Thursday, January 31, 2013

COLD (a lot)... with a bit of HOT!

"Nothing burns like cold."
-George R. R. Martin

"Cold hands, Warm heart."
-Lyrics from Brendan Benson song

"So when your cold from the inside out,
And you don't know what to do,
Remember love and friendship,
And warmth will come to you."
-Stephen Cosgrove

Nothing like a HOT Latte at Starbucks on a COLD day!
Here I am with my cousin Gwen on Tuesday.

Looking HOT in our HOT pants at the gym
and as the sign says...
Ella and me at the gym Wednesday...after a
New Body Class!

These HOT pants really bring on a sweat at the gym.
The new tea towel I got for my B-day says HOT HOT HOT!
 here with my drink of COLD water for the gym as well.

I LOVE CHILI on a COLD day... here are my ingredients
yesterday ready to cook up in the crock pot.

A nice crock pot of CHILI to
HEAT up the day yesterday.

My wall hanging says
When HAPPiNESS is actually a choice...
and yesterday afternoon I HEATED up the COLD day
by having some yummy homemade cookies and tea
by my bright and cheerful flowers!

Crafting always WARMS me up...
and yesterday I got a head start on some Valentine crafting,
 now I need to add the embellishments and poetry!

My cup says...
"Life is what you make it"
Today I'm enjoying some yummy flavored
HOT chocolate flavors
to chase away the COLD outside!

HOT weather, COLD water...Wishful thinking!
Here are Mariah and Beau out in our little pool last summer.
Behind them is the "Slip and Slide"...
which has a different meaning in the winter...
called driving on ice!

It always WARMS my heart to knowsomeone is taking a break from the COLD
out there to browse through my blog...
Thanks for stopping by!

I have been living in a DEEP FREEZE the last few days here... infact someone posted on Facebook today that it was said on the news at noon that today SASKATOON is the
COLDEST PLACE in the world...
well not sure if that statistic is accurate,
but it sure feels like it!

I have been doing my best to keep WARM in the COLD of winter... by drinking lots of HOT beverages with friends and cousins...
and getting my sweat on at the gym.

Today I even channeled my inner "J.Lo" and did my first ever ZUMBA class at Goodlife Gym, with instructor, Nicole . It was actually pretty fun, too... but I love to dance so it isn't too surprising that I'd like that class. I also stayed and did a CX works class, with instructor, Peggy, after that one... and according to the charts at the gym I burned a total of 730 calories in the hour and a half of combined fitness I did today.

I popped by my friend Ella's for a coffee and some lunch, too today. She and I both made chili yesterday and so it was fun to sample her chili. They say great minds think alike...
and our chilis were very similar.
What's not to like about that for a HOT meal
in the COLD of winter?!

I had a craving for cookies yesterday, too...
so good thing I've been making an effort to get to the gym daily this week! I have been drinking lots of yummy HOT beverages as well to help keep me warm from the inside out.

I love to craft cards... so have been getting a jump start on some Valentine crafting...
that sort of activity always warms me up, too!

I am enjoying this season of American Idol on TV... things have been really HEATING up both on the audition floor as well as the panel of judges... a little bit of HOT and COOL
there for sure!

We had thought of going away on a HOT escape from the COLD winter weather...
but it is not really in our budget if we want to attend the Jazz fest in Montreal again
this coming summer.
We always enjoy that little get away...
it is a great mix of HOT weather
and COOL JAZZ... along with a fun visit with my son at the same time! So that is something to look forward to this summer.

Well I'm grateful for the sunshine outside today even though the weather is not exactly warm.
Today is the last day of January so...
next month will bring hopefully
WARMER temps and HEARTS!

On that note... another poem
HOT off the press....

Some days I'm thinking that
I must be getting older,
Because I do not remember
any other winter colder.
Maybe when I was younger
I handled it much better,
I just rallied 'round and
put on another sweater.
Now I have to move and groove
just to feel the heat,
I have to do some shovel diggers
and shuffles with my feet!
Coffee, latte, coco...
hot lemon and some tea,
It takes a lot of beverages
just to warm up me!
Chili in the crock pot,
helps to spice it up...
It helps to warm my insides,
with whatever's in my cup!
Icy roads are everywhere
so it's a scary ride...
It gives a whole new meaning
to the SLIP & SLIDE!
Thankfully I've got friends
to share some warmth with me,
Over a nice warm visit
with a cookie and some tea!
Life is what you make it...
that's what my cup says so,
Today the sun is shining
and sparkling on the snow!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

SWeeT & SiMpLe!

