Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Parties are over... but the FUN still lives on!

I normally babysit BEAU on Mondays and Fridays each week... but this week I swapped Monday for Wednesday!

Jana dropped off Beau this morning. Then the 2 of us picked up Mariah at her daycare in the afternoon to take her to dancing! When the 3 of us came home Brian had come home early from work today... which I was rather grateful for... because it can be hectic with both kids and the dog!

The weather was ridiculously cold out... so in and out of car seats and cars on days like today isn't my best one!

 I usually get a calendar for Christmas or my birthday, but not this year... so it was fun to create my own! This morning I made a little one with pics of my grandkids on a scrapbooking one from Michael's!

Mariah had energy stored up after dancing and had fun with the leftover balloons from our little party on sunday!... Maybe that came from the 2 pieces of cake she had!!!

The parties are over... but the fun lives on,
Even after the parties are gone!
When Mariah was over, she had fun with the balloons,
And dancing around to some TV tunes.
Having both kids is always such fun,
But it sure make the day a tiring one!
I was much younger, when my kids were small,
And now I don't have the same energy at all!
Both kids are really just double the perk...
I was happy when Brian came home early from work!
Looking forward to giving some TV a glance...
And tonight I will watch the show called "LIVE TO DANCE".


  1. I find I don't have the same energy either...esp for the travelling about...GOOD for u Grammie!

  2. Excellent! How do you do it? You rhyme and you rock. Positive great blog!

  3. Thanks ladies for the comments and for tuning in!
