Wednesday, January 15, 2014

HaPpY... "Nailed It!"

"Happiness is never stopping to think if you are."
-Palmer Sondreal

"Smile when you have a chance. Not because you are successful in life or because of what you have fulfilled.Just be happy because you have something that somebody does not have."
-Author Unknown

"If you want to be happy, be."
Leo Tolstoy

Here we are mother/daughter"HAPPY BIRTHDAY" bonding...
We "NAILED IT!"... having mani's and pedi's together!
Jana went with blue fingers and toes...
while I did clear fingers and black toes!!!
I CHERISH this time we can share together each year
while celebrating our birthdays which fall one day apart,
on January 10th and 11th!

When it comes to
I feel like I NAILED IT!
Jana was born on January 11th, 1981...
and Colin on January 18th, 1979.
Here is a favourite all time pic of my kids
way back in the day...
(I am trying to respect Colin's wishes to not post his face
anywhere on the internet... but this one features his head of blond curls
which he had a lot of as a little boy!)

Jana gave me these lovely flowers for my birthday...
I photographed them... and think they look so pretty!
Thanks Jana... love them...and you, too!

I got so many meaningful cards and gifts for my birthday...
everyone just "NAILED IT" when picking out sentiments for me!!!
THANKS for all the great wishes and gifts... peeps!

Here are my little cards from the grandkids...
the above one from Mariah and the below one from Beau!
I cherish anything they make me!!! xoxoxo

It has become tradition for me to craft cards over the last several years
with a photo and poem to go with the occasion and the  person getting the card...
here is my card for Jana this year!
She gave me a lovely card as well with such a nice sentiment as well.

When it cam to a week filled with
Birthday Celebrations...
my friends really "NAILED IT" ...and helped put the HAPPY into my birthday!
I not only shared several lunches with various friends,
I shared coffee with my friend, Gailene and then got an invite for supper
at my friend, Ella's...and she even made me a chocolate cake!!!

Rounding off the HAPPY BIRTHDAY week...
Brian and I joined Ella and Vern at Sabaroso's for supper on my birthday,
and got on the birthday glasses one more time
while out for sunday breakfast at Fuddruckers!
When it comes to Birthday Weeks...
I truly think ...
"I NAILED IT!"... and it was a "HAPPY" one for sure...
not to mention my last one in my 50's!!!

Monday morning began with a little special email from Mariah
with this cute sentiment she dreamt up on her own...and figured out
how to email to me without her mom's help...
she sent it while her mom was in the shower even!

Mariah at her mom's shoe store on Saturday to wish her
Happy Birthday!

Beau at his mom's store Saturday to wish her
Happy Birthday!

I received this lovely photo from Thailand in a HAPPY BIRTHDAY
email from Colin which arrived right on my special day.
He sent other photos as well... but thought I'd share this one and say how
much he and his girlfriend Caro are enjoying their vacation in Thailand,
they have been there since December and are loving every experience
along the way.

I am still in charge of the bulletin boards at BSOBAD dance studio,
so went and did a little updating there this week...
some boards have snowflakes and photos and others I have jumped ahead to Valentines.
I thought this little Valentine dancer was so cute... and she is
certainly NAILING IT... while celebrating the new year ...
as we head toward
Valentine's next month!

Well another birthday has come and gone... but believe me I definitely CELEBRATED it to the fullest!
I feel so fortunate to be able to not only share my special day each year with my family , but also with many circles of friends, too. I was wished HAPPY BIRTHDAY not only in person ... but on the internet and on phone calls as well... many times over... I truly think everyone "NAILED IT!"

Speaking of NAILS... Jana and I have made it a tradition to get our NAILS done for the past few years on our birthdays.
It is kind of a fun thing to do to celebrate together...
seeing as our birthdays are just a day apart. We also went for a mother/daughter and father lunch together on Friday as well to Earl's. I do treasure the moments we can spend together whether it is birthday time or not.

I pretty much ate out every single day last week... with Breakfasts, lunches, suppers and coffee outings all week long. I did manage to make it to the gym on Saturday and yesterday, too... (which is good for the balance of the eating and exercise!!!)... need maybe a few more trips to the gym to balance things out a bit more though!!! hehehe

We also enjoyed a nice visit from Brian's sister Bev on Sunday and our friend, Maxine, on monday to deliver a little something from her daughter, Courtney. I feel blessed always to share my life with so many good people.

Yesterday I drove Mariah to her dancing...and today I will take my niece Rowen to her dance lessons, too... so I am still keeping my foot in that door... even though I do not dance as much myself anymore!!! Dance will always be a big part of who I am as a person... and I continue to TAP into the connections to it where ever I get the chance to!

Mariah popped by on route to gymnastics monday night with her mom ...and just today Brian and I went for a little lunch with Jana and her friend, Shelane. Yesterday I enjoyed a tea and visit with friend, Ella as well. Also this week I shared a starbucks coffee with my good friend 

and neighbour, Heather.

Today my childhood friend, Janice, who I ended up referring to as JAY in older years.... is celebrating her birthday.
She grew up across the back alley from me and we were best of friends growing up. We were each other's maid of honour too at our weddings. Even though we live far apart now we still stay connected...and once a good friend... always a good friend!

Tonight I look forward to the beginning of season 13 of American Idol. I have been a loyal watcher of that show since it began. I do enjoy the competition talent shows for sure...and especially love ones revolving around music and those are two things that are important to me.

This Saturday I will once again CELEBRATE the day I became a MOM... back in 1979... when I gave birth to my first child... my wonderful son, Colin.
I want to wish him a very
HAPPY 35th Birthday
this year... in THAILAND!

So on that note... here is my rhyme of the day...

When I think of my life... I'm HAPPY most days...
I think I have "NAILED IT" in so many ways!
And though there are days that have the odd cloud,
for the most part I remain HAPPY & PROUD!
My family and friends are truly the best,
I say it a lot... but my life's like a fest...
An ongoing party, which I celebrate,
My life keeps me happy, and for that I feel great!

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