"It is the sweet, simple things in life which are the real ones after all."
-Laura Ingalls Wilder

"Chocolate is not cheating! After a salty meal, you need a little bit of sweet. This is living, not cheating."
-Ali Landry

"Life is one grand, sweet song, so start the music."
-Ronald Regan

We are enjoying a SIMPLY SWEET dessert with
our grand kiddoes on Sunday night
at the newly opened MARBLE SLAB.

A SWEET and SIMPLE logo on the ice cream cups
at Marble Slab!

Mariah smiling SWEETLY on our way to Marble Slab.
She was proud of her newest addition to her Build a Bear collection...
the SWEET Harajuku bear she purchased with coupons and her allowance.

A very SWEET pic of my brother Brian playing with Beau on sunday
before supper. Sometimes the SIMPLE things are the SWEETEST!

Saturday... SIMPLY ready to join some SWEET friends
 for a long over due get together over supper!

Out for a delicious supper with our SWEET friends,
Joan and Gerry on Saturday night!

My yummy supper...
lately SWEET potato fries have SIMPLY been one of
my newest addictions!

Although my doggie, SHUFFLE has had cabin fever lately...
 she is looking SIMPLY SWEET here!!!

Another Theme for BSOBAD dance studio.
Today I am hoping the dancers TAP into SWEET SUCCESS
in their 2013 TAP EXAMS!

Yesterday it was SIMPLY so SWEET to meet
 with my buddy, Gailene for a little coffee outing.
We haven't got together for ages!

Today as I look outside my front window...
the view is SWEET and snowy... but I am SIMPLY over it now!

 I bought Flowers at Costco and divided them into two bouquets
to SIMPLY make two rooms SWEETER!

It is SWEET of you to SIMPLY
stop by to read this little blog post today!

This winter is becoming long... so I am trying to SIMPLY find ways to make things seem a little SWEETER in the snowy cold days we have been having so many of lately.

This past weekend we enjoyed a nice evening out with friends, Joan and Jerry at Manos.
It is always SWEET to reconnect even when lots of time has past between visits.
Our meals were pretty darn tasty, too!

Sunday we reconnected with friends from our past, as well when Joan and Ken , who used to be neighbors of ours, stopped by for a little visit.
They now live in Abbotsford but were here for a wedding and had time to stop by to say hi.
We had a simple and sweet little catch up with them... but I forgot to snap a picture!
(imagine that???!!!)

That night we had Jana, Nels , their kids and my brother Brian here for supper.  We always enjoy the SWEET and SIMPLE fun we have... even though it becomes somewhat hectic with the kids dragging up lots of the stuff
from the basement!
We ended up going for a SIMPLY SWEET dessert at the new MARBLE SLAB here in the city, too... YUMMY...
I highly recommend that for anyone
who loves ice cream!

Yesterday I was at the Studio do get yet another exam theme hanging for today's
I hope they all TAP into

I took my father in law, Greg, for some blood work and groceries yesterday.
I SIMPLY do not mind helping him out in this crazy winter weather. It has been hard for him to get around, so it is kind of SWEET that he calls upon me from time to time to help out.

I met my buddy, Gailene for the first time in a very long while yesterday for a SWEET and SIMPLE little coffee outing and dollarama visit. We had a lot to catch up on!

Today I chose to only do one out of the two classes I often do on "TWOSDAYS" at the gym.
I used up all my energy in the Body Vive with Trent teaching and didn't stay for Body Flow...
kept it SIMPLE for today!

I have never gone away on a hot holiday in the winter before... but with this very long snowy winter we are experiencing ... I am thinking it might be SIMPLY SWEET to go away somewhere for a little escape. I'll keep you posted on what we decide to do in that regard.

