Sunday, January 29, 2012


"Every day brings new choices."
-Martha Beck

"Behaviors are a choice. Feelings are sometimes out of our control. Behavior has to do with choices.
-Randall Terry

I still love this wall hanging that hangs in our kitchen.
It says...
"We tend to Seek Happiness
when happiness is

Here is my good friend, Linda and I this morning.
We normally CHOOSE STARBUCKS over TIM'S...
but we were at the airport and didn't have that
CHOICE option today! 

Here is a picture Mariah took of Brian, Beau and me last Sunday.
It looks like Beau is trying to choose something by
pointing here! 

Here is my little Dancing Queen last sunday.
Mariah often CHOOSES to dance while she is here...
she is a free spirit by CHOICE! 

Here is BEAU choosing to feed his snack to Shuffle! 

Another activity of CHOICE for Mariah when she is here
is to bake cookies, which we also did last Sunday. 

Here is my little happy face Beau last week
He is usually HAPPY

Mariah often chooses to craft while here, too.
It is also a favorite CHOICE of mine as well.

Today as I sat down to write a blog...
I was having a hard time
CHOOSING a theme!
I have CHOSEN a lot of
different ones over time.
I looked back to the 30 blog posts
I wrote in the 31 days of January in 2011,
alone... which were a lot of theme choices...
 so decided to just call it CHOICE!

I was very ambitious last year when
starting out with my blog, but
have written less of them per month
since about March of last year.
LESS IS MORE!... (sometimes!)

I got thinking how my new year's
resolutions this year were to revolve
around that LESS is MORE theme...
but so far I haven't got
really going on that!!!

I met my sisters-in-law yesterday
for a Starbucks. It is always my
coffee of CHOICE !!!
We had a nice visit.
It was Brenda's birthday, too.
No photos were snapped!

Last night Brian and I met friends
Bob and Jacquie for a
nice supper at Athena...
It was a good CHOICE...
the food is always good there!

Today I met my good Lanigan friend,
LINDA, at the airport for a coffee.
Traditionally we usually meet at
STARBUCKS... it is our first CHOICE!
 However, the airport only sells
Linda and her hubby, Dennis
and their friends Shannon and Howard
were just headed to HAWAII for
a little tropical get away!
I have never been there myself...
but many say it is a good CHOICE!

Today it is one of my favorite
cousins birthdays.
As a child I idolized her. To me she was
 to my dear cousin DARCY, today,
I hope you have a very
CHOICE kind of day!

I was looking back on some old poems
I wrote a while back and found the
perfect one written in March of 2011...

It's up to you, whatever you choose,
You can choose to win, or chose to lose.
You can go barefoot, or maybe wear shoes.
You can stay awake or choose to snooze.
You can choose to be angry,
and really be mad...
Or choose to be happy and always be glad.
You can choose to be good
or choose to be bad.
You can cherish the good times
that you've ever had.
You can choose to praise and not criticize,
You can choose to stay fit and get exercise.
You can always declutter and just organize.
You can choose all your lows
and also your highs!
You can choose to say yay,
or choose to say boo...
Whatever you choose , will be up to you.
So try to make choices
for the good they can do,
These are my thoughts...
and I'll stick with them, too!

Friday, January 27, 2012

It's All GOOD!

Today my Mary Engelbreit daily quote calendar says this...

"If we're stuck having expectations, there's a very good reason to embrace positive ones: 
it's that we often create what we anticipate."
-Martha Beck

"Look for what is good and you will find it."
-Author Unknown

"If we live good lives, the times are also good
As we are, such are the times."
- St. Augustine

A GOOD little treat I fixed myself today...
Melted down dark chocolate and granny Smith apple fondue.
While having house blend coffee, and reading
my "LIVE GOOD" book from my GOOD friend Linda...
what's not to LOVE about that?

I got a real GOOD deal on some cards yesterday
at a local flower shop that is closing tomorrow.
I am a card lover...and love all the GOOD wishes they bring! 

Not only do I love to buy cards... I love to craft them too...
Here is a photo book filled with crafted cards
I made, photographed and turned into a hardcover book
2 years ago. TAPPING into many of my passions!
It's ALL GOOD!!!

