Monday, February 28, 2011


Always remember the future comes one day at a time.
Family in May of 1988......
Changed over the years to...

October 2010
Amazing how many changes we went through!
Today my happy heart tip on my oatmeal package said... 
"Never underestimate your capacity for change. "

After yesterday's blog experience I am hoping I won't have to change this one and re write it again. Yesterday I had it all written and poof it was gone... so what ever caused that to happen, I hope as CHANGED! I did in the end re write and re post yesterday's blog and did have a great weekend!

Today being Monday would normally have been a day to babysit BEAU. However, I had an appointment this morning, so Jana CHANGED my babysitting day from Monday to Thursday this week. I will also do Friday as well. I actually missed my monday with Beau.

I was looking for a photo or two to represent CHANGE and thought the above family photos kind of captured a "CHANGE" theme as well as any.

Today I CHANGED my routine a little by staying off the computer more during the day...and actually doing some housework instead! I also watched a few TV shows I don't normally watch!

I am certainly ready for a CHANGE in the weather anytime soon... and am hoping for warmer instead of colder.

Tomorrow we CHANGE from February to March...and then spring has to be just around the corner!

I am grateful that Brian was able to help me with my blog yesterday when it went missing into the computer! I hope I learn how to sort it out myself soon.

If we don't change, we don't grow, we aren't living.
-Gail Sheehy

A lot of people get impatient with the pace of change.
-James Levine

Sometimes a change is as good as a rest...
And if it's not that, it's surely a test!
Sometimes when things do not go as they should,
Frustrations set in and that just isn't good.
I had a blog day like that yesterday,
So I'm hoping for more luck on this one today.
My fingers are crossed that it all works out.
I'll now get it posted, before there's more doubt!
 Today was a cold one and snowy out too...
So I'm hoping tomorrow the sun will pull through.

WEEKENDS = Family and Friends!

Family sunday supper!

My brother Brian with Beau!
Friends are those rare people who ask how we are, and then wait to hear the answer.
-Ed Cunningham

Life is about sharing.
-Yoko Ono

While the right friends are near us, we feel that all is well.  Our everyday life blossoms suddenly into bright possibilities.
-Helen Keller

Old memories are so empty when they cannot be shared.
-Jewelle Gomez

All the above quotes were taken from a book called "FRIEND" that I got from my best friend!

Supper at the YARD with our
 JAVA ZONE buddies
Julie and Cal

breakfast with friends
Gail& Daryl and Jacquie  & Bob
Sunday at Fudrucker's

A crafted birthday card for our friend Bob!

Ok... this will be a new version of my bog that got lost yesterday!!! I had it all written and it got eaten up into cyber space.  That happened to me a couple of other times but those times I was able to retrieve the whole thing.  Today only part of it returned!

This weekend was filled with friends as you can see above.  We went to a favorite restaurant, "Gibson's Fish and Chips" on friday night and ran into friends from Brian's work and sat with them for a great supper and visit.

Following that visit we popped by Brian parents, Blanche and Greg...and had a visit with them too. They do not get out much in the cold so are always happy when we stop by!

Saturday I didn't do a blog  at all... but we joined friends Cal and Julie for a supper at Yard and Flagon on Broadway, a funky little restaurant. They used to own the coffee shop next to my old dance studio, Diane Will Dance Studio. We haven't seen them in a while but used to spend lots of time over coffee with them! It was a fun catch up on time!

Sunday breakfast we usually go to Fudrucker's and meet friends and this week we sat with two couples. Gail & Daryl and Bob & Jacquie.  Today is Bob's birthday so I took a little crafted card for him!

I updated bulletin boards at the BSOBAD dance studio yesterday . I took down hearts and put up shamrocks... as time is MARCHING by! It was a BEE hive of activitiy there, too, as it always is at this time of year... with costumes being steamed and hung and private lessons in full SWING!

