Monday, July 30, 2012

From "B"- LiGHTFUL!!!

"Appreciation of life itself, becoming suddenly aware of the miracle of being  alive, on this planet, can turn what we call ordinary life into a miracle."
Dan Wakefield

"In life, there are no ordinary moments. Most of us never really recognize the most significant moments of our lives when they are happening."
-Kathleen Magee

The above quotes are more out of my 

anything but ORDINARY....
check out these "B"EACH "B"EAUTIES!...
 yesterday at "B"LACKSTRAP. 

my nephew, Maxwell, nieces Emily and Rowen, and grand daughter, Mariah!
"B"RIAN in "B"ACKGROUND... "B"LOWING up the tube! 

"B"ESTIES... "B"y the "B"OAT... ready to go tubing! 


"B"IKING without training wheels...
"B"EST day ever! 

giving the thumbs up to the

these two little "B"UDDIES
 as they color on the sidewalk and drink from their new
water "B"OTTLES! 

Mariah "B"ONDING with her "B"ROTHER, "B"EAU! 

Mariah in her "B"ILLA "B"ONG "B"IKINI! 


"B"EAU "B"ONDING with his Poppa "B"RIAN! 

"B"EAU with the Dora Sprinkler and "B"IG "B"ALL in the "B"ACKYARD! 

My two "B"EAUTIFL "B"EAUTIES... in Jana's "B"ACKYARD! 


"B"EAU still calls me "B"UMMA! 

"B"RANCHING out from the "B"ACKYARD...
and off to the neighborhood park last wednesday!

For those of you popping by my "B"LOG
after a little "B"REATHER...
this will bring you up to date
on the many things far from
ORDINARY in my life since
my last "B"LOG post!

By taking "B"LOG "B"REAKS...
I end up with a "B"ACKLOG of photos and events to catch you all up on!

Today as I sat down to my 250th
I realized I had taken another
195 photos since my last
"B"LOG less than a week ago.

In short there have been lots of things
going on with relatives and
the pictures pretty much speak for them selves... but when trying to come up with a theme for this "B"LOG...
I realized lots of things I have been
doing lately began with the letter "B"!

So instead of writing out all of the full adventures... here are some those "B"LIGHTFUL words!

Babysitting, Beau, Backyard,Bonding,
Bottles, Buddies, Bathing Beauties, Bikinis,
Billa Bong, Biking, Boating, Beach,
Barbeque, Burgers, Buns, Berries, Beer, Ball, Birthday-Bev, Blackstrap, Brother Brian,
Bandaids,Babble, Bubbles, BUMMA!...
and BERRY much more !

I have babysat a few times since my last "B"LOG... and had my nieces here, too.
Made muffins... which Beau calls FUFFINS... watched TV... which Beau calls FEE VEE!
He is really learning to "B"ABBLE
a lot now!

I am enjoying the Olympics...
watched the opening ceremonies and was impressed, especially enjoyed

Saturday was NATIONAL DANCE DAY...
I feel like my life is always like a DANCE
from one thing to the next!!!

Speaking of DANCE...Friday a provincial DANCE ICON passed away.
A friend of many in this province for her contribution to the dance world...
Carol Ann Hanson
will be forever fondly remembered.
My thoughts and prayers go out to her family.

Today I am doing housework such
as cleaning "B"athrooms and washing "B"edding, as we will have a house guest the next few days here.
"B"RIAN'S friend Steve is coming ...
so I need to get on to the
"B"lightful preps for that now!

on that note... a "B"RIEF poem today...

My life has been real "B"USY...
but oh so delightful,
Lots of things begin with "B"
to make it more "B"LIGHTFUL!
Family and friends fill my life
with things "B"RIGHT and fun...
I have to thank my lucky stars,
"B"ECAUSE... I'm a lucky one!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

"SPOT" the GooD TimeS!

I saw a poster with this saying the other day which seemed to not only suit this blog post... but my life in general...

"Life is like a camera. Just focus on what's important. Capture the GOOD TIMES. Develop from the negatives and if things don't turn out-take another shot."
-Author Unknown

SPOT the LOVE in this photo!
This is me and my cute grandkids Mariah and Beau
last Friday at Raskob's on their swing.

Jana, Nels and their kids visiting at Raskob's last friday...
SPOT the good times they are having here on the big swing...
or FWING as Beau calls it! 

Me and Brian out to hear some live Jazz at
McNalley Restuarant last Friday night.

