Monday, September 30, 2013

So Much to "FALL" in LOVE with!

"It's time to LOVE...It's Fall! Fall in Love!"
- Author Unknown

"Once in a while, right  in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale."
-Author Unknown

"Love is like a dry leaf in the wind."
--Author Unknown

Today as I SHUFFLED through the AUTUM LEAVES on my morning walk,
there was so much to "FALL" in LOVE with!

Brian and I did some celebrating this weekend, the photo on the left
is in front of Jana's store Saturday between a wedding and reception.
The photo on the right was just today at noon when we were treated
to lunch at Brown's Social House by our good friend Vern. 

On Friday, September 27th, Brian and I celebrated our love and the day
we met 40 years ago by dining out at Sushiro,
followed by a bottle of wine and a movie in the comfort of our cozy home.

Saturday's FALL beauty as this wedding party prepared for their  photos
by the river and the stunning FALL trees.

Here are some more things from the above wedding.
We were fortunate to be included at this wedding at Knox Church,

I LOVED the attention to the little details at SARA & RHETT'S wedding.
We sat at table #15 with friends, GALE and JEFF... always fun to renew
connections with friends.

So much to FALL in LOVE with in this photo of Mariah
when she ran in the Terry Fox run at her school Friday.

More... food, fun, friends and LOVE being shared!
Sunday morning at Fuddrucker's breakfast...and sunday noon at Earl's
with the Pedersons...Mariah is seen here with her other Grandma,
and her Auntie Ingrid.

Here are the grandkids with their LOVED Grandparents yesterday
at our lunch at Earl's.

Mariah going "HOG" wild for a couple of "PIG"-ture perfect photos
in the entrance of Earls' gotta LOVE it!

SHUFFLE in the FALL beauty this morning on our daily walk.

SHUFFLE and I this morning on our walk in the park...
I LOVE this time of year... so does Shuff!

LOViN' LiFE... and "LEAViN' " it...
This is in our back yard among all the FALLiNG LEAVES!

It's hard not to FALL in LOVE at this time of year every September. I love this month and season for so many reasons... one of the biggest of course is that
I met my hubby in September 40 years ago.
We also got our doggie Shuffle in September 5 years ago.

This past few days has been a whirlwind of celebrations from
dining out lots... to attending a lovely wedding... to sharing times with family and friends.

I enjoy every chance to go to a wedding as it not only reminds me of my love but it renews it once again... kind of like FALLiNG in LOVE all over again.
The wedding we were at was for the daughter of our good friend's Linda and Wayne. I loved the entire day... from the lovely ceremony through the reception, toasts and attention to all the little details along the way.
The weather was so perfect for a FALL wedding too!

Friday I spent some time with Jana helping her clean her house. I even enjoyed we do not get lots of chances to mother -daughter bond it seems!
I felt a connection to the grandkids, while cleaning their rooms for them, too... even though they were at school and daycare at the time! I am picking them up later today after school and daycare and will get in a little grammie D bonding  then. I might even take them to the park to play in the leaves... it is just so pretty out.
(might even get in another pic or two!!! )

Tonight is a great TV night  with a couple of my favourite shows. I find I watch more TV once the FALL comes, and spend less time outside in the evenings.

WE have had 3 calls from my son, Colin, this past week, which for him is a lot. We are often lucky to hear from him once a month or so. He was quite excited to share news with us about his recent gig he played at in Ottawa with his band. It was on a boat cruise...and sounded pretty exciting.
He was very enthusiastic on his call to us last night.

Once a mom always a mom... I always LOVE any connections I have with my kids when ever they may be.

Tomorrow we turn the page on our calendars again, and SEPTEMBER will be done for another year. It is hard to believe how fast time is going, but I hope FALL will be around a lot longer,
as I'm not ready for the winter just yet.

I did enjoy Body Vive at the gym on Saturday morning...
and heard the famous Earth Wind and Fire song,
"SEPTEMBER" for the last time in that month for this season. That song is always fun to groove to regardless of the month we are in!

I know October brings many family birthdays... from Sister-in-law, Arleen, on the 4th...
to cousins, and aunties, and my hubby's too!
Tomorrow I will bring out my pumpkins and spice up the decor for the next month.

On that note... here is my rhyme of the day...

September brings out LOVE & colour galore,
Of all the months, it's sure one I adore.
I love it so much, for so many reasons,
To me it's the prettiest of all of the seasons.
The leaves are all vibrant, blowing everywhere,
The sunshine is bright and warms up the air.
Walks in the park bring FALL beauty in view,
So much to FALL in LOVE with...
in all that I do!

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