"It is the
sweet, simple things in life which are the real ones after all."
-Laura Ingalls Wilder
"Chocolate is not cheating! After a salty meal, you need a little bit of
sweet. This is living, not cheating."
-Ali Landry
"Life is one grand,
sweet song, so start the music."
-Ronald Regan
We are enjoying a SIMPLY SWEET dessert with our grand kiddoes on Sunday night at the newly opened MARBLE SLAB. |
A SWEET and SIMPLE logo on the ice cream cups at Marble Slab! |
Mariah smiling SWEETLY on our way to Marble Slab. She was proud of her newest addition to her Build a Bear collection... the SWEET Harajuku bear she purchased with coupons and her allowance. |
A very SWEET pic of my brother Brian playing with Beau on sunday before supper. Sometimes the SIMPLE things are the SWEETEST! |
Saturday... SIMPLY ready to join some SWEET friends for a long over due get together over supper! |
Out for a delicious supper with our SWEET friends, Joan and Gerry on Saturday night! |
My yummy supper... lately SWEET potato fries have SIMPLY been one of my newest addictions! |
Although my doggie, SHUFFLE has had cabin fever lately... she is looking SIMPLY SWEET here!!! |
Another Theme for BSOBAD dance studio. Today I am hoping the dancers TAP into SWEET SUCCESS in their 2013 TAP EXAMS! |
Yesterday it was SIMPLY so SWEET to meet with my buddy, Gailene for a little coffee outing. We haven't got together for ages! |
Today as I look outside my front window... the view is SWEET and snowy... but I am SIMPLY over it now! |
I bought Flowers at Costco and divided them into two bouquets to SIMPLY make two rooms SWEETER!
It is SWEET of you to SIMPLY stop by to read this little blog post today! THANKS!!!!!
This winter is becoming long... so I am trying to SIMPLY find ways to make things seem a little SWEETER in the snowy cold days we have been having so many of lately.
This past weekend we enjoyed a nice evening out with friends, Joan and Jerry at Manos. It is always SWEET to reconnect even when lots of time has past between visits. Our meals were pretty darn tasty, too!
Sunday we reconnected with friends from our past, as well when Joan and Ken , who used to be neighbors of ours, stopped by for a little visit. They now live in Abbotsford but were here for a wedding and had time to stop by to say hi. We had a simple and sweet little catch up with them... but I forgot to snap a picture! (imagine that???!!!)
That night we had Jana, Nels , their kids and my brother Brian here for supper. We always enjoy the SWEET and SIMPLE fun we have... even though it becomes somewhat hectic with the kids dragging up lots of the stuff from the basement! We ended up going for a SIMPLY SWEET dessert at the new MARBLE SLAB here in the city, too... YUMMY... I highly recommend that for anyone who loves ice cream!
Yesterday I was at the Studio do get yet another exam theme hanging for today's TAP EXAMS... I kept it SWEET & SIMPLE! I hope they all TAP into SWEET SUCCESS today!
I took my father in law, Greg, for some blood work and groceries yesterday. I SIMPLY do not mind helping him out in this crazy winter weather. It has been hard for him to get around, so it is kind of SWEET that he calls upon me from time to time to help out.
I met my buddy, Gailene for the first time in a very long while yesterday for a SWEET and SIMPLE little coffee outing and dollarama visit. We had a lot to catch up on!
Today I chose to only do one out of the two classes I often do on "TWOSDAYS" at the gym. I used up all my energy in the Body Vive with Trent teaching and didn't stay for Body Flow... kept it SIMPLE for today!
I have never gone away on a hot holiday in the winter before... but with this very long snowy winter we are experiencing ... I am thinking it might be SIMPLY SWEET to go away somewhere for a little escape. I'll keep you posted on what we decide to do in that regard.
I mentioned in my previous blog post that there were birthdays at the end of this month... Yesterday my sister-in-law, Brenda... today my cousin, Darcy and on the 31st... my cousin, Jan... so once again I SIMPLY want to wish them a very SWEET BIRTHDAY! Today Oprah Winfrey is 59 yesrs old, too!
on that note... my poem of the day...
Winter's long...but life can be SWEET. We can choose to stay warm by tapping our feet! Eating good stuff and leaving the bad, Trying to stay up beat, and not dwelling on sad. Going to the gym to help balance out... All of the sweet stuff that goes in our pout! Accepting the snow that winters SIMPLY bring... Looking ahead to the coming of SWEET spring! |