wednesday I went out with friend, Gailene, too, and we snapped
some shots of our starbucks iced lattes and some signs while out.

Gailene and I went for a lunch at Pink Cadilac,
where we had a great catch up.
We enjoy the fun we have together,
and have lots of grandkid stories to share, too!

Thursday Jana treated Brian and I to lunch at Brown's Social House.
Mariah is modelling her new dance outfit from IVIVA, too.
Later on Thursday, I took Mariah for some new dance shoes and tights
to gear up for this week's dance camp.

Thursday night before getting dropped off
for the first of 3 sleepovers over the weekend
the kids enjoyed a Birthday for Beau with his buddies at a place called APEX
where there are many trampolines.
Beau had several friends there, and Mariah had some too…. we went briefly
but didn't stay … apparently the kids had a blast!

Yesterday we did a brief dog walk and photo shoot with the dogs…
before packing up and taking them back to their house.
We picked up my niece Rowen along the way to babysit the kids
for a bit. The kids really look up to Rowen.
They had fun blowing bubbles with their bubble gum!!!

Time sure flies when one is having fun!!!
Here it is another blog writing day, seems like only yesterday, when I did my last one.
To all my blog readers, thanks for popping by!
Since last Monday I have been busy with many things… from appointments,  to outings, to babysitting the grandkiddoes!
What a lot I have crammed in once again…
 this week taking another 246 photos,
 to capture all the fun!!!

Jana and Nels were off to Vegas Friday for a weekend together. We had the kids from about 10 Thursday night when Jana dropped them and their dog, Jazz,
off to stay with us until last night,
when Nels returned around midnight!
Jana is gone till Thursday this week
buying up merchandise for her store.
We would have kept the kids last night, too,
but Jana arranged for us to take the kids
home and have my niece Rowen babysit
them until Nels got home.

Beau had his "friend" Birthday party on Thursday, so he had a pretty fun week filled with fun stuff and gifts, to boot.
Beau and I shared time putting some of his new lego together… and also playing hockey and making puzzles, as well as crafting among other activities. He loved watching some of the videos I have posted on my Facebook, from when the kids were little, so we watched a few of them over and over!!!  Beau is a sweet kid but has so much energy and needs to have it channeled always or he gets into trouble! He is a typical little five year old boy… he likes to have someone with him … so when ever I left the room, he was always checking to see where I went…
he has a little anxiety issue it seems!

Mariah is just so grown up and is a real little helper. She is very nurturing and so good with the dogs and her grandpa, too. She likes to be in charge sometimes… and with Beau that did create a bit of conflict at times!!!

I love being the grammie D… but I do not like it when I have to become a referee sometimes to break up the kids in some of their little sibling disagreements!!! That is not my best one!

We sure enjoyed our visit at my nephew's place on Saturday…and loved seeing our little great niece, Brielle, too.  Always fun to connect with them
when we get the chance. It was nice to see Bob and Arleen there as well.

With this being a treatment week for Brian… he was low key and unable to do a lot with the kids, but he enjoyed the house full of kids, dogs and excitement. He adores all of them so much and is a very proud grandpa! He managed to take them out for a quick treat one at a time too… he loves to spoil them. Mariah chose a reading light to clip on her books. Beau chose a hockey water bottle and mini stick!

I was a little disappointed when my gym classes were cancelled two days in a row last week… but in hind sight…
it was a good thing, as I needed every ounce of energy
I had on the weekend!!! hehehe

I really enjoyed an afternoon out with my good buddy, Gailene, last week. We are often on the same wave length and our lives now revolve around our grandkids.
She even helped give me some ideas for my little
CAMP GRAMMIE D while we were out,
as well as loaning us air mattresses to make
the sleeping arrangements easier!

This past week was a reminder of some special people we lost over years gone by. Last Tuesday…
we remembered my brother-in-law, Bruce, who lost his battle to cancer, two summers ago on the 11th of August.
On the 14th of August, I thought of my dear Auntie Frankie, who passed away on that date 4 years ago.
On the 15th of August we recalled our dear friend, Jaime, who died at such a young age when she lost her battle to cancer at age 15 in 1994. Tomorrow we remember my father-in-law, Greg, who passed away on the 18th of August,  2014, last summer. All of those cherished angels hold special spots in our hearts and are with us always in our fond memories of them.

Today Mariah is off to a dance camp for the week… she is a happy little camper… going from a camp at the lake just weeks ago, then camp gramme D and now going to dance camp. She loves organized activities… so I know she will do well… and she is all ready with her new dance gear, too.

Beau is back at his daycare again today…and I am actually happy to have some quiet time here at home again. Even our dog, Shuffle, is tired out from all the activity the past bit…she is just relaxing on the couch.
I was so pleased that her and Jazz got along so well…
 even with the fast paced fun and both kids all weekend.