I mentioned in my previous blog post that there were birthdays at the end of this month...
Yesterday my sister-in-law, Brenda...
today my cousin, Darcy and
on the 31st... my cousin, Jan...
 so once again I SIMPLY want to wish them a very SWEET BIRTHDAY!
Today Oprah Winfrey is 59 yesrs old, too!

on that note... my poem of the day...

Winter's long...but life can be SWEET.
We can choose to stay warm
by tapping our feet!
Eating good stuff and leaving the bad,
Trying to stay up beat,
and not dwelling on sad.
Going to the gym to help balance out...
All of the sweet stuff that goes in our pout!
Accepting the snow that winters
SIMPLY bring...
Looking ahead to the coming of
SWEET spring!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

SMILE from the Inside Out!

"Love is smiling on the inside out."
-Jennifer Williams

"A smile is happiness you'll find right under your nose."
-Tom Wilson

"A smile is a curve that sets everything straight."
-Phyllis Diller

My doggie SHUFFLE looking outside... and likely smiling inside
 because she is inside where it is nice and warm!

Beau and Mariah on Wednesday playing in their basement.
They were likely both SMILING on the inside here
as they were content with their own space and toys at the moment!

Beau with a little smile for me while he was playing in their basement.

I put all these birthday cards away yesterday after they
brought me many smiles for the past two weeks out on display!

This cute fridge magnet arrived as a little surprise belated gift in my mail last week.
It made me smile from the inside that day as I was snacking when it arrived!!

Yesterday I was smiling on the inside when I got lots of
BARGOONS at Michael's. I do love to craft so this
little shop made me smiley!

These two instructors always make me smile...
this is Theresa and Trent at today's new launch of
BODY VIVE 25... we all had a BALL!

Here is the full class of VERY VIVACIOUS VIVERS!
I look a bit out of it on the left, but was smiling inside and out...
The photo is somewhat out of focus, too...
so you might have to visualize all the smiles here!

Although this photo is about a year old...
it represents me and my gym buddy Ella on our coffees following the gym.
These STARBUCKS Valentine mugs brought me many smiles last year, too,
... from the inside out!

Once again I was searching for a new theme for today's blog, when I remembered the
body flow class yesterday. In the cool down
my instructor Peggy said life's a journey
and it's good to always
So that became the theme
idea for today's blog post.
Her classes make my body feel like it is smiling on the inside, too. She is such a good instructor, and it is such a great class.

Yesterday just before heading to the gym, I got a very cute call from my grandkids. Mariah told me that Beau kept saying "GRAMMIE D"
so she had to call to share that with me.
That definitely made me SMILE on the inside and the outside, too!

I had a week of many inside as well as outside smiles. I made it to the gym each day this week, which was not only good for those inside smiles, it helps to make me feel more strong and in shape when I go.

As well this week... following the gym my friend Ella and I took turns coffeeing at each other's homes afterward. We share many good visits, coffees, as well as smiles every time we connect. We actually met for the first time at the gym a couple summers ago and have become good friends ever since.

I picked up Mariah from school and Beau from his daycare on Wednesday and took them back to their house until their mommy got home from work. I certainly always cherish times spent with them...and they do bring me smiles always, inside and out!

My buddy Brenda and I met for a lunch at
East Side Marios this week as well. I enjoy any times we connect. We have lots of not only smiles, but share a few laughs along
the way, too.

Yesterday I went on a wee shopping extraveganza to Michael's and Old Navy. I was surely smiling from within when I found lots of good deals and bargains to add to my crafting hobbies. I did purchase many little treasures, all to be put to good use in my scrapbooking,
card crafting and or studio bulletin boarding!

This morning was the new launch of the
Body Vive 25 at Goodlife gym. I have ranted and raved of my classes there always, and love the instructors, too. Trent and Theresa taught a very upbeat and fun class together. I have been taking classes from those two since around 2006 or so back when they both taught at Quantum Fitness. They are great individually as teachers, but they play off one another so well, too... almost like a sister and brother might.
The class was not only smiling inside and out, but likely sweating, too... it was a great workout.

I know my doggie is getting cabin fever, but I also think she smiles on the inside when she knows she is nice and comfy cozy in the house and not out stuck in the snow...
which we have lots of in our yard.