Last night my hubby cooked a fabulous supper and we had Jana and kids and my brother Brian over. Nels had a previous activity planned, so he couldn't make it! It was our first supper as a family on our new Ikea table!

Seems like all I do is eat... and the scale is definitely saying so as well... time to really get back in to that health kick mode! hehehe

When I stop to think of my little life...
 I'm lucky to be a friend and also a wife!
Friends are what make the world go round,
They keep us social and happy, I've found.
I feel so blessed to have so many...
While so many others have hardly any.
I enjoy family,  but I also love friends...
They help share my life from the weeks to weekends.
I'm all about sharing a life full of fun...
That's what I enjoy... being with a "someone!"
So whether it's at home , at work or at play,
Friends come in handy... it's better that way!

Friday, February 25, 2011

A Grandma's LOVE

are loved and special!

Mariah and my mom...
her great grandma Marilou
August 7, 2008

A favorite mug I received from a fellow
Grandma... and my good buddy, Linda!
How true the saying is!

Playing with Mariah on the swings last summer!

Beau with his  Great Grandma Blanche
Fall 2010

Mariah with both her Grandmas...
Grandma "ANCY"... and Grammie D
With our special Tea Sets
Christmas 2009

Mariah and her Grammie D
holding the 2 angel pics of 2010
Christmas 2010
MARIAH asked for a picture of her
Great Grandma Marilou, and since
has been intrigued with ANGELS!

Icing Christmas Cookies
Dec. 2010
Making precious memories!

A giggle for Grammie D
from Beau a couple days ago!

Mariah with both her "PROUD" Grandmas
 at her dance lesson Fall 2010

This Grammie never runs out of kisses
for her little ones!
Beau-Dec. 2010
                        There is no end to 
                      A GRANDMA'S LOVE ...

Today I got to thinking of my mom who was not only a grandma, but also a great grandma. She passed away exactly 4 months ago to the day. I think of her so often and she lives on in my heart always. I feel her presence on days like today!

                       complete the circle of 
                          LIFE... and LOVE!

AS I babysit BEAU often... I included more photos of Mariah in this post. I went back a few years for some cute memories of Grandmas and Great Grandmas. 

Little Beau is asleep now, so I thought I'd do an earlier blog today, while he is sleeping!

I have a little picture frame hanging here by my computer that says...
                  Each day is filled with the 
                     JOY of being GRAND.

I often think of the circle of life and how we pass on things from one generation to the next. I have many fond memories of my grandparents, and I know my kids do of their grandparents, too.  Now I am a grandparent and I want to make memories my grandkids will remember as wonderful cherished times as well. 

I wanted to share a little memory I had of my Grandma Will (my dad's mom). She passed away suddenly in February when I was only 6 years old...(not much older than Mariah) I have some very vivid memories of her. She was a sweet kind lady so soft and gentle of nature. She had a big face with an equally big smile on it always. She occasionally babysat us. When ever she came over she always had something special tucked in her pocket for me. It would be something like a cute picture she had taken out of a magazine from maybe a kleenex add with little kitties on it or sometimes she would have a little candy. I remember that so clearly.

My Grandma Harrington (Mom's mom), was always very generous and kind to people. She was a real entertainer holding open houses for international students at her home on the first sunday of every month. Her home was beautiful and I still remember her special Christmas decorations on her tree each year.  She had a secret little wink she gave me always... which made me feel like I was important!

I know both my mom and Brian's mom played big roles in the lives of my kids growing up. They were always ever so supportive of all our kid's activities when they were growing up, too. I know they did their share of babysitting here and there, as well. Jana ate her lunch at the Raskob grandparents from grades 3-8 when going to the fine arts school across the street from their place.

Now the ball is in my court as GRANDMA. Not only do I love the honor of being one... I truly enjoy my grandkids so much... and love being a part of these early stages of their lives. These are memories I will CHERISH forever in my life. 

I am grateful that the Grandmas who paved the way for me... showed me how important the little things in life truly are.