We didn't go out for any meals with the kids… and avoided trips to dollarama, too! I actually stocked up on a few items there before hand to tide the kids over and put them in their camp baskets. Beau had many new toys from his recent birthday so he was good to go.

I am not going to lie… I am pooped out from all the activity this past week… but my heart is full!
Today I am laying low… as I know I will be on call for pick ups and drop offs this week with Jana still away.
Tonight I look forward to some of my TV shows and a quiet relaxing evening.

Happy Birthday today to my flower girl, Valerie…
hard to believe she was only 3 at our wedding…
nearly 39 years ago!

On that note… here is my rhyme of the day!

The last few days at "Camp Grammie D"…
Were fun for the kids, the dogs and me!
Brian enjoyed all the action, too,
Sharing his time as we all followed through.
Time was full both out and indoor…
From crafts, dog walking, tv, and more.
Blowing bubbles, yoga and swinging,
Hockey , lego, puzzles and singing.
There was really truly never a lull…
When the kids were here, life sure wasn't dull !!!
We captured it in photos and also in our heart,
It was a lot of fun right from the start.
Last night I had such a really good sleep,
Without the help of counting sheep!!!
I'm not going to lie…I was sure played out,
But lots of fond memories… there is just no doubt!

Monday, August 10, 2015

Memorable Moments & Milestones!

"Great moments make great memories; so be you, be great and make great memorable moments."
-Ricardo Housham

"Life isn't a matter of milestones, but of moments."
-Rose Kennedy

"Today I will not focus on milestones but rather create magical moments for my child, my family and me."
-Author Unknown

Yesterday was a memorable one celebrating the
the beautiful Churches in and around this province
 and photos  taken by my father-in-law, Greg.
Although Greg is no longer with us… his memories live on through
his wonderful photos…
This beautiful church is where my in-laws, were married…
and it is located in Muenster, Sk…
our family were there to see it and capture more photos
and memorable moments
together there, as well…
including a cute selfie with Jana, Mariah and Rowen.

This is the exhibit which is now on display at the Humboldt Museum.
There are several of Greg's beautiful photos hanging
 and the time the photo was taken
as well as the history of each church with each.
So many memories  captured… and Beau and Mariah were
there to see them… and honour their great grandpa, Greg.

In front of the Humboldt Museum and  St. Peter's Church
where some some of the family gathered to honour my father-in-law's
photos and memories yesterday.
My sweet Niece, Rowen, is always so good with
 both of my grandkids,
Mariah and Beau. 

Mariah read lots of the memories and histories of not only the church exhibit,
but the Humboldt Museum.
I am not sure what was going on with Mariah and her mom
in the church… but it makes a cute memory ...
...looks like Mariah was saying "Talk to the hand!"

Last Monday we made many more memorable moments
while we babysat BEAU and JAZZ.
Such a cute one of our dog, SHUFFLE,
 peaking out of our bleeding heart plant, too!

Tuesday we babysat the two grandkids…
and my brother, Brian popped by for a visit.
Beau requested he come and Brian came to the city right away…
I know the visit meant a lot to Brian and the kids as well.
I always cherish memories spent with my brother.

It was a perfect day to burn off some energy
at the neighbourhood park with the kids.
We have made many memories  there over time!
The kids also played Jenga… and washed the little smurfs and buddies
in the bathtub as well…
so a fun and action packed day filled with memorable moments.

We captured many fun photos at the park… the kids played restaurant,
and played for a long time doing that as
well as playing on swings, monkey bars, etc.
… lots of moments… many memories!

Friday my cousin, Gwen turned SIXTY…
and she had some friends and family over
for a little coffee gathering in the morning.
I brought my selfie stick but failed at getting a pic of us all,
so the neighbour across the street came over and snapped one of us
all together in front of the house.

This house holds many memories for me
 as my cousin grew up living in this house,
and moved there to live again
 after her dad passed away over a year ago.
have taken place here.

Here is a MILESTONE MEMORY from the past as well…
This photo is of the 5 cousins on my dad's side of the family
who were born in 1955, making us all reach our
This photo is taken in the back yard of the house where I grew up.
Left to Right… cousin, Greg, me, Gwen, Dawn, and Donald.
We are all 60 now!!!!!
I am not sure how old we were in this photo…
I am guessing about 5 or 6!

Another memory is this cute photos taken in 2012…
on the occasion of the 2nd birthday for BEAU
and the 57th birthday for my cousin Gwen.
Their Birthdays are one day apart on the calendar
on August 7th and 8th.
I love this memory!

This was for my grandson, BEAU…. who turned 5.
We celebrated it with cupcakes, and party fun with family.
Beau and Mariah were enjoying all the party stuff I had out
for them!

