Friday, January 15, 2016

That Little EXTRA!

"The difference between ordinary and extra ordinary 
is that little extra."
-Jimmy Johnson

"It's never crowded along the extra mile."
-Dr. Wayne Dyer

"And in the end it's not the years in your life that count. 
It's the life in your years."
-Author Unknown

Last Sunday was an EXTRA special Birthday Brunch for me…
and this was an extra beautifully wrapped gift with an
extra specially crafted card from friends Trona and Ross!

Friends Jacquie and Bob always put that little extra into everything they do,
and this little brunch party at their beautiful home, was no exception.
From the decorative table, to the delicious food, wonderful friendship
and extra thought into every detail… right down to a singing
birthday candle… it was a morning fit for a princess,
which is exactly how they made me feel!

I received some beautiful gifts with extra thought in them…
and made an extra wish when blowing out the candle on
the delicious cake, too!

Trona is holding the cake, here as well as sitting with friend Ella on the couch.
Ross was also there… no photo of him!

Our friend Vern has been in Australia for the past month and returned just
in time for this extra special birthday celebration at Bob and Jacquie's.

My day was full of lots of EXTRA fun all day…
from the birthday brunch
in the morning…

I went to critique some solos all afternoon for the BSOBAD
dance studio at St. Joes Collegiate, with assistance from friends,
Yarnel, and Tara as well as Shannon(missing in this pic!)

Then later in the evening Jana and I shared a Birthday toast
in honour of both of our birthdays…
Mariah took this photo, so it isn't our best angle…
but its thought that counts… right!?
I didn't get many more pics at that celebration, but lots of
extra love and gifts, and some more extra special cards!

I also had a couple more celebrations last week…
a birthday treat lunch with friends, Heather and Ella, last Saturday…
with pizza and cheese cake as well as some lovely gifts.

Yesterday I met my cousin Gwen at Broadway's Starbucks
for a cousin catch-up and extra special visit, too.

Earlier this week I was out for lunch with some gals from the gym
as well… but no photos were taken there.
I also made two gym classes this week also... woohoo!

I looked for a photo of my kids Jana and Colin at a birthday…
but couldn't find one… and instead found this cute
memory of them when they were 1 and 3 in the summer of 82…
sharing a little foot soak together at the lake.

Hard to believe this week Jana turned 35
and next week Colin is going to be 37.
These two have been EXTRA special
to me all those years.

I do love a card… but it is extra special when the card
is a crafted one… yesterday I received the red one
on the left... in the mail from my son, Colin and his girlfriend, Caro…
her mom crafted the card, and it had such a nice personal handwritten
message in it from Colin… it really made me feel

I still like to craft cards too when I get a chance too.
On the right are my cards I crafted for  my two kids
for their birthdays this year.
I know Colin received his yesterday in the mail because
he texted to thank me for it and he really liked the photo on it, too!

I have had Beau a couple times this past week to babysit too.
He wanted to wrap up some gifts for his mommy the one day
and picked out some EXTRA special oldie photos to tie on to the gifts.
HE had fun making set ups with the Jenga blocks as well.

We get a lot of EXTRA time with JAZZ their dog, too…
in fact he is here again today… I think he is with us as much
as he is with his own family! He is an extra good dog, though…
so long as there are no chocolates around!!!

It is extra special now that Beau likes to play games with his gramme D.
We were playing a few games of Jenga here just on this past Tuesday.
Beau takes winning quite seriously!
He has an extra competitive side!!! hehehe

Last week, I noticed a banana on our counter going bad…and it
had a face in one of it's bruises!
The face reminded me of this old photo of Jana when she
was in her 20's!… maybe it is the hairdo more than the face!!!

Last week… my good friend, Gailene and me went out for a coffee and shop through
winners. We were taking pics here with some big monkeys …
we found to have that
little something EXTRA!
We always have so much fun together… I think we are like two big kids
at heart… with EXTRA emphasis on the FUN!!!