When I babysit... I don't get housework done, or really much of anything done... but what matters most is that I am becoming RICHER in life memories. Truly the best things in life ARE FREE!  

It is funny how all the stages I've watched Mariah and Beau go through have been so different with not only my experiences of raising my 2 kids, but with even the two of them.

I have done many things in my lifetime. I have felt blessed along the way with the path my life has taken. Although my parents are both gone now... and I miss them both very much, I am ever so grateful for everything they did for me while alive.

"Nobody can do for little children what grandparents do. Grandparents sort of sprinkle stardust over the lives of little children."
-Alex Palmer Haley

A Grandmother's LOVE!
There is nothing as special as a grandmother's love.
The love here on earth, and also above.
There's nothing more precious to them than a child.
A baby ... or even a toddler gone wild!
A grandma can offer up something so pure,
A grandma is caring and loving for sure.
From reading of stories to just simple bliss...
From giving of hugs and also a kiss!
The grandkids just seem to bring so much pleasure,
The bonding that's shared, is a rare kind of treasure.
A love to last through the generations and ages...
To add more life stories and many more pages!

Thursday, February 24, 2011


YES!  It's an everyday word, but nothing happens without it.  It's the favorite word of people who get things done. "YES" opens the door to change, lets the light in and gets the ball rolling.  Every idea, invention, project, movement or marriage would starve without it. "YES" may lead to adventure, risk or even trouble, "No" leads nowhere. Say YES to life and see where it takes you.    
-This was a great statement made on the back of a little quote book called "YES", that I bought on sale today!
Beau looks like he is ready to say YES
to my friend Gailene, yesterday!

Beau saying YES I can SIT!


Toesies and nosies of little Beau-sie's!

My day started with my quaker oats
"happy heart tip" stating...

My Seize the Day calendar
saying of today was...
"There is nothing better than the encouragement of a good friend."
-Katherine Hathaway

So on those notes... it seemed like perfect inspiration to call up my friend, Gailene to go for a little shop at Lawson Heights Mall for their sidewalk sale!

I think we are good for each other... and we keep each other laughing throughout the day... we always encourage each other to keep having fun and that is exactly what we do.

We also had a light lunch and a starbucks, too!

I was going to go to the gym... but didn't want to pop out my stitches from yesterday's little operation. I figured shopping was a better choice of activity for today... and I got lots of exercise walking in the mall!

Tonight I watched another episode of American Idol...and I must say I think
this will be the best season yet...

So on that note... I am now saying
"YES" to a bubble bath
and then I am heading to bed!
Tomorrow is another day of babysitting
my dear sweet Beau!
I had not a plan today, I must confess...
But when shopping was mentioned... 
I just said "YES"!
Gailene and I always aim to have fun...
And that's what we did, till the day was all done!
Shopping we did, but we bought not a lot,
We each shared some laughs 
...and many a thought.
I had leftover photos from time here with Beau,
So today I'll share more but 
still have more to show.
Tonight I watched Idol and this year is great...
Next week we can all vote, and I just can't wait.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Today I was booked in to get a mole removed off my hand... and I didn't realize it would involve freezing and stitches... EEEKK... I am a bit of a wimp when it comes to stuff like that... but I survived!

Beau and Mariah's other Grandma (NANCY) was here from Edmonton for this week ... she arrived Monday and was here to help with the kids this week. However she got a call to go back home unexpectedly so she went back today. Mariah was able to go to her day care, but I ended up having BEAU... and may I just say, he just gets cuter by the day!... (and I'm hardly biassed!)
My friend Gailene popped by, too, and she is also bonding so well with Beau. We have fun with him and taking many pictures, too. Infact today we snapped over 100. We are both a tad "over the top" (OTT) with the camera.... hehehe... 
           We figure you can never have 
         too many memories... RIGHT???!!!

Beau is now doing so many things and is so close to crawling, too... his little shirt said 
                 "HEY HO LET'S GO"
on the back, and was so perfect for his little mood of the day, not to mention he was in the mood to GO in his pants as well... hehehe little STINKER!

