Monday, December 14, 2015


"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are."
-Marianne Williamson

"A joyful spirit is evidence of a grateful heart."
-Maya Angelou

"Hope your holiday season is fun and festive."
-Author Unknown

Yesterday we attended the annual Wheaton Kiddie's Christmas party
where our grandkids got to see Santa and do many fun things.
This is such a special…
 tradition each year for us.

There is so much for the kids to do at the Wheaton party…
from crafts, to tattoos, to photos in the photo booth, a meal,
musical chairs, Santa gifts, and piñata …
as well as bonding with many we see there
from year to year!

Thanks to Wheatons for their generosity  once again.
Mariah received a fabulous bracelet  crafting set, and Beau
got a couple of cool cars that light up as they race around…
both the kids loved their gifts.

We enjoyed a few days with my dance mentor and good friend,
Brian Foley, who stayed with us aver a week ago.

Above we are seen here, out for lunch at Broadway Cafe…
and visiting Jana at her shoe store, Swank shoe Lounge, too!

Note… the photo in right hand bottom is one of
us from back in 2006…
but we go back way further than that even,
in fact we figure we go back over 40 years,
and remain good friends to this day.

A week ago we attended the Wheaton Staff Christmas party…
 here we are with friends, Dan and Judy… Robin … and Jacquie and Bob.

Such a great evening that was as well… filled with
joyful and festive spirits all round...Another generous evening.

Thanks to sister-in-law, Brenda and her husband Mark
for driving us to the party too.

I babysat Beau last week and we made cookies…
he got so messy that he ended up in his underwear,
while I washed his clothes that were covered in flour and stickiness!

He had lots of spirit for the whole afternoon through each stage of the cookie
making fun!

I went to Tim Hortons after the gym with gym friends one day last week…
love the big snowman there… also made a few stops at Starbucks.

Beau, Jazz and I tried to build a snowman last week…
but the snow wasn't sticky that day.

And I found this FESTIVE sweater while out shopping…
and wore it yesterday
to a couple Joyful outings!

Mariah and Beau's other grandma… NANCY… made these
special and festive aprons for the kids. They are both reversible …
Mariah's has tea sets on one side and chocolates on the other.
Beau's has hockey on one side and cars on the other side.
Apparently they picked out the fabric…
That grandma Nancy is really talented and puts lots of
spirit and joy into her festive aprons and
other crafty things that she creates.

We enjoyed a few days with my good buddy,
Lynne visiting us from Regina last week.
We did lots of shopping, visiting and lots of other fun stuff.
WE always have fun whenever she is in town,
either with or without her hubby, Mike.

Last Thursday was the annual kid's school Christmas concert.
Beau was the smallest one in the kindergarten kids ,
and was right out front and centre…
here in his black and red checkered shirt, and green tie… so cute as
he sang a couple songs with his class!
These photos were taken from the balcony so not as clear as I would like.
The grade four kids set up props instead of performing in the show…
so Mariah was behind the scenes working, this year!

Friday my good friend, Linda joined Lynne and me for a Starbucks sister friend
bond, while she was in town, too briefly .
We managed to have a few pics together there as well as some yummy
lattes and a great visit and catch up.
These are a couple of my best buddies…
wish they both lived closer… but as the sign says…
"Our hearts and cups were filled!"

Yesterday I attended a Joyful and Festive Christmas concert at
St. Joe's Theatre put on by BSOBAD Dance studio.
My niece, Rowen, (in grey here), performed in the show, with her buddy,
as well as many dancers from her studio…
they were fund raising for a future trip
in the new year to Disney World, with their dance troupe.

The show was an ambitious effort… and there were many other things, too,
from silent auction times, to baking, Princess photos , and cappuccino bar.
I am sure the day raised spirits as well as funds!

Rowen turned 16 last week, too… she is such a sweet gal,
growing up so fast!

I got out Shuffle's Santa suit today so she could get into
her joyful and festive spirit once again… she loves to dress up!

WE got Jazz a Santa outfit, too,
and he was enjoying the festive look as well… both in door and out!