2 special guys in my life who bring out the GOOD in me!
Here is my brother BRIAN with my grandson BEAU
here on sunday night. 

Some of the many CDs I have received from my brother,
Brian over the past few years.
Not only is he a very GOOD and talented musician...
he is a very artsy and GOOD painter and paints all his CD covers!
Both Brian and I share our loves for creativity always.

Mariah having a very GOOD time dancing last night
when I came over for a little impromtu supper there.
I love to see her having a GOOD time always. 

The grandkids having fun last night ...
Mariah watching a movie,
and Beau cruising around on the side.

Tuesday Beau and Shuffle.
Neither of them were feeling GOOD here,
but it let me capture a few GOOD photos of them together! 

Every time I set foot into
I feel like I am doing myself some GOOD!

Today as I sit down to write my blog,
I have my brother Brian's GOOD
music playing in the background.
He brought me a new CD he
recorded recently last Sunday.
He is so talented.

For those of you who read my
previous blog, you will know that this
has been a week of challenges...
with a sick grandson and doggie.
So just an update on those two...
I am happy to report that both
are on their way to
So it's ALL GOOD!

Thanks to my wonderful VET for
helping us through the times
with our sick little Shuffle.
She did such a GOOD job of
understanding her.
It is hard when our dogs can't
tell us what is wrong.

I actually made it to the gym
this morning as well as
yesterday morning for a couple of classes.
I always feel GOOD after taking
any kind of gym classes.
Co-incidentally the gym is called
"GOODLIFE"! The teachers there
are all very GOOD, too!

Yesterday was a GOOD day!I joined my GOOD friend, Brenda
for girlfriend bond lunch and we enjoyed catching up. She told me I seemed
 the happiest she had ever remembered
me being... so that made me feel GOOD!
A little compliment goes a long way.

I also went shopping at
which is closing tomorrow.
They reduced all their stock drastically,
so I stocked up on more cards,
for my card drawer!!!
I have always been a real card lover,
so I love a GOOD deal on any I can buy.
I still love to create and craft my own
as well... to me cards are always GOOD
for the GOOD wishes they bring!

I was also invited to share supper
with my daughter and her kiddies
 last night at their place. It was a nice
chance to have a little mother /daughter
bond... which is always GOOD!

Jana has been home from her
2 week holiday in Australia since
Monday but Nels was away on a work conference when she got home...
so he arrives home again today...
I know they are both looking so forward
 to seeing each other once again...
it's all GOOD!

Brian flew to Calgary yesterday
for the funeral of his good friend,
Pete who died suddenly of a heart attack
last Friday. It is always a reminder to
live every day to the fullest and
to concentrate on the GOOD things
in life always.
Brian said the funeral was
a nice tribute to Pete, and although the circumstance was sad, it was GOOD
to reunite with some of his
GOOD old buddies again.

Tomorrow it is my sister-in-law,
Brenda's Birthday...
So hoping she has a GOOD one!

On that note...

Life has it's ups and also it's downs,
It has it's smiles and also it's frowns.
Somedays we feel well...
others not as we should,
But usually it's ok... infact
I think the stresses that come along,
Are there for a good reason,
to make us more strong.
It helps to look on the side that is bright,
To improve on things and
make them more right.
Even the simple things...
"HAPPY" up a day!
And turn the worries all around,
in a real good way.
Life's a journey, enjoy what makes you smile,
Truly then... "IT'S ALL GOOD"
for a real long while!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

All You Need Is LOVE!

"Nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be. It's easy. All you need is love..."
-John Lennon and Paul McCartney

"LOVE is such a big word it really should have more letters."
-Kobi Yamada

"Give all to love; Obey the heart."
-Pablo Picasso

LOVINGLY reunited together again after
Jana's return from her 2 week holiday in Australia!

Jana happy to see her little BEAU man!
Poor Beau wasn't feeling so good here. 

Happiness is...
Mommy happy to see her kids again
and them happy to see their mommy,
I'm not sure who was happiest!
I know at 1 AM everyone was pretty sleepy, too
... (myself included!)

Mariah with one of the many little
Australian gifts! 

Beau off to daycare with toast in hand
Monday morning...
He only lasted about an hour there,
then I had to get him... he had a fever! 