Not only did the kids wear the hats and party glasses…
but they got the two dogs in them as well…
but hard to capture a photo of all of that!
Sisters-in-law, Bev and Brenda along with her hubby, Mark…
all came for an impromptu celebration
with cupcakes and gift exchanging fun.
BEAU knew it was all about him!!!

We managed to capture a photo of us and the grandkids in the house
and one of Jana and Nels with their kids in the back
 before our  other company arrived.
Nels had also driven the two kids and their dog to Regina
and home earlier  that day… so I know he was pretty tired out!

This photo of Beau that Jana took of him a while ago
 is my new favourite photo of him…
 I chose to use it on the card and the book I made him for his birthday.
I love making cards and books… and photos like this one
really add to the memorable moments!

The top two pics are a couple other cute memories
Jana captured of Beau with Jazz…

and yesterday Nels put his sunglasses on Jazz
and captured another fun memory.

This dog is such a cool dude and so calm …
 and didn't seem to be bothered by the glasses at all!
Such cute memories!

More memories we made this past week…
We attended the Fringe with friends, Ella, Vern and Leon…
 where we met up with
my cousin John, his wife, Mary Pat and their daughter, Elaine…
at her booth there. Elaine was also featured in Saturday's news paper, too.
She is such a talented artist and comic book illustrator/ writer.

Yesterday morning  we met friends for our weekly breakfast at Fuddrucker's .
The guys were all off looking at a cool car in the parking lot when we captured
these photos of the ladies Ella and Jacquie out on the patio at Fudd's.
We have made many memories there over time.

This morning  I popped by the BSOBAD dance studio
for their first day of summer dance camp.
I taught at that studio for 6 years and
now many of the kids I taught are teaching,
including Kelly in upper right (with his funky man-bun!)…
and Kendal in lower left.
Friend and dance teacher, Joanne along studio secretary, Shari are also featured.
Joanne has done some amazing painting on the walls at the studio over the summer.
I especially like the sayings and gold polka dots!

Here it is another MONDAY- BLOG DAY!
I cannot believe how much we cram into our weeks,
and this week was no exception for  capturing special memorable moments. In fact today as I prepared photos to share in this post, I realized I have taken 314 photos...
just since last Monday's blog post.
So it is always a lot to sort through
and compile into the weekly theme!
I do enjoy the blog, though, and it is my way
of reviewing what a memorable life
I am fortunate enough to live.

I know my family finds me somewhat over the top when it comes to capturing memories… but it is a way to keep them alive so the moments can live on. The way I see it, is you can never go back and recapture them, so you have to capture them on the way as they happen!

We have had a busy but fun week of babysitting the grandkids as well as our grand dog, Jazz. In addition to those memories… we celebrated two Milestone Birthdays… when my cousin, Gwen turned 60 and my grandson, Beau turned 5. I still remember the big lead up to Beau 5 summers ago… seems like only yesterday… and now this fall he will be in Kindergarten already…
WOW time flies when you are having fun!

Yesterday was a special day for our family as we went to the Church photo exhibit, photographed and donated by my father-in-law, Greg on display now at the
Humboldt Museum. This exhibit was taken over a matter of many years…and he has both the dates and history of each church included with each photo on display. We also made a couple trips to surrounding area churches… including the St. Peter's Church in Muesnter, Sk, where my in-laws, Blanche and Greg were married, and St. Pete's College where
Greg went to school. We also saw the Abby beside it and drove by Blanche's family farm
between Humboldt and Muenster, too.
Although I have seen these places before… it was fun to share the memories with the next generations
this time round. It seems so fitting we made that trip in Greg's honour... as it is around this time of year
he passed away last summer,
on August 18th, 2014.

Tomorrow the family will be remembering my brother in law, Bruce, who lost his battle to cancer two years ago,
 on August 11th, 2013.
Both he and Greg  hold a special spot in all of our hearts
and their memorable moments live on for all of us
for ever more.

Today we have our grand dog, Jazz,  here and both he and our dog, Shuffle are getting along so well. They are becoming such good buddies. We have only had Jazz in the family for a little over a month, but he fits right in already…
so many memories have been made to date.

 I always cherish memories I can make and capture with both family and friends alike. We try to make the most of them always and consider ourselves so very lucky to have such good people in our lives.

This weekend we will make many more memories when we have the two grandkids and their dog here for the entire weekend. Might be hectic, but I am sure
we will have lots of fun, too!

I really like to cherish the memories we make from day to day… whether they are birthdays and or other special occasions or not! Every day there is something we can  CELEBRATE!

On that note here is my rhyme of the day…

Make every moment special... every day,
Try create a memory that is here to stay.
Whether it's a birthday on a milestone year,
Or spending time with someone, oh so dear.
Try to make memorable moments of it all…
Capturing all the memories, while having a ball.
Celebrate life... every moment... every year,
Cherish all the moments,
  even after they were here.