Monday, July 30, 2012

From "B"- LiGHTFUL!!!

"Appreciation of life itself, becoming suddenly aware of the miracle of being  alive, on this planet, can turn what we call ordinary life into a miracle."
Dan Wakefield

"In life, there are no ordinary moments. Most of us never really recognize the most significant moments of our lives when they are happening."
-Kathleen Magee

The above quotes are more out of my 

anything but ORDINARY....
check out these "B"EACH "B"EAUTIES!...
 yesterday at "B"LACKSTRAP. 

my nephew, Maxwell, nieces Emily and Rowen, and grand daughter, Mariah!
"B"RIAN in "B"ACKGROUND... "B"LOWING up the tube! 

"B"ESTIES... "B"y the "B"OAT... ready to go tubing! 


"B"IKING without training wheels...
"B"EST day ever! 

giving the thumbs up to the

these two little "B"UDDIES
 as they color on the sidewalk and drink from their new
water "B"OTTLES! 

Mariah "B"ONDING with her "B"ROTHER, "B"EAU! 

Mariah in her "B"ILLA "B"ONG "B"IKINI! 


"B"EAU "B"ONDING with his Poppa "B"RIAN! 

"B"EAU with the Dora Sprinkler and "B"IG "B"ALL in the "B"ACKYARD! 

My two "B"EAUTIFL "B"EAUTIES... in Jana's "B"ACKYARD! 


"B"EAU still calls me "B"UMMA! 

"B"RANCHING out from the "B"ACKYARD...
and off to the neighborhood park last wednesday!

For those of you popping by my "B"LOG
after a little "B"REATHER...
this will bring you up to date
on the many things far from
ORDINARY in my life since
my last "B"LOG post!

By taking "B"LOG "B"REAKS...
I end up with a "B"ACKLOG of photos and events to catch you all up on!

Today as I sat down to my 250th
I realized I had taken another
195 photos since my last
"B"LOG less than a week ago.

In short there have been lots of things
going on with relatives and
the pictures pretty much speak for them selves... but when trying to come up with a theme for this "B"LOG...
I realized lots of things I have been
doing lately began with the letter "B"!

So instead of writing out all of the full adventures... here are some those "B"LIGHTFUL words!

Babysitting, Beau, Backyard,Bonding,
Bottles, Buddies, Bathing Beauties, Bikinis,
Billa Bong, Biking, Boating, Beach,
Barbeque, Burgers, Buns, Berries, Beer, Ball, Birthday-Bev, Blackstrap, Brother Brian,
Bandaids,Babble, Bubbles, BUMMA!...
and BERRY much more !

I have babysat a few times since my last "B"LOG... and had my nieces here, too.
Made muffins... which Beau calls FUFFINS... watched TV... which Beau calls FEE VEE!
He is really learning to "B"ABBLE
a lot now!

I am enjoying the Olympics...
watched the opening ceremonies and was impressed, especially enjoyed

Saturday was NATIONAL DANCE DAY...
I feel like my life is always like a DANCE
from one thing to the next!!!

Speaking of DANCE...Friday a provincial DANCE ICON passed away.
A friend of many in this province for her contribution to the dance world...
Carol Ann Hanson
will be forever fondly remembered.
My thoughts and prayers go out to her family.

Today I am doing housework such
as cleaning "B"athrooms and washing "B"edding, as we will have a house guest the next few days here.
"B"RIAN'S friend Steve is coming ...
so I need to get on to the
"B"lightful preps for that now!

on that note... a "B"RIEF poem today...

My life has been real "B"USY...
but oh so delightful,
Lots of things begin with "B"
to make it more "B"LIGHTFUL!
Family and friends fill my life
with things "B"RIGHT and fun...
I have to thank my lucky stars,
"B"ECAUSE... I'm a lucky one!


  1. BBBBBeautifully done BBBBlog! Loved the 'quotes', photos and poem. Also loved the striped shirt you have on...what no Bolka dots ( :
    Thank you for catching us up on your summer activities, great blog, thank you for sharing!

  2. hehehe... Thanks for "B"OPPING"B"Y!... I always appreciate your "B"LIGHTFUL comments... !
