A special picture for many reasons...
me and mom last spring!
I really miss mom, but know she
lives on in my heart every day. |
People say dogs are"man's" best friend
... well and "woman's", too
Here is our little SHUFFLE all
pooped out from her morning walk! |
Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were big things.
- Robert Braull
like morning coffee and honey...
and yep a few more kisses! |
some good reads...
I do love quotes of many kinds! |
even cold sore medication!
Well I decided to take a little breather from my blog yesterday... sort of needed a rest I guess!
I have had some little issues in my life this past week or so... and ended up with what I usually get after some stress...
I am not really sure of any good "reasons" for why I get them, but people say things happen for a reason! I have tried everything from
A (abreeva) to Z (zoverax) and everything in between to get rid of them or to prevent them from coming in the first place, but I have come to the conclusion I am just the
None the less... things like great support, love family, friends, my doggie and lots of good little quotes along the way... and even chocolate... help to turn each "simple" little day
into a more "special" one!
"If you don't start the day with a smile, it's not too late to start practicing for tomorrow. "
-author unknown
I have been wanting to share about
a couple of friends that
"happened for a reason" for me!
Along with the many friends of mine, you have read about in previous blogs,
I have two friends I want to tell you about.
Coincidently they both have the
same first name... "Arlene!"
One came to me last June 28th, 2010.(AK)
We met on face book...
Now I know a lot of my readers are not huge "FB" fans... but I have to say, I personally enjoy the connections it has brought me in my life,
for the two years I have been on it!
Anyhow I know the exact date, because I had posted the above pic of mom and me as my profile pic, due to my mom's upcoming birthday. I received a wonderful little note in my FB inbox stating this picture reminded (AK) of one of her and her mom. She had recently lost her mom about a half year prior. She had typed in the name Diane to write her own friend named Diane... and my picture showed up... so she thought to just acknowledge me, too!
Anyhow... long story short... I wrote back to thank (AK) for her lovely message. We wrote maybe a few more messages in the inbox before finally becoming Face Book Friends.
I have been grateful for our relationship on FB ever since. It turns out we really do have lots in common, and I hope one day I will meet her in person. She has been a wonderful support to me through the final journey of mom's life and we have shared many stories, comments, and thumbs up along the way.
She loves her doggie, as do I, so that is
one of the "many common threads!"
My other friend(AM) came to me via my good friend, Linda in Lanigan.
She previously worked where Linda now does, and she often made such nice comments on Linda's FB page. She often referred to ones I had made on her page as well. But when I was embarking on this little blog set up, it was Linda who suggested I contact her friend (AM), and ask her for some guidance and assistance on doing so. So that is what I did...
She has not only helped me greatly, she has been another wonderful and supportive friend here for me on FB!
Both the above mentioned ARLENE friends have been kind, generous and supportive to me in their words shared here on the computer. And although I have never met either of them in person before, I feel as though we are long lost friends from another place in time!
Just 2 small examples of how
I have lots of friends, family, dance acquaintances, and students here on my FB... many of whom never respond, or ever make a comment. I know many of them are
really rarely on FB.
I just thank my lucky stars
that I met the 2 Arlenes!
Yesterday I went to another wonderful
BODY FLOW class at Goodlife Gym.
That class happened for me for a reason, too!
I used to attend a gym called Quantum. It closed last May so I followed my favorite instructors from that gym to GOODLIFE. The class I used to attend was called Group Groove and was of a dance arobic style ... but they didn't have that class at Goodlife, so I chose to start going to Body Flow instead, and LOVE IT!
Infact it is my new favorite...
and the teachers are all great, too!
Yesterday I had another spur of the moment lunch and galavant out with friend Gailene. I think there are many "reasons" we have connected as well...
such as good friendship and lots of laughter!
"Love doesn't make the world go 'round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile. "
-Franklin P. Jones
So on that quote...
Another little poem... which is something
I like to do... and this blog has given me
a "reason" to write even more!
I think in life there are days like this...
There are days that we need that chocolate kiss!
Sometimes things do happen for a reason,
It makes no difference of the time or season.
Things happen cause they are meant to be,
They have made me more aware, you see!
Sometimes they cause a set back or two,
But the reason is so I can think things through.
A lot of happiness comes out of these things,
Sometimes just in the words that one sings.
Often in just the smallest of ways,
Things come to us to brighten our days.
I love times alone, and also together,
I love every kind of sunshiney weather!
I walk in the snow, the sleet or the rain...
But I always look forward
to the blue skies again.
Walks with my ipod are really quite fun...
But walks are much better,
when shared with someone.
Whatever the reason... some things go a stray,
But it brings out good reasons
and love on it's way.
There really is never a wrong or a right...
Each day is just different from day until night.
So to make the most of whatever we're given...
It's truly what makes this life really worth livin'!
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