Monday, November 2, 2015


"If you want a tasty treat…
Be sure to holler trick or treat!"
-Author Unknown

"Sweets to the sweet."
-William Shakespeare

"The best things in life are sweet."
-Author Unknown

Here are some of the treats I put together
for some of the special pumpkins
in my life!
The polka dot bags were for Beau and Mariah
filled with treats and books!
I also found the cute little Pumpkin teddy bears and books
for my little great nieces in the city! 

Halloween has had some mixed emotions for me in the past bit…
Mom's funeral was on October 30th, in 2010… so since then…
it has some angels mixed in with the pumpkins!

I love this little halloween memory of Colin and Jana
when they were little, too…
Colin was in Kindergarten here… (same age as Beau!)…
he loved Michael Jackson then… so he was him.
Jana was 3 here and in preschool dressed as Strawberry Shortcake.

I seem to have a harder time each year capturing my grandkids
in their costumes! I actually took this photo of Beau on the day
he got his Star Wars costume of a new character named Kylo Wren.
I got Mariah in her Turtle costume over at my nephew Brad's
on Halloween.

The two little great nieces in the city…
Jorja and Brielle looked so SWEET!
Their mommys did, too…
Savannah is holding her niece, Brielle…and
Janelle has niece, Jorja in the photo with the 4 of them

How cute are these two little cousins…
Jorja is the tiger and is my nephew, Jeff and wife, Savannah's little one.
Brielle, is a little stripy bug…
and is my nephew, Brad and his wife, Janelle's little one!

Great Uncle Brian is here on the couch, too… in his Oiler's Jersey,
that he got as a birthday gift the week before.

Jana, Nels and Mariah were all in costume here… Beau didn't join the family
for that pic… but I got a pic of the two grandkids  with the two great nieces
along with Nels and Brad on the couch at Brad's place…
and the kids getting into their treat bags, too!
Lots of fun and chaos on Halloween!

My niece, Emily, in Vancouver sent a photo
 of her baby pumpkin, ABBY,
on Saturday.
It brought to mind Beau's first halloween… when I crafted
some cards of him in a little pumpkin sleeper!

We popped by Blanche's home on Saturday, too, where there
was a lovely display of Pumpkins in the lobby.

I decided to recycle Shuffle's  Pumpkin costume again this year.
Our grand dog, Jazz wore a costume Nels wore in grade 2 or 3,
 that his mom made for him. He made a pretty cute dinosaur, too!

Last night we popped by Nels and Jana's and Jazz was hanging
out on his bed with his poodle pillow ( his little girlfriend!)
… so sweet!

Shuffle and I were both in pumpkin theme
 as we waited for the trick or treaters to arrive on Halloween night.
I had a little drink in my "Ghostess with the Mostess" glass, too…
out of the skeleton straw…
we were in the 'spirit' of things!

I packed up several little treat baggies in addition to
the many bars and cheezies we had to give out…
but we had many left over when the night was done.

In addition to the Halloween treats this past week…
we were  on many outings.
The first was last Tuesday with Jana and her store partner,
Melissa who treated us for a belated birthday lunch for Brian.
Melissa recently had her 30th birthday, too…
so I thought we were treating her… but she treated us instead!

Wednesday my nephew, Jeff and his wife, Savannah
and their little one, Jorja
all treated us to another lunch also on behalf of Brian's recent birthday.
Jorja was so cute and good in the  restaurant, too…
she was modelling some little cool shades Savannah had in her purse as well.
She is such a little sweetie… and so expressive!

I actually missed a lunch that day with some ladies from the gym,
but couldn't be everywhere at once!

Two more treats this past week…

I was treated to yet another lunch with good friend, Brenda, on Friday.

Yesterday at Fuddrucker's here are girlfriends…
Ella, Jacquie and Trona… the guys were at the other end of the table.
Trona's hubby, Ross treated everyone to breakfast, too.

We were busy sharing halloween photos on our phones here…
lots of fun!

I found it a real treat to watch Mariah's ballet class on Thursday
this past week, too.
She is very focussed and has improved a lot since this time last year.
She loves her ballet and her teacher, Mrs. Stark, too!

Friday was watching week for Mariah's Hip Hop class.

