Monday, September 28, 2015


"September when leaves start to blush and turn red. May fall be a time to realize what great adversities you've endured and how much stronger and wiser you are. May this new season bring loads of love, happiness and blessings."

"Just like the seasons, people have the ability to change."
-Author Unknown

"Love isn't something you find. 
Love is something that finds you."
-Author Unknown

for it's colourful beauty…
as captured on a walk this past Friday…
Also last week I got some lovely colourful flowers…
they are always an nice change in a room as well as a pick me up!
Brian and I even managed to have another happy hour
on our deck… not too many more of those this season!!!

Friday was a beautiful day for a walk with my good friend, Ella.
A nice couple passing by took some photos of us together
here by the beautiful fall trees… Ella and I have
shared so many things together over time…
and she is one who helps me adapt to change always!

Here is one last look at our living room furniture of over 35 years!
We got rid of it last week… and I have to admit
I was sort of attached to it… and it was so comfy to sit on…
but truly did not owe us another day! 

Yesterday we transformed the living from old to new…
when we transferred the inherited furniture
from my inlaw's sold house… to our house…
and although it is not as broken in… it sure looks fresher!
I am loving the change already!!!

Shuffle loves to lay in the morning sun in our living room…
here she is without furniture yesterday morning…
and with our new stuff this morning…
dogs just adapt to the changes they are given!!!
She looks a little 'stripy' from the reflection of the blinds. 

Last week we went to pick up Jana's dog, Jazz for a little visit.
Jazz is so cute on the car rides… we have loved the changes he has
brought to the family… and he fits in so well…
not only a cute dog… but such a good one, too!

Friday we babysat Beau and Jazz for the morning…
Beau turned the furniture-less room into a little picnic set up!
I also captured Brian and the dogs in family room…
as well as Jana and Jazz when she dropped them off. 

Jana brought Beau's bike for him to ride when we babysat…
but he is a little wild and crazy on it…
next time I hope he comes without it!
Brian, Jazz and Beau all enjoyed the sunshine out front
on Friday, too!

When Jana picked up Beau and Jazz we decide to
go with them for a lunch at Montana's.
I think our front flowers are looking better then they did all summer,
… maybe they are intended to bloom in fall!

Saturday we babysat Mariah… while Beau and his dad went to the
Oiler Hockey game in the city… and Jana worked.
We took Mariah out to a few places where her grandpa spoiled her,
buying her a new book and Swell water container
 as well as a booster juice, too!
She enjoyed browsing through Indigo and also setting up in our
furniture -less living room for some tv!

Also on Saturday… my good friend Cathy dropped by
with a lovely bouquet of flowers and some home made spaghetti
which we loved… it was such a delicious change from
what we have been eating lately!
Mariah was inspired to turn the living room into
a little theme restaurant… this bottom photo was her
"a day in heaven" themed corner!!!

Also last week I dined out for lunch with this lovely
looking group of ladies…
Lto R…Diane, Eleanor, Karen,  myself and Jacquie.
Then Jacquie asked me in on route home
to show me her new boots which she bought
at Jana's store last week!
She said they are a real change for her…
and I think they will really suit her!

Yesterday breakfast was in a couple shifts at Fuddruckers…
We were joined by friends,  Ross, Trona, Jacquie, Bob, and Steve and
after they left… more came… here are friends…
Dan , Judy and Ella…
as well as Jana, Nels and kids.
Fuddruckers is undergoing some changes too… it
is mid renovations… but will be very nice when done.

Because my mother-in-law, Blanche's house has finally sold…
and possession date is October 1st for the new owner…
it was time for the family to come and clear out the remaining things
 and furniture in the house, yesterday…
My nephew Jeff was the realtor…and it was nice to see" SOLD"
on the sign out front… but it is a bitter sweet change
for the family… who owned the house for 57 years!
Here are Beau, Mariah as well as my niece, Rowen
going through the empty rooms and closets!
Beau was cold so trying to make his short sleeves
longer in this photo of him!!!

Here are a couple of framed photos we inherited from the move…
Jana in a ballet costume… and Colin when he was 2 years old.
These photos hung in prominent spots in my
in-law's home for a long time…
they were gifts we gave them.
Now they have changed locations…
 and are hanging in my dining room!
I do love these memories of my kids.

Yesterday was the date I met Brian 42 years ago…
so we went for a celebration supper at
The Granery.
We were served by a former dancer I taught years ago.