So I will warn you there might be a bit of a 
                 photo overload in this post... 
but BEAU was so cute we just went with it... 
Proud Grammie D
 and her little BEAU-nus!

A SMiLE to warm anyone's heart!

Hey Ho Lets Go!
Here with my friend Gailene.

I picked Beau up from Jana
at her Store this morning.

Sitting and showing off his tooth!

Smarty pants standing on his own!

Standing is his new favorite!

         ...Just a few of the pics from our little 
               "BEAU"-TOE shoot of the day!
We had so many... hard to pic the cutest ones... but they were all cute... (of course they were!!!)


Today I had BEAU with me again...
I do enjoy time with him now and then.
I get to look after him lots each week.
But it gives me a chance to get a wee peak!
He changes so fast in this little stage,
Each babysit... he is on a new page!
 He is a smiler and also a winker...
Today he was also a little stinker!
He is now doing so very much...
I captured a lot with my camera and such.
He sits and he stands and soon he will crawl,
He rolls on the floor, just like a ball.
He jumps in his saucer and he also plays,
He didn't sleep much, just one of those days...
He giggles out loud and babbles a bit.
I love him to pieces... and that is just it!
As "GRAMMiES" go... I truly am proud...
And I sure like to share that... 
and tell you out loud!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

KiCK iT Up a NoTCH!

   I started my day with my Quaker Oatmeal, 
     and the happy heart tip of the day was...
            "Seize the day the active way."

My calendar quote of the day was...

          Here are a couple more pages of 
   memories from Jana's dance scrapbooks...
                              Where she is 
                  "KICKING IT UP A NOTCH!"
This scrapbook page features pictures from a program in 1998
called "DARE TO DANCE"
Jana is in the 2 photos on the left.
She is the one kicking
on the right hand picture, too!

These are a couple of "Shelley Tookey"
choreographed solos Jana did in 1998.
She was 17 years old then.

I was reminded of all the years we travelled to get solos choreographed by Shelley Tookey, when seeing her this past weekend in Edmonton. Jana also traditionally made a trip to a shoe store on Whyte Ave. called "Gravity Pope" each year and always convinced her dad she needed at least one new pair of shoes from there!!!
Maybe that was the start of her passion for her own shoe store she now runs...

I enjoyed a body flow class at Goodlife gym today taught by one of my
favorite teachers,Trent.
He mixed up the tracks from the past 2 releases. He included my favorite cool down song to
"A Hundred Thousand Angels" by Bliss

(that is my favorite!)

Following the gym I got groceries and tried to stalk up on lots of fruit and veggies!  After being away for the weekend and eating out lots in many fancy restaurants... time to get back on track and start eating healthy again.

Here is our new table from Ikea.
I got the flowers at the grocery store today,
and the little heart bowl at Home Sense in Edmonton!

Today I tried to get myself back on track...
After my weekend,
I don't want my weight come back!
We certainly did a lot of eating out,
It all adds up, I have no doubt.
So now it's back to the gym for me,
More fruits and veggies on my plate,
there'll be!
I'll kick it up a notch or two...
Just hope I stick to it, and follow through!
I know I feel much better when I eat right,
Exercise helps to keep my
clothes from getting tight!
We'll see how well that goes this week...
Keeping the chocolate away from my beak!!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

FuN RoAd TRiP!

We went away for a quick little spur of the moment get away for the weekend. From going to compete in Edmonton back in the days of my studio, and from when we visited Jana, Nels and Mariah (when they lived in Edmonton), we got to enjoy lots of things about going there for a quick little escape! 
This weekend was no exception ... we did lots in a short time and came back refreshed!
A night out with Nancy and Arvid 

A fantastic THAI Restaurant called

My Friend Linda was in Edmonton this weekend, too
She was there to see her daughter, Teresa and
her two little girls...
Austyn and Cadence.

