Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Little Things!

"It's the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen."
-John Wooden

"True greatness consists in being great 
in little things."
-Charles Simmons

"Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they are the big things."
-Robert Brault

Some of the "LITTLE THINGS"
 that make my day special as I sit here at my computer
... I Love the screen cover photo of my grandkids
enjoying the summer in our backyard...
the "Home is where your story begins" quote on the wall,
the Polka dot mug with fresh cup of coffee in it,
the LIVE LAUGH LOVE quote in the mug...
the little book saying "Little Things Mean A Lot"
... AH... it truly is "THE LITTLE THINGS!"

This photo will always hold a special spot in my heart.
I made it my profile pic this week on Facebook,
because I was remembering my dad in this 13th year
anniversary of his passing.
Many LITTLE THINGS make this so special...
This was taken on my parent's 50th wedding anniversary
at a celebration we held in my dance studio.
My brothers and I gave mom and dad gold medals
for reaching this GOLDEN milestone in their lives,
and also for the GOLDEN example they set for us as kids growing up.
I LOVE that I was DANCING with my dad... and LOVE his big SMILE.
He always SMILED...and will DANCE on in my heart forever!
AH... so many "LITTLE THINGS" here add up to HUGE!

MUSIC is a LITTLE THING that is really BIG!
This CD is the only album that I had a copy of the CD,
the CASSETTE TAPE and the RECORD of!
I LOVE lots of the songs on it... especially the songs
"UNFORGETTABLE" sung by the father daughter duo of
Nat King Cole and his daughter, Natalie, which makes me think of my dad, and the song
"SMILE" which is a Charlie Chaplin classic that was played at both
my parent's funerals... it is one of my all time favorite songs.

I LOVE this photo of my two kids
it is a photo from 2009... but is one of CELEBRATION...
which is what I will be doing soon ... as we
approach our "BIRTHDAY SEASON" once again!
It makes me think of all the "LITTLE THINGS"
that have added up to BIG ones of being a MOTHER!

A photo I saw on facebook on January 1st.
I think this is a wonderful way to remember the
that add up to special!

Another post I saw on Facebook the other day.
I not only love DR. SEUSS and his simple but profound examples of
"LITTLE THINGS"  that add up to life lessons,
But I love his style of writing... always fun!

Something else LITTLE to hopefully make a BIG memory in the future.
Last year I decided to start little journals of Christmas memories for BEAU and MARIAH
to put in their stocking that hang here each year.
I know they do not mean much just yet... but my hopes are that the memories gathered in here
will add up LITTLE by LITTLE and in years down the road will be a special reminder of
the LITTLE THINGS that made each year special.

Yesterday I made some LITTLE changes to the BSOBAD
dance studio bulletin boards.
Sometimes it is just the LITTLE THINGS
to freshen up the boards and bring them up to date!

I find any outings with my hubby, Brian and or friends to be a
 LITTLE THING in daily life that adds up to special.
Here I am last night out for supper with Brian and our friend, Vern,
who actually treated us to supper...
which was also a more than just a "LITTLE THING!"
We had a delicious meal at MANO'S, too!

This GYM is a LITTLE THING that makes me not only happy,
but hopefully contributes to my GOODLIFE!
I was so excited about my first BODY VIVE class at 830 this morning
that I was the first one there...and had time to snap a photo.
I stand right there in front of that quote and read it every time
I go to the gym... it's another "LITTLE THING"
that makes this gym great!

Here are two of the great instructors at GOODLIFE GYM.

I took Body Vive with Theresa(on the right) today
and Body Flow with Peggy(on the left) yesterday.
I taught Theresa dancing when she was small and now she is my teacher.
Peggy performed at one of my dance recitals as a guest artist
back in the 80's in an aerobic duo.
The LITTLE THINGS these two share at every class
are so valuable to my well being... and for that I am ever grateful.

The new calendar I have hanging in my kitchen...
Here is a photo of Peggy  and Trent
(both instructors at Good Life GYM)...
As mentioned above... Peggy is a great teacher...
and Trent is also one of my favorite instructors there, too.
I look forward to the LITTLE THINGS they are able to share
through their awesome instruction at any classes I take from them.
My daughter is also in the August photo of this calendar...
another"LITTLE THING" I like about this calendar,
is that $5.00 from each calendar sold went to Ronald McDonald house.
"LITTLE THINGS" like helping a charity always warm my heart!