Heddy, as well as her 3 sisters, Wendy, Mandy and Laddy,
 were all prominent dancers in
my studio back in the day, so it was so nice
to catch up with her again…and she gave us such
wonderful service, too!

A couple selfies of us yesterday in honour of the day we met
September 27th, 1973 on a blind date!

We didn't have a pic from that date…
no cel phones back then!!!

Last Thursday was National Daughter Day…
so being as it was also Throw Back Thursday on
Facebook… I chose an old photo to post of Jana and Me.
This photo is about 5 and half years old.
It is one of us when we adjudicated a dance festival
together back in 2010.
Lots has changed since then…
but our love for each other
and dance is still strong.
Jana was pregnant with Beau in this photo, too…
and the changes he has brought to our lives are wonderful!

Here it is another blog writing day… and lots has changed in my world since last week… mostly the look of our living room since then! Thanks to all of my blog followers for always popping by to see what we have been up to around here the previous week.

I am the very first one to admit that I struggle with CHANGE… and this last week was no exception.
I was just not ready to get rid of our furniture of 35 years to replace with new. I know our furniture was well lived on and owed us nothing… but truly I was attached to it.
However, that being said… we had to take the furniture which we inherited recently and needed a place to put it.
My inlaw's home finally sold after being on the market for the
past 7 months. We were able to take on their lovely leather much more modern furniture to go in our living room.
It is like new and looks awesome in the place where our old stuff once was… and in time we will wear it in and make it as comfy, too, I am sure. I did re arrange some of the Jazz pictures we own and now have them all hanging in our our front room, too. They are special to me… not only because they were all gifts to me over time, from my hubby, Brian…
but because I do love Jazz music,
 as well as the artist who painted them, named BUA.

It's funny how just by re arranging things a little our living room feels fresh and new again… so I am falling in love with the new look!

Brian and I met on September 27th, 1973 on a blind date in Edmonton. We like to celebrate the date each year. Brian was feeling up  to a couple meal outings yesterday, so not only did we go to Fuddruckers in the morning with some really good friends. We also went to The Granery for supper to celebrate our special day. We have not been there for years… but both enjoyed the meal and salad bar very much… it was a nice change from our normal.
Also it was so nice to reconnect with a dancer I taught years ago, Heddy… not only did we get brought a bit more up to date on our lives… but she was an amazing and very caring server to us as well last night, making our dining experience even more special.

The weather has been a bit cooler but so beautiful and scenic out lately. I do enjoy occasional walks throughout the city where there are lots of trees to see. It is such a pretty season… and actually one of my favourite times of year.
Shuffle enjoys walks, too… so we often go together and or meet my friend Ella to walk.

We enjoyed the grandkids one on one this past week when we babysat Beau on Friday and Mariah on Saturday. I do find them so much easier when we can have them one at a time. Beau was busy with set ups indoors and out… and Mariah did a little shopping adventure as well
as some indoor fun too.
She made up an imaginary restaurant in our furniture-less living room, too… setting up little theme related corners…
She had one called "Lazy Day"… one called "A Day in Heaven"… one called "A night in Paris" and one called "Love Bug". She turned her hoody around and tied it around her waist to make it an apron and she had fun creating a little menu for each theme… I love that she has some creativity to her… she is very self motivated!

This weekend Mariah has been asked to speak at the banquet fund raiser for the Dog Adoption where she volunteers. It is a real honour they asked her to speak… I hope she is confident enough to follow through, as she does have a shy side as well. The "We All Need a Canine Rescue" fund raiser event is an eighties night theme… so should be a fun evening… banquet with meal and dance.

My friend, Cathy, brought over a nice meal and bouquet of flowers just on saturday. This is not the first time she has come over with thoughtful gestures … she is such a kind and generous friend,… Thanks Cathy… we really enjoyed the yummy spaghetti you made for us…
and the flowers are lovely.

Our lives have seen many changes in this past couple years… and although not all of the changes are easy to take… we have learned to accept them. Dealing with ongoing health issues is difficult always, but we learn to to make the most of the best and least of the worst.
It is amazing how in many ways we have become stronger and more positive through the changes this journey has created for us.

One of the things that helps us deal and cope with the changes along the way… is the support we get from friends and family. Even though things change… it is amazing how people are always there for us through the ups and downs. I need to just say thanks for all you do everyone… and you all know who you are!

I am forever grateful for the good evenings of TV I watch during the week. I am now  enjoying DWTS and THE VOICE as well as some other recorded shows I watch here and there. When I watch the Dancing on DWTS, I think how much those people have to deal with changes from week to week… but I also see them falling in love with dancing as they adapt to learning new dances week after week.