WE managed to fit in a meal with the TOOKEYS, too.

3 great jazz CDs I got at Chapter's on Whyte Ave.
on their 50% off sale!
2 by Diana Panton, and 1 by Sophie Berkal-Sarbit

An attempt at a pic of us together taken by Brian!

Shuffle POOPED out after her weekend
in doggie daycare
She loves to relax in the sunshine by our patio door!

We managed to do many of the things we enjoy while in Edmonton. Not only did we see many of our buddies as shown above...
We also managed to work in these things, too...

A lunch at "Upper Crust", a little bistro in the university  area. I shopped at West Ed Mall while Brian did his run to car dealerships and motor cycle places. He likes to do a little run to the local casinos, too!

We ate at Olive Garden. We did a quick shop in South gate mall. We did a spin through Terwilligar where Jana and Nels used to live. It has really developed since they moved back here to Saskatoon!

Together we went to Ikea and ended up buying a new kitchen table, too! Happened to run into a gal I know and her family there, too.

I met my friend Linda and her daughter and grandaughters at Kingsway mall for a quick shop and lunch together. Linda is from Lanigan, but was visiting Edmonton this weekend, too!
We always enjoy a visit when and where ever we can work one in!

We enjoyed drinks and a supper out with
Mariah and Beau's Edmonton Grandparents, Nancy and Arvid.
They introduced us to a fabulous THAI restaurant as seen above! We feel so blessed to know them and have got to know them even better since sharing times with
our wonderful grandkids!

I always love to do a little shop on WHYTE AVE. while in Edmonton. It was very chilly this trip... but I did a brave and brisk jaunt up Whyte!
I always enjoy grabbing a Starbucks coffee at the big Chapters store, and hearing some tunes in the CD section of the store. It has been an Edmonton tradition for me for years!
They have a good selection of JAZZ cds...
which is my fav!
I scored 3 great ones on 50% off this time!
My mom and dad would love these ones, too. Infact it is because of my parents that I have grown to be so fond of Jazz music in the first place. I just wish they were still here to enjoy them with me! The rest of my family really hasn't acquired the same "LOVE" for that music as I shared with my parents!...
 I did listen to all 3 CDs coming home from Edmonton in the car!

We do enjoy our connections with the
Shelley and I go way back to our growing up dancing days. She has gone on to become one of the best dance teachers around. She produces wonderful talents in her studio. She did many of Jana's jazz and lyrical solos for her when she was in her teens. Shelley and Wayne's 3 kids all dance, and in the pic above is their youngest daughter Kelci.
Their son Kevin and his dancing wife, Liz now teach and dance professionally in Vancouver. Their oldest daughter, Stacey, has been known most recently for her choreography and judging on the American and the Canadian versions of the TV series called
"So You Think You Can Dance"
Before that she danced the complete run of Celine Dion's Show in Vegas called
"It's A New Day"
We enjoy any opportunities we can get to share time with them, too!

Friends Will and Heidi met us for some sushi on Whyte Ave, but we didn't get a picture with them!

The trip to and from Edmonton went well, with clear weather both ways so it went by fast.
We stayed at the Varscona Inn.
(Apparently the band HEART was staying there while we were there too...
but we didn't see them!)

I always look forward to returning home whenever being away. I am such a home body, so I love to get back to my comfort zone!

Brian and I got out of town the other day...
We both needed a little get away!
So off we went to see friends and have fun,
We both enjoy a trip to Edmonton.
However after I've been gone for some time,
I'm happy to get back here to do
one more rhyme!
I always miss Shuffle, my little dog...
And I also missed doing up my daily blog!
I hope to see the grandkids later today,
I missed them both, too, in every way.
But I do love a little trip, it's true,
And coming back home is really sweet, too!
I enjoyed many friends and some shopping
and food...
And all kept me happy and in a good mood!

