Sunday, March 31, 2013

That little EGG-STRA!

TAP into an EGG-STRA Happy Tappy Easter !
Here are some of the EGG-STRA special
treats sitting on our table this EASTER.

This very EGGS-STRA snowy EASTER
we went for a nice breakfast outing at
Doc Hollandaise restaurant
with my father -in-law Greg.

Mariah and Beau on Thursday before our first session
of EGG-STRA special EGG decorating at their house.

An EGG-STRA SPECIAL photo of my cousins, Gwen and Bev
with my Auntie Mary and Uncle Charlie at the
Central Haven Nursing home yesterday for the annual

Auntie Mary modeling her EGG-STRA special
EASTER BONNET, with Mariah in her Bunny Ears!

Some EGG-ceptionally crafty Easter Bonnets
Made with EGG-STRA LOVE and care by
my cousin GWEN for the nursing home's

My niece Rowen and grand daughter Mariah
decorating cupcakes here Friday after doing tie dye EGGS!

Rowen and Mariah...
otherwise know as RO & RI BUNNY!!

Beau and my sister-in-law, Bev here on Friday
sharing some EGG-STRA special "BEAU"-MENTS!

My EGG-STRA special hubby bought
this past week to help us
"BOOT" it into SPRING this year,
at my daughter's store...

little pre-Easter gift from my friend, Gailene,

Mariah did a few EGG-STRA wiggles with that dangling front
tooth on Friday and out it came...
and it was an EGG-STRA GOOD FRIDAY...
 the Tooth Fairy pays good on that day...
(it helped that she was sleeping at Grammie and Poppa's!)

My 2 sleeping beauties here on Friday night...
They took up an EGG-STRA big section of my bed,
leaving not much space for me...
so I needed some EGG-STRA sleep the next night!!!


  It has been an EGG-STRA long time since my last blog post... so thanks for being so EGG-STRA patient.

We have had a lot of EGG-STRA issues with computers around here. About a week and a half ago our computer stopped working so it went in for service and we have been with out our BIG SCREEN... (or Big SCREAM) as the kids say!... so I have held off on my blog until I could add photos once again. Our computer is still not working. But we added photos to this laptop...and now I can do some EGG-STRA tricks with collages, too!... FUN!
Brian did purchase an EGG-STRA large 27" computer...
but it was too big... so back it went.

I have had some fun events in the past week... Along with my normal outings to the gym and coffees with friends and relatives...I was able to take my Father-in-law out for errands on Wednesday, and he treated me to a lunch. This morning we took him out for a nice Easter Breakfast, too.
My mother-in-law, Blanche is un able to get out any more... so she stayed home.

I did two EGG decorating sessions...
one on Thursday at Jana's and one here on Friday. It was EGG-STRA fun for my grandkids and me. I also enjoyed supper with Jana and her kids on Thursday, and a sleepover here with the grandkids on Good Friday. My niece, Rowen popped by to join in on the EGG-STRA fun,
as did my sister-in-law, Bev.

Yesterday I took Mariah to the EGG-STRA special
at my Auntie Mary's nursing home.
It was so cute...and it was proof to me of all the EGG-STRA LOVE and CARE my cousins and Uncle give her on a day to day basis. The hats were all EGG-STRA creative, as well as crafted by my cousin Gwen.

Today we will go for an EGG-STRA SPECIAL
EASTER supper at Jana and Nels's house and deliver
our little baskets of EGGS and GOODIES for the kiddies!

This year there si so much EGG-STRA snow for EASTER... soon there will be nothing but PUDDLES & POT HOLES everywhere... which is when my red rubber boots will come in really EGG-STRA handy!

"The difference between EXTRA and EXTRAORDINARY is that little EXTRA"... (EGG-STRA)!!!
-Jimmy Johnson

Yesterday my twin cousins,
Dawn and Greg celebrated a birthday and 

on April 2nd their brother, Bob will celebrate...
Wishing them birthday greetings!

As we go hopping down the bunny trail,
We will have hop carefully so we don't fail!
With all the snow and ruts everywhere,
We need to be cautious and take EGG-stra care.
Wishes to all this fine EASTER DAY,
Coming to you from a different computer and way.
Here is hoping we'll soon see some spring,
And the warmer weather will make our hearts sing!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

SPRiNG... Around the Corner?

