Monday, September 3, 2012


"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss 
you'll land among the stars."
-Brian Littrell

"Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving, make everyday a holiday and celebrate just living."
-Amanda Bradley

Here is MARIAH doing a little
driveway performance,
 where she was CELEBRATING
being the STAR of her own little show!

She not only played her dollarama flute,
it also doubled as a microphone
when she did some singing!
STAR QUALITY performer!!!

This costume has done many performances in it's days!
Jana did her very first tap solo in this one in 1989,
and it was on loan a couple of times to other
little dancers along the way...
but now Mariah loves to strutt her stuff in this one, too! 

Here is SHUFFLE getting in the act!
She is a little performer, too,
and as you can see loves a costume as well. 

Mariah posing for me here on Friday in her
Next week she will be in full swing as she is enrolled in
 Tap, Jazz and Ballet at

Here is another little performer...
BEAU when he slept over here on Saturday night.
Can you SPOT his STAR QUALITY SMiLE!!!!!

Beau creating a special piece of art work by adding
STICKERS (or "dickers" as he says)... and STARS to a little masterpiece!

BEAU thought he was pretty funny in his "BUMMA'S" glasses!
( I must say they look cuter on him than they do on me!!!) 

Brian and Beau out for a Sunday morning stroll yesterday
here in front of the house
we moved into 30 years ago!
That is worth a CELEBRATION! 

Brian adding some cars and trucks to the sidewalk art work...
Beau was enjoying
time spent here with his POPPA who was sharing his STAR QUALITY talents! 

BEAU proudly holding his piece of finished
as he watched for his daddy to pick him up yesterday. 

at Kristy's Dance Fusion Dance Summer School
I had the honor of teaching TAP at. 

I once taught in my early years at Diane Will Dance Studio.
Here is Priscilla and her mom when they met me for a coffee
 at STARBUCKS last weekend.
Priscilla now works for an organization in
 New York called SMILE TRAIN.

Here are 3 STAR QUALITY Beauties!
My daughter, Jana, my nephew's fiance, Savannah, and my nephew's wife, Janelle.
This pic was taken at a Wedding shower held for the
bride who will be STARRING in an upcoming  wedding this fall. 

Here was Beau when he had a sleep over here last weekend.
Once again with his STAR QUALITY little SMiLE!

Today as we CELEBRATE the
Labour Day weekend...
I got to thinking of how every day can be a CELEBRATiON if we choose to turn it into one.  Really LIFE is a lot like a DANCE...
the steps may vary from person to person,
but in the end it is all about doing what makes your heart SMiLE!

I have been doing many little celebrations lately with more to come. Last weekend I met up with former dance student, Priscilla Ma, who returned home for a visit. It was great to connect and celebrate memories of our dance times together long ago.

Also last weekend, I was celebrating my nephew, Jeff's fiance, Savannah at a beautiful wedding shower held for her by one of her bridesmaids. It was to have been held out doors, but due to rainy weather it moved inside the lovely home of her girlfriend who put on the shower.

All last week I was celebrating my
love of TAPPiNESS while teaching at a dance summer school held in the city at a studio
called "Kristy's Dance Fusion".
It was great to connect with some dancers as well as my tap shoes once again and enjoy some STAR QUALiTY dancing... 

by the awesome staff she hired and her students in attendance.

We have enjoyed a couple of fun times with the grandkids this past week. I bonded with Mariah on friday for a little outing to PURE the frozen yogurt place. We also did a little shopping at Dollarama, followed by a fun little showcase she performed for me and my neighbor, Heather on Friday. It reminded me of many of my childhood memories and ones of Jana growing up as well.

We also had Beau for two saturday sleepovers in a row. He slept here this past weekend, 

due to a CELEBRATION Jana and Nels were invited to  in honor of an uncle of Nels, who was retiring. Mariah was good to go for the party... but Beau would be too little!
We enjoyed every minute of having one on one time with each grandchild! 

Beau is so cute... and is becoming a real little cookie monster!

This weekend, I was reminded of how we moved into our current house 30 years ago on September 1st. 

My two kids, Colin and Jana were toddlers then at the ages of 3 and 1 ... 
have occured in the house 
and journey continues.

Yesterday I CELEBRATED my first day back to the gym with my friend Ella in a while. We shared a little catch up time over coffee at her place. I later went for a catch up with my cousin, Gwen over a STARBUCKS, too!

Today we will be doing another CELEBRATION as we are invited for a belated birthday party to CELEBRATE BEAU's 2nd from August, and his GRANDPA ARVID who turned 60 in July.
With the Edmonton Grandparents in town... it called for a reason to CELEBRATE!

Today my brother-in-law, Bruce, from Vancouver is also CELEBRATING a birthday.

Tomorrow we will have one more thing to CELEBRATE when Mariah begins her first day of school... 

hard to believe she will be in 
GRADE ONE already!
She is super excited for it, too!!!

On that note... here is my poem of the day!

Life really has so many things
And I'm all about revealing them
through revelation!
I love to share my life journey as
I go along my way,
In the simplest little fun things
that I do every day.
Life is like a journey,
and it has it's ups and downs.
It also has it's share of laughs
and also smiles and frowns.
But but why not make each day
one that's fit for a STAR?
Make the most of everything...
and who and where you are.
Dancing through the path we're on,
make it lots of fun,
CELEBRATE each memory...
like a STAR QUALITY one!
Although the DANCE is different,
with every step we take,
It's all about the memories
we celebrate and make.
Life is about loving it,
and making it worthwhile...
It's all about doing what ever
makes your heart smile!
Live each day just like a STAR,
enjoy the simple things...
CELEBRATE each and every day
and all the JOY it brings!

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