Thursday, February 17, 2011


I have a little book I had  given to my parents in          1993.   I came across it in my basement 
                the other day... it is called 
          Lovable, Livable, Laughable Lines
                 by Marcia and Dave Kaplan 
Mariah in Beau's bumbo seat...
and Beau so close to crawling!

Beau holding his own bottle!

Princess Mariah!

A special picture Mariah drew here this
 morning while her mom had a cup of
coffee here on route to work!

I have been gradually going through some bags of stuff from my mom and dad's and
here is something from the little book of Happiness...

"You can give without loving,
but you can never love without giving."

"Happiness held is the seed;
Happiness shared is the flower. "

Today I am having a BEAU-nus babysitting day.
I normally have Beau on Mondays and Fridays, but this week Jana needed me today, too. She was taking Mariah to work with her in the morning and was the helper mom at pre-school in the afternoon. When Jana dropped off Beau, she had a coffee while Mariah drew me a beautiful picture of her
Mariah is really taken with ANGELS it seems since my mom passed away. She asked me if ANGELS are only at Christmas time, and I told her that Angels are everywhere all year round.
She seemed quite enthused about that news!
She is really interested in printing now, too!
I LOVE her little picture she drew me...
it's things like that ... that make being

Beau is almost crawling now. He loves to be walked while holding his mommy's fingers too!
He has been holding his own bottle for some time now on his own.  He still loves his jolly jumper and exersaucer as well.

I love being a grandma!

Here are some sayings from the little calendar I got from Mariah a year ago at Christmas...

"Nobody can do for little children what grandparents do. Grandparents sort of sprinkle stardust over the lives of little children. "
- Alex Palmer Haley

"What children need most are the essentials that grandparents provide in abundance. They give unconditional love, kindness, patience, humor,comfort,lessons in life, and
most importantly, cookies."
-Rudolph W. Giuliani

I have been really enjoying my many sources of quotes lately and find them to be uplifting.
 I do not read many books, but find reading quotes to be so inspirational.

On a different note...
I have also enjoyed watching this year's run of American Idol. I have watched every season so far. It is something mom and I used to enjoy and discuss on a weekly basis, until her final few years. My brother Brian is interested in it, too, being the musician he is. Both he and I think the judging is refreshing and more positive this year. I think it will be a good season!

I just drank a latte out of my
-Red Polka Dot Mug-
while writing my poem of the day

Today was a BEAU-nus, it's special, you see...
Jana brought BEAU, to hang out with me!
I love when he's here, he's my little sweet pea.
Mariah was here briefly and was cute as can be!
She then went to work with her mom today,
That's where she'll help out, and also she'll play.
Beau is with me, and is here to stay,
He'll play in his jumper and swing and he'll sway!
The wind is blowing and it's cold outside,
So I'm staying in, it's a good place to hide.
If I went out now, I'd just slip and slide.
My car's full of snow, not much good for a ride!
Today I'll stay in cuz I've no where to go...
I'll also stay in cuz I'm hanging with Beau.
When I look outside, there's nothing but snow...
So there you have it, that's all I know!


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Things Happen For A Reason!

A special picture for many reasons...
me and mom last spring!
I really miss mom, but know she
lives on in my heart every day.
People say dogs are"man's" best friend
... well and "woman's", too
Here is our little SHUFFLE all
pooped out from her morning walk!

Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were big things. 
- Robert Braull 

like morning coffee and honey...
and yep a few more kisses!

some good reads...
I do love quotes of many kinds!

even cold sore medication!

Well I decided to take a little breather from my blog yesterday... sort of needed a rest I guess!

I have had some little issues in my life this past week or so... and ended up with what I usually get after some stress...
 I am not really sure of any good "reasons" for why I get them, but people say things happen for a reason! I have tried everything from
A (abreeva) to Z (zoverax) and everything in between to get rid of them or to prevent them from coming in the first place, but I have come to the conclusion I am just the

None the less... things like great support, love family, friends, my doggie and lots of good little quotes along the way... and even chocolate... help to turn each "simple" little day
into a more "special" one!