"No matter how long the winter, 
spring is sure to follow."
-Proverb from Guinea

"The first day of spring is one thing, 
the first spring day is another."
-Henry Van Dyck

"No winter lasts forever,
no spring skips it's turn."
-Hal Borland

This photo is taken this morning as I was coming
on this the

Here was Beau at the allergy specialist this morning,
with his mommy filling out a form behind him,
as he looked around the corner!

Here is another photo of Beau today taken on my new iphone.
I was surprised he had no socks on
even though it is super chilly outside!!!
He was getting tested for allergies...
which I am happy to report he has none that they could find today.

Just AROUND the CORNER from another IDOL SHOW on TV!
Tonight the top 9 sing songs of Lennon & McCartney...
So that is a great song book to choose from.
I'm still a big IDOL FAN and have been since the show began.

Here are Jana and her kids here only one short year ago...
the kids were eating popsicles then...
Today is sure not a popsicle kind of day...
looks like Spring was much closer to coming at this date last year!

Last year on this date... Beau was wearing boots in the house...
 today he didn't even have socks on!
I am guessing if these boots still fit him...
he will be needing them a lot this spring!

Some of my cards for EASTER last year... I am JUST AROUND the CORNER from this year's batch of EASTER CARD CRAFTING!


It is hard to really believe today is spring as I look out my window and see snow whirling around and around... in the mountains of snow we have everywhere.

I was trying to get a feel for what the weather was like at this stage last year, and I know there was barely any compared to this date this year, but I am hopeful that SPRING is truly just AROUND THE CORNER!

This morning I met Jana and Beau at the allergy specialist... to get him tested for allergies. I am happy to report that after today's visit he officially has none that have shown up yet. Beau was cute when I walked in the office,
he instantly looked up and said "GRAMMA D!"
then he went on to say "WHERE'S POPPA?!"
I asked him where his socks were... and he told me he had none! Crazy little character...I think he needed socks on this very chilly wintery day.
I asked him if his mommy brushed his hair,
and he told me only his sister gets her hair brushed!!! Funny little guy!
I then drove him to his daycare for the day as his mommy had to get to work.

Later today I am picking the kids up from daycare and school and bringing them here for supper. I have a chicken stew cooking in the crock pot now... and it is smelling pretty yummy, if I do say so myself... and it will be good on this very chilly first day of spring.

Earlier this week I enjoyed the new season opener of "Dancing With The Stars"...
looks like we will have a great season
around the corner this year!
Tonight is the top nine American Idol show on TV ...and I look forward to that as well.
They will be singing the song book of
so I will enjoy that I'm pretty sure, as I have always been a BEATLES FAN from way back!

Also around the corner...
is the Annual Lanigan Dance Competition,
this weekend, and I am hoping this blustery winter weather smartens up so I can travel out to see some dancing and my buddy Linda and hang out with her for the weekend.

Soon it will be EASTER, too...
I need to get on my card crafting of the season... it will be here before I know it!

This winter has been extra long this year...
There is so much snow we are barried under... but truly everyone is over it now... so I pray that SPRING REALLY IS AROUND THE CORNER!

I have done a little SPRING CLEANING...
(and shopping!)
to try to get me in the mood for the new season to come.... and that has been a
good diversion from all the snow we are experiencing these days.

On that thought...
here is my rhyme of the day...

SPRING is around the corner,
but it has sure not sprung!
Everybody's tired of snow,
it's in the songs we've sung.
We are barried under snow,
but we're over it somehow,
Easter's also coming soon...
in less than 2 weeks, now.
Tonight is the American Idol
show again on TV...
That will be a 'something'
to look forward to for me.
Tonight they're paying tribute
to BEATLE songs we know...
PAUL & JOHN'S great lyrics
will keep our minds off of the snow!
I have the family coming here
for some supper too,
That will also pick me up...
I'm making chicken stew!
Spring's around the corner,
or at least that is our hope...
We just have to 'vision' it
for now as we all cope!
Picture grass and daffodils
on a bright and sunny day,
It's just around the corner...
YEP... soon it's on it's way!

Sunday, March 17, 2013


"Wherever you go and whatever you do,
May the Luck of the Irish be there with you."
-Merle Rose

"Birthdays are good for you. 
Statistics show that people who 
have the most live the longest."
-Larry Lorenzoni

"I never lose sight of the fact 
that just being is fun."
-Katherine Hepburn

We sure were LUCKY when we got our
little doggie SHUFFLE!
Here she is today in her
sharing the LUCK of the IRISH.

