Thursday, July 16, 2015


"Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving, make everyday a holiday and celebrate just living."
-Amanda Bradley

"I love how summer just wraps it's arms around you like a warm blanket. "
-Kellie Elmore

"Never, ever underestimate the importance of having fun."
-Randy Pausch

Summer has given us many reasons to have fun and celebrate this year so far!
Here we are enjoying time with the grandkids and
 celebrating their dog, Jazz, as well as our dog, Shuffle!

Before our trip to Montreal we attended a beautiful tea in honour of
our dear friend, JACQUIE, who celebrated her 80th Birthday in June.
I felt very honoured to be included for this event…and very flattered to see
all the many cards I have crafted her  over time, hanging on display too!

She is such a lovely lady... special to everyone she knows,
from young to old...
She even received a crown to wear from the little boy, Antonne,
shown in the photo above! 

The guest keyboard player at her tea was
my brother-in-law, Bruce's good friend, RAY
…and he played wonderful jazz tunes and standards
 as a background through the event.

Jacquie's daughter-in-law, Judy,
did a wonderful job of organizing and decorating for this big event.
There was a different ornate tea pot on each table with pastel pink balloons tied
to each one. There were over one hundred in attendance to honour Jacquie
that day at the tea held at St. Joe's Hall on Broadway.

Last week, upon our return from our little Montreal vacay,
we took Mariah over to visit her great grandma Blanche at her home.
We enjoyed our visit, and loved how beautiful all the flowers
 in and around her place were.
This is such a comfortable place for my mother-in-law to live .

Later that same day we attended the first day of the annual
2nd Avenue Sidewalk Sale downtown…
here we are at my daughter's store…
Jana said this was her most successful sidewalk sale
since opening her store 6 years ago… something else to celebrate!

We have made several trips to let out our newest family member,
With his family all busy and away from home,
he just needs letting out mid day, so we have been going there to do just that.
We are loving JAZZ… he is proving to be such a good addition to the family.

We have spent some time with the grandkids, too this past week or so,
Mariah attended a hip hop school, so was doing a little demo for me,
and Beau wanted to show me how he could ride his bike, but needed his helmet on!
When he takes off his hat or helmet… he sure has long hair,
but he doesn't seem bothered by it!

I always love it when my good buddy, Linda, is in town,
from her home townof Lanigan.
This past weekend… we did our traditional STARBUCKS
visit, followed by a supper at the restaurant called Milestones.
The peach belinis are so yummy there complete with little
animal buddies on top!…
(we got a monkey and a camel)

Linda was in town on route to New York … where she is now,
and she is having a fabulous time!

Last week, Brian and I went to watch our little great niece, JORJA,
at her swimming lessons… she was so adorable, and appeared to
be loving her swimming with her mommy, Savannah.

This weekBrian and I went to visit our other great niece,
BRIELLE… and her mommy, Janelle and daddy, Brad.
Not only did we have a nice visit, we loved how they have the baby
suite decorated… it was OWL so sweet!

Here is a blast from the past…
(I posted this on my Facebook page, too)
Brian and I got engaged on July 12th, 1976… 39 years ago.
We set up a camera tripod and took some photos of that event
that very day… and this is a picture of one of those…
seeing as I cannot actually
find the album with the pictures in it!

39 years later on July 12th…
Brian and I decied to take our "selfie stick"
and go back to the Labatte's Beer Gardens where we took our original
photos… but the tree we were in has now become a pond!!!
We did however snap some pics of us in amongst the trees that are there now,
in memory of that special day in our lives…
so hard to believe 39 years have gone by since then!

That same night we shared a yummy BBQ supper with our good friend, Vern…
and our neighbours, Cheryl and Floyd came and joined us for a piece of pie
afterwards… I love a little impromptu celebration!
Note Shuffle, hates to be left out… so I captured her and I
 in another " selfie!"

We went from a BBQ at our house on Sunday...
to a BBQ at Vern's condo on Monday!
We enjoyed another delicious meal out on his sweet little balcony,
and yes more strawberry rhubarb pie for dessert again! YUM!!!

Mariah spends a lot of time at her mom's store… yesterday
we went to pick her up and here we are modelling some of the
sunglasses Jana sells
… the ones I had on even had polka dots on the sides!!!

