"You have to believe in yourself when no one else does - that makes you a winner right there."-Venus Williams
"Be thankful for quality competitors who push you to your limit."
-Michael Josephson
"Show class, have pride and display character.
If you do, winning takes care of itself."
-Paul Bryant
Here is a picture of the scrapbook page from JANA's
very first year of competition...
in a large TAP GROUP called
(She was 7 years old here.) |
Another page from JANA'S dance scrapbooks.
This one is the final year she competed...2001.
She was just back from her first
in time to compete in a Lyrical group
which she also choreographed.
She did a Lyrical duo with friend,
Natalie, from North Battleford, too.
*I LOVE going through all the
DANCE SCRAPBOOKS... so many fond memories!* |
Here is a photo of Jana and me last year
having our very first experience of
in Kindersley, SK.
as a mother/daughter team!
A proud moment for me...and fun, too! |
Jana in one of her contracts as
in Tokyo Disney.
Every contract she did, she had to audition for a spot...
which is like competing!
She was honored to be chosen to do 5 contracts there in total.
(Through the years of 2000-2005.)
Such a great experience for her, and much pride for her
dance teacher/ mom! |
Just last year at Jana's daughter's dance recital.
Soon Mariah will be competing, too!!!
WOW how time flies!!!!!
Now I am the proud mom as well as grandma! |
One of many dance competitions I was involved in.
This was my final year of Teaching... 2008.
Jana and Mariah came to CHEER ME ON,
during some of the TAP SOLOS
I taught at BSOBAD
dance studio.
One of MANY times I adjudicated...
Here in CALGARY at CAN DANCE-2008
on a panel with
FAYE FOLEY, from Toronto
and BARB JACKMAN, from Moose Jaw. |
Another of MANY adjudicating stints...
Here with Stephen Grieg, from Toronto,
and Stacey Tookey, from Edmonton. |
A very fun little Adjudicating job for me in Strasbourg
2010... I brought my Lanigan buddy, Linda,
along to be my own personal secretary/writer sticker girl!
( I am known to the competitions I do
as the "STICKER QUEEN!!!")
Later today I am off to the town
of LANIGAN for their
Annual Dance Competition.
That one always holds a
dear spot in my heart.
This year my daughter, Jana,
is one of the adjudicators at it,
so I am tagging along for a fun weekend
of dance and girlfriend bonding
with my best buddy, Linda.
Both Linda and I will be helpers
as we volunteer to be writers
at the adjudicator table, too!
It seems like only yesterday
when I was dancing in competitions myself. Then I went on to becoming
a dance teacher/ studio owner
who then entered students
in competitions as well.
In later years my own daughter began
to compete. Those are such
fun memories for me to look back on.
I still remember the times Jana and
I would spend doing our
"HEAD to TOE" costume checks
and getting ready
and excited to make many years of fun
trips and experiences at competitions
and festivals throughout
Saskatchewan and Alberta.
I still remember tucking
little good luck notes, cards
and stickers in her shoes
for her to discover back stage!
Another tradition for Jana was
her annual trip to
"Gravity Pope Soul Shoes"
on Whyte Avenue in Edmonton
each year with her dad,
while at dance competitions there!
This may have been the initial inspiration
to the business Jana now owns...
her shoe store called
Jana went onto a professional
dance career from her dance training
at my dance studio,
This was not only a proud memory for me,
but a very rewarding experience
for her as well.
Jana has been adjudicating
for the past few years, too.
I started being asked to judge
around 1990.
(Or possibly earlier!!!)
It was that year I had my first experience in Lanigan, as well. I got asked to teach
a dance summer school there,
which is where I met my buddy, Linda.
I went on to teach nine summer schools
there, and also later adjudicated
five of their annual
dance competitions.
I have also had students compete
in Lanigan when teaching for
Brenda, at BSOBAD.
(Brenda's School Of Baton And Dance)
So now I truly enjoy making
the little road trip out there to watch
their annual events...
it gives me a reason to girlfriend bond
with Linda, too....
which for me is a bonus!
I look forward to adjudicating for
dance friend, Barb,
at her annual dance competition
in Moose Jaw
this coming April.
Through my years of competing,
teaching, being a mentor
and a proud dance mom,
I have always enforced
doing the best one can do.
It is really not so much about
the prize at the end...
but more in the journey along the way.
I would say I was successful on
many levels in my dance career,
but the most rewarding part for me
was the friends and mentors
I had and met along the journey.
A mom is always the
proudest cheerleader...
and in my case that was definitely true.
My mom was always my biggest FAN!!!
She cheered me on and did
not hide her pride at all.
For that I am ever grateful!
I was lucky to have a mom
so invested in my interests.
I also think Jana is lucky, too!
I was not only her biggest fan
as her mom and cheerleader...
but I was her proud teacher, as well.
Now it gives me great pride
to watch her stride forth as an accomplished business owner and mom of two.
I hope many of the values
I've instilled in her throughout
her years help in her day to day life!
A great dance mentor to many
DANCE TEACHERS across North America, RHEE GOLD, now has a webpage called
Just recently I read an article posted onto Facebook by a dance teacher.
It was RHEE saying that it is always
good to promote good technique in dance,
but in the end, the little beginners
and even the adult classes
who get out there and
wear their hearts on their sleeve
do a lot for the dance world too.
Everyone has an important
spot in the dance stage life!
Right now my grand daughter, Mariah,
is a little dancer...and one day
in her future maybe she will compete, too.
For now she is very entertaining
at the stage she is at in her dancing.
And I am at the
I have been practicing my skills as an adjudicator lately as I watch the
many reality TV shows such as
American Idol, DWTS, The Voice, and soon
So You Think You Can Dance
will be on again as well.
I enjoy grading the numbers and
seeing how well my choices
end up doing in the end!
I sure enjoyed AMERICN IDOL
last night, and am glad
I do not have to be responsible
for picking a winner on that show,
I can just take it all in
and be entertained by it!
On a different note...
My girl friend, Lynne,
(also a dance mom from back in the day!)
and her husband, Mike, celebrated
another Wedding Anniversary yesterday.
Tomorrow my twin cousins,
celebrate another birthday.
...and the beat goes on!
near and far
the best of luck as
Dance Competitions
are now in full swing!
Once again it's competition time...
Lots of rhythms and also rhyme.
It isn't really just by chance,
That I enjoy to still watch dance.
I was a dancer in yesteryear,
Then a teacher who went on to cheer!
I was my daughter's biggest fan,
I tried to teach that "YES YOU CAN!"
Now I adjudicate here and there,
I have knowledge that I can share.
But once a dancer from the start,
Dance just stays within my heart!
And I love every single stage...
Dancers at each level and every age!
I've also made so many a friend...
Which is truly the best part in the end!