Friday, January 27, 2012

It's All GOOD!

Today my Mary Engelbreit daily quote calendar says this...

"If we're stuck having expectations, there's a very good reason to embrace positive ones: 
it's that we often create what we anticipate."
-Martha Beck

"Look for what is good and you will find it."
-Author Unknown

"If we live good lives, the times are also good
As we are, such are the times."
- St. Augustine

A GOOD little treat I fixed myself today...
Melted down dark chocolate and granny Smith apple fondue.
While having house blend coffee, and reading
my "LIVE GOOD" book from my GOOD friend Linda...
what's not to LOVE about that?

I got a real GOOD deal on some cards yesterday
at a local flower shop that is closing tomorrow.
I am a card lover...and love all the GOOD wishes they bring! 

Not only do I love to buy cards... I love to craft them too...
Here is a photo book filled with crafted cards
I made, photographed and turned into a hardcover book
2 years ago. TAPPING into many of my passions!
It's ALL GOOD!!!

2 special guys in my life who bring out the GOOD in me!
Here is my brother BRIAN with my grandson BEAU
here on sunday night. 

Some of the many CDs I have received from my brother,
Brian over the past few years.
Not only is he a very GOOD and talented musician...
he is a very artsy and GOOD painter and paints all his CD covers!
Both Brian and I share our loves for creativity always.

Mariah having a very GOOD time dancing last night
when I came over for a little impromtu supper there.
I love to see her having a GOOD time always. 

The grandkids having fun last night ...
Mariah watching a movie,
and Beau cruising around on the side.

Tuesday Beau and Shuffle.
Neither of them were feeling GOOD here,
but it let me capture a few GOOD photos of them together! 

Every time I set foot into
I feel like I am doing myself some GOOD!

Today as I sit down to write my blog,
I have my brother Brian's GOOD
music playing in the background.
He brought me a new CD he
recorded recently last Sunday.
He is so talented.

For those of you who read my
previous blog, you will know that this
has been a week of challenges...
with a sick grandson and doggie.
So just an update on those two...
I am happy to report that both
are on their way to
So it's ALL GOOD!

Thanks to my wonderful VET for
helping us through the times
with our sick little Shuffle.
She did such a GOOD job of
understanding her.
It is hard when our dogs can't
tell us what is wrong.

I actually made it to the gym
this morning as well as
yesterday morning for a couple of classes.
I always feel GOOD after taking
any kind of gym classes.
Co-incidentally the gym is called
"GOODLIFE"! The teachers there
are all very GOOD, too!

Yesterday was a GOOD day!I joined my GOOD friend, Brenda
for girlfriend bond lunch and we enjoyed catching up. She told me I seemed
 the happiest she had ever remembered
me being... so that made me feel GOOD!
A little compliment goes a long way.

I also went shopping at
which is closing tomorrow.
They reduced all their stock drastically,
so I stocked up on more cards,
for my card drawer!!!
I have always been a real card lover,
so I love a GOOD deal on any I can buy.
I still love to create and craft my own
as well... to me cards are always GOOD
for the GOOD wishes they bring!

I was also invited to share supper
with my daughter and her kiddies
 last night at their place. It was a nice
chance to have a little mother /daughter
bond... which is always GOOD!

Jana has been home from her
2 week holiday in Australia since
Monday but Nels was away on a work conference when she got home...
so he arrives home again today...
I know they are both looking so forward
 to seeing each other once again...
it's all GOOD!

Brian flew to Calgary yesterday
for the funeral of his good friend,
Pete who died suddenly of a heart attack
last Friday. It is always a reminder to
live every day to the fullest and
to concentrate on the GOOD things
in life always.
Brian said the funeral was
a nice tribute to Pete, and although the circumstance was sad, it was GOOD
to reunite with some of his
GOOD old buddies again.

Tomorrow it is my sister-in-law,
Brenda's Birthday...
So hoping she has a GOOD one!

On that note...

Life has it's ups and also it's downs,
It has it's smiles and also it's frowns.
Somedays we feel well...
others not as we should,
But usually it's ok... infact
I think the stresses that come along,
Are there for a good reason,
to make us more strong.
It helps to look on the side that is bright,
To improve on things and
make them more right.
Even the simple things...
"HAPPY" up a day!
And turn the worries all around,
in a real good way.
Life's a journey, enjoy what makes you smile,
Truly then... "IT'S ALL GOOD"
for a real long while!


  1. WONDERFUL - thanks for the happy read. Great quotes, pictures, well written poem - poignant blog that includes a bit of everything. You rock - and I have to mention, you have SO much energy. So glad the little patients are on the mend!

  2. Thanks Arlene... I always appreciate you kind words... My life was a bit of everything this past week... but variety is the spice of life ! Nice to have my peppy doggie back again, too! :)