Here is my dining room table with some additions since
Mariah helped me put out the EASTER and IRISH decorations
last Sunday...
As well here today are the
Peanut Butter Cup Cookies I made today to go with my Green Tea,
along with on display are the 3 cards I crafted at a
"Close To My Heart" party this past Friday!

Here we are at the crafting party... doing FUN STUFF
and crafting cards here with my friend Gailene (on the right) above.
Teaching the class is Lannette and beside her is her mom, Doris.

Another pic of us holding up some of our crafted treasures!

Here is a look at the afternoon snack
we had to munch on while crafting...
Thanks to Doris for all her delicious baking and goodies!
(and she made a full meal later, too, in addition to hosting the party.)

I got a new iphone 5 yesterday...
check out the FUN case I got for it...
imagine that it has polka dots on it... FUN STUFF!

Last night this DANCING QUEEN celebrated in style
at a SURPRISE party held in her honor at her house.

These two signs were hanging in the hallway at Lori's house...
I love their sentiments, so I took a photo of them.

Today celebrating BIRTHDAYS
are my brother Brian and my buddy, Linda.
I sure feel the LUCK of the IRISH having these two in my life.
Both the above photos are from their Birthday celebrations last year!

I think the LUCK of the IRISH
ran out this winter when it comes to the weather!
Here is a picture looking out my back window this afternoon,
there is SNOW MUCH WHITE... and no GREEN anywhere!

Thanks for stopping by this fine
St. Patrick's Day
to read about my little fun filled weekend...
 beginning with a little crafty adventure I took
 with my good buddy, Gailene.
We drove to a little acreage out of town, where one of her friends was offering a card making craft course this weekend.
I met some new friends, learned some new scrapbooking techniques, had some fun, laughs and lots of yummy food, too!

My grandkids and their mommy and daddy took a little adventure to Regina this weekend to visit their cousins and have a little get away.
I did not see my sweet kiddoes this weekend, which was different for me, but they have now arrived home after the snowy trip home.
I was glad to hear they had FUN and made it home safe and sound, too!

Yesterday Brian had  the day off so we spent the afternoon out for lunch and shopping. His favorite thing to shop for is something computer or electronic, so he figured it was time I upgraded my iphone... the most fun thing about that for me is my new polka dot case!!! hehehe
While he got it all loaded up and ready to go, his sister, Bev popped by for a coffee and visit.

We were invited to a fun Surprise Birthday Party for one of our friends last night.
 Lori used to own the store called "JAMMEEZ", where I used to work for her. I do see her from time to time now at the gym, but felt quite honored to be included in her party fun!
She was definitely surprised, too.
It was nice to meet some new friends there in the comfort of their lovely home.
I enjoyed some of the wall hangings with nice quotes on them, as well.

Today we did our traditional Sunday morning breakfast at Fuddruckers with our good friends Bob and Jacquie, who have been away for about the past 6 weeks enjoying warmer weather else where! It's always fun to catch up with them again and hear about their adventures.

Today is St. Patrick's Day...
 it is when we should be feeling the
and enjoying all things

It is my brother, Brian's birthday and my friend, Linda's as well...and believe me I always feel LUCKY to have both of them in my life.
I invited Brian for a Birthday supper today,
but he had another invite out with buddies today already. I am doing a possible
B-LATED Birthday Celebration for Linda
 next weekend during the annual
Lanigan Dance Competition,
which is where Linda lives.
Providing winter lets up somewhat between now and then, I hope to travel there for the weekend with her.

But until then I will say
today to both Linda and Brian!

I had a delicous supper just now that
my hubby, Brian, cooked for us which did include some "green' veggies
to go with the rice and fish he made.
In honor of ST. PAT'S I had "green tea" to drink, and might advance to a little
"Irish Cream" and coffee later!

I feel ever LUCKY in my day to life...
and not just on St. PATRICK'S DAY...
and even though it is more
white than green outside,
I am optimistic that spring
is around the corner!

On that thought here is
my rhyme of the day...

I had a weekend, with so much to do,
I met some new people, in fact quite a few.
From parties, to birthdays and
today's Irish Theme...
From the luck of the leprechauns
to going extreme.
I love to have good times by doing fun stuff,
But truly I'm over the snowy white fluff!
This year we've seen way more
white than green...
It's just SNOW much more,
than there's ever been!

