My 2 kids... Jana and Colin in the Fall of 2009
32 years ago I became a mom! My son is celebrating his birthday today. It seems like only yesterday my kids were small and I was racing around with all their activities, and now the 2 of them are all grown up and successful adults.
Colin hitch hiked to Montreal when he was 19 for a Punk Rock concert with a buddy! We were not too concerned about this venture as we thought he likely wouldn't get all the way there by hitch hiking... hmmmm... but he made it... and has been there ever since! He found his space in Montreal and calls that home now. Growing up Colin was a fun high energy little guy. Often the class clown at school... and he enjoyed hockey throughout his earlier years in life. He was very artistic and statistical! If Colin was into something... he always knew all there was to know about it. He is now working for a construction company and does home renovations. We could actually hire him here to fix all the broken down stuff around here! However he chooses to not come home very much any more.
Colin is also interested in punk rock music and has toured with his band across Canada and the States with his band called Kontempt in 2006.
Colin was home just this past fall for my in-laws 60th anniversary. He had not been home for the 3 years previous to that... so everyone was happy to see him. He saw my mom just 10 days before she passed away, and infact mom had her very last photo taken with Colin, Jana, my two grandkids and me. I will cherish that photo and memory forever. It was funny but mom always said Colin was her favorite grandchild!!! (The other grandkids knew that, too!) Mom didn't keep that a secret!
I have so many cherished memories of Colin when he lived here... but now we keep in touch from month to month. He isn't a computer kinda guy... so no email and or face book for him. In fact he is extremely hard to track down by phone even, as often his cel phone isn't charged! (but his hair is often "CHARGED!")
In the 13 years Colin has lived in Montreal, I received one piece of mail from him. It was addressed in pencil to MOM and our address! Inside, no notes, just a jazz festival brochure he picked up off the road for that summer... which had already passed by, but he thought it might interest me! I saved that piece of mail as another cherished memorabilia.
Colin and Jana are extreme opposites... but get along great when they are together. (which is not often!) Mariah idolizes him as her uncle too! And Colin was so good to her when visiting this past October.
Well Birthday season is quick at our house... we do 3 in a row within the week in January... first me then Jana and then Colin! So as of today those 3 will be done for another year... many memories over the years! |
Colin as Michael Jackson
Jana as Strawberry Shortcake
Halloween 1984
Colin idolized Michael!!! |
Our Family October 2010
(note Colin's "CHARGED" hair do!) |
Mom's last photo with my kids,
my grandkids and me.
Oct.10th, 2010 |
When I think of the things in life I've become...
One of the most rewarding, was becoming a mom!
Nothings's more special than a daughter and a son,
Except, maybe grandkids, who are also quite fun!
Over the years I've felt Special and Blessed,
I think I'm so lucky cuz my kids are the best!
So today as I look back on 32 years...
And all of the joys and all of the tears,
So many chapters filled my life book,
I am grateful there's pictures to just have a look.
Memories are truly what make a life great,
And today I will cherish as I celebrate!
Seems like yesterday, I had my first child,
And now that's a memory cherished and filed!
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