Tuesday, December 17, 2013


"May no gift be too small to give, nor too simple to receive, which is wrapped in thoughtfulness and tied with love."
L.O. Baird

"Love is always bestowed as a gift-freely, willingly, and without expectation...We don't love to be loved; we love to love." - Author Unknown

"The greatest gift that you can give to others is the gift of unconditional love and acceptance."
Brian Tracy

Beau and Mariah here with SANTA at the
Wheaton's kid's Christmas party held last Sunday.

Here are SANTA (AKA- STEVE!)... with Brian...
and Steve, Robin and Cindy as well.

Here are the kids thrilled to bits with their gifts...
Mariah got a mini sewing machine, and Beau got a Helicopter.
They made these adorable snowglobe crafts, and got candy out of the
Santa piñata, too!

Beau was thrilled with his SPIDERMAN tattoo... so perfect for him!

Here is Mariah, with her mom, anxiously awaiting her turn for
her tattoo... she changed her mind 3 times as to what to get,
but ended up with a very cute Betty Boop tattoo!

Also offered at the Wheaton party... was a fun Photo Booth...
Here are some of our photo booth fun photos...
It was a great idea and got so many involved young and old alike!

Our good friends... Jacquie and Trona at the Wheaton party Sunday.

Earlier Sunday we did our weekly tradition of dining out at Fuddrucker's
for breakfast. Above friends, Jacquie and Ella,
Below Brian and I... holding a very cute little gift I got from Jacquie,
These adorable polka dot snowman napkins.
Missing from the photos... friends... Bob and his son, Dan who
were also there!

Later Sunday... the kids came here while their mommy and daddy
shopped for Christmas gifts!
They love to put on jammies when here and get cozy and comfy.

This past week I have been busy wrapping up gifts... to give from us,
as well as ones I wrapped for Jana to give to her family members as well.
I LOVE to WRAP GIFTS... so I was in my glory.

Friday I met with dance teacher friend, Kristy... and saw her beautiful tree.
Saturday after meeting my friend, Ella at the gym, we went to her home
for a coffee... and I snapped a pic of her by her tree as well.

Thursday we met Mariah and Beau at my in laws' house for a little visit.
Mariah had a little surgery that day, so we brought
 the Kermit the Frogs as a little recovery gift...
As you can see the kids LOVED them!

The kids also cashed in on some spaghetti supper with their great
grandparents, too while there... always cherished times when we can connect
as a family to make more special memories!

Tuesday night following dance lessons, my niece,  Rowen,
popped over for a quick visit to pick up her little birthday gift,
she is such a sweetie... hard to believe she is already 14.

Monday this cute hat came as a gift in the mail for Brian
from my relatives in Chicago.

I also received a gift in the Chicago package... these warm fuzzy
lounging jammies. I got the nice scarf too, earlier as a gift from
Auntie Betty and cousin Dawn when they were in town...
special heartfelt gifts!

Last Monday our friend, Vern treated us to a lunch outing at Montana's.
Later that day he treated us to supper as well before Ella drove him to the airport,
for his little month long vacation to visit his family in Australia.
That was so generous of Vern!

Yesterday Brian and I went for lunch at Broadway Cafe
 where we saw waitress and long time friend, Nichole.
She gave us these little darling home made Angel candles as a special
gift from her, too! They remind me of some my mom used to have
when I was a little girl... so sweet!

First of all to all my blog readers... 
THANKS for stopping by to see my past week 
filled with lots of love and heartfelt gifts.

I usually try not to let so much time pass in between blog posts, but as my photos reveal... it has been hectic around here lately with sharing of  fond memory making with
friends and loved ones.

As well as the above mentioned things this past week...
I attended a funeral for a dear friend... and our hearts go out to Dale and Mildred Morrison on the loss of their beloved son, Ray who passed away on December 7th.

I have also done many routine things around here which include taking good care of my hubby! As many of you already know he has been on a journey since last spring. We have had many treatments...and I am so happy to report he is doing so well. We are staying strong and positive as we continue to journey forth... we take each day as it comes.

I want to say thanks to all the people in our lives who have contributed and supported us along the way.
 Kellie and Cathy are two of those friends who have taken us to and from treatments. For that we are grateful.

Yesterday I was out shopping and ran into my cousin Bev, and we shared a nice visit over a coffee... nice to catch up on her and the things in their family lately. I really need to go visit her parents one day soon... my dear Auntie Mary and Uncle Charlie.

I have enjoyed the lovely cards in the mail lately... really appreciate all the photos and family news and letters included in those, too. I hope to make my next blog post our family Christmas card from us to you!

Among those cards received were two special ones from my son, Colin, yesterday. His girlfriend, Caro's mom is a crafter and  so his cards were very heartfelt and 

picked out especially for us.

I can see why I don't have as much time to write my blogs as often... I am just so busy living life from day to day...

and making the most of each and every moment.

I am still loving the TV shows I have been watching...
the competition music ones... 

The Voice, The Sing Off, and X Factor... 
along with Ellen and Marilyn... 
as well as Modern Family and Big Bang!
It is nice to sit with Brian at night time 

and not only watch TV together, 
but enjoy the twinkling tree lights at the same time.

Tomorrow I am meeting for lunch with good friends at Moxies...and Thursday I look forward to helping my good bud, Brenda wrap up her Christmas gifts, too.
As I mentioned... I do enjoy wrapping gifts... it is one of my most favourite things to do at this time of year.

I thank Brian's boss, Ross Wheaton, for the lovely 

and very generous Christmas parties... 
both the staff one two weeks ago and 
the childrens' one this past weekend.
They truly thought of everything... and I know our grandkids loved every minute of being there, for sure.
Beau is still a bit timid of Santa, but there is comfort in going to sit on his knee, when he is with his big sister,
who he admires so much!

I am grateful every day for the friends, family, and love I have in my life. Although this time of year is a time of many GIFTS... the most precious is time.
I continue to enjoy making many memories along the way, and try hard to capture them along the way, too, whether on the iphone or the camera... I am glad I take lots to keep them fresh in my mind as well as in my heart!

On that note...
here is my rhyme of the day!

This season there is lots to give one a lift,
Whether sharing support or a heartfelt gift.
This is the time for family and friends,
Where faith hope and love just never ends.
And it's just how we share it, in all that we do.
Gifts come in many ways, I believe this is true.
It's not about money... the dollars or the dime,
It's more about the
... and TIME!

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