Today is my favorite talk show host,
ELLEN DEGENERES's 55th birthday.
She celebrated on her show yesterday.
She always brings a smile to my face and I'm sure she does the same for many who watch her shows. Oprah Winfrey is coming up to her 59th birthday on the 29th, as well.

I know 3 people who have had babys this past week...and  I send them my smiles
as well as congrats!

More family birthdays coming up are...
My sister-in-law Brenda... on the 28th.
My cousin Darcy on the 29th.
My cousin Jan on the 31st.
Incase I am not onto a new blog before those... I'll wish them HAPPY BIRTHDAY in this one.

Brian and I are looking forward to sharing some smiles with good friends, Joan and Gerry tonight when we meet them out for a nice meal.

Everyday brings something to SMILE about...and SMILES make everything better always whether on the inside or outside!

"We shall never know all the good
a simple smile can do."
-Mother Teresa

On that is my rhyme of the day...

Smiling from the inside out...
Can help prevent all stress and doubt.
Smiles help improve the value of a face,
Leaving lots more cheer in any space.
When the corners of a frown
Turn up... instead of down...
It's amazing what it can do,
Smiling is a natural high,
For me and also you!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


"There is no surprise more magical than being loved: It is God's finger on man's shoulder."
-Charles Morgan

"The secret to humor is surprise."

One of my all time favorite movie quotes is about the surprise of every day life...  

"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get."
-From the movie 'Forrest Gump'

I crafted a card...

A little SURPRISE visit from my Buddy, Linda from Lanigan
yesterday... we are at STARBUCKS...

I found this cute little package of gum...
I thought the quote reminded me of one Linda would like,
so I SURPRISED her with it in the little
 'Pay It Forward' game !

Sunday night we had a SURPRISE visit from BEAU,
while Jana and him were in the neighborhood.
This isn't the best photo... but the visit
was so cute... and that is no SURPRISE!!!

Last night we had a SURPRISE visit from Mariah
when she and her mom were on their way home from her dancing lessons.
It's no SURPRISE Mariah had lots of LOVE to share...
and not just on the word on her T-shirt...
She also brought us each a little surprise chocolate treat, too!

Some little SURPRISE bargains I found on the little shopping
 trip yesterday with Linda.
Mariah is already excited to make Valentine cookies
with the new cookie cutter I bought ... to SURPRISE her mom with!

It's kind of a SURPRISE this bag of MUNCHIES has been
in my cupboard since our Boxing Day party...
And the past few days I've really been dipping into it!
Now it is no SURPRISE the numbers on the scale
are not dipping down, but instead climbing upward!

Today as I sat down to write my blog, I had a few themes in mind... but ended up SURPRISING myself and
going with this title for today.

After the past two weeks of BIRTHDAYS and many SURPRISES with gifts, cards messages, mail etc... SURPRISE seemed appropriate!

Today was another "TWOS"-DAY at the gym...and once again I SURPRISED myself and did the TWO classes back to back...
first BODY VIVE with TRENT teaching and then  a new launch of BODY FLOW taught by PEGGY and DOMINIQUE.
Today it was sort of a SURPRISE at the end of the Flow class that Peggy had a few tears as she shared how she recently lost a dear friend to cancer. The cool down in Flow class is not only to get relaxed but it is a chance to release inner stress and emotions... which is exactly what she did. I love that she wears her heart on her sleeve... and it was no SURPRISE when nearly the entire class lined up to give her a consoling hug following that class.
I also loved that the last song in the class was called "CONTENTMENT"... which is SURPRISINGLY what we search for
in  our lives everyday.

Yesterday I enjoyed a quick visit from my Lanigan buddy, LINDA. Her and her daughter Kim had to come to the city for a Dr. appointment for Kim. While she was at the Dr. ... it is no SURPRISE that Linda and I found a STARBUCKS to share our favorite tradition!
We went for a very quick little shopping spree following that, too. I love any visits Linda makes to the city... SURPRISE ones or otherwise!