Another shot of Colin and his girlfriend, Caro...
in his Montreal backyard a couple weeks ago.
I am so pleased to SPOT how HAPPY and content they are together. 

Look who I SPOTTED at the Jazz festival a few weeks ago!
 My cousin Gwen and my gym friend, Ella!
I really enjoy times I can spend with each of them.
I forgot to mention how Ella took in our mail while we were away,
Thanks Ella!

SPOT the fun in this pic...
Mariah in her polka dot suit and shades
with my niece, Emily from Vancouver,
here enjoying a little paddling pool time! 

Niece Emily here with my sister-in-law,
...who is celebrating her birthday today! 

SPOT the cuteness!
MARIAH and her friend, DREW
and my niece ROWEN, here on Sunday.

at Sunday's potluck supper! 

Some of the 22 people who were at our Raskob Potluck supper here sunday! 

A family pic of my in-laws, BLANCHE and GREG,
with their children ... R.
Brenda, Bev, Brian, and Bruce.
This was at the potluck supper on sunday night.

SPOT how much fun I was having TAPPING into a good cause
last Tuesday night at Dance Saskatchewan.
Did you SPOT my cousin, GWEN on the far right? 

SPOT a little brotherly/sisterly love here...
 Brother Brian and me a week ago on our deck! 

SPOT the FUN yesterday when I met
my dance buddy, Brenda for Breakfast at Grainfield's.
We didn't plan the wardrobe... but notice we are in matching black and white

My Summer has been a whirl wind of lots of SPOTS of fun... and GOOD TIMES!

I take so many photos it is hard to know which ones to include in my blogs, especially for my blog readers who are NOT on FACEBOOK to catch the many I post there .

My new year's resolution in 2012 was going to be "LESS is MORE"
and when it comes to blog writing... lately that is the case, I have definitely not written as many of those lately... but
when it comes to photo taking, I have not really cut back on those!

I have done lots with many different groups of family and friends this summer, from enjoying the wonderful weather, the jazz festival, my son and his life in montreal, tapping, music, the grandkids, the gym, trips out for meals, drinks and starbucks... etc, etc!!!

The pictures say a lot on their own,
so no need to write a lot in this blog.

This morning after my class at the gym, my friend, Ella came back for a coffee, later today I am meeting with another friend for coffee to make plans for a dance summer school I will be teaching in August. Tomorrow I am babysitting... and the beat goes on and on!
My life is busy, and fun, and I tend to capture as much as I can on my camera!

Today is my sister-in-law, BEV's Birthday,
and on the weekend, my brother-in-law,
MARK had a birthday as well.
We hosted a family pot luck supper here on sunday, which celebrated them,
and gave the entire family
another reason to get together.

I love to celebrate when and where ever possible... so the supper was very enjoyable.

Before that supper, Brian had taken the boat out with Jana, and Mariah with her friend, Drew, along with my two nieces, Emily and Rowen... to do some tubing at Blackstrap. They had a blast, too. Family fun is the best!

So on that note... here is my rhyme of the day!

Another blog... another poem...
As I sit at my computer in my home!
Weather with sunshine
and lots of heat...
Splashes in the pool, just can't be beat!
Family and friends are all around,
Music and dance fill the air with sound.
Babysitting my grandkids, oh so cute,
Lots of activity, it's been a real hoot!
Gatherings around lots of yummy food,
Beverages to suit every type and each mood.
Occasional classes at the gym to stay fit,
Not much time to relax and just sit!
But who really cares... who needs to rest???
My life is filled with GOOD TIMES...
it's truly the best!
As summers go, this has been a good one,
It's just been filled with lots of spots of fun!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

TAPPiNG into a Great Cause!

"Your spark can become a flame and change everything."
-E.D. Nixon

"We can do more than belong, we can participate.
- Maya Angelou

"When we do the best we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another.
-Helen Keller

A group of 39 TAPPED into the great cause
we were supporting last night
 at Dance Saskatchewan. A couple skipped out of this photo! 

Here I am in conversation with Kelly,
who is the guy behind this project called AEDAN'S ANGELS.
It is the the "Cause" we were TAPPING into last night! 

Many levels and ages of TAPPERS from many different dance studios
came out in supportof the charity...
and we raised 510.00 in our one hour tap class!

I was grateful for the help of former tap students
Megan on my left and Kelly on my right.
They were very efficient class assistants!  

Kelly Woodley and me last night.
I think he was happy with money raised to add to his charity.
Kelly started dancing with me at age 5...
and it has given me much pride to watch him grow in his life
as a dancer and a very successful young adult.
He is kind of like a second son for me!

