Dan Wakefield
"In life, there are no ordinary moments. Most of us never really recognize the most significant moments of our lives when they are happening."
-Kathleen Magee
The above quotes are more out of my
anything but ORDINARY.... check out these "B"EACH "B"EAUTIES!... yesterday at "B"LACKSTRAP. |
"B"ONDING "B"Y the "B"OAT at "B"LACKSTRAP! my nephew, Maxwell, nieces Emily and Rowen, and grand daughter, Mariah! "B"RIAN in "B"ACKGROUND... "B"LOWING up the tube! |
"B"ESTIES... "B"y the "B"OAT... ready to go tubing! |
"B"EING "B"RAVE..."B"LOWING in the "B"REEZE! |
"B"IKING without training wheels... "B"EST day ever! |
"B"ROTHER "B"RIAN giving the thumbs up to the "B"ARBEQUED "B"URGERS & "B"EER! |
"B"ABYSITTING these two little "B"UDDIES as they color on the sidewalk and drink from their new water "B"OTTLES! |
![]() |
Mariah "B"ONDING with her "B"ROTHER, "B"EAU! |
Mariah in her "B"ILLA "B"ONG "B"IKINI! |
"B"EAU "B"ONDING with his Poppa "B"RIAN! |
"B"EAU with the Dora Sprinkler and "B"IG "B"ALL in the "B"ACKYARD! |
My two "B"EAUTIFL "B"EAUTIES... in Jana's "B"ACKYARD! |
"B"EAU still calls me "B"UMMA! |
BBBBBeautifully done BBBBlog! Loved the 'quotes', photos and poem. Also loved the striped shirt you have on...what no Bolka dots ( :
ReplyDeleteThank you for catching us up on your summer activities, great blog, thank you for sharing!
hehehe... Thanks for "B"OPPING"B"Y!... I always appreciate your "B"LIGHTFUL comments... !