It is hard to believe how fast this year has gone by… and soon we will be changing our calendars to October, too. Wow… where does the time go? I like to enjoy it one day at a time and that is what I try to do… and not jump too far ahead on this journey we are on.

October is the start of a series of family birthdays… which I will mention in the next blog… and soon it will be Thanksgiving as well… and believe me, I have so much to be thankful for… and through the many changes this life goes through… I do fall in love over and over
with many things!

On that note… here is my rhyme of the day…

I love the fall and all it brings…
It's kind of like a song one sings.
The changing leaves on all the trees,
The crispness in the autumn breeze.
As time goes by, we all sure change,
And some things have to rearrange.
We strive for strength in all we do,
Our love stays strong as we age, too!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Live in the Moment!

"Live for the moment because everything else is uncertain."
-Louis Tomlinson

"Live in the moment … 
Treasure the doing a little more
and the getting it done a little less."
-Author Unknown

"Live every moment,
Love everyday,
'cause before you know it,
precious time slips away."
Author Unknown

Last night Jana and Nels were taking the kids to
Homestead for ice-cream and
called us to join them… it was hard to get a happy photo of Beau
as he was just living in the moment doing crazy faces!

Earlier yesterday we enjoyed our Sunday morning tradition
of breakfast with friends at Fudd's…
here with Brian, Vern, Brenda, Ella and Bob...
our friend Ross joined us, too but had left by time I got the pics.
Jacquie wasn't there this week… we missed her in our fun little group!
We really do enjoy the living we do in the moment when sharing time
with good friends.

Yesterday was the perfect day for a nice fall walk with my doggie, Shuffle.
I took her through the Lakeview park
and saw a few other friendly people out
enjoying the day as well.
Later I took another walk with my friend, Ella, too
 in another area of the city.

Thursday… Jana's store partner, Melissa, stopped by
with some Tim Horton's coffees and a box of donuts and cookies from there…
such a sweet and thoughtful
gesture of her!

Later Brian and I had some lattes at Starbucks...
Often we do a coffee outing… spur of the moment!

We shared more coffee outings this past week, too…
once with Friends , Vern and Ella…
and later with the kids… who also happened to pass through
the day we went with friends!

Thursday night we did an impromptu pizza supper here with
Vern and Ella joining us for a fun evening together.

Saturday… Beau spent the day with us… we did lots of
playing, snacking, tv watching doggie cuddles, etc…
we basically lived in the moment!

Saturday was the perfect fall day to take Beau to the park to play…
he enjoyed it, but wished there were some others to play with there.

When we returned from the park on Saturday…
Beau noticed the little guy across the street playing outside.
We went over and Beau and our little neighbour, Beckett, who
is also 5… hit it off perfectly and played by the hour riding
bikes, scooters, and cars, etc. … as little boys do…
So cute that Beau now has a new buddy to play with
when he comes to our house, too!

Mariah volunteered at the dog adoption again on Saturday,
and Brian popped by to visit her there.
Later when her dad came to pick up Beau,
Auntie Bev dropped off Mariah here then as well
after her dog adoption day.

Time flies…
Last Friday, the 18th… my son-in-law, Nels, celebrated a birthday.
I crafted  him a card with a nice photo from about a month ago.

This week my oldest of my nephews , Brad, will celebrate a milestone
birthday when he turns 40. I still remember the day he came into
my life… and now he has a babe of his own… here he is
holding his little girl, Brielle.

More moments in time this past week…
I got the grandkids from school on Wednesday and fed them snacks
while they watched TV...and later
got Mariah off to her dancing.

Saturday my newest great niece…
Baby Abby turned a week old… and they texted this
adorable photo of her having her very first bath.
What a precious moment in time that one is!

I look forward to the blog day posts… as I can review all the precious and special moments in time that I have had the previous week. We basically did a lot of impromptu things and LIVING IN THE MOMENT this past week.
Often the most fun memories come from
the little things and moments in time!
I do love sharing them here in my blog with
who stops by, too.
Thanks for popping by today
 to see what I have been up to.

I do enjoy the little things along the way and like to try to capture what we have been up to from day to day. Sometimes the photos do not do the moments justice, but the memories attached remain strong
and cherished in my mind.

Between various coffee/meal outings and some get togethers and babysitting our week seemed full enough!
I love this time of year and especially enjoy a walk in the park as the trees and scenery are just so colourful and pretty with the the changing leaves everywhere.

