Monday, February 9, 2015


"Your heart is just a beat box for the song of your life."
-Sandi Thom

"Life is a song. Love is the lyrics."
-Author Unknown

"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything."

I am always so happy to be the "GRAMMiE" to these two cuties.
This past week I had each of them over for a sleepover on separate nights…
Mariah stayed here last Tuesday and Beau was here on Wednesday.
Mariah is so independent  now at the age of 8,
where Beau, age 4, is a bit more dependant on us to help him with stuff.
I love them both to the moon and back!

Although these photos are a bit blurry, they still captured the moments
while Mariah posed for me in her Tiger shirt and socks,
before going to school last Wednesday morning...
She is really into her dancing , which is something her and GRAMMiE D
have in common.

Here are some of Beau's poses.
The bottom two he was into doing sticker pictures…
something he and GRAMMiE D enjoy together!!!

I managed to get in a few coffee outings last week…
This is one to Tim Horton's with Brian and our friend, Ella… to roll up the rim to win!
(But we didn't win anything that trip!!!)
I was also out for a starbucks coffee with friends, Cathy and Kellie too last week,
but didn't get a picture of it.
All coffee outings were fun.

Another coffee outing I had last week, was to my sister-in-law, Arleen's
on Friday to share a visit with cousins, Bev and Gwen, along with
Nephew's wife, Savannah and her sweet baby Jorja.
Jorja is Arleen's first grandchild…
making her a very proud GRAMMIE too!
JORJA is my very first great niece, too… so not only do
I love being a grammie I enjoy this role too.

Saturday I was invited to a lovely baby shower to honour  Savannah and Jorja.
On the right here are Jorja's two grandmas… above Barb, and below, Arleen.
Jorja was showered with gifts and lots of love by all who attended the party.

Also enjoying the shower was my nephew, Brad's wife, Janelle,
who is expecting her first child in May…
and one of Savannah's friends shown here with her
diaper cake… which was so cute, hard to see it in the photo.

On the weekend… I got my mother -in -law, Blanche to her
hair appointment, and took a photo when I picked her up…
her hair was lovely. She, too, is the proud GRAMMIE
of not only 8 grandkids but of 2 great grandkids, as well.
She is an awesome lady to all who know her.

On the right… are some cupcakes I made yesterday, and
my doggie, Shuffle, looking up to the counter in hopes one might
fall off in her direction!

I was happy to see some favourites at last night's GRAMMYS on TV…
George Harrison was given a life time achievement award, although not alive to receive it.
Paul McCartney seemed to be enjoying the evening from the crowd,
as well as on stage when he performed with singers,
Rhianna and Kanye West.

PAUL has always loved to perform and it was obvious his heart
was into it on stage last night.

There was something for everyone from young to young at heart at the
I loved that 88 year old Tony Bennett was joined in the audience as well as on
stage by 28 year old Lady GaGa to sing an all time favourite jazz classic
"Cheek to Cheek"
I also loved Usher's tribute and rendition of the STEVIE WONDER hit…
"If It's Magic"…and then 'Magically' STEVIE appeared to do a little
harmonica solo. I am so looking forward to the tribute to STEVIE WONDER
next Monday on TV in a special  to honour his contribution to music.
Lots of other great voices and artists I enjoyed on last nights show, too.

More of last l nights' GRAMMY moments I enjoyed…
HAPPY to see Pharrell Williams win for his song "HAPPY!"
Young 20 year old Ariana Grande performed with such grace,
and 60 year old Annie Lennox "Took us To Church" when she joined artist Hosier!

In a red carpet special leading up to the GRAMMYS last night…
Pharrell Williams was interviewed by Ryan Seacrest… and made a statement
something to this affect…
Life is like a carousel… in spite all of the ups and downs…
Keep going round and stay on for the ride.

That thought really resinated with me last night,
I do like his very positive attitude in life.

HAPPY Monday everyone…
another week has passed by since my last blog post, and many things have also come and gone since then as well.

As you can see by my photos of the week, I had some fun with my grandkids this week. I do enjoy them one on one.
Tuesday I got Mariah from school and fed her supper before delivering her to her 3 hours of dancing. I picked her up and she had her first ever sleepover on a school night with us.
She is becoming so grown up and is such a delight always.
I cherish the days and times I can spend with her.
She is becoming so independent too…
before heading to her lessons, she looked up her dance songs on youtube and practiced some of her steps for me. 

I love that she loves to dance!

Beau didn't want to be left out, so he came on Wednesday night for his little turn at a one on one sleepover at Grammie's. He loves to watch TV, play with the smurfs, do sticker crafts, and is always hungry… I think he is on a growth spurt! He also loves his skating and hockey this year as well, and does know which teams he is more fond of too.
When I took him to daycare on thursday, I had to bribe him with a Kindersurprise… which he refers to as a
"kinder -APRISE"!
We enjoyed Beau here, too.

Jana was in New York last week at a shoe show, so we were helping Nels out with the kidlets while she was gone.
On the weekend… the kids went on to share some time with their other GRANDPARENTS, Nancy and Arvid,  in Edmonton, while Jana and Nels went to a wedding in 

Lake Louise on the weekend.
I know the other grandparents had as much fun as we did with the kids… it is always fun being the grandparents,
even though it can be tiring, 

they do
make our hearts sing!

I had a few coffee outings this past week and enjoyed everyone. I always like the different groups of people I can share that with.

I did not make it to the gym as often last week. One of my instructors from Goodlife Gym lost his father last week, so i am sending my thoughts and heart songs his way.

I love the shows related to music on TV, and of course one of the year's biggest musical events on TV is the GRAMMY AWARDS which were on last night. There was something for every musical taste from the young to the young and heart and everything in between. Where would we be without music in our lives?!!!

Last week, my good friend, Heather, lost her her dear mother who would have turned 97 years old this week.
Yesterday Brian and I made up some lasagne and cupcakes to take over for her, and we will attend her celebration of life this Wednesday. It is always hard to say good bye to our dear loved ones…
sending lots of support to Heather in this time of loss.

Yesterday was the annual Stars of Hope show here in the city to raise money for cancer. I did not make it this year, but know it was a huge success, and it is run by dance teacher sisters, Nadine and Nicole who lost their mom 30 years ago to cancer. Many dance studios came together to perform in that show for such a good cause. I am quite sure there were many heart songs involved in that show.

This weekend is VALENTINE'S DAY and another time for songs of the heart. Also this weekend… my good friend, Ella's dad will be
100 years old on the 15th.
He is the sweetest man and does not look a day over 80…
I wish him the very best as he hits his special milestone in life… many heart songs and heart felt thoughts going out his way when the family comes together to celebrate him.

Tomorrow it will be one month since I had my birthday, so I guess it is time to take down my table full of birthday cards, but I have sure enjoyed them this last month, 

they do help put a 

On that note here is my rhyme of the day…

It's good to have my grandkids and also have a song,
It helps to keep me happy and moves me a long.
It's truly much better when I do not give up hope,
And certainly it's best when I do not sit and mope!
Through the ups and downs of life, I'll stay on the ride,
And try to keep an optimistic feel within each stride.
I'll listen to the voices and songs within my heart…
And try to stay real upbeat from each morning's start!

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