Monday, August 11, 2014

SuNsHiNe CeLeBrAtIoNs!

"Sunshine is a welcome thing. It brings a lot of brightness."
-Jimmie Davis

"What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are trifles, to be sure; but scattered along life's pathway the good they do is inconceivable ."
-Joseph Addison

"It's always good remember where you come from and celebrate it. To remember where you come from is part of where you are going."
- Anthony Burgess

This photo is from over a week ago in my back yard…
but goes with today's theme….
and the SUNSHINE is especially bright today!

Here is a split pic of my cousin Gwen and me CELEBRATING her
Birthday on August 7th… 2013… with party glasses,
and on August 7th, 2014… with party hats…this year in the SUNSHINE!
We did birthday lunches to CELEBRATE GWEN both times,
but this year was even sunnier…
so we managed to stretch the birthday lunch out for over 3 hours
on the sunny patio at Taste Buds!

My doggie SHUFFLE celebrates all the time she can spend out in the

My Edmonton Dance buddy, Shelley,  and a dance assistant of her's, Brody,
stayed over night here last week on route home from a dance camp
 they taught in Moose Jaw.
We had a fun and brief visit… and trip down memory lane together!
Shelley CELEBRATED her milestone 60th Birthday on the 9th.
We look forward to seeing her daughter, Stacey's
choreography week to week on the TV series…
" So You Think You Can Dance."

Friday was a nice celebration of friendship and sunshine
when my good friend, Ella and I were invited
 to share a yummy lemonade with our gym friend Valerie last week.
Her yard was so beautiful, and we had a lovely friendly visit. 

BEAU was well celebrated for his 4th Birthday on August 8th
 while staying at his Edmonton
grandparent's house last week … his NANA did a wonderful job
of prepping his party for him!

More celebration photos texted from Grandma Nancy(NANA) in Edmonton.
They had a little party friend invited to make it even more fun for
Mariah and Beau at the party!

Saturday when the kids returned home from their little vacay to
Edmonton, we had an impromptu
B-lated B-day supper for the little B-man, too!
It is almost like a celebration when I get around to crafting  a card
now, too… as I haven't done as many lately.

These photos are somewhat blurry… but the memories were
cute… when the kids got on the party hats and glasses
and did a little birthday celebration posing!
This little HOT DOG adds so much SUNSHINE to our lives always,
he enjoyed his little B-day Celebration here on Saturday.

Sumer has been filled with many sunshine celebrations around here.
Yesterday in addition to a nice visit from sister-in-law,
 Bev in the afternoon (no photo)…
we were joined by our friend Ella and Vern
along with my dance buddy, Brenda's hubby, Vern,
 while she is in England at the world baton competitions.
Today she is CELEBRATING the fact that her Jr. Pair placed 5th in the world's!
Ella brought me these beautiful flowers as well… so cheerful and summery.

Once again it is my blog writing day. The last few weeks it hasn't always been written on a Monday, but hope to get back on track again!!!

As I sit to write today's edition of my blog the SUNSHINE is very bright and well worth CELEBRATING for many reasons. Just one year ago on this very date I lost my brother-in-law, Bruce, after his courageous
battle with cancer.
Now he continues to watch over us in the form of the SUNSHINE from the HEAVENS above.
Bruce will remain in our hearts forever and is CELEBRATED in many ways not only today, but always.

We have been so fortunate to have so much SUNSHINE this last couple of weeks… it is amazing just how much better everyone's spirits are when the sun is shining!

Last week our grandkids were in Edmonton visiting their other Grandparents, Nancy and Arvid. They babysat them for 6 days and nights…and I am quite sure they had much to CELEBRATE upon their arrival as well as when they went home again. I know how many fun memories they must have added to their lives and also know from experience how tiring babysitting can be over a period of time. I commend the other grandparents on their dedication and love they shared while the kiddies were there in their care.

I would have to say these two grandkids are so very lucky to have two very loving sets of grandparents who love them so dearly. We are also lucky to have them as well. Not only do they add so much SUNSHINE to our lives… they are worth CELEBRATING for many reasons. Just last week, BEAU CELEBRATED his 4th Birthday on August 8th… hard to believe how fast the time is going.

We continue to spend much time with friends 

and family in and out doors in the awesome sunshine this past bit. I do take many photos, but do not capture every event a long the way… even though it does appear like I do!

We enjoyed a nice visit with in-laws, Blanche and Greg on Friday. We had a nice visit with sister-in-law, Bev yesterday, too. Family times are so important and special to me always. Family itself is something to be CELEBRATED 

and valued always.

Today I am invited to a high school buddy's place for coffee in the SUNSHINE of her beautiful back yard later. I am so fortunate to have so many wide circles of friends near and far and am lucky to be able to CELEBRATE my life with them whether it is a special occasion or not. To me… every day is really a special occasion… and I am all about a CELEBRATION when and where ever I get the chance!

This week the grandkids are off to the lake for more fun adventures in the SUNSHINE… and their parents just called and invited us to join in for a day… so we plan to head to the lake for a little more FUN in the SUN this week, too.

I am forever grateful for 

…and on that note,
here is my little poem of the day…

The summer has been filled with so much fun…
Also time spent in the warmth of the SUN!
Many thoughts and CELEBRATIONS…
Revolving around some very special relations.
Summer time is just filled with lots…
Many things and many thoughts,
Today we CELEBRATE that special someone…
As we look to the sky and the bright shining SUN!

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