Here are the two SANTA DOGGIES… hanging out inside and out today!
They add both JOYFUL and FESTIVE to our SPIRITS for sure!!!
We truly enjoy having Jazz here to keep Shuffle company…( well and us too!)

Welcome to my second blog post of December for this year… wow… the time is sure going fast!
Hard to believe it has been 10 days since my last blog post.
I have sure been busy enjoying all the
JOY and SPIRIT of this FESTIVE time of year.

As my photos reflect, I have had lots of company and fun doing the things that make me happy. In addition to the photos above… I have done some shopping and wrapping as well… and those things are some of the things I do enjoy at this time of the year….especially wrapping. I know I will be helping my daughter wrap her gifts too… as soon as she sorts through her many purchases…
 It is becoming tradition I help her wrap it up!!!!

We have been so fortunate to bond with some of our favourite friends and guests this past while with many things such as parties, as well as at the gym, and concerts, shopping, dining out , coffeeing, etc.

The older we get in life… the faster this season rolls on by. I still remember when I was a kid it took forever for Christmas to actually arrive. Now it comes and goes way too fast!
I do enjoy the festive decor at this time… and look forward to turning on our tree lights and the lights we have here and there throughout the house…it makes my spirits feel joyful and festive with all the lights twinkling. I do love Christmas tunes playing in the background as well.

I like recalling some of the favourite memories over the years at this time of year… and I do have so many to even mention any of them. I do still put out a cute photo of Brian and his brother Bruce, with Santa that was taken when they were very young around ages 3 and 4. It sits by my computer at this time of year and reminds me of seasons gone by. I was just recalling another favourite memory of mine the other day. When my daughter, Jana, was in Japan on her second contract as a performer in Tokyo Disneyland,
she sent home a filled stocking for me at Christmas time. It actually arrived to me from Japan right on December 24th.
The little trinkets in the stocking were all so cute and meaningful to me… and the thought she put into it was so special. It is all about the thought after all!!!

Christmas times are about family… the ones we still have as well as the dear ones in heaven. I always remember what a cherished time Christmas was for our family together year after year. Although my parents have been gone for a long time, their spirit lives on in my heart not only at this time of year, but all year round.

I am forever grateful for the friends we have made in life. They continue to keep our spirits warm and bright. Just yesterday I spent the afternoon at a festive Christmas dance show put on by my good friend Brenda from BSOBAD, and I sat with many dance moms from my past who have remained my friends ever since my teaching days.
Thanks to my friend, Cathy for driving to and from the show.
Later this week she has invited me to make cookies with her and her daughter, Megan… another joyful and festive memory for us to come!

Also later this week, I am going to share some festive spirits with my sister-in-law, Arleen and two cousins, Bev and Gwen. I look forward to all little outings in and around the hustle bustle of this time of year.

We have had company over the past 3 weekends… and enjoyed visits with all our company. We had my son, Colin, and his girlfriend, Caro, from Montreal… followed by Brian Foley, dance mentor, from Toronto…
and then my good friend, Lynne, from Regina.
All of those house guests were so fun to have and we enjoyed each and every visit we fit in while they were here.

We do continue to enjoy times we can spend with our grand kids and our doggies in our life, as well… I have taken Mariah to her dancing for the past month or so as she prepares for a tap exam. I have had Beau here a few times to babysit… and we often have our grand dog, Jazz,
 sharing time with us, too.

I have to remember to fit in some of the routine things, too, such as classes at the gym… and some good nutrition and extra rest so I don't wear out with all
 the festivities of the season!

Thanks again to all who add extra JOY and SPIRIT to our lives… not only at this FESTIVE time of year but all year round. Thanks to many who have shared good cheer in  wonderful Christmas cards, too… so appreciated!

On that note… here is my rhyme of the day!

This season is always filled up with joy,
With thoughts of Santa for each girl and boy.
Festive looks on many a sweater…
It's just so much fun... nothing much better!
Lots to do from concerts to shopping,
With on going things, it's always non stopping.
Sharing times with the ones we love most,
Baking some cookies and jammed up toast.
Sparkle and glitter and lights everywhere,
Sharing spirits with all those who care,
Gifts and parcels to wrap up for the tree,
With lots of  love for you right from me!

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