"If you don't start the day with a smile, it's not too late to start practicing for tomorrow. "
-author unknown

I have been wanting to share about
a couple of friends that
"happened for a reason" for me!

Along with the many friends of mine, you have read about in previous blogs,
I have two friends I want to tell you about.
Coincidently they both have the
same first name... "Arlene!"

One came to me last June 28th, 2010.(AK)
We met on face book...
Now I know a lot of my readers are not huge "FB" fans... but I have to say, I personally enjoy the connections it has brought me in my life,
for the two years I have been on it!

Anyhow I know the exact date, because  I had posted the above pic of mom and me as my profile pic, due to my mom's upcoming birthday. I received a wonderful little note in my FB inbox stating this picture reminded (AK) of one of her and her mom. She had recently lost her mom about a half year prior. She had typed in the name Diane to write her own friend named Diane... and my picture showed up... so she thought to just acknowledge me, too!
Anyhow... long story short... I wrote back to thank (AK) for her lovely message. We wrote maybe  a few more messages in the inbox before finally becoming Face Book Friends.
I have been grateful for our relationship on FB ever since. It turns out we really do have lots in common, and I hope one day I will meet her in person. She has been a wonderful support to me through the final journey of mom's life and we have shared many stories, comments, and thumbs up along the way.
She loves her doggie, as do I, so that is
one of the "many common threads!"

My other friend(AM) came to me via my good friend, Linda in Lanigan.
She previously worked where Linda now does, and she often made such nice comments on Linda's FB page. She often referred to ones I had made on her page as well. But when I was embarking on this little blog set up, it was Linda who suggested I contact her friend (AM), and ask her for some guidance and assistance on doing so. So that is what I did...
She has not only helped me greatly, she has been another wonderful and supportive friend here for me on FB!

Both the above mentioned ARLENE friends have been kind, generous and supportive to me in their words shared here on the computer. And although I have never met either of them in person before, I feel as though we are long lost friends from another place in time!
Just 2 small examples of how

 I have lots of friends, family, dance acquaintances, and students here on my FB... many of whom never respond, or ever make a comment. I know many of them are
really rarely on FB.
I just thank my lucky stars
that I met the 2 Arlenes!

Yesterday I went to another wonderful
BODY FLOW class at Goodlife Gym.
That class happened for me for a reason, too!
I used to attend a gym called Quantum. It closed last May so I followed my favorite instructors from that gym to GOODLIFE. The class I used to attend was called Group Groove and was of a dance  arobic style ... but they didn't have that class at Goodlife, so I chose to start going to Body Flow instead, and LOVE IT!
Infact it is my new favorite...
and the teachers are all great, too!

Yesterday I had another spur of the moment lunch and galavant out with friend Gailene. I think there are many "reasons" we have connected as well...
such as good friendship and lots of laughter!

"Love doesn't make the world go 'round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile. "
-Franklin P. Jones

So on that quote...
Another little poem... which is something
I like to do... and this blog has given me
a "reason" to write even more!

I think in life there are days like this...
There are days that we need that chocolate kiss!
Sometimes things do happen for a reason,
It makes no difference of the time or season.
Things happen cause they are meant to be,
They have made me more aware, you see!
Sometimes they cause a set back or two,
But the reason is so I can think things through.
A lot of happiness comes out of these things,
Sometimes just in the words that one sings.
Often in just the smallest of ways,
Things come to us to brighten our days.
I love times alone, and also together,
I love every kind of sunshiney weather!
I walk in the snow, the sleet or the rain...
But I always look forward
to the blue skies again.
Walks with my ipod are really quite fun...
But walks are much better,
when shared with someone.
Whatever the reason... some things go a stray,
But it brings out good reasons
and love on it's way.
There really is never a wrong or a right...
Each day is just different from day until night.
So to make the most of whatever we're given...
It's truly what makes this life really worth livin'!