Tuesday, January 22, 2013


"There is no surprise more magical than being loved: It is God's finger on man's shoulder."
-Charles Morgan

"The secret to humor is surprise."

One of my all time favorite movie quotes is about the surprise of every day life...  

"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get."
-From the movie 'Forrest Gump'

I crafted a card...

A little SURPRISE visit from my Buddy, Linda from Lanigan
yesterday... we are at STARBUCKS...

I found this cute little package of gum...
I thought the quote reminded me of one Linda would like,
so I SURPRISED her with it in the little
 'Pay It Forward' game !

Sunday night we had a SURPRISE visit from BEAU,
while Jana and him were in the neighborhood.
This isn't the best photo... but the visit
was so cute... and that is no SURPRISE!!!

Last night we had a SURPRISE visit from Mariah
when she and her mom were on their way home from her dancing lessons.
It's no SURPRISE Mariah had lots of LOVE to share...
and not just on the word on her T-shirt...
She also brought us each a little surprise chocolate treat, too!

Some little SURPRISE bargains I found on the little shopping
 trip yesterday with Linda.
Mariah is already excited to make Valentine cookies
with the new cookie cutter I bought ... to SURPRISE her mom with!

It's kind of a SURPRISE this bag of MUNCHIES has been
in my cupboard since our Boxing Day party...
And the past few days I've really been dipping into it!
Now it is no SURPRISE the numbers on the scale
are not dipping down, but instead climbing upward!

Today as I sat down to write my blog, I had a few themes in mind... but ended up SURPRISING myself and
going with this title for today.

After the past two weeks of BIRTHDAYS and many SURPRISES with gifts, cards messages, mail etc... SURPRISE seemed appropriate!

Today was another "TWOS"-DAY at the gym...and once again I SURPRISED myself and did the TWO classes back to back...
first BODY VIVE with TRENT teaching and then  a new launch of BODY FLOW taught by PEGGY and DOMINIQUE.
Today it was sort of a SURPRISE at the end of the Flow class that Peggy had a few tears as she shared how she recently lost a dear friend to cancer. The cool down in Flow class is not only to get relaxed but it is a chance to release inner stress and emotions... which is exactly what she did. I love that she wears her heart on her sleeve... and it was no SURPRISE when nearly the entire class lined up to give her a consoling hug following that class.
I also loved that the last song in the class was called "CONTENTMENT"... which is SURPRISINGLY what we search for
in  our lives everyday.

Yesterday I enjoyed a quick visit from my Lanigan buddy, LINDA. Her and her daughter Kim had to come to the city for a Dr. appointment for Kim. While she was at the Dr. ... it is no SURPRISE that Linda and I found a STARBUCKS to share our favorite tradition!
We went for a very quick little shopping spree following that, too. I love any visits Linda makes to the city... SURPRISE ones or otherwise!

I have been trying for well over a year now to clean up my messy basement... and well... SURPRISE... it still isn't clean yet! However that being said... I am making some headway down there. I have sorted lots of things into piles now... so it actually looks messier than it was, but really it is all part of the process.
I have come across many little SURPRISES down there in my journey... and it is not really SURPRISING that I get sidetracked once in a while to the craft table to craft something!!!

OK... how is this for "THEME" related...
I just heard the mailman and when I went to bring in my mail... truly only minutes ago... there was a SURPRISE in my mail!
I got a very cute card and fridge magnet from my FB penpal friend, ARLENE in Penticton.
How perfect is that... that it came
while doing my SURPRISE blog?!
Kind of coincidental, too that the fridge magnet says this on it...
"Eat, drink and be merry,
for tomorrow we may DIET" !!!

The past couple of nights in a row Jana has brought her kids by for a little SURPRISE visit. Sunday she brought just BEAU and Monday she brought just MARIAH.  I love a SURPRISE visit...and it doesn't happen often...
but two nights in a row... WOW... how fun!
It is not SURPRISING that it made my night both nights in a row...and the kids add so much cheer to both Brian and me when they stop by.
It was so thoughtful of Jana to do that...
especially in this extremely cold weather.

I have been working on some little SURPRISES to send out in the mail lately.  I posted a
"PAY IT FORWARD" game on facebook
a few weeks ago... now it is up to me to send something and PAY IT FORWARD to the 5 people who signed up under my FB post.
Linda was one of those, so I shared my little gift with her yesterday. WHO DOESN'T LOVE a little unexpected SURPRISE in the mail?
You already know how much I love it by the SURPRISE I just received today!!! hehehe

And just as the quote from "Forrest Gump"
there are so many SURPRISES in life... it is a mystery. Tomorrow is a new day and no one knows exactly what will happen next...

But on that note... this isn't too SURPRISING... the next thing in my blog will be a poem

Who doesn't love a little SURPRISE?
Wrapped up in a sweet disguise.
Every day a brand new theme,
Living my life to the extreme!
I love to write about many things,
And share just what SURPRISE it brings.
When days are cold and dreary out,
SURPRISES can wipe out stress and doubt.
SURPRISE visits can pick our spirits up...
And also STARBUCKS LATTES in our cup!
SURPRISES are fun to share with a friend,
Especially ones with a happiness blend!

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