Thursday, March 14, 2013


"Luck is believing you're lucky."
-Tennessee Williams

"If you are lucky enough to find a way of life you love, you have to find the courage to live it."
-John Irving

"At some point in your life, you get lucky enough to design the way in which things evolve."
-Daniel Day- Lewis

St. Patrick's Day is coming up...
That is when we feel the LUCK of the IRISH!!!

Here are some photos Jana texted me today,
after I was LUCKY enough to share a
wonderful mother/daughter bond lunch with her!
(I just took a photo of this off my phone,
so it isn't as clear as it is on the phone!)

This week I was LUCKY enough to make a few trips
to STARBUCKS with 2 trips there on Tuesday!
I guess I could call that a LUCKY "TWOS-DAY!"

Here is a photo of me with my buddy Linda
last year celebrating her ST. PATRICK'S DAY
Birthday at STARBUCKS...
I consider myself LUCKY
to have her as my friend always!

Here I am with my two brothers last St. Patrick's Day
celebrating my brother Brian's 60th Birthday!
How did I get so LUCKY to have not one but two great brothers?

I always thank my LUCKY STARS that this little STAR
came into my life nearly 7 years ago!
My grand daughter, Mariah in the St. Patrick's section of Dollarama
modeling a green bowler hat a couple weekends ago.

I am forever grateful as well for this little cutie...
My grandson, Beau (with his little juice mustache)
makes me feel
always ever so LUCKY to be a GRAMMA!

I'm not only LUCKY for these wonderful guys in my life,
I'm LUCKY to have this photo as well!!!
My son Colin is not a huge fan of being in a photo,
so I was really thankful he allowed this one last summer
when Brian and I visited him in Montreal.
I am LUCKY, too, as we will be visiting him again this summer,
our flights are booked!

I have been thinking a lot lately on just how LUCKY I am on so many levels of life. I love the chapter I am in right now, too. I have reflected on the years gone by and how they have made the one I'm on now seem like one to feel LUCKY for!

Today I went for a "one on one" lunch with my BEAUTIFUL daughter, Jana, to BLISS. As we watched the snow coming down out the window, we shared a delicious lunch and some fun stories and great laughs. I was quickly reminded just how LUCKY I am
to have such a sweet daughter.
She is in such a busy chapter of her life now, but I was there when I was her age, too... and now it is just fun to reflect and compare!
She also shared some cute photos and little videos on her phone of her family
from just this week.
I am so LUCKY to have those
kids in my life too!

This week I made it to the gym a few times...
and all it does to help me stay healthy.
This morning I was at ZUMBA!!!

I have gone out a few times with friends and family this week... and even made two trips to STARBUCKS this past Tuesday...
one with my neighbor, Heather and
another later with my cousin Gwen,
making it two times there for her
and me this week as well!

Yesterday I did some much needed
housework and laundry and decided to reward myself by making some chocolate chip cookies! I'm still a kid at heart and need
a reward for my jobs!!! hehehe

I shared a coffee break with my good friend, Ella yesterday...and tomorrow am meeting with my friend, Gailene to go to a craft session at one of her friends. It is fun to have things such as these to look forward to.
I feel so LUCKY to be able to do
things with good friends, too!

Next weekend... I may venture to LANIGAN to share a traditional weekend with my buddy, Linda during their annual dance festival weekend...and we can do a B-lated birthday celebration for her then as well...

Although the winter has been very long with more than enough snow this year...
it helps me to think of the snowflakes as kisses from heaven.  I miss my parents, but
I am LUCKY they live on in my spirit
and my heart always.

I am enjoying the American Idol and think there is some great talent on it this season...
so I hope they are all feeling LUCKY to have made it to the top ten in their
12th season of that show.

I guess the time of year also inspired today's it is on St. Patrick's day that we tend to feel the LUCK of the IRISH with us
as we SHAM-ROCK ON!!!
This Sunday, March 17th... will be the birthday of  my brother Brian and my good friend, Linda, and I consider myself more than LUCKY to have both of them in my life always!

So on that birthday mention...
here is my rhyme of the day!