Welcome to my second blog post of 2016!
This past week has been full of lots of EXTRA celebrations seeing as it is once again family Birthday season!

Since my last blog both my daughter and I have celebrated birthdays… and next week my son will have one, too! January has a lot of EXTRA celebrating going on…and not just because it is a new month in a new year…
but we have so many birthdays in this month.

My celebrations did have a lot of that little EXTRA in them, too. Thanks to our very good friends, Bob and Jacquie for hosting a fun birthday brunch in my honour right on January 10th… the date of my birthday. They always do such an extra special job of entertaining for whatever the occasion… and this party was no exception… with every little detail in place. It was nice to celebrate with good friends there, too, and thanks to everyone for the gracious and generous gifts.
I know everyone put a lot of extra thought
and love into each one.

The same day as my birthday I did an afternoon of critiquing dance solos and duets at St. Joe's collegiate for BSOBAD dance studio. It was an afternoon extra full of dancing and a fun way to celebrate my birthday. Thanks to good friend, Tara for writing my comments as I dictated them for her while watching each dance. Thanks to buddy, Brenda for inviting me, too… it was an ezra special honour just to be asked to do this.  There was some great dance numbers that day… with lots of extra work displayed all round.

The evening of my birthday our kids popped by… so my day was filled with that LITTLE EXTRA from start to finish.
Thanks to Jana, Nels, Mariah, Beau and Jazz for stopping by with gifts and extra love on my special day.

Good friends Ella and Heather treated me to a fun birthday outing the day before my birthday and we had a great visit and yummy pizza as well as  a special cheese cake with a sparkler in it, too. Thanks to them for generously
treating me to lunch,  gifts and cards.

Jana and I celebrated a little together the previous week in honour of her milestone 35th Birthday with our mother daughter mani/pedi date, seeing as she worked on her actual date which is the 11th.
We did meet her and Beau for a
lunch outing yesterday too.

My hairdresser,  Marla, treated me to a hair service last week in honour of my birthday… how very generous of her. Thanks for the good hair days always, Marla,
and thanks again for birthday hair treatment!

I received two tickets to SYTYCD tonight as a gift from my good friend Brenda… so I am going on a dance date with my grand daughter, Mariah to that show. I think it will be EXTRA SPECIAL for both of us to have that fun little bond together doing something we both love to do… Watch Dancing!

I have done a lot of EXTRA things in and around the many duties we have to do lately. I am always so appreciative of all the friends and family who
put that little extra in to my daily life.
I got many wishes on the internet… both FB, and email as well as many texts and phone calls and many in person Birthday wishes…
For all of that extra love I am over whelmed
and so very grateful.
Thanks to everyone for making my heart so full.

Today my childhood best buddy, JAY, is the milestone age of 60. Her and I go way back. She grew up across the back alley from me and we were best buds right through school and up to when we each stood up for each other as
the maid of honour at each others' weddings.
Although we do not see one another often any more…
I know we would pick up right where  we left off,
 if we got together. Happy Birthday JAY!

Next Monday my son will be 37 already…
where does that time go?
I feel extra blessed to have become a mom back
on January 18th in 1979. Thanks to both my kids for making the motherhood chapter of life
 more than EXTRA SPECIAL to me!
Happy Birthday Colin on Monday.

I continue to do the things that bring EXTRA fun into my life as I journey forth… and even though there are many things not so fun… I continue to make the most of the best
and least of the worst… the best that I can!

On that note…
here is my rhyme of the day!

This week I decided to take a little extra time,
To prepare my new blog and to write my new rhyme!
With birthday celebrations and so much more,
With extra special birthday cards and the gifts galore.
Once again at birthday time, I felt the extra love,
From my friends and family, both here and above.
I tapped into a day that filled my heart with dance,
And I just shared some photos…
 for you to see it at a glance!

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