Tuesday, December 16, 2014


"Pull up a chair. Take a taste. Come join us. Life is endlessly delicious."
-Ruth Reichl

"Love only grows by sharing. You can only have more for your yourself by giving it away to others."
-Brian Tracy

"Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we may diet!"
-Author Unknown

Today I was inspired by the Starbucks theme of the season…
I have shared many Merry drinks there this past while, too…
this one photographed here was with my hubby!!!

Also I find the new "GIVING KEYS"… so inspiring,
this one says INSPIRE… the concept behind these
keys is the gifts of necklaces and bracelets with keys and words
are to have and give away and SHARE when someone else needs one more.
The company who makes these employs homeless people.
These can be purchased at my daughter's store,

Last Wednesday night my niece, Rowen and my daughter, Jana were here.
It was our chance to SHARE a birthday gift with Rowen on the day
she turned 15… we shared a GIVING KEY with her, too,
and her's said BELIEVE!

Beau was also at our house enjoying TV last Wednesday night,
while his sister and daddy shared a daddy/daughter date night,
and went to a high school musical of  "Grease".

Thursday night we enjoyed Mariah's school Christmas concert,
which was held at Forest Grove Church… including
the Kindergarten through grade 3 kids.
Mariah was excited to share a few songs and
also some sign language, too… the kids looked so
festive all in red and black!…
(my photos are blurry cuz they are taken from the balcony!)

Thursday my friend Lynne, from Regina came to share some
MERRY and fun times with us for a few days.
She also captured this pic of Brian and me when we enjoyed sharing
some yummy sushi at Sushiro on Friday night.

Friday... friend Ella joined Lynne and me while we were on a STARBUCKS
break from our shopping!

Saturday... I joined friends, Claudette and her daughter, Jill for yet
 another STARBUCKS latte…

I have had a LATTE fun and SHARED a lot of MERRY
at STARBUCKS lately!

While out shopping last week I got these cute Christmas jammies
for Shuffle … and although they are very big on her…
she was happy to share some merry in them!

Later Saturday Ella,  Lynne and I shared one last coffee together,
before Lynne headed back to Regina…
The more the merrier… I am so blessed to
have such good friends to share coffees and good times with!

HoHoHo… what fun!
We attended the Wheaton's kiddie party for kids and grandkids of employees
on Sunday…
 Not only did Beau and Mariah share a moment with Santa…
Brian did, too!

Thanks to WHEATON for another fantastic party,
Ross really thinks of everything!

The cute box is one Jana has under her Christmas tree…
I love it… "OH WHAT FUN!"

Mariah enjoyed everything at the party from crafts, to photo booth, tattoos,
yummy food, and her wonderful gift… a beautiful art set.
Not sure why she wanted Elvis Presley tattoo, but it turned out good!

Beau is at such a fun age for the Santa party…
He also loved the crafts, photo booth, his gift of a transformer, and games, food
and his tattoo of a car as well!
Thanks to Scott Cook from Wheaton for  helping out transforming the
guy into a car for Beau… I know he would not have figured it out on his own,
but he was grateful and loved it!!!

Our dear friend Jacquie even loved the photo booth, and was  a candy cane for the photo!
She liked the kit kat sleigh crafts too, and tried to make some at home after as well!
Beau was right into the musical chairs, and also loved the piñata, also.

Nels, Jana and the kids looking on …
and the kids sharing in the excitement of their gifts!

Yesterday I shared more fun with more friends…
Kellie and Cathy and I had a morning of making spanakopita together.
Not only was this fun to share in creating, but in visiting too!
… I am so lucky to have so many great friends to share fun with.

When I came home from my morning with the girls yesterday,
I made batch number 3 of our famous nuts and bolts…
We love to SHARE those with many people…
 with Colin and Caro coming this week… I needed to have more to share,
they have become such a family favourite around here...

The more to SHARE... the MERRIER!

'Tis the season to SHARE the MERRY… 
and BELIEVE me…
that is exactly what I have been doing!

Thanks for stopping by to read about 

and share in my merry adventures of this past week. 
It has been very busy, but oh so fun, too!

As you can see by the photos shared here, 

there has not been a shortage of things to do.
I have not made it to the gym much but will need to, soon from all the merry I have shared lately!!! 

I did actually go this morning to a body vive class and even the gym has  a big sign that  says
MERRY FITNESS at the front of the gym!

This week we are doing an early Christmas with Jana, Nels and their kids tomorrow night as they are sharing the real Christmas day with their other Grandparents and cousins in Regina this year. So we will do our little pre-Christmas celebration and gift opening tomorrow night, here.

We are very excited about my son, Colin and his girlfriend, Caro coming from Montreal on Thursday for a quick 4 day visit. Colin is not as into the CHRISTMAS thing as his family is… but he will be sharing by just being here. He decided long ago that he thought it was too commercialized and overdone, so he chooses to not partake as much. However, he will be emerged  into the decor around here, and hopefully will pick up a bit of the spirit of the season.

I am excited we will have some family photos done this coming weekend… we are not often all together at once, so this is a chance of a lifetime, and it will be super meaningful to me to capture the season we were able to SHARE some family time together. I am hoping Colin will give permission for me to share a pic or two in an upcoming blog as well,
He does prefer to not appear often here.

It is funny how different we all are coming from the same family, but different is what makes us all unique, right?!
I just know the time we can share together will be both special and memorable.

Next week after Colin and Caro go home to Montreal again…
our niece, Emily and nephew, Alec and their mom, Gail, will be visiting here from Vancouver through the Christmas season. So we will have more sharing of fun and merriment!

We are sharing Christmas supper with my Mother-in-law, Blanche, in her new home this Christmas …

it will be the start of a new chapter for us… being the first
Christmas without my father-in-law, Greg.
I know he will be watching from above as we 
share the merry there with her.

I have been enjoying wrapping all the gifts I purchased while on my major shopping marathon last week, when my good friend, Lynne came to visit from Regina. I love to wrap the presents and make them look all merry before sharing them.

My basement is somewhat merry looking now… but also messy… so today's project is to get the guest quarters all ready for the company we have coming.

Later today I will get Mariah from school and feed her supper and get her to her dancing lessons, as well…
never a dull moment!

I have recorded many fun and merry Christmas type shows on TV for viewing in my spare time…and the trick will be finding the time to watch them all… hehehe…

Incase I do not get another blog up before Christmas…
I want to SHARE a very MERRY wish from us to you!

On that note… I should share my rhyme of the day
and get on with turning the messy basement from
merry to company ready!

'Tis the season to be busy… oh VERY…
But just keep calm and also merry!
Do the things that you love to do,
Share them with your loved ones, too.
Always be cheerful and also believe…
Remember it's better to give than receive,
Prices and numbers should matter, not,
It's all about precious time and thought!
So at this busy time of year,
Keep it sweet and full of cheer,
Share your spirit, from the start…
Always thoughtful and from the heart!

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