I've been thinking how lucky I am in life,
I'm grateful for my hubby,
and that I am his wife.
But there are so many other things,
that I'm grateful for,
I am just so lucky for family,
friends and more.
And how did we get so lucky
for this winter full of snow???
And what would we complain about,
if it were to go???
I count every snowflake as
lucky kisses from above,
This winter has been plenty full
with just SNOW much love!
Truly, I feel lucky and blessed
throughout my days,
Though I did not win the lottery,
I'm rich in other ways!
One can feel as fortunate
as they choose to feel,
So I choose to say that I'm LUCKY
... and this is my reveal!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Love... Life... Simplicity...& FuN!

"I have found if you love life
life will love you back."
-Arthur Rubinstein

"I have a simple philosophy: Fill what's empty. empty what's full. Scratch where it itches."
-Alice Roosevelt Longworth

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."
-Leonardo Da Vinci

"Fun is good"
-Dr. Seuss

Mariah yesterday SIMPLY having FUN in front of the Easter display,
in our matching Old Navy Tee Hoodies!

We are really ready to WELCOME SPRING and EASTER...
The sooner the better!!!

Mariah having FUN getting out the Easter decor yesterday...
she just LOVES LIFE... and adds so much to it's SIMPLICITY!

Mariah did this little display yesterday and
 we finally put away the snowmen that were in it before...
(even though it is still very snowy when we look outside!)

Mariah and I had FUN creating a table of
EASTER/ ST. PAT'S decor!

Mariah sharing her crafty book of photos and drawings
with her poppa!

We went to another movie yesterday
"Jack Frost and the RISE of the GUARDIANS"...
It was a cute movie with a FUN message!

To complete the day of fun and simplicity yesterday
we met with Jana, Nels and Beau after the movie.
We ate a yummy supper at Montanna's.

Mariah and I had a little dance session yesterday,
We TAPPED into a very FUN afternoon!

Some cute... SIMPLE & FUN polka dot bandaids I found ...
Beau always needs one when ever he is here!!!!
 He calls them BANDINGS!

More Family FUN bonding!
Saturday night we met Jana, Nels, Mariah and Beau
at Marble Slab for dessert....
a LOVE Life... Simplicity and Fun kind of photo!

Welcome to a blog with photos once again!
Although the previous blog had a sense of SIMPLICITY to it with no photos...
this one is much more FUN with pictures
to go with my words!!!

I am ever grateful to my sweet hubby, Brian for helping me make the photo attachment work once again after I had a couple of days
where it just wasn't happening for me!

This weekend I had many reasons to just
and FUN within it!
I did a morning of exercise at the gym at my Body Vive class Saturday morning,  followed by a nice coffee visit here with
my good buddy Ella.

I decided to go for a SIMPLE wander through some stores on Saturday afternoon. I often enjoy just a little shopping adventure on my own just to poke around in the places I like and see what's new and what's on sale out there!
It's always a "Pick Me Up", too, when I can "Pick Me Up" some BARGOONS... which I did!

Saturday evening we decided to meet Jana, Nels and their kids at MARBLE SLAB for a little yummy ice cream dessert. It was then that Mariah asked if she could come here Sunday afternoon for a little playdate with us! We LOVE when ever we can share time with either or both of the grandkids! One on One is fun when we can devote fully to one at a time...
next time will be Beau's turn!

So yesterday was another
kind of afternoon with my little princess!
She does enjoy living life to the fullest. We did a little dance session then a quick scoot out to OLD NAVY where they had a sale on ....
We both got one of the TEE HOODIES... she picked out GREEN and I got a GREY one... they were cheap and are so comfy.

We got out the Easter Decor...and she helped me decorate! With it being St. Patrick's day next Sunday, we added little Shamrock hats to the chicks, ducks, lambs and bunnies on display on my dining room table...
kind of a festive and FUN touch!

We did some crafting and then off to see a cute movie at Rainbow Theatre. After the movie we met up with Mariah's mommy, daddy and her brother again at Montanna's for supper.
It never seizes to amaze me how generous Brian is with all the treating he does!!!
We had a FUN supper and visit and were well entertained  by both the grandkids!!!

When ever I have a day like yesterday it makes me thank my lucky stars that we live so close to the grandkids and can spend time with them a lot. These are the years that will count in years gone by, for sure... so many memories are being chalked up along the way.
Although they seem simple now...
they will be the ones we look back on
and see why we
LOVED LIFE so much!