I have been trying for well over a year now to clean up my messy basement... and well... SURPRISE... it still isn't clean yet! However that being said... I am making some headway down there. I have sorted lots of things into piles now... so it actually looks messier than it was, but really it is all part of the process.
I have come across many little SURPRISES down there in my journey... and it is not really SURPRISING that I get sidetracked once in a while to the craft table to craft something!!!

OK... how is this for "THEME" related...
I just heard the mailman and when I went to bring in my mail... truly only minutes ago... there was a SURPRISE in my mail!
I got a very cute card and fridge magnet from my FB penpal friend, ARLENE in Penticton.
How perfect is that... that it came
while doing my SURPRISE blog?!
Kind of coincidental, too that the fridge magnet says this on it...
"Eat, drink and be merry,
for tomorrow we may DIET" !!!

The past couple of nights in a row Jana has brought her kids by for a little SURPRISE visit. Sunday she brought just BEAU and Monday she brought just MARIAH.  I love a SURPRISE visit...and it doesn't happen often...
but two nights in a row... WOW... how fun!
It is not SURPRISING that it made my night both nights in a row...and the kids add so much cheer to both Brian and me when they stop by.
It was so thoughtful of Jana to do that...
especially in this extremely cold weather.

I have been working on some little SURPRISES to send out in the mail lately.  I posted a
"PAY IT FORWARD" game on facebook
a few weeks ago... now it is up to me to send something and PAY IT FORWARD to the 5 people who signed up under my FB post.
Linda was one of those, so I shared my little gift with her yesterday. WHO DOESN'T LOVE a little unexpected SURPRISE in the mail?
You already know how much I love it by the SURPRISE I just received today!!! hehehe

And just as the quote from "Forrest Gump"
there are so many SURPRISES in life... it is a mystery. Tomorrow is a new day and no one knows exactly what will happen next...

But on that note... this isn't too SURPRISING... the next thing in my blog will be a poem

Who doesn't love a little SURPRISE?
Wrapped up in a sweet disguise.
Every day a brand new theme,
Living my life to the extreme!
I love to write about many things,
And share just what SURPRISE it brings.
When days are cold and dreary out,
SURPRISES can wipe out stress and doubt.
SURPRISE visits can pick our spirits up...
And also STARBUCKS LATTES in our cup!
SURPRISES are fun to share with a friend,
Especially ones with a happiness blend!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

More LiFE Celebrations!

"If you think positively, 
Sound becomes Music, 
Movement becomes Dance, 
Smile becomes Laughter,
Mind becomes Meditation,
And Life becomes a Celebration."
-Rishika Jain

"Count your life by smiles, not tears. 
Count your age by friends not years."
-John Lennon

"Life goes by in the blink of an eye. 
Appreciate the moments."
-Author Unknown

Here is the simple card I crafted for my son, Colin.
He said it arrived yesterday right on his birthday too!
I was celebrating along with him in my mind yesterday
remembering what a CELEBRATION of LIFE it was for me
34 years ago when I became a mom!

Another picture of the card he sent for my birthday
this one is so perfectly crafted for me by his girlfriend's mom.
I am still celebrating that he sent me a card! 

Here is a nice picture of Colin and his girlfriend, Caro
taken last summer when we went to visit them in Montreal.
We were out eating on a deck of a restaurant here...
just celebrating some of life's special little moments!

Here is Mariah at her house on Sunday adding name tags to the table,
when we had supper there.
She is a little girl after my heart and loves to turn an ordinary day
 into a Celebration! Balloons were still hanging in the back ground
from her decorating job for her mom's birthday!

Here is Beau strapped into his little booster seat waiting for supper!
He has quite a little orange mustache... from his little drink of juice.
This little face just makes my heart happy... and is a reminder of
how being a GRANDMA is another LIFE CELEBRATION!

Brian and Shuffle enjoying some of Life's finer moments
as they relax on the couch together...
on the wall behind them are lots of the family photos
that have been celebrations in our life along the way!

Here I am out with friends Ella and Heather sharing friendship
over a delicious lunch they treated me to last Wednesday
 in honor of my birthday the week previous.
I definitely felt CELEBRATED for my birthday this year...
many times over!
Friendship ... is another LIFE CELEBRATION.

One of the very cute gifts from Ella and Heather...
note the polka dot paper...and a dangler even!
They really know what I like!!!!!

