"Listen the wind is rising, the air is wild with leaves. We have had our summer evenings,
now for October Eves."
-Humbert Wolf
"Be a rainbow in someone's cloud."
-Maya Angelou
"If you only walk on sunny days
you'll never reach your destination."
-Treasured Sentiments
Mariah and Beau together yesterday when I picked them up from school and daycare! Getting ready to watch the LORRAX on Mariah's little TV in her room. BEAU is ROCKING his trunks in the not so TRUNKS like weather! |
Beau on Monday when I picked him up from daycare... he was having a little snack on the counter... and although it was freezing out, he wanted his trunks on! |
Sunday night after Beau's bath... he wanted his trunks on again! Here he is showing me the shoes on his dresser. I love his little ROCKIN HAIRDO fresh out of the tub! |
ROCKING the Sunday night grandkid fix...
we are reading a bedtime story here!
Sleepy Mariah and Brian watching Tv on sunday night... watching the show OVER THE RAINBOW!
Shuffle enjoying a little Monday morning sunshine on the couch, through the window ...she is really ROCKIN an awkward pose here! |
One of the ROCKTOBER Bulletin Boards I did at BSOBAD Dance Studio today! |
The FALL RHYTHM Poster at Starbucks ... I have been enjoying many a Pumpkin Spice Latte lately ...It is kind of an OCTOBER/ ROCKTOBER addiction for me! |
I bought this CD today at Starbucks...and although it isn't ROCK for Rocktober... it is kind of a mix of Country/ Jazz!
It is amazing how quickly the FALL weather has turned from the beautiful SUNSHINY days of last week to very cool and GLOOMY weather as soon as OCTOBER came! Last week I was saying how much I LOVED FALL... but this week is a different TUNE... due to the fast change in weather, looks like winter is not far away.
October does bring many celebrations, though, and a mix of fun things... such as birthdays, anniversaries, Halloween, etc. It truly does really ROCK!
This past sunday I enjoyed a nice visit with my sisters-in-law, Bev and Brenda, along with my niece, Rowen at Starbucks. My neighbor , Heather also joined us for a great visit and lots of laughs!
We also went for a quick little shop at Winners afterward, too.... all in all a ROCKIN afternoon!
We had a tasty supper with my brother Brian joining us on Sunday. We then popped by Nels and Jana's for a little grandkid fix!
I have picked up Beau the past two days from daycare, and also got Mariah from school yesterday as well. The kids were entertaining yesterday and I cherish all the times I can spend with them!
Today was time to update the studio bulletin boards from the September welcome back to dancing theme... to the new for october ROCKTOBER THEME! I included many of the photos taken at recent baby shower, BBQ, and lessons through out the first month of this season... along with lots of orange and pumpkins, etc! I do enjoy a THEME... always... so although it is very time consuming to do... I like to do the bulletin boards!
I am trying to KICK IT UP A NOTCH this month at the gym and trying hard to ROCK this summer body back into shape! Yesterday I did my Body Vive with Trent teaching and today tried a new class called NEW BODY with teacher Nicole. I always meet with my friend Ella and we follow our workouts with a coffee as a reward... and today it was at her house!
I am still loving all my ROCKING TV shows, too the ones revolving around music as well as dancing and of course ELLEN... she truly ROCKS my world!
Tomorrow I wish my sister-in-law, Arleen A Happy Birthday... There are many more family celebrations this month to come.
I'm also excited to be attending the musical "JERSEY BOYS" this weekend... a great event to add to my ROCKTOBER!
In spite of the very cool change of weather... I still love the look of Autumn... It helps to make ROCKTOBER more special!
On that note...a very short poem today...
It's ROCKTOBER and becoming very cool, I loved autumn last month, but now I am no fool! Winter is right around the corner, coming way too fast... I wanted warmer Autumn just to last and last!
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