Today it is SNOWING and BLOWING AGAIN outside... it has been such a long cold and snowy winter, but I am hoping soon
SPRING will come.
In the mean time I do enjoy visits over a nice warm and tasty STARBUCKS with either a friend or relative to help keep my spirits up! Today I am meeting my cousin Gwen for one, and we will catch up on the latest,
while adding a little FUN
to this wintery looking day.

So on that thought...
here is my rhyme of the day!

I have noticed in my simple little life,
Of being a grandma, a mom and a wife,
And also among many circles of friends,
just never ends!
I do a lot of simple things special to me,
They might mean nothing to others that I see.
But in my life, I have learned this...
The LOVE I send out there,
comes back by way of bliss!
It's often not in what one does,
but in how it's done...
That makes the simple moments
and turns them into fun!
So as I look out at more snow
scattering about,
It's better just to smile away,
than to wear a pout!
Soon it will be Easter...
and hopefully spring real soon,
Until it comes... I'll just sing
a simple snowy tune!!!
Simplicity is special...
and also can be fun!
So enjoy the simple little things
until the day is done.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Full STEAM Ahead!

"The secret of getting ahead is getting started."
-Author Unknown

"The internet like the steam engine, is a technological breakthrough that changed the world."
-Peter Singer

"Happiness consists in activity. It is running steam, not a stagnant pool."
-John Mason Good

Well welcome to my little blog world today... I am on day two of this post...and am far from being "FULL STEAM AHEAD!"... I began to make this post yesterday but had trouble attaching photos to it... so I just actually decided to leave it for a day... so here I am today trying hard to go 
"FULL STEAM AHEAD"... but still with no luck on the photo attaching! So I give up on that part! :(

I have had a week of lots of things
(photos would have added to my words!!!)... 
but none the less I will share some of my adventures anyhow. Monday I popped to the dance studio to hang more photos on the boards I did up there last week. While there I was given many sheets of info and schedules to display, so I spent some time rearranging the boards to accommodate that. Also while at the studio Brenda, the studio owner, asked if I could assemble a birthday gift for her husband, Vern, who would be celebrating the next day. I said I could (sort of thinking she might have some of the stuff already purchased!) However, instead she gave me a list of things to get and off I went FULL STEAM AHEAD to get that looked after for her. I think it turned out good and they liked it, too!...(had a photo of the basket... so you will have to visualize that!)

I also committed to some costume steaming while I was there that day. So on Wednesday this week I was off to the studio again... to STEAM away. However the STEAMER was on and off at working so the steaming process took longer than expected! There are approximately 1700 costumes at the studio this year...and many with tutus... which requires too too much steaming!!!... I did my best to help and I went FULL STEAM AHEAD that day... giving me the inspiration for today's blog title.

Tuesday this week after my body vive class at the gym, I was able to help get my mother in law to an appointment at her doctor. It was a big production to get her there and back but between my father-in-law and my hubby... 
we did it together ... FULL STEAM AHEAD!

I stopped by Starbucks for a little STEAMER the other day... in the theme of this blog!!! Also this week I met my hubby and daughter for a yummy latte at the Roastery... I forgot just how yummy those ones are!... sometimes a nice alternative for the Starbucks where I often tend to choose to go.

I have been enjoying the American Idol from it's very beginning and I think now that they have their Top Ten revealed as of last night... it will be a good show... and before we know it, they will have another new winner. I believe there is tons of talent on the show this year. Last night we got even more reveals than we bargained for when Mariah Carey's dress left absolutely nothing to the imagination!!! She was coming out of her dress FULL STEAM AHEAD for sure!!!

I have not made it to the gym as often as I should lately and it is often a good way to blow off some STEAM... and release the stresses that have built up inside! After yesterday's frustrations with the photo attaching on my blog, I needed a place to release my stress, so this morning I was FULL STEAM AHEAD to the gym for a great body flow class followed by a coffee at Tim Horton's with my buddy, Ella. She also had me to her place yesterday as well... where we shared  a nice afternoon visit to also release some of our life stresses!

Brian took Mariah and her little friend, Drew to the Blades game on Tuesday night. That has become one of his favorite little Grandpa/ grandaughter bond things to do together.
(I had a sweet picture of the 2 little girls... 
again visualize!)

We talked to Colin this week. His condo is going to be used in the filming of a French sit com in Montreal... so he was excited to share that news.
He sounded in good spirits, too. We have our dates locked in for our annual summer trip to visit him again in Montreal during their jazz festival. We will be ready to go by then  for a little change of scenery... FULL STEAM AHEAD!