I do enjoy hearing my music as I walk… I let the tunes play on Shuffle as I Shuffle through the park with my doggie Shuffle!… The songs dictate the soundtrack to where I am at that moment in time… the perfect tune for today is a favourite song by the group 'Earth, Wind and Fire'
called  "SEPTEMBER" …
where the lyrics specifically refer to
"the 21st night of September."
I haven't gone for a walk yet today, but am guessing that song might be in today's shuffle when I do go!

We have enjoyed the times spent with the grandkids this past week as we always do. They seem to be growing up so fast. Mariah still loves volunteering at the
"We All Need A Rescue" (WANAR) Dog Adoption
and she goes with her great Auntie Bev who takes her there each time. They have created many special
 moments and bonds over that.
It has developed a lot of character in Mariah too.
So very special for her and Bev and the dogs they are helping out each time.

Beau is loving his Kindergarten experience… and seems to be getting a little more social with other kids… he is especially into playing with some neighbours in his neighbourhood … and just this past weekend met the little boy across the street from us… named Beckett.
I had fun watching from my front yard as Beau and Beckett road bikes, scooters and cars around their cul de sac.
Both little guys are 5 so they really did hit it off great!

We sort of take things moment by moment around here and do things impromptu as we feel up to doing them. Yesterday we stopped by Brian's moms for a visit, and I dropped off some banana muffins for her that were just fresh out of my oven, too. She is feeling very relieved now that her house has officially sold after it was on the market since last March. Thanks to my nephew, Jeff, for looking after the real-estate duties on that. Now we will need to remove remaining furniture, etc that is still in the house before the new owner moves in October 1st.

Birthdays and special occasions come and go in the moments of time and we continue to all grow older!
Just last Friday my son in law, Nels celebrated another birthday. He and Jana were out to celebrate that then, too.
I enjoyed another chance to craft another card, as well.
This wednesday, my oldest nephew, Brad,
will hit the milestone age of 40.
I still remember becoming an Auntie for the first time when he was born. Since then I have 5 more nephews, 2 nieces and now 3 great nieces to add to that special list!
I have been fortunate to spend many special moments with all of them … with the exception of the newest great niece … but hope to meet her one day soon.

I was thrilled for the winners on the tv shows I watch…
both SYTYCD… and AGT last week.
I was also pleased the tapper won SYTYCD …and was the first tapper to win on that show, too.
I loved the winning act on AGT… the ventriloquist…
I thought he was excellent.
Now I look forward to DWTS weekly and will get out my judging book and practice my judging skills as I watch the moments unfold on that show!

Brian loves his grand kids and his grand dog, Jazz, too.
Just today he drove over to let Jazz out and ended up bringing him here to spend some time here today.
We are sure enjoying that dog… and thankfully both
Jazz and Shuffle get along great too!

This coming Sunday, I will be recalling the date I met Brian for the first time on a blind date back on September, 27th, 1973… when I was in Edmonton attending a Brian Foley Dance Workshop weekend! We have pretty much been living in the moment ever since then… and making many memorable ones to share along the way, too.
I am grateful every day for the life I get to share with him…
and glad we can live in the moment together now as well.

This Wednesday, September 23rd… is the first official day of FALL as my nephew tuns 40… Happy Birthday Brad!

On that note… here is my rhyme of the day…

I think it's so important to enjoy all we can do,
Because in this life's journey…
we are all just passing through!
So live it in the moment
with loved ones and each friend,
Make a treasured memory with
each moment  you can spend.
Cherish all the moments and all the little things,
Value all the memories that every moment brings.
Make each moment special with music and with song,
And live life to the fullest…
as you dance along!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

DANCiNG Through LiFE!

"DANCE (through life)
When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It's to enjoy each step along the way."
-Dr. Wayne Dyer

"Dance first. Think later. It's the natural order. "
- Samuel Beckett

"and if the music is good, dance"
-Author Unknown

Last Monday was a special day for me…
I went to the Janet Jackson Concert  with my daughter and grand daughter.
3 generations of love for DANCE and MUSIC… such a fun memory!

We sat very close to the stage… but I still didn't get stellar photos.
However, I did get a few videos  in the night.
I loved the concert and the dancing was awesome!

Later in the week I met with two friends I know
from my dancing connections in life…
Friend, Brenda-(BSOBAD dance studio owner)…
and friend Cathy who was a neighbour,
she is  also a dance mom, and great friend, too.
We did a fun latte outing to D'Lish !

