Saturday, February 18, 2012


Today my little Quote calendar said this...
"Life is made up of small pleasures."

Then I looked up quotes about "small pleasures" and found more to this quote ...
... "Happiness is made up of those tiny successes. The big ones come too infrequently. And if you don't collect all the tiny successes, the big ones don't really mean a thing."
 -Norman Lear

"Think big thoughts, but relish small pleasures."
-H. Jackson Brown

Beau and I were both entertained with a little game of
last night... SMALL PLEASURES...
 bring BIG SMILES!

Mariah and I did a little stop at
 the STARBUCKS on Broadway,
on route to her dancing lesson on Wednesday.
All those things bring me

I got this CD by one of my many musical favorites,
PAUL McCARTNEY at Starbucks.
This is a CD so suited to my tastes in so many ways,
I have listened to it a lot in the last couple days,
and it has brought me GREAT PLEASURES! 

At a Dr.'s appointment on thursday...
this board in the little room brought me PLEASURE,
 so I photographed it! 

It always brings me PLEASURE when Mariah
wants to put on her mommy's old dance costumes
and perform for me! 

Mariah after dancing on Wednesday...
 she loves to wear jammies,
and dance away.
Her free spirit and natural love of performance,
bring me so much PLEASURE...
(Technique can come later!) 

not only bring me PLEASURE...
they melt my heart! 

BEAU is all BOY...
and it brings him PLEASURE
 to ride on his truck!

Last night BEAU had more PLEASURE
spreading his popcorn twists all over the rug,
than eating them! 

Last night my niece, ROWEN, popped by and was
playing games with BEAU.
It brought me PLEASURE watching the 2 together! 

BEAU idolizes his big sister, who he clearly calls "RIAH".
I think he was hoping for a little lick of her popsicle here!
These two bring me BIG PLEASURES!

Today as I thought of a theme for my blog,
I noticed the saying on my calendar
and it gave me the perfect inspiration
theme of the day!

Wednesday I took Mariah to her
weekly dance lesson and we stopped at STARBUCKS
on our way. My blog readers all know that Starbucks always brings me PLEASURE!

 I bought the new PAUL McCARTNEY CD there... which is quickly becoming a new favorite
 CD for me. I love that he is doing a
jazz styling along with a few of my other favorite artists, too...
Diana Krall, and Stevie Wonder!

Following Mariah's lesson, she came
back here for the rest of the afternoon.
She loves to get into jammies and get comfy. She also loves to dance and perform,
which she was particularly into this week.
She even got on one of her mommy's
old dance costumes from back in the day.
It brings me such PLEASURE to see
her perform with so much heart...
she is truly a real little free spirit...
and that is one of the many things
I appreciate about her.
She brings me so many pleasures!

Yesterday was filled with pleasures
from start to finish...
I enjoyed a great Body Flow class at
Goodlife Gym to start off the day.

A former dance student, LLOANNE,
from my studio days in the 1980's,
popped by for a very fun visit.
Hard to believe how much time as passed,
but we just picked up where we left off.
I always loved her spirit as well,
and nice to see, some things
in life never change...
She brought me lots of pleasure!

I joined my good buddy and dance friend, BRENDA for a quick little visit over
a latte in the afternoon.
We always enjoy any pleasures
we can share over a STARBUCKS!

In the evening Brian and I shared
babysitting duties with our grandkids...
He took Mariah to a BLADES HOCKEY GAME!
I chose to stay home with BEAU here.
My niece ROWEN and my two sisters-in-law,
BEV and BRENDA popped by for a visit.

I always find the visits with family
and friends bring me SMALL PLEASURES!

I did my WW weigh in of the month today
and lost a pound this past month...
and although that is not a lot...
It brought me SMALL PLEASURE to know the scale number didn't climb this month!

Now I am off to another great class
at the gym followed
by a coffee with my friend, ELLA!

So on that note...
Here is my poem of the day!

So many things in my life bring me
From people, to things...
and many wee treasures!
I'm reminded again and again
every day,
That I am lucky and blessed
in a very big way.
And often the people,
who are now still so small,
Bring me the
Throughout this life
I have learned a great deal...
From the PLEASURES I have,
and how they make me feel!


  1. OMG I love love love your grandkids, they certainly are precious...and bring, me, your reader, a lot of pleasure to see and read about, thank you for always sharing such wonderful photos and 'quotes'!
    (sorry I 'almost' missed this one :)

  2. Thanks Arlene... it brings me PLEASURE, too, whenever you take the time to stop in and read and comment on my blogs! Thanks so much for all your kind words as always. I do feel so lucky with my SMALL PLEASURES in my life...and i consider myself to have many!
