Friday, March 8, 2013

Full STEAM Ahead!

"The secret of getting ahead is getting started."
-Author Unknown

"The internet like the steam engine, is a technological breakthrough that changed the world."
-Peter Singer

"Happiness consists in activity. It is running steam, not a stagnant pool."
-John Mason Good

Well welcome to my little blog world today... I am on day two of this post...and am far from being "FULL STEAM AHEAD!"... I began to make this post yesterday but had trouble attaching photos to it... so I just actually decided to leave it for a day... so here I am today trying hard to go 
"FULL STEAM AHEAD"... but still with no luck on the photo attaching! So I give up on that part! :(

I have had a week of lots of things
(photos would have added to my words!!!)... 
but none the less I will share some of my adventures anyhow. Monday I popped to the dance studio to hang more photos on the boards I did up there last week. While there I was given many sheets of info and schedules to display, so I spent some time rearranging the boards to accommodate that. Also while at the studio Brenda, the studio owner, asked if I could assemble a birthday gift for her husband, Vern, who would be celebrating the next day. I said I could (sort of thinking she might have some of the stuff already purchased!) However, instead she gave me a list of things to get and off I went FULL STEAM AHEAD to get that looked after for her. I think it turned out good and they liked it, too!...(had a photo of the basket... so you will have to visualize that!)

I also committed to some costume steaming while I was there that day. So on Wednesday this week I was off to the studio again... to STEAM away. However the STEAMER was on and off at working so the steaming process took longer than expected! There are approximately 1700 costumes at the studio this year...and many with tutus... which requires too too much steaming!!!... I did my best to help and I went FULL STEAM AHEAD that day... giving me the inspiration for today's blog title.

Tuesday this week after my body vive class at the gym, I was able to help get my mother in law to an appointment at her doctor. It was a big production to get her there and back but between my father-in-law and my hubby... 
we did it together ... FULL STEAM AHEAD!

I stopped by Starbucks for a little STEAMER the other day... in the theme of this blog!!! Also this week I met my hubby and daughter for a yummy latte at the Roastery... I forgot just how yummy those ones are!... sometimes a nice alternative for the Starbucks where I often tend to choose to go.

I have been enjoying the American Idol from it's very beginning and I think now that they have their Top Ten revealed as of last night... it will be a good show... and before we know it, they will have another new winner. I believe there is tons of talent on the show this year. Last night we got even more reveals than we bargained for when Mariah Carey's dress left absolutely nothing to the imagination!!! She was coming out of her dress FULL STEAM AHEAD for sure!!!

I have not made it to the gym as often as I should lately and it is often a good way to blow off some STEAM... and release the stresses that have built up inside! After yesterday's frustrations with the photo attaching on my blog, I needed a place to release my stress, so this morning I was FULL STEAM AHEAD to the gym for a great body flow class followed by a coffee at Tim Horton's with my buddy, Ella. She also had me to her place yesterday as well... where we shared  a nice afternoon visit to also release some of our life stresses!

Brian took Mariah and her little friend, Drew to the Blades game on Tuesday night. That has become one of his favorite little Grandpa/ grandaughter bond things to do together.
(I had a sweet picture of the 2 little girls... 
again visualize!)

We talked to Colin this week. His condo is going to be used in the filming of a French sit com in Montreal... so he was excited to share that news.
He sounded in good spirits, too. We have our dates locked in for our annual summer trip to visit him again in Montreal during their jazz festival. We will be ready to go by then  for a little change of scenery... FULL STEAM AHEAD!

I enjoyed a visit with my good buddy, Gailene the other day... we shared a nice cup of tea and visit while she babysat her grand daughter, Alexandra... and I had a couple cute photos to share but photo attaching is not happening FULL STEAM AHEAD unfortunately! :( 

I decided the blog was still worth my while photos or no photos. It has become my little journal of the positive things happening in my life week to week. I began writing a blog in December of 2010...and have been FULL STEAM AHEAD ever since with this being my 307th blog post since then. I checked my stats yesterday to find my blog has had a total of 27,161 hits since I began that little journey began. Thanks to each and every one who has stopped by at one point and or another to TAP INTO MY LITTLE SIMPLE world of blogging!

My original reason for writing this was when my mom passed away in October of 2010, I thought this might give me a purpose to keep plugging along FULL STEAM AHEAD and try to record the positives in my life! It has been a fun adventure so far... with the exception of when things do not go as planned such as the photo format suddenly changing without notice!!!

I had a dream of mom the night before last. I think I must have gone to bed thinking of dance competitions following my big day of costume steaming... therefore there we were, mom and me at a dance competition...and she was giving her opinion on every dance number, costume, and dancer as she always used to do. It brought to mind how much I miss her and how she is in my thoughts and heart always, as is my dad.

Yesterday was my friend, Lynne's birthday, and today is her daughter, Carly's. It is kind of neat how their birthdays are a day apart, and my birthday and my daughter's are, too! They were once our next door neighbors, and we have many fond memories of them... 
I am hoping their birthdays are/were
 well celebrated!

So there is my week... 
FULL STEAM AHEAD... (minus photos!!!! )

"Sometimes I need to blow off steam and go and dance really hard!"- Kristen Wiig

On that quote... here is the rhyme I wrote yesterday for this post... the poem might be a bit different if I were to rewrite it today... but I left it as it was written then, before the photo issues!

Somedays I feel like I'm running out of steam,
But most days I take any theme to the extreme!
Whether doing classes at the gym,
Or trying to eat right and aim for slim!
When watching  TV and all of my shows,
I go full steam ahead, as everyone knows.
I love a coffee break or a few,
I love to hang out with good friends, too.
Some days I'm all "FULL STEAM AHEAD"
Other days I'm off to a slow start instead.
Whatever the occasion or whatever the day,
I use up some steam on the blog words I say.
I know the memories captured here,
Will be things I'll remember year after year.
It's my journey and journal of my life stream,
And I'll WRITE ON... until I have no more steam!

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