On that same day… we picked up Jana's dog, JAZZ and brought
him to spend the day with us… he was so cute leaning on Brian
in the car!

A couple days last week we took Mariah to her dancing lessons.
These photos were on Thursday… Jazz came for the ride, too…
and Mariah was showing me her new leg warmers from the back seat!
Mariah loved her first week back to dance!

I have been doing many little walking outings with my good friend, Ella.
She keeps track of our steps along the way on her fitbit!!!
Friday we ended up back at her place for a happy hour after our big walk.
Shuffle came on the walk, too…and had never been to Ella's place!

Saturday we had Beau for half of the day…
He loves to make cupcakes…everything about that experience …
from beating them, licking the beaters, icing the cupcakes
 and eating them, too!
He is such a fun little guy to have around .

Also on Saturday we took Beau to see his sister at the Broadway
Street Fair…where she was volunteering in the Dog Adoption
booth. Was a hot day and lots of action all down Broadway…
including some dancers along the way as well.

Mariah's dog for the day was a little lab-terrior cross pup, named
Paisley. Mariah still loves helping with the adoptions…
and she is good at it, too. She loves animals.

Also on the weekend… I went for a great walk with my two friends,
Ella and Heather.
We drove out to Erindale and Arbour Creek, and walked a new
territory for us… it is so beautiful and scenic there.
Ella kept track of our steps along the way, too!
These two are such great and supportive friends for me.

Late Saturday night, September 12th…
This little sweetie made her debut into the world.
My niece, Emily had her little baby girl, named
ABIGAIL BRUCE… weighing 7 lbs.12 oz.
but they will call her ABBY!
We are so excited for her… and I am the proud
Great Auntie to my 3rd GREAT NIECE in less
than a year!

On September 13th, 2008 we got our puppy…
a little pug-boston cross( a Bug)… and called her Shuffle.
The pic on the left was taken on the day we got Shuffle…
the photos on the right are to show just how much
Mariah and Shuffle have grown since then.

Mariah is wearing a little Tutu and we named Shuffle
after the famous TAP DANCE step!

Sunday was Grandparent Day…
we were invited to supper with the GRANDKIDS, and GRANDOG!
I didn't capture many photos there… but the meal was delicious!

Last night I was asked to SUB TEACH at BSOBAD
and taught 3 Adult Tap classes.
The photo above is the most advanced of the classes…
what an awesome bunch of ladies…
Lots of former tappers from younger years.
I still love to TAP… TAPPiNESS always brings me HAPPiNESS!

Last night on SYTYCD they were to crown the winner
of America's Favourite Dancer…
I actually loved all of the top four in the running, too…
such a diverse group of  talented dancers and
nice personalities.

I am glad I came home from teaching last night
 and watched the recorded SYTYCD
 before opening up my FB and Instagram accounts…
as there were many photos everywhere of this year's winner.
Here is just one of the many photos I saw on FB…
This is the TAPPER, Gaby Diaz, who won the show this season
… here with our very good friend,
 and amazing show choreographer, Stacey Tookey.
The Tookey family and our family go way back…
so when I see Stacey on the show, I always feel so proud.
This is the very first season where a Tapper has won the
the title on that show!
YAY TAP!!!!!

Welcome to another week summery of my life here on my blog! I didn't get to my post yesterday as I was busy DANCING!!! I was asked to sub teach yesterday at BSOBAD for their 3 Adult Tap classes. So during the day I was sort of dancing around the kitchen off and on all day.

Life itself is really like one big dance… the steps we take in it and everything we do… involves so many steps… twists, turns, ups and downs as well as round and rounds!
My life has revolved around dance since my mom enrolled me in it at the early age of 4… and the rest is history!
From that early age I have been more or less
from training as a dancer all through my school years in various dance forms and at various different dance studios and camps, conventions, workshops etc…
 to my teaching days.

I opened my dance studio, Diane Will Dance Studio, in September of 1974 and closed it in June of 2002.
I joined the teaching staff at BSOBAD as their
TAP DIRECTOR in September of 2002
and taught till May of 2008. The experiences I had along that teaching journey were all amazing and so many of them very rewarding as well. I do still keep my foot in the door of the dance world on many levels…
and only free lance teach and or adjudicate
here and there now.

My love of dance is and always will be strong. I love lots of things pertaining to dance… and am especially fond of  TAP… it has always been my favourite and specialty.
I like to get out the tap shoes from time to time and
just get lots in the SHUFFLE!