Mariah enjoying her cake pop sucker and
hot chocolate at Starbucks,
after a quick stop at Dollarama, Monday morning. 

Hanging some Dollarama Valentine decorations! 

Mariah loves to do make up!!!
Here she was watching a video on how to do a zebra face! 

Mariah is such a good big sister... here she is giving Beau
a little LOVE by the heater in the kitchen! 

More sisterly LOVE! 

Beau in his new LOVE BONDS
 jammies from Australia,
yesterday morning here. 

Shuffle yesterday by the LOVE sign.
Poor Shuffle is a sick little puppy. 

Beau and Shuffle were both sick yesterday,
 so they both sat long enough for
me to capture several pics of them together!
...(That just never happens when they
 are their normal energetic selves!!!)

Princess Mariah Sunday night making up some dances! 

Candy Cane BEAU on
Sunday night's sleepover! 

Me and my cousin Gwen
concert Saturday...
We both Loved it!

I have been too busy these past few
days to get a new blog up...
sometimes life just happens!
However by the looks of the
previous blog, not many viewed it.
So there was no panic to rush into
a new one, I guess.

It has been hectic here lately,
to say the least!

Saturday following a nice supper
out at Chianti's with my cousin Gwen,
we went to
concert together. This was my
birthday gift from Gwen.
It was our local Symphony
and a BEATLES group doing
great renditions of many of the
classic BEATLE tunes...
including the ever famous one

...The last few days I found
that those words are so true, too!

Nels left on Sunday for a work conference
out of town and left the grandkiddies
 with us. As always there were
a whirlwind of activities going on
 from the minute the kids were left here.

I baked cookies and crafted with Mariah.
Brian made a fabulous supper
Sunday night, and my brother Brian
joined us for that, too.
We also had my sister-in-law,
Brenda and her daughter Rowen
over for a visit in the evening as well.

Mariah was a busy girl all night
creating dances and having fun.
Beau went to bed well...
 but was up at midnight for
more snuggles and lullabies
on the rocking chair!

Monday morning I took Beau to his daycare, and Mariah and I went to dollarama and starbucks...(2 of our favorite places!)
When we got home, the daycare called
for me to come and get Beau
as he was running a fever.

Luckily Shuffle was off to doggie daycare ...
so it made for a less hectic day here.
I often find with both kids and the dog...
things become crazy at times!

After supper we took the kids back
to Jana's and got them bathed
and to bed. Jana arrived home from Australia after midnight that night (Monday).
Brian woke up Mariah and took her to the airport, while I stayed at Jana's with Beau.

I am not sure who was more excited...
the kids or Jana...
I know Mariah was pumped,
although Beau still had a fever
and was not himself.

Yesterday was a busy day, too.
Shuffle started throwing up all morning and finally Brian took her to the vet.
I also had sick Beau here as well,
because his fever had not broken.
Therefore he couldn't go to daycare.
Jana was right back to work... no time to recover from the 17 hour time
difference and jet lag!

I picked up Mariah from Kindergarten
yesterday, too, and Jana joined
us for supper and then took the kids home.

Shuffle was not doing well last night
so I called the vet again. I took her
back there this morning where she is
now for observation and blood tests.
I am so worried about
my little SHUFFLE doggie!

I am hoping with a little LOVE
all the family can recover
back to healthy states...
it's amazing how far a
little LOVE can go!

... just like the famous words of
the BEATLES  song...

So on that note...
here is my poem of the day...

Somedays all you really need is LOVE...
Whether from here or from up above.
Be it for health and for feeling good...
LOVE just helps...
when we don't feel as we should.
Something small like a little make up,
Or a trip to starbucks for a red drink cup!
A concert with music that means so much...
Or dollarama treats and decor and such!
Snuggles at midnight in the rocking chair,
Singing lullabies and just being there.
Thinking of  my SHUFFLE dog...
Getting behind on my blog...
When things do not go like the plan,
I do my best and do what I can!
And really LOVE is all we need...
It's such a comfort ... true indeed!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

SmiLeS & HuGs!

