Tuesday, March 20, 2012


"All grand thoughts come from the heart."
-Luc De Clapiers

"Grandchildren are the dots that connect the lines from generation to generation."
-Lois Wyse

"All great achievements require time."
-Maya Angelou

A perfect "GRAND & GREAT" photo...
Mariah with her GREAT GRANDPARENTS yesterday! 

Mariah with her GRANDPA on Sunday
getting ready to watch the movie RIO on TV! 

Mariah enjoying a GREAT ice cream cone
 for dessert on Sunday night! 

A GRAND time in a bath tub full of bubbles!

Mariah ready to settle in for a GREAT little story time
at her sleepover here Sunday night. 

The inspiration for my title of the blog today
and our newest favorite snack around here. 

Mariah yesterday with me at Walmart picking
up some photos for the studio bulletin boards.

Smilin' BEAU-MAN here on
Saturday night... shamrock glasses in one hand...
cupcake in the other! 

Beau enjoying a GREAT BIG cupcake.

Beau performing on the fireplace hearth...
to him that is like a GRAND stand stage!

A quick break before on to the next adventure! 

From enjoying some little fishy snacks... 

...To being a little fishy ...
after leaving a "STICKY FINGER"
 trail everywhere!

Beau loves his time spent in a tub
full of toys and bubbles!
His GREAT smile says it all.

"Each day my heart is filled with the joy
of being GRAND!"-Author unknown

Grand kids bring out the GREATEST
"GRAND" in me!
I had some special time to bond individually with my two Grand kids this past weekend.
I do feel so very lucky to have them in my life.

Saturday night we had Beau here
for a few hours, and he kept us on our toes,
and well entertained.
From his sticky finger trail everywhere...
to watching him run, dance and giggle.
He is all fun and really very full of beans.
He is a typical little guy, too...
he loves to climb and hide and throw stuff!
He is a real little fishy...
and LOVES to be in a tub filled with bubbles.
I was pooped out after chasing after him,
but enjoyed every minute of it, too.
I'm so glad to call BEAU my GRAND son!

Sunday we had Mariah here for a little sleepover. She was fun, too...
we watched the movie RIO and went out for BUGS & CHEESE at
Boston Pizza for supper.
WE went to Shopper's Drug Mart
to get a new tooth brush and
tooth paste for her, and while there, she suggested getting a "CHAPTER BOOK".
I wasn't sure what she meant by this...
but she just meant a big book
with lots of chapters!
She cannot read yet, but she ended up choosing the one photographed above
called "GRAND and GREAT" which is a "Chicken Soup for the Soul" book about Grandparents and Grandchildren.
 I think the picture on the book's cover
was what got her attention...
she noticed the GRANDPARENT'S finger
held by the BABY finger.
I thought it was cute she picked
this book to be her chapter book
I love having MARIAH for a
GRAND daughter!

She is becoming so delightful
to have around ...
so grown up and appreciative!
Yesterday I took her with me
to pick up some photos for
the studio bulletin boards
at Walmart.
We then we popped by
my in-law's house. There is something so special about the bond between
and their GREAT GRANDKIDS...
Blanche and Greg were thrilled
with our little visit!
I'm so glad I got a chance to snap
a photo of our visit there as well.
Greg made a copy of it right away on
his little in home printer, too.... so cute!

This past while I have been evaluating
just how lucky I am in my life
to have such a GREAT family...
and just how special it feels to
be called GRANDMA!
I feel like I could write my own
as Mariah calls it,
of my life.

Every chapter of my life
has had so much to be GRATEFUL for.
I do recall my earlier childhood days
when things were simpler.
I was reminded of that yesterday
when Mariah wanted me to rent
a movie off of our TV.
I kind of liked the days when there
was only one channel on TV
and no remotes...
I was getting rather frustrated
with the FIVE REMOTES and
so many channels on our TV,
and the lack of what to do with each
to get it all to work!...
That is when being a "GRANDMA"
is hard... but with her help
we got  it all figured out.

It is becoming such a TECHNOLOGICAL
world now a days... and people are
so wrapped up in it, that there is
little time to just enjoy the
good old fashioned things of yesteryears.
That is what gives new meaning to
because we remember the good old ways,
but are being forced into learning
the new ones as well.

This morning I enjoyed a GREAT body flow class at the gym with my friend, Ella.
I was lucky and won a free coffee on my
"roll up the rim to win"
at Tim Horton's after ward, too.

Oh life truly is GREAT
on so many levels, and I am GRATEFUL
that  my world is also filled with so many  GRAND people and things!

So on those thoughts...
on this first day of spring this year,
here is my poem of the day.

Each day is like a brand new start...
To reach really deep into your heart.
It's like the very first day of spring,
A breath of fresh air, and that's the thing.
There's lots in life to celebrate,
So many reasons to just feel great.
There's always something close at hand,
To create memories truly grand!


  1. Your blog was GRAND! I loved it and your 'quote'..."Grandchildren are the dots that connect the lines from generation to generation." how true that is.
    Your photos are always so pleasing to see...the love you share with your grandkids is certainly special!
    Thank you for always sharing such warm and tender words and always such a great poem to end it with too!

  2. Thanks Arlene... I'm glad you enjoyed it... you are such a great and grand friend for me as well! You always make me feel special!