My life has transformed through many things over time, though, and although I no longer teach dance on a regular basis… I am still involved . My daughter, Jana, danced through her life growing up and even went on to a professional dance career in Tokyo Disney where she did 5 dance contracts there. She has now hung up her dance shoes… but is still into SHOES and owns her own shoe store now, called … SWANK SHOE LOUNGE.

Jana's daughter, Mariah loves to dance now…and is following in her mom and grandma's footsteps…
she is currently taking lessons in Tap, Jazz, Ballet, Hip Hop and Musical Theatre.  Her favourite is Ballet.
Mariah is growing up so fast and I am so proud of not only the little dancer she is becoming… but also of the little human she is… I am such a proud grandma!

This week we have done many things as the photos above show… I was so excited to become a Great Auntie for the 3rd time in less than a year… I now have 3 little great nieces… Jorja, Brielle and the newest one is little Abby born just this past weekend, to my niece, Emily.

The Janet Jackson Concert I attended with my two girls… was great. Not only could I relate to many of the tunes… some of which Jana danced to growing up… but the dancing in the show was awesome and the experience of sharing a common love with my family  of music and dance.
Fun to share those interests with 3 generations … it was a special night out for me, and hopefully them, too.

Lots of our life revolves around the grandkids now a days. We absolutely love the chances we have to spend with both them and their dog, Jazz, too! Sunday was a special day designated to Grandparents on the calendar. We were so lucky to have supper with our grandkids on that day, too.
Jana and Nels cooked up a yummy supper with ceasar salad, chicken kabobs and perogies. We enjoyed just being with the grandkids that evening in their own little setting.

Mariah and I were painting some little postcards together from a little kit she had, while Beau enjoyed a movie on Netflix called "Meet The Robinsons".
I was kind of attracted to some of the music from the movie, and researched it to find out a couple songs were sung by an artist I saw in Montreal last summer at their Jazz Festival, named Jamie Cullum.

I now have an app on my phone for downloading music called SPOTIFY… so I was able to get those tunes I heard in Beau's movie… and put them to use when I taught at BSOBAD just last night. To me if the music is good…
it just makes you want to dance!

When I retired from teaching dance, teachers were still using CDs as their music format. But last night I taught by using music from my cel phone, for the very first time… it was a whole new experience in itself! But I am happy to say, I did eventually catch on!!!! hehehe The teaching was very fun, too… and some awesome adult tappers at that studio, as well. I was honoured to be ask to fill in.
A fun opportunity to TAP into all round!

I also watched the new season opener of DWTS last night after my late teaching night. I enjoyed that as well… I do like to watch the dance related TV competitions shows. I also like the America's Got Talent… which soon will be wrapping up for another season. I will watch AGT tonight!

We recalled the day we got our dog, Shuffle, when that date rolled by again. I retired from Teaching dance in May of 2008 and that final week of my teaching career experience, we lost our Pug, Mocha. In September, 2008… we decided to get a new doggie… and in honour of all my years of teaching dance and Tap… we named her "SHUFFLE"
after one of the most popular tap steps!

My life is filled with many things and lots like I say revolves around dance … and often I just feel LOST in the SHUFFLE of life… but in life when there is music
 it's fun to just dance it out!

This weekend, my son in law, NELS will be celebrating his birthday… so I will take this chance to wish him a
Happy Birthday on the 18th of September.
His new business is very successful since he opened it in the spring… and he keeps himself very busy.

On that note… here is my rhyme of the day!

I love to dance when I get the chance,
And LIFE itself... is like a big DANCE!
There are many steps we take on our way,
As we dance through each and every day.
There are twists and turns… ups and downs,
Smiles and laughs… pouts and frowns.
There are simple steps and hard ones too…
Takes all kinds of steps to get us through.
So many steps… go round and round,
We begin over and over… I have found,
But in the end, when I get the chance…
If the music is good, I love to dance!

Monday, September 7, 2015


"Life is either a great adventure or nothing."
-Helen Keller

"Life is meant to be joyful,fun, adventurous, meaningful and exciting. Having people you cherish come along for the ride is truly a blessing. Cultivating and maintaining these meaningful relationships is such an important part of life."
-Anil Sinha

"Time flies whether you're having fun or not. 
The choice is yours."
-Author Unknown

Last Wednesday we took BEAU on a FUN ADVENTURE
to Kinsmen Park… he loved it…and his name for it was
We had a fun ride on the new train there…
and I tried to capture us with a selfie!!!

Beau was not quite ready for the adventure on the new
big yellow ferris wheel…
nor did he care to go on the merry-go-round…
but instead headed over to the park
where there were slides and swings and other fun things!