"Peace begins with a smile."
-Mother Teresa

"A Hug is two hearts wrapped in arms."
-Author Unknown

"Hold a friend's hand through times of trial, let her find love through a hug and a smile; but also  know when it's time to let go- for every one of us must learn to grow."
-Author Unknown

Mariah with me at Boston Pizza for lunch...
sharing both SMILES & HUGS!

Mariah and Beau's Grandma Nancy on the right
with her sister Shelley ... both with beautiful SMILES at
Boston Pizza yesterday for lunch! 

Selecting our lunches...
Mariah had her normal

BEAU with one of his most typical SMILES!!! 

A HUGS and SMILES kind of pic
with my two favorite munchkins! 

The next four pics were ones I photographed off of
Jana's Facebook page.
Here is Jana with her two AUSSIE friends
Naomi and Sheryn...
in their Aussie flag tops and bikini bottoms
Jumping for joy!

The 3 gals out wining and dining! 

Another Aussie pic... of the 3 beautiful SMILING girls! 

The 3 girls ... friends for life...
having a fun time together in Australia. 

A picture from GOODLIFE gym this morning...
I especially like the top right hand one...

It is nearly the end of Jana's Australian
I didn't spend as much time
with my sweet grandkids this past week,
as their GRANDMA NANCY from Edmonton,
 came for week 2 of the trip
to help out with the kiddies!

I did however see Mariah on Wednesday
when I took her along with her
Grandma Nancy to the dance lesson.
I came for a little visit with them after
as well, but Beau was at daycare,
so I didn't see him that day.

That was Colin's birthday and
I talked to him on the phone, too.
He was sounding very good
and even ended the call by saying
(I have to say that really made my day!)

Yesterday Nancy invited me to join her
and her sister, Shelley along with Mariah
for a little BOSTON PIZZA lunch! That was another fun outing, making Mariah
feel extra special. While we were there...
we were noticing the BP on the glasses
there and discussed how those initials
and also for BO PEEP!
Mariah is so LETTER and NUMBER
conscious now that she is in Kindergarten!
Mariah also had fun helping the waitress
clean tables! I happened to know the waitress as I once taught her dancing  years ago,
her name was ANGELA!...
She was so good to Mariah!

Today I went to the gym for my 8:30
Body Vive class at the gym, and
as always feel good after that class...
but today even more so as
a group of the gym friends went
out for coffee following...
(but asked not to be posted on my blog!!!) hehehe... We shared lots of SMILES
as we enjoyed coffee
 over some laughs!

Today is supposedly
apparently it is also
Which kind of gave me the idea
of my blog title... but instead of calling it
I chose to call it "SMILES and HUGS"
instead... thought that sounded better!!!

Jana has been in Australia since leaving
here on January 9th and will
be returning home on Monday night again.
I can see by the many Facebook pictures posted on her page,
 that her and her friends are having a blast.
They have no doubt shared many
SMILES and HUGS during the visit!

Brian and I helped lots with her kids during week one of the holiday.
Then their Grandma Nancy
came from Edmonton to
help during week 2.
 She is now on her way back home today...
and was a great help while here.
I'm sure she also enjoyed many
SMILES and HUGS from the grandkids!

 Brian and I will help out
for the remainder of the time,
while Jana is gone.

Even though the kids have had
their daddy home all along and
he has done a fabulous job with them,
and the grandparents have kicked in
as well... I know they are really beginning
to miss their mommy, now!
I am pretty sure the
kids and JANA will be all
once she comes home again!

Tonight I am going out with my
cousin Gwen. We are going
to the concert  called
This is a concert with our local symphany
joined by a group dressed like
THE BEATLES, and the show will be all BEATLES' music.
Gwen and I were always
BEATLE fans growing up,
so it sounds like fun!
We will likely be SMILING
and SINGING along all night!
 This is my birthday gift from her.

On a sad note... Brian lost a dear friend yesterday. His friend Pete,
who was also a groomsman at our wedding died suddenly of a heart attack.
Another reminder to live in the moment and count our blessings every day.

With today being all about HUGS...
remember to HUG your loved ones often,
Share your LOVE and SMILES always!

On that note...

