Wednesday, March 23, 2011

As TiME Goes By!

Here is Jana this morning
when she dropped off Beau!
I find words in songs often set the soundtrack to LIFE! ... such as these TIMELESS classic words from a famous song...
"A kiss is still a kiss, a sigh is just a sigh
The fundamental things apply
As time goes by."
-Herman Hupfeld

I got to thinking yesterday as I was babysitting BEAU... how fast the time is going by. 
He is growing so quickly and decided to look back on Mariah at the same age in photos stored on our computer...

MARIAH at 7 months!

Mariah and her daddy and mommy

Beau at 7 months!

Beau and his two toofies!

I feel so lucky to get to know my grandkids and see all their stages... AS TIME GOES BY!

Today my 'seize the day' calendar says this...
"Why not learn to enjoy the little things- 
there are so many of them."
-Author unknown

My Quaker oatmeal package had 
2 happy heart tips again...

"Nourish your emotional heart."

"Simplify your life.
Prioritize what matters most."

I find as I grow older I enjoy quotes and sayings more and more... as time goes by!
That is what nourishes my emotional heart.
I also enjoy the simple things, too... they are often the things that matter most.

Today I will take Mariah to her dancing this afternoon... so decided to do my blog early as I am sure the pace will pick up from that point on. Beau is down for a nap now so he will be up for the trip to get his sister to her lesson!

Shuffle is doing another day of raising the "WOOF" at the doggie daycare today. 
She needs to get more action, and with this ongoing winter weather 
she isn't out nearly enough!

I am looking forward to another episode of American Idol tonight on TV. 
I enjoy that show so much.
I also enjoyed watching Barbara Streisand on Oprah yesterday. Lots of good memories looking at her career. I was always a big fan!
I LOVE ELLEN in the mornings, too... she starts my day off with a good LAUGH or two.

Here is a little poem I had written a year ago or so and had it hanging on the 
studio bulletin board... 
I thought it had a good message for today.

It's up to you, whatever you choose,
You can choose to win, or choose to lose.
You can go barefoot, or maybe wear shoes.
You can stay awake or choose to snooze!
You can choose to be angry and really be mad,
Or choose to be happy and always be glad.
You can choose to be good 
or choose to be bad.
You can cherish the good times 
that you've ever had.
You can choose to give praise and not criticize,
You can choose to stay fit and get exercise.
You can always de-clutter and just organize.
You can choose all your lows, 
and also your highs!
You can choose to say YAY,
or choose to say BOO!
Whatever you choose, will be all up to you...
So try to make choices for the good they can do.
These are my thoughts,
and I'll stick with them, too!


  1. Another great started my day off right!! So nice to see the little smiling faces, they just seem to brighten my day too, I love that!! It's amazing how much the two munchkins look so much alike at 7 mons. but the boy girl thing separates them..but still alike in looks. Your daughter also looks like her mom...very pretty!!
    Wishing you all a happy & fun filled day!!
    Thank you for sharing & putting a 'smile' on my face..xx

  2. Thanks as always Arlene/ Arleena!... I appreciate your responses always! xo