He could not get enough of the big tunnel slide…
that was his favourite…
he would climb up the tunnel and go down the slide and run
back and go again… and again … and again!
It was fun for us to watch him having so much fun!!!
He had on his BIRKENSTOCKS…
which he calls BIRKEN-"STOPS",
but nothing was STOPPING him!

Earlier on Wednesday we did lots of fun adventures around
the house… from set ups and sidewalk chalk… leaning to spell
and write his name… to playing with Shuffle in the back yard.
It was such a beautiful day out for outdoor play and
lots of fun adventures!

Later we picked up Mariah from school at the after school program.
She showed us the kindergarten room for Beau…
as well as her locker and
her classroom door, too with her new teacher's name on it…

Last tuesday was school registration day…and following that
we went for a celebration lunch adventure
at one of  the kid's favourite places… Boston Pizza.
Mariah is holding up 4 fingers to represent grade four…
and Jana is doing a zero to represent Kindergarten for Beau.

Later Tuesday we had both kids to babysit through supper hour…
Beau was a bit all over the map…and furniture too!!!
He made up a card game with some Oiler cards he got at dollarama.
He was colouring with the 3-d glasses on… too!

Mariah is much calmer to babysit… and was content eating
popcorn watching a movie and entertaining the two dogs!

JAZZ and SHUFFLE are becoming such good buddies and together
they have had some fun adventures lately, too!

One of my traditional adventures at this time of year
is updating bulletin boards for BSOBAD dance studio…
and I often stop for  a STARBUCKS on route!
STARBUCKS always makes me SMILE!!!

I have been decorating bulletin boards at
for 13 years now…and it has been quite a fun adventure
for me. Due to the fact her studio is located in an old school
it has many bulletin boards throughout it.
I hang anything from photos, to important info... as well as themes
 and motivational and inspirational stuff!
Her studio has had many FUN ADVENTURES this summer,
and therefore there were many photos from those events to hang.

When searching some motivational quotes for the boards…
I found many pertaining to DANCE… and these are just a few.
Soon all dance studios will be in full swing…
and many new FUN ADVENTURES for dancers and teachers
will begin!

Another FUN ADVENTURE from last week…
was when my friend, Ella and I were invited to friend's,
Bob and Jacquie's to watch the labour day weekend fireworks from
the deck of their condo. It was a cool and wet evening but I
managed to snap a couple of photos of the action in the sky!
It was so sweet of them to have us over… to see the fireworks.
We also did our weekly Fuddrucker's breakfast yesterday
with that same fun bunch!

Yesterday Brian and I went to visit my brother, Bob, his wife, Arleen,
my nephew, Jeff and his little sweetie, Jorja.
Bob was busy taking Jorja on a FUN ADVENTURE
in a pamper's box pulled with a long shoe horn!
Bob is a pretty proud grandpa… he was loving his
wee grand daughter while we visited.

Arleen and Bob are such devoted grandparents, to both Jorja and their other
little grand daughter,  Brielle, too.
Jeff's wife, Savannah, is on a fun adventure this week
to celebrate a girlfriend's milestone birthday in Mexico.
I know Jeff will have lots of help looking after Jorja…
with his mom and dad close by.
We sure enjoyed Jorja, too… what a little cutie pie!

Today with the rainy cold weather, I was inspired to make a couple
confort foods… Banana chocolate chip Muffins… and a big crock pot of
chilli for supper… YUMMY… a couple of my favourites!

Later today I am so excited to go to see JANET JACKSON
in concert with Jana and Mariah…
it will be such a FUN ADVENTURE
for the 3 of us to go together too!
Jana danced to Janet Jackson 25 years ago…
hard to believe that much time has passed
since her jazz group performed a number to
ESCAPADE… and today we will be

Here it is another BLOG DAY! Thanks for popping by to read about the FUN ADVENTURES from this past week.
One of the things I enjoy most about sharing my blog with my readers is that it is like a little ADVENTURE down memory lane for me, too. It is a reminder of how much fun I have crammed into my previous week!

With it being the beginning of a new season in school and activities for people… this is the start of many new FUN ADVENTURES for lots of people. It is a new chapter for this season… and for my little grandson BEAU, the start of his school adventures! He did his first full day of kindergarten on Friday and apparently was so proud of himself. He seemed all grown up all of a sudden! Mariah was quite happy to meet her new teacher, Mrs. Foley… who teaches a grade 3-4 split. Mariah was so excited to reunite with a friend she met in grade one…and they have already bonded and are so happy to be in the same class. She is so grown up now in grade 4 already… where did the time go?!