One of the lovely gifts I received from them was
this great book of beautiful quotes and poetry...
Also things I love to CELEBRATE LIFE with...
they sure know what I like!

I picked up Mariah from School on Wednesday... she had a tummy ache,
but here is her mommy trying to cheer her up with a little bowl of macaroni.
Another moment in the time of LIFE CELEBRATIONS...

Beau chowing down his macaroni... note the little trail of toys
on the floor behind him... always a trail of stuff where ever he goes!
When he left on Wednesday... his final words were...
a two year old with the start of good manners...
another Life Celebration!

Here is my father-in-law, Greg with my cousin, Gwen
sharing a fun little visit and many memories revolving around
celebrations of life... this past Thursday.

I whipped up these little snowman cookies
(with the help of the Pilsboury dough boy)...
to take over to my in-laws.
Cookies always add a celebration element
to an ordinary day!

The poster in GOOD LIFE GYM stating the description of each class
 and how many calories get burned per class.
This gym has helped me have a GOODLIFE Celebration,
whenever I attend a class there.

Yesterday I was once again CELEBRATING
the joys of MOTHERHOOD in my LIFE, as I recalled that date 34 years ago when I gave birth to my first child, COLIN. My LIFE changed forever more for the better!!!

Those years have gone by so very fast, and along the way I have had many opportunities to CELEBRATE LIFE. Even though Colin lives in Montreal now and has since he was 19 years old, we still connect with him from time to time on the phone and by email. We will look forward to another trip to see him and his sweet girlfriend, Caro again this summer in Montreal.
We spoke to him last night just as he returned home from dining out for his birthday and he and Caro were just going to open a bottle of wine and have a few card games in CELEBRATION. I always enjoy connecting with Colin even though those times are
often spread apart. Each call becomes a
little celebration for me!...
Once a mom... always a mom!...
MOTHERHOOD has been one of my biggest Celebrations in my journey of life so far.

As seen in the photos above... my birthday celebrations have been ongoing since the 10th of January and even before then actually!

January is truly a big CELEBRATION month with both my kids as well as me having birthdays in it. With it being the first month of each new year it is always reason to CELEBRATE as well! It is always more than enough reason to get each new year off to a great start.

My cousin Gwen had never been to my in-laws house ever... so we had a wonderful CELEBRATION visit over at their place on Thursday. I know it helped break up some of the cabin fever for them as they have not been out much yet this year. They are always so appreciative of little visits
when ever anyone stops by.

I am always grateful for the convenience of the gym and the amount of classes available for me to take to help keep me on track and healthy in my day to day life. Not only do I enjoy the classes there and the instructors, who are all so fabulous at what they do to motivate...
I was so lucky to meet  lots of new friends there.
One of the friends I met a couple years ago was ELLA. We now connect whenever we go to the gym and go for a coffee afterward at my house or hers. We have developed such a GOODLIFE
friendship and all because we met at the gym!
We were at Body Vive today and back to her place for a great coffee/visit!

I like to share my LIFE story here in my blog. I have been writing my blog for just over 2 years now... it is a way I can write about all the little LIFE CELEBRATIONS along with my day to life stories as they unfold. I often look back at past blog posts and re read them again. I know I will be glad I documented my life because it will be a way of remembering the
little things that have made life worth celebrating along the way!

This past week I enjoyed the start to
season 12 of the AMERICAN IDOL on TV...
I am looking forward to following that
show as it progresses too.

I know the older I get in life... the more I appreciate the little things that are the big ones in the end... which make every day like a celebration of LIFE!

Another way I like to CELEBRATE LIFE
is by writing poems...
so here is my rhyme for today.

January can really truly be...
Such a celebration month for me.
Between all the birthdays and outings, too,
Celebrations just continue through.
The older I get, the more I note...
How LIFE'S like one big
So much to be thankful for...
Dear family, friends and so much more.
A gym to keep my 'GOODLIFE' on track,
Hobbies to 'TAP' into, when I get slack!
Food to feed me and lots to drink,
Roof over my head... things to make me think.
I love that I became a MOM...
Since then... a lot more I have become.
LIFE has so much more in it too...
through and through!