Nothing brightens a day
more than a smile...
Add a hug to that and
it lasts a longer while.
When someone is having
a lower type day,
Smiles and Hugs
can go a long way!
Even by sharing
with someone in need,
A smile and a hug
will give a lift indeed.
Whether saying hello
or saying goodbye,
Smiles and Hugs are the answer,
give them a try!
Add a squeeze to your hug,
and some love to your smile...
And they will help carry you
for mile after mile!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


"There are two lasting bequests we give our children. One is roots. The other is wings."
-Hodding Carter, Jr.

"Being a mother made my life complete."
-Darcy Bussell

"A mom's hug lasts long after she lets go."
-Author Unknown

                     HaPpY BiRtHdAy 
          to my first born child, COLIN!

Here is a HAPPY kind of pic of my two kids
Colin ( age 2)...and Jana (6 months )
This is one of the many proud MOTHER
moments I've had since
 Colin was born 33 years ago
... and how can anyone resist that
head of blond curls Colin had as a child?!!!

Another Happy photo of my kids
Christmas time 1981

Me and my kids mid 1981...
once a mother always a mother! 

The last Christmas Colin  spent with us...
He made a SURPRISE visit!
Here he is with my mom...
Mom and Colin had a special bond!
(he has a bit of a scraped nose in this photo!)

Colin's last visit to Saskatoon
This photo with him and Mariah
was taken October 15th, 2010
He makes such a special uncle to Mariah!

A picture of Colin
in Montreal
May of 2008
I may be biassed...
but I think he is pretty handsome!

A pic of my two good looking kids in Montreal together
Winter of 2011
(Jana was there for a shoe show for her store at the time)

A family photo taken at my parents-in-law's
60th Wedding anniversary
October 2010
Colin likes to CHARGE his hair!!!

A few pics of Colin's Hockey years growing up 

Colin loves this picture of his niece Mariah and nephew Beau!
Jana showed it to him when she visited Montreal in the summer
of 2011 which is when this picture was captured!

I am finding it hard to believe that I have been a MOTHER for 33 years already!
Where does that time go??????

I just know that from the day I became a MOM... my life changed forever... and for the better!
For those of you who have followed my blog since I stared writing it just over a year ago, you likely have not seen a lot about my son, 

COLIN, who today is 33 years old!

I have lots of photos and stories about my Daughter, Jana and her family and kids... because they live close by and we are very involved in their lives always.

Colin, on the other hand, who I often refer to as my "LOW MAINTENANCE" child... lives in Montreal and pretty much lives a very simplistic life style and stays in touch very minimally!

He is fabulous at remembering all of the important days and dates of birthdays and special occasions in our lives and usually connects then, but otherwise, we do not have much connection to or with him.

He is a great guy... but is not one to be on the computer... email, Facebook and or any other communication forms... not even real snail mail!

We do love when we connect with him, though, when ever we do.

I just browsed back to my blog from this date last year when he turned 32, and kind of summed him up very well in that blog... entitled
"A'm'other CeLeBrATiOn!... 
Colin turns 32!"

I think Colin is very good at remembering the important dates because he was always so good at any statistic kind of things, from little on. One could ask him about what ever he was interested in and he knew everything there was to know about it.

Colin was very artistic as well... winning an award for art in Grade twelve!

As a kid he played lots of hockey growing up and the family was avid followers of that. He had more people at his games most of the time than anyone else on his team.

Colin has gone more for music since hitch hiking out to Montreal in his late teens... and still plays in a Punk Rock band.

His daily work is as a construction worker, doing home renovations for a company.

Colin is well loved by all the family. He was  the 3rd grandchild on my side of the family and the first on Raskob side.
He is idolized by his one and only niece, Mariah...and Beau really doesn't know the only time they saw each other in person, Beau was only 3 months old!

So for today I am remembering lots of the things that made Colin such a wonderful son to us, and we are proud to see him so happy and successful in his life path  today on 

his 33rd Birthday... 
here's to very many more 
years of happiness Colin!

As Colin's mom...
I couldn't be any prouder 

to call him my son!
And on that note... 

here is my poem for today

33 years ago... 
I never could have guessed
That motherhood would simply be truly the best!
I gave birth to a charming young son,
And since that day have had tons of fun!
The hardest part I think is this...
He lives too far away to give him a a big kiss!
But I think of him often, I really do...
And today I wish COLIN ...