My niece, Emily is visiting me from Vancouver
and came out to watch  and photograph the class last night!
She is not a dancer, but she said she found the class interesting.

A fun shot of the group from the class last night!
Many levels and ages of HAPPY faces and TAPPY feet!

This is a photo of the back of the program from the
AEDAN'S ANGELS ARTS benefit held in June.
I scanned this photo but for some reason although it is going the right
 way in my computer... I can't get it turned around for the blog!
Tilt your head and you will see sweet baby AEDAN with his father in this photo.

These posters from the DARE TO DANCE shows in the 90's
that my daughter Jana is on...
were also hanging in the Dance Saskatchewan studio!

Last night after the TAP class, my buddy, Linda was passing through
 following her week in New York and stopped by to drop off this wonderful gift for me...
on route to her home in Lanigan...
Some of you might know already that her and I love STARBUCKS!!!

In addition to my NY STARBUCKS mug...
Linda also gave me a great book
filled with quotes called "BE THE DIFFERENCE"
Today's quotes in this blog are all from this little book.

The little TAP flower pot and candy dish are the ones I painted last week
when at WE PAINT POTTERY with my grand daughter, Mariah!

For anyone TAPPING into my blog
for the first time... WELCOME!

For people who have TAPPED into it before... you will know that my blog is like a journal of happenings in my little world!

Last night was a very special night for me...
TAPPING into a great cause.
In June of this year former dance student, KELLY WOODLEY organized a benefit to raise funds for a child he knows in Saskatoon born with many medical needs. He is in need of STEM CEL SURGERY in China creating much expense for his family. The BENEFIT concert was called AEDAN'S ANGELS and featured dance and music performances from throughout Saskatchewan.
He also had a silent auction at his concert.
The show and auction raised approximately 1800.00.

I wanted to do something for his silent auction and chose to offer a tap class open to who ever could attend with each 10.00 drop in fee going towards this charity.

That class was held last night.
Thanks to DANCE SASKATCHEWAN letting us use their large studio space for this event.
Between Face book and many dancers spreading the word, along with Kelly sharing his info on AEDAN... we managed to have a turnout of 39 dancers last night .
It was amazing to see many ages, levels, and studios of tappers unite in support of this little boy in medical need.
With additional funds added last night's event raised another 510.00 for the charity.

It did my heart good to TAP into such a great cause and be able to help support this cause.
THANKS to all who either came out to tap and or helped support this event in anyway.
I appreciate all the wonderful response.

It was particularly fun to be reunited with quite a few of my former dance students from both my Diane Will Dance Studio and BSOBAD teaching days.

Even my cousin, Gwen came to tap last night.
I have my niece, Emily visiting from Vancouver, so she came along to be my personal photographer of the class last night, too!

Last night following that class, my friend, Linda returned from her week in New York and stopped here on route back to Lanigan.
I was grateful to see her as well... she had a fabulous holiday by the sounds of things.

Today is a shift of energy for me. I am joining my gym friend, Ella for a little
"TEA for TWO!"

Later on my grand daughter Mariah has arranged for a sleepover at her GRAMMIE D's!
So life is always fun and interesting with whatever I choose to "TAP" into!

Yesterday was Mariah and Beau's
 Grandpa Arvid's birthday...
so greetings to him!

On that note my little poem of the day!

Lately I've been having
a really good time...
My life's about some rhythms and
also about rhyme.
I sure love it when I get
 a little chance...
To put on my tap shoes
and break into some dance!
This week I got to TAP
into a cause  that was great,
And share some TAPPiNESS
and just celebrate.
It's amazing how TAPPING
for just one class so short...
Could bring such rewards,
I'm grateful to report!

Sunday, July 15, 2012


"In summer the song sings itself."
-William Carlos Williams

My SUMMER has had a SPLASH of so many delightful things... here is a glimpse at some of the many!

Mariah and Beau enjoying a little SPLASH
in the backyard paddling pool this week! 

SHUFFLE also took a SPLASH
into our little pool for a little paddle around as well! 

SPOT the  SPLASH of color here on our patio table
on Thursday night when my hubby cooked a delicious barbeque supper
for us to enjoy on the warm summer night.
Brother Brian joined us that night, too! 

A couple of cuties by this SPLASH of
beautiful flowers.
This is my niece, Emily with
my grand daughter, Mariah yesterday. 

Mariah and my niece, Rowen having fun in the basement of my in-laws place.
They like to play store and restaurant in the bar in the rumpus room. 