Here is a photo of Beau and Mariah when they were here briefly
January 1st for a little visit...and although I was not able to capture
a fabulous photo of the two together... the memory is special.
All the "LITTLE THINGS" in it for Christmas will soon have to go away again...
those LITTLE THINGS did bring lots of enjoyment through this festive season, though!
It may seem like a "LITTLE THING"... but I love when the kids pop by for just a visit.

First of all may I say THANK YOU to whoever is reading this blog may seem like a "LITTLE THING" to you...
but it means a lot to me!
My blog is one of the very many
LITTLE THINGS that has added happiness to my life since I began writing it in
December, 2010. 

January is always a month of many
LITTLE THINGS that add up to BIG....
Starting with the fact we are
beginning a fresh new YEAR... 
of many more new "LITTLE THINGS!"

It is really a special month in our family, too.It is the month when I was born...
and both of my kids were, too...
making this the month I  became a mother.
This month holds dear memories of my dad as well, because it was in this month 13 years ago he passed away. I cherish all the memories associated with him, and I'm ever grateful for all the LITTLE THINGS in my life
I learned from my dad.

Some of the little things that have made this NEW YEAR noteworthy so far are...

On January 2nd, I had many memories of my dad, I met my cousin Gwen for a starbucks
and fun little visit.... often it's the little things like all of those that make my heart smile.

Thursday it was a trip to the gym...
for the CX works and Body Flow class
with my good friend, Ella.
I loved the selection of music played, too... often the words in the songs played at the gym dictate the soundtrack to my life at that moment in time!...That day was no exception as there were many songs angel related!

I enjoyed a nice coffee/visit with Ella and my neighbor, Heather, here following the gym...
It is often something as little as a cup of coffee and good company that make the

I was able to take my father-in-law, Greg,
for a trip of errands that day, too.
He doesn't like to drive in this weather, so I was happy I was able to help him out by taking him to the bank, the health food store and the grocery store. It actually gave me a little "FATHER-FIX" too!
He treated me to a coffee after as well.
On our way out of Market Mall he discovered the new place called CRAVE where they sell frozen yogurt treats. He decided he wanted to get one to take back to my mother in law.
He is just so sweet... and although that may seem like another "LITTLE THING"... it sure made my heart smile to see how thoughtful he was...I know my husband, Brian takes after his dad in so many ways, too!
My father-in-law... was so appreciative of my help, too... which made it even better... who doesn't enjoy being appreciated?!

Yesterday I saw another 'little thing"...
on FACEBOOK... it was a statement on a former dance student's page which stated this...
"2013 Creative Pay -it-Forward. The first five people to comment on this status will receive from me, sometime in the calendar year, a gift, perhaps a book or baked goods, or a candle, music... A Surprise! There will be no warning and it will happen when the mood strikes me.The catch? Those five people must make the same offer on their FB status!"

So intrigued by this ... I was the first to comment on her status... which put me in the game...
so I then posted that as my status and have already had 5 people comment on my post... who doesn't love a surprise? Isn't it fun to be able to do something little for someone else that might just pick up their mood or day sometime?
I am actually kind of excited to get on doing those LITTLE THINGS for the ones playing this "pay it forward game" with me!

I know many people tease me about how much time I spend on the computer... but it brings me happiness in many ways... there are so many LITTLE THINGS it does for me... so I will continue to do what puts a smile on my face!

On that note... another LITTLE THING that makes me smile is writing the poem in theme for the blog post of the day...
so here is today's version of that....

Often it's just the little things...
Such as the lyrics in a song one sings.
Doing little deeds to help someone out,
Drying up some little tears,
removing someone's pout!
Sharing a little word or two...
With someone who means the world to you.
Stretching a little harder at the gym,
In that attempt to once again
try to get slim!
Coffee and meal time with
loved ones and friends...
The "little thing" FUN...
just never ends.
A special dangler on a little gift,
I know ... that sure gives me a lift!
But truly it's about making the most of the best,
Appreciating the "little things"
that make us feel blessed.
Each day has something to offer
in what it brings...
And often it is just in the


  1. ahhh loved reading all the little things that make you happy. They put a smile on my face and made me happy too!
    Great blog, loved the wonderful 'quotes', your photos were very lovely and as always, I loved your ending..the poem. It seems that the little things are what's most important for sure! Thank you for sharing the little things in your life Diane.

    1. Oh thanks Arlene... the little things really are the big things for sure! You always make me feel so happy when you comment on my blog... thanks my sweet friend! I'm glad you enjoyed it!:)