We did a bit of babysitting last week. We are honestly lucky our grandkids live in the city and we can share so many adventures with them as they grow up. This coming weekend is GRANDPARENT DAY, too!!!

 Beau is very lively and full of life, though, so after a couple of days of fun adventures with him… I need a day off to catch my breath again!!!... wink wink!
He is such a fun little guy, though.
I hope he has a great first year experience at school.

Tomorrow Mariah begins another year of dance lessons. She will be a busy little girl going to lessons every day of the week after school. Good thing she enjoys her dancing. I hope she gets to do some extra little things,too… possibly a solo or two this year at dance competitions…
we will see what unfolds for her… as she follows in the family footsteps and traditions!

As September begins… the weather begins to change. Last week was so nice out… but the last couple of days have been cooler and wet… so harder to get out for fun adventures outdoors! I have managed to go on a few dog walking outings with my friend, Ella. She keeps track of her steps on a device called a "FITBIT"… she likes to keep me up to date with how many steps she has recorded on it, as well as how many calories she has burned and how many hours of sleep she is getting.
Although I am not really keeping track of my steps, etc…
I am managing to get a few in here and there!

I did get to the gym last week a couple of times. All the gym instructors I take classes from lately celebrate birthdays in the fall… so Happy Birthday to them…
Theresa, Trent, Nicole…and Peggy, too!
Because of their classes… I feel like
my life adventures are better,
and I love that "goodlife"

I enjoyed the outing to friends, Bob and Jacquie's this past weekend. They had other friends over as well to enjoy the fireworks. Nice to have a comfy place to watch them from.

I have had a few adventures to BSOBAD this past couple weeks to get their bulletin boards ready for a new dance season. I originally hung mostly stars and quotes, etc… until I was given some photos to hang… so did some revamping and re arranging of all the stuff originally hung!!!
That studio sure had many fun adventures this past summer…from competing in dance in Kelowna, to competing in the world cup baton championships in Abbotsford. As well the studio took part in a big event called One Voice, as well as having twirlers in the  exhibition parade, and a couple of summer dance camps, too.
There is always a "BEE" HIVE of activity at that place.
Until this year I have used the "BEE" as a main THEME with it going so well with "B"SOBAD!
Over time I have shifted to many themes throughout the studio on the bulletin boards there. This year I kind of decided to "STAR"T the year with lots of "STARS" instead!
I am wishing BSOBAD and all the dance studios in and around beginning their new dance seasons…

I am enjoying the FUN of being a GREAT AUNTIE…
so far I have two "great nieces"…
JORJA , born last December…
and BRIELLE, born in May this year.

Today my niece, Emily, is due to have her first child, too.
I am hoping all goes well with that little one's arrival… whether it be today or later this week.
I know Emily had hoped her baby would have come early,  on what would have been her dad's birthday
on September 3rd.
Her dad, Bruce, would have been 64 on that date, but hopefully had a nice celebration in Heaven.

It was interesting as I took my morning walk with my dog on Bruce's birthday… one of the first tunes to play on my mix was a Beatle's medley starting off with "Here Comes The Sun" followed by "When I'm Sixty Four".
I often say this… but my music always seems to reflect the soundtrack to what is happening in my life at that moment in time. Music is a big part of the
 FUN ADVENTURES in my life.

Later today I look so forward to my FUN ADVENTURE with my two favourite girlies… JANA and MARIAH…
my daughter and grand daughter…
for our Girl's Night Out to the
JANET JACKSON concert. It will be tons of fun I am sure.

Next Monday I am sub teaching at BSOBAD for 3 ADULT TAP CLASSES on their first lessons of this season. I have not taught TAP for a while, so that will prove to be a
FUN ADVENTURE I am quite sure!
Even though I am a bit rusty…
I am sure I will be able to get
"LOST IN THE SHUFFLE"… so to speak!

On that note… here is my rhyme of the day…

I like to think of my life as an adventure full of fun,
Right from the day's beginning, until each day is done.
Whether it is doing the things I love,
or doing what I need to do,
It's like a big adventure… and a journey, too!
Some days are lots of fun… while others maybe not,
But it's all in how you deal with it…
that is just my thought!
I like to stay on the upbeat side, that is my intent,
The daily little duties are what keep my heart content.
So whether I am going out, or if I am at home,
My life's a big adventure, where ever I may roam!