It is kinda cool that in her class of about 20 kids ranging in age…
there are two other kids whose moms danced at my studio back in the day,
In the bottom left photo the gal in from and back of Mariah… (both in black)
are Payton , daughter of Kathy and Jorden, daughter of Jennifer.
I found it hard to get photos from the angle we were sitting…
but all the kids seemed to be having fun… Mariah loves her hip hop,
and her teacher, Miss Danielle.

Since 2002, I have been hanging stuff on the
BSOBAD dance studio bulletin boards.
Yesterday I took down the pumpkins I hung a month ago…
soon it will be time to hang snowflakes and Christmas stuff!
I enjoy that job… it is one that lets me keep my foot
in the door, as well as being creative…
there are several bulletin boards throughout
that studio to decorate !!!

Last night Brian and I popped by to see Mariah and Beau's new room set ups.
Mariah inherited her cousin, Rowen's old bed…
so Beau then got Mariah's old bed…
The kids seemed happy with their new rooms and beds.
Mariah still had her halloween costume on!
Beau enjoyed some TV with his grandpa and Jazz
in the living room, as well.

Where does the time go?
Seems like only yesterday when I was sorting through photos for my last blog!!! It is always a treat for me to go through what fun we have shared with family and friends in the previous week, and share my fun
with my blog readers as well.

This past week was one full of pumpkins, costumes, sweets and treats galore, too. From all the lead up to Halloween as well as many birthday lunch outings and a couple of dance classes to watch as well. There were some other things in the week… but I won't share it all!

As I get older, Halloween is not as much of the occasion it once was for me. But it is still fun to watch the little ones having a good time and enjoying it. We sure didn't have many trick or treaters here this year in spite of the warmer than normal weather and the day falling on a weekend night. I kept count and we only had 32 at our door, total.

Earlier in the afternoon we had gone to visit my
mother-in-law, Blanche at her home…
and then to my nephew Brad's to see the two great nieces in costume along with my two grandkids there as well.
It seemed like a good idea to all meet in one place so we could enjoy the costumes and try to snap a few sweet pics for our memories. Beau wasn't quite as co-operative at joining in the photos…and had his mask and full costume off before he left there. Mariah changed her mind on her costume a few times before deciding on being a turtle…
she looked cute and still had her costume on all the next day apparently, so it was a comfy one, I guess!

As well as seeing my two in town great nieces, Jorja and Brielle… I received a text with a cute photo of my great niece, Abby, in Vancouver,  who was adorable in her little pumpkin costume. I can't wait to meet her in person… when she comes to town to visit… we hope soon!

We have dined out lots this past week…and I have consumed way too many sweet treats around here…
so this week… time to get disciplined and get back on track with some healthy eating again. This afternoon I am off to my third monday of dental appointments in a row… so maybe that will keep me out of the leftover treats for a bit.

Later this week it is more viewing at Mariah's dance studio… with a ballet class to watch today and a tap class tomorrow and wednesday as well. I am excited to see those. She seems to be coming along nicely with her dance lessons.
She got invited to be in the exam tap this year, too… which made her grandma happy!
I hope we have time in her busy weeks to come to practise a little together as well. It is a fun way we can bond together and tap into some fun at the same time!

I have been enjoying the TV shows with competitions, too…
DWTS as well as The Voice are both excellent this year. I happened to find an older version of the UK X-Factor, too… which I am also really into as well…
lots of talents on all those shows.

We manage to keep busy doing many things… some are more fun than others… but we take life one day at a time, and enjoy the good along the way. This week we are dog sitting a bit… our grand dog, Jazz is here hanging out with our dog, Shuffle, while Jana and Nels get some renos done at their place. Never a dull moment.

Hard to believe it was nearly a year ago that my mother-in-law, Blanche, moved into her new home… it has been such a great place for her to live and for us to visit her at, as well.

Time continues to race on…  we will soon be into
Christmas stuff… a season I always look forward to!

Thanks to all my blog readers who stop by to check out the adventures we share from week to week!

On that note… here is my poem of the day.

Halloween was filled with pumpkins and treats,
Lots of cute kids in costumes with sweets.
Halloween holds many memories for me…
But when it's all done… I fine and happy!

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