I enjoyed a visit with my good buddy, Gailene the other day... we shared a nice cup of tea and visit while she babysat her grand daughter, Alexandra... and I had a couple cute photos to share but photo attaching is not happening FULL STEAM AHEAD unfortunately! :( 

I decided the blog was still worth my while photos or no photos. It has become my little journal of the positive things happening in my life week to week. I began writing a blog in December of 2010...and have been FULL STEAM AHEAD ever since with this being my 307th blog post since then. I checked my stats yesterday to find my blog has had a total of 27,161 hits since I began that little journey began. Thanks to each and every one who has stopped by at one point and or another to TAP INTO MY LITTLE SIMPLE world of blogging!

My original reason for writing this was when my mom passed away in October of 2010, I thought this might give me a purpose to keep plugging along FULL STEAM AHEAD and try to record the positives in my life! It has been a fun adventure so far... with the exception of when things do not go as planned such as the photo format suddenly changing without notice!!!

I had a dream of mom the night before last. I think I must have gone to bed thinking of dance competitions following my big day of costume steaming... therefore there we were, mom and me at a dance competition...and she was giving her opinion on every dance number, costume, and dancer as she always used to do. It brought to mind how much I miss her and how she is in my thoughts and heart always, as is my dad.

Yesterday was my friend, Lynne's birthday, and today is her daughter, Carly's. It is kind of neat how their birthdays are a day apart, and my birthday and my daughter's are, too! They were once our next door neighbors, and we have many fond memories of them... 
I am hoping their birthdays are/were
 well celebrated!

So there is my week... 
FULL STEAM AHEAD... (minus photos!!!! )

"Sometimes I need to blow off steam and go and dance really hard!"- Kristen Wiig

On that quote... here is the rhyme I wrote yesterday for this post... the poem might be a bit different if I were to rewrite it today... but I left it as it was written then, before the photo issues!

Somedays I feel like I'm running out of steam,
But most days I take any theme to the extreme!
Whether doing classes at the gym,
Or trying to eat right and aim for slim!
When watching  TV and all of my shows,
I go full steam ahead, as everyone knows.
I love a coffee break or a few,
I love to hang out with good friends, too.
Some days I'm all "FULL STEAM AHEAD"
Other days I'm off to a slow start instead.
Whatever the occasion or whatever the day,
I use up some steam on the blog words I say.
I know the memories captured here,
Will be things I'll remember year after year.
It's my journey and journal of my life stream,
And I'll WRITE ON... until I have no more steam!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

SPARKLE & SHiNE... (& dine!!!)

"People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their beauty is revealed from within."
-Elizabeth Kubler -Ross

"To be a star, you must shine your own light, follow your own path and don't worry about the darkness, for that is when the stars shine the brightest."
-Author Unknown

"Don't let anyone ever dull your sparkle."
-Author Unknown

Out for a Birthday Celebration for my friend, ELLA (on the left)
here with my neighbor, Heather and friend, Sylvia.
We were standing in from of the big piece of art at
BLISS Restaurant
on Friday that has a lot of SPARKLE & SHINE!

Later on Friday out to DINE again at BOSTON PIZZA...
the restaurant  that brings out the
SPARKLE & SHINE of my grandkids!

Beau was especially good while strapped tightly into the high chair
at BP!...He seemed to be enjoying his iced tea here, while waiting
for his favorite... Bugs 'N' Cheese supper.

Also at BP... is Mariah with her Grandma Nancy visiting from Edmonton
for the past week to look after the kidlets!
"NOTHER ONE GRANDMA"(as Beau calls her!)
really did SHINE taking over all the childcare
and household duties this past week,
adding lots of her SPARKLE at their home!

For some reason the food seemed to take extra long coming out on Friday
But Beau and Poppa Brian waited patiently here at BP!
Brian always is the un sung hero who pays for every meal when we go out...
Thanks hun... You always SPARKLE & SHINE to me!!!

Mariah came to share her SPARKLE and SHINE here for a little sleepover
Friday night... followed by a day full of fun adventures yesterday.
Here she is after a little shop for a birthday party she was going to later
in the day. In addition to a birthday gift, she also scored some new treasures!
The party invitation was very cute and SPARKLY... with the caption
"OMG... A PARTY" on it...

(which Mariah said over and over many times throughout the day!!!)

