Friday, June 15, 2012

Celebrating ANGELS and FATHERS!

"My father didn't tell me how to live;
he lived and let me watch him do it."
-Clarence B. Kelland

"I love my father as the stars- he's a bright shining example and happy twinkling in my heart."
-Terre Guillements

"Every one entrusted with a mission is an angel."
- Moses Maimonides

"Be an angel to someone else whenever you can, as a way of thanking God for the help your angel has given you."
-Eileen Elias

This is still one of my favorite pictures of me
dancing with my dad
taken in my dance studio in August of 1999...
only 4 months before he died suddenly.
Us kids had GOLD MEDALS made for mom and dad for
setting such a GOLDEN example of how to live and love.

Another little FATHER- DAUGHTER
photo memory  from around 1959.
I remember my dad loved this dress on me
 because it was his favorite color of red! 

2 other Special FATHERS in my life!
Here taken on FATHER'S DAY 2010...
with  my hubby, BRIAN
....FATHER to our  2 children!

A sweet picture of BRIAN and our 2 kids
here... COLIN is around 9 and JANA is around 7. 

A more recent picture from October 2010.
(This was the last time we saw Colin, too!)
We will see him again in a couple of weeks
when we visit him in Montreal. 

Another special FATHER, NELS...
Daddy to our grand daughter MARIAH.
This photo was taken weeks ago when
Mariah was learning to ride her bike. 

Here is DADDY- NELS and our grandson, BEAU...
 taken this Mother's day, in MAY! 

Here is a picture Jana texted to us
on this wednesday
of MARIAH with her
as she put it!
What a sweet ANGEL...
you can just see the excitement in her face here! 

A poster and info as posted on the studio bulletin boards.
This is for a very important show taking place
tomorrow in the city.
there is a Facebook page by the same name
 to read more about this charity. 

These are 5 tappers I once taught...
with umbrellas and ready for the fast changes
 in Saskatoon's weather!
These dancers will perform a number in the
which was all co-ordinated by KELLY,
 the fellow in this photo.

Here the dancers are having fun mocking the poster on the wall
which has a SHAKESPEARE quote on it from 12th Night...
"If music be the food of love...Play on"

One of the dancers shoes from the bottom
Note the stickers from her dancing days...
with additional little ANGELS on them
to TAP into good luck performing in the
ANGEL ARTS BENEFIT this weekend. 

I know many of the photos in this blog post are repeats,
 including this one from my autograph book written to me by my dad in 1965.
This was my dad's philosophy on life and quickly became mine too!
I love it's message, and love dad's beautiful hand writing, as well.

coming up this weekend
this blog post is a tribute
to the best dad in the world to me...
my FATHER...
 along with all the special related
FATHERS in my life.

It seems appropriate to acknowledge
a special ANGEL event going on in
the city this weekend as well.
Because my DAD is also an ANGEL
 in HEAVEN... the theme of
tie together well.

I had planned originally to do
another blog dedicated to my dad,
but my one written for FATHER'S DAY
last year can be revisited over and over
 in the archives of the blog site.
I could say many more things about my dad,
but that one really describes him to a "T"!
My dad has been in Heaven since
January of 2000...
so although he has been gone
for over 12 years now...
his ANGEL spirit lives on through me.
He was a wonderful role model
for me and my brothers, too...
we all feel so fortunate to have
had him for our dad...
his kind, gentle personality was
admired by anyone who knew him.
His love for life and positive attitude
set a guide for my every day life.

My husband, BRIAN, is a great DAD
 to out children Colin and Jana...
he follows the guidelines set by his father,
and my Father-in-law, Greg.
They are such proud and generous souls...
and always loving and giving in every way.
I am so lucky to have them in my life.

My son -in-law, NELS,
is an awesome DADDY, too.
He is a hands on dad who participates
in all the fun adventures of his young kids
...and my darling grandkids,
I feel fortunate that my grandkids
have such loving parents and the many traditions of the families all intertwine
and live on for generations to come!

I could go on to mention many other
FATHERS of greatness in the family...
but for now I will tribute the ones
mentioned above, and just generalize
by wishing all other DADS I know
a fun family weekend.

This weekend I am excited to attend
a show taking place in the city to raise
funds for a child named AEDAN.
He was born needing special medical
attention and needs to be flown to China for

I was very proud of former dance student
who has taken on this challenge
of putting on an ARTS BENEFIT.
Tomorrow evening's show is being held
at St. Joe's Collegiate
at 7 PM with doors opening at 6 PM.
The show features dancers, singers,
musicians,  a silent auction and bake sale...
with ALL PROCEEDS going to

I am honored to go to the show
and the tickets are only $15.00 each.
In addition I wanted to do a little more
 to AID in raising funds, so I volunteered
to teach a tap class open to anyone
which will be held at
in the city on July 17th from 6:30-7:30 PM.
The drop in fee per dancer will be 10.00
and all the proceeds of this class
will also go to the above charity for AEDAN!

It does my heart good to see
what people can do when they
get together and become
ANGELS for others in need.

Today at my Body Flow class at the gym,
the cool down song for the class
was my favorite one called:
"100 Thousand Angels"
How appropriate for the
THEME of this weekend!

I am very excited to have my ANGEL
friend Linda joining me from Lanigan
for this event...
she is doing a little girlfriend bond
and sleepover too...
So all in all a HEAVEN SENT weekend!

So on that note...

This weekend is for celebrating
 ANGELS all around,
The ones in skies above
and those here on the ground.
Dancers, singers, too...
Are gathering together
to share their LOVE in all they do!


  1. I think this was one of your very best blogs Diane. It brought tears to my eyes!
    I loved the photos, the one of you and your father is lovely, a great keepsake for sure. Thank you so much for sharing your blog...and your life.

  2. Thanks Arlene... I always appreciate your comments! ANGELS connected us in the first place... so maybe that was a connecter to this blog for you, too! thanks again... xoxo :)