Mariah did a few poses for me at the store before we headed off
to her house to let out Jazz and then come home to Shuffle!

Yesterday, July 15th…
was Shuffle's 7th Birthday.
Shuffle is such a little diva, and loves any occasion to
dress up in a costume , hat, or ribbon of any kind.
This little photo shoot, was no exception…
she loved every minute of being in the lime light…
we love her to pieces and celebrate her every day!

Welcome to a bonus blog post from me this week! I normally only post only one a week on a Monday or Tuesday, but due to the fact I take so many photos, and have so much to share since being home from Montreal,
I decided to do an extra post this week.

I have actually written a total of 435 blog posts, and even though it seems like a lot, it has been over a course of 4 and a half years time . I began writing and sharing my life in blogs shortly after losing my mom, in 2010.
Originally it was as a way of keeping me on a positive track… and then it became a fun thing… and in fact I actually look forward to sharing my life journey here in the form of a journal of the positives things
 in my life from week to week!

Since I missed a week of blogging while in Montreal, I felt I needed to do an extra one to catch up with my masses of photos! I do like to capture every little thing in my life,
it seems…and later on in life I am hoping it will be a reminder of all the fun I had along the journey!

Speaking of journeys… not all things in our life are fun,
and usually I don't mention those… but for those who know the journey we are on at our house…you will be interested to know tat my hubby, Brian, is doing well and is heading into his 50th round next week. We do take life one day at a time, and continue to make the most of our best,
and least of our worst.

Summers go by fast but there are sure lots of things to enjoy about them. First of all the weather… has been warm and sunny… so for that I am grateful. However the forest fires up north have sure given us reason to be concerned. We hope for rain for their sake. Brian and I were very lucky to be away during the week of heavy smoke here in town, but sure heard lots about it while we were away.

I am so lucky to enjoy a daily walk or two with my doggie, Shuffle. We both enjoy the exercise and sunshine, but for me the bonus of the walks, is the music I enjoy on my iPhone on route. I have a new iPhone 6 which came with a fabulous app called "spotify". I can literally look up any genre of music and add songs I like to an ongoing list, and then play them on a random mix while on my walk.  I know while I enjoy the new shuffle of music each day,
 my doggie, Shuffle, enjoys her walk!

My brother, Brian, is playing in town next week at a place called the Capitol Club where Craw Daddy's used to be. He is playing with a local band, and I know some of my blog readers might be interested in seeing him play next Friday, July 24th. He said he has not played with a band for over a year, but I reassured him he will never lose his great talents and or skills. I will look forward to seeing him in action again!

There always seems to be lots going on and many things to celebrate in addition to the ones I mention in my blogs. I apologize in advance if I miss some of those special ones along the way, too… sometimes they go by before I realize it. But I did want to mention a few that have gone by recently… My Auntie Mary celebrated her 95th milestone birthday on July 4th. Her grand daughter, Elaine celebrated her 30th milestone Birthday just the day before, as well. Although we were in Montreal during those dates… I heard there was a fun celebration in their honour.My brother Bob and his wife, Arleen, celebrated their 43rd Wedding Anniversary on July 8th…
and my nephew, Brad and his wife, Janelle,
celebrated their 5th Wedding Anniversary on July 10th.
Also my best friend growing up…
JAY… and her hubby, John, also celebrated their milestone 40th Wedding Anniversry on June 28th. I remember that wedding and my brother's
as I was a bridesmaid for both of those weddings!

Next week, my sister-in-law, Bev, will celebrate a birthday, on the 24th, too… and I'm sure there are other celebrations I may be missing… but those of you I missed…
I'll say…I hope all of your CELEBRATIONS were and/or are HAPPY and FUN ones!

For me… life is really just one big celebration…
I like to live in the moment and celebrate when and what ever I can… Life is short…
so why not CELEBRATE it and have FUN!

Thanks to each and every one who pops by my blog
to catch up with my little journey of life,
I know I have no way of knowing who is reading and or looking at the pics, but I love to share the happy times with who ever stops by.

On that note… here is my rhyme for today…

I just love the summer time... so much to celebrate…
From the warmer weather, to all things fun and great!
I enjoy the celebrations and the little things,
I just love the season, and also what it brings.
It just goes by way too fast… seems we're half way done,
So I'll just try to take it in and soak up all the fun!

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