In "Claires " later saturday in the mall... trying on some glasses
in the store with lots of SPARKLE & SHINE!

Mariah was having fun trying on glasses and making faces!
Check out the poster behind her...
"Never let anyone dull your SPARKLE!"

On to Dollarama on route to Rainbow Cinema for a  movie...
 Here is my little show stopper striking a pose with the St. Pat's Hats!
She loves to

More DINING...A little pizza to fill that hunger pang following the movie.
Mariah claims the Vangelli's pizza is "AMAZING!"...
(it is a very large piece, too!!!)

On to a little Hair Appointment
She got a wash and style...
so she could SPARKLE & SHINE
at the birthday party she was off to next.

Mariah and her little BIRTHDAY PARTY Friend, ANNA...
at the SPA Birthday Party held at "LUSH" in the
Midtown Plaza last night...
lots of SHINING and DINING took place at that! 

Last night back at home following the party...
the kids anxiously awaiting the arrival of their parents,
here with their NOTHER ONE GRANDMA ...
Nancy... lots of SPARKLE!

The kids excited to see their mommy and daddy
following their week in Mexico...
Grandma Nancy had the house SPARKLING clean...
but it didn't take long to have it look like a tornado whirled through
with open suitcases and surprises scattered everywhere!
Here are the kids trying on their new Mexican Ponchos!

Welcome to another post
on my little blog of life's 

SHINING moments in time!

On Friday at the end of my Body Flow class at Goodlife gym, instructor Peggy mentioned the SPARKLES in the cool down music were to spread over us and give us SPARKLES of POSITIVE ENERGY to carry us through our day!... That statement inspired today's blog theme, and in fact those POSITIVE SPARKLES have actually carried me through the whole weekend, so far! ... (thanks Peggy!)

Friday both my friend, ELLA, and I were at that class and we carried those SPARKLES with us on to celebrate her birthday over a great lunch at Bliss Restaurant in the city with friends Heather and Sylvia joining in the fun, too!

I continued to DINE out later but with my grandkids, hubby and the grandkids's Grandma Nancy all at Boston Pizza. Nancy has done a fine job this past week of keeping things sparkling and shining at their house while Jana and Nels have been in Mexico on a little VACAY!

Although the kids adore their Grandma Nancy, they were beginning to miss mommy and daddy by the week's end. I know Nancy was needing some assistance, too, so I brought Mariah with me for a sleepover and day of GRAMMIE D bonding yesterday. She was like a little pampered princess all day as we went from one thing to another all day.

We shopped, dined out, danced, went to a movie( Hotel Transylvania), had a hair appointment, went for frozen yogurt, crafted...and then Mariah was off to a "SPA" BIRTHDAY PARTY at LUSH last night to finish of her day of SPARKLE & SHINE!

It was as much fun for me as it was for her ... 

it will go down as another fun GRAMMiE D bond memory that will 
in my heart onward!

I know us Grandmas loved our week of looking after the sweet grandkids... but we were both ready to have the parents of the grandkids arrive home safe and sound last night from
their get away. I know the excitement level was very high last night at their house, too, when Jana and Nels walked in the door after Brian picked them up from the airport
(about 3 hours later than expected after another delayed flight!!!)
They brought many treasures back with them and I thank them for my little worry dolls and angel craft they bought at a Mexican market.

Friday I also received another little treasure in my mail... a very cute card, some crafts and chocolates from my cousin Darcy, from North Dakota. It is always fun to get something special in the mail!
Thanks CUZ... for sharing your
SPARKLE and SHINE across the boarder!

This weekend there have been many featured performers SPARKLING and SHINING on this year's annual TELEMIRACLE on TV.
Also this weekend... at the GOODLIFE gym a lot of money was raised in the annual 
"SPIN 4 KIDS" event.
Congrats to everyone for letting your best efforts SHINE through!

"May the sun shine all day long,
everything go right and
nothing wrong.
May those you love bring love back to you,
and all the wishes you wish come true." 

  -Irish Blessing

On that little quote/poem...
here is my rhyme of the day!

I had a weekend filled with sparkle & shine,
With lots going on and many chances to dine.
Time spent with ones that I love the most,
So much to do... and no time to coast!
Bonding with my 6 year old princess, so free,
We crammed so much in ...
with just her and me!!!
Welcomed the Mexico travelers back home,
Everyone's spirits were shining like crome!