My niece Emily and her dad drove from Vancouver
in this awesome red Porche.
Here she is sitting with Beau in the car yesterday! 

Here is a SUN KISSED photo of Beau
from this week over in his back yard.
HE has a tan and bleached out hair... such a little cutie,
and I love that his new name for me is

Here is Mariah  cuddled up in her towel
after a little SPLASH in the backyard pool, wednesday.
Such a little sweetie pie!

Me sharing a little fun with Mariah on Wednesday...
We were painting pottery at a place called
here we are holding our pottery before
adding the SPLASHES of paint! 

Warm enough to take a splash in the water behind us...
I was able to get a couple of photos with my son,
Colin while in Montreal last week.
He is so happy and content in life...
and in love with his Girlfriend, Caro.
We love her, too!

Brian and me out doing an evening at our Jazz Festival
before heading to Montreal a couple weeks ago. 

Cousin Gwen and me looking patriotic on JULY 1st
as we enjoyed our final day of the SASKTEL Jazz Festival
 at the Garden Architecture venue,
where some of our local favorites entertained us...
Maurice Drouin on piano, Bobby Klassen on sax, and Donna Hay singing. 

SHUFFLE also feeling patriotic with her
CANADIAN bandana, on JULY 1st... Canada Day! 

Mariah coloring & enjoying a visit over at her
Blanche  and Greg.

Beau playing with his favorite little ornament
while his Great Grandpa Greg enjoys from the side! 

SHUFFLE cooling off on the plants! 

Sharing a little STARBUCKS tradition with my friend, Linda...
when she passed through the city on route to New York last Monday night.
We normally have a latte... but it was so hot we needed a
SPLASH of a cool beverage instead this time.
Here we are with our Vanilla Bean frappiccinos... YUM!

My summer has been filled with so many things and of course I have more than captured them all with one camera or another!

This is my 247th blog post since I began sharing them on December 31st, 2010.
It has really become a journal and is such a reminder of just how blessed I am in my life.
I thank who ever pops in to check it out...
to see the pictures and or read along to see what is happening from day to day,
and week to week.

AS you can see by my SPLASH photos...
I have had lots of fun this summer, for sure.
The above are a variety of things that have taken place over the past two weeks or so.

I have missed mentioning some CELEBRATIONS in the past week...
so would like to extend Anniversary wishes to
my brother Bob and his wife, Arleen
on their 40th milestone... and to my cousin Darcy and her husband, Jeff on their 42nd.
I was a bridesmaid at both of those weddings!
Also congrats to my nephew,
Brad and wife Janelle
on their second anniversay last week.
While in Montreal...
my Auntie Mary celebrated her birthday and her grand daughter, Elaine did as well.
So I extend belated greetings to all of them.

Canada Day came and went, too...
Shuffle, cousin Gwen, and I
wore patriotic gear to ring that in!

Shuffle celebrates her 4th birthday in July.
We have had her since September of 2008,
but know that she was born in July...
so we often acknowledge it on July 15th...

Speaking of TAPPING and SHUFFLES...
This week on Tuesday I will be adding to the SPLASH of my SUMMER
events by teaching a tap class.
It is open to whoever is wanting to
TAP into a little fun while
helping a good cause at the same time!

JULY 17th from 6:30-7:30
at Dance Saskatchewan, room #3
every $10.00 drop in fee
will go directly towards a charity called
I hope to see lots of dancers out for that.
I am going to be working on some
tap steps for who ever might
show up for that event this

My summer continues to fill my life with a SPLASH of many things yet to come!

I am ever grateful for
so many people, places,  & things ...
my life is filled with lots of love and happiness as well as tappiness!

On that note... my rhyme of the day...

In summer there's a sort of love
that SPLASHES through the air.
Everyone is having fun
with all they do and share.
Whether in a swimming pool,
or floating on a boat...
Or sitting in a jazz filled park,
loving every note.
Eating yummy burgers and
barbequed delights,
Enjoying many hours of sun
well into the nights.
Seeing lots of people
on travels and on trips,
Lounging with a beverage,
and loving tasty sips.
Spending time with loved ones,
celebrating life,
Enjoying everyone around,
happy with no strife.
TAPPING into causes,
that soon will bring new hope,
Creating different memories
on many a new slope!
Whether I'm with young or old,
or with ones in between,
It's great to just appreciate
the places that I've been.
Because with each new chapter,
life is all so new,
Each flavor and every single SPLASH,
add to all I do!