Monday, April 27, 2015


"Optimist-someone that knows that taking a step backward after a step forward is not a disaster, it's a cha cha."
-Robert Brault

"The secret of happiness is not in doing what one likes, but in liking what one has to do."
-James M. Barrie

"I never lose sight of the fact that just being is fun."
-Katherine Hepburn

Here are a couple of photos from this past weekend…
My niece Rowen and my grand daughter Mariah were
having fun KICKING IT UP A NOTCH… just for KICKS!
Brian and I kicked it up and notch, too when we dressed
in GATSBY attire for a fund raiser
for Autism at WDM on Saturday.

Last Wednesday… I kicked it up notch by attending not one,
but two BIRTHDAY Celebrations!

I met my dancing friend, Brenda for a Birthday lunch at Moxies…
and then good friend, Ella hosted a lovely Birthday supper
for our mutual friend, Vern… at her home,
with friends, Bob and Jacquie, too.

I am always in my happy place when ever I get a chance to craft
a card for any occasion… here are few from last week…
Birthdays for...Vern..Brenda …
and this week my son's girlfriend, Caro hits the milestone age of 30.
She also just received her Master's in Social Work… so two cards
were sent to her, she has received them already, so I can share,
even though her birthday isn't till this Thursday.

Last week we also met… Jana and Nels at LEYDA'S for lunch on
Thursday… (Photo is a bit blurry!)
I joined my cousin Gwen for a good starbucks visit… and my friend Gailene
for a visit when I borrowed some costume stuff for the Gatsby event!

Saturday I had Mariah for the day to work on a project she is doing
for school. She did a big board on DANCE.
My niece Rowen came over , too and the 2 girls had fun dancing
Mariah idolizes Rowen… they always have fun together.
I had a good visit with Rowen, mom, Brenda then, too.

Mariah decided to try on some of her mom's old dance costumes,
as Brian and I got ready for the Gatsby event on Saturday.
Jana drove us in the blizzard to WDM and
 Mariah and I had a selfie in the back seat!

Our friend Dan is the president of the AUTISM Society here in the city,
so he and his wife, Judy were all dressed up in their GATSBY attire
at the Autism fund raiser Saturday night at the
Western Development Museum…
which the ideal setting for an event
of the that era!

Some more pics from the GATSBY event… with friends, Vern,
Bob and Jacquie.
There was a casino, food, drinks, silent auction, and
a dance with Big Band music !

Last night we had family over for a supper…
We even barbecued in the snow!

My nephew Alec joined us as well as Jana, Nels and the kids.
Beau had the smurfs and puzzles out and the hockey was on TV!

Mariah chose to not be in a photo last night…
but I shared one off Jana's FB page from last week
of her and her family in their car!

The weather really kicked it up a notch on the weekend, too…
with 20 some centimetres of snow!
I snapped a pic Saturday night and Sunday morning, too.
I was grateful for my red Hunter rubber boots yesterday!!!
I built a wee snowman on the bbq … which we cooked on at supper time,
but by then the snowman was melted already!

Here is a comparison of the amount of snow we had in December 2014 to April 2015!!!

CRAZY stuff… April looks more like December!!!

Jana posted this pic of my grandson Beau yesterday on FB and Instagram
I decided to share it too… how cute is he?
He is very full of life and always KICKS IT UP A NOTCH when ever I see him.
We love this kid to pieces!
I am always so grateful for not only Beau, but for Mariah, too…
I LOVE being a grandma!!!

Happy Monday to all my blog readers…
and thanks for stopping by to read about this past week!
I actually enjoy Monday each week as I sit down to write and share the fun I had in my previous week.

As the photos display… there was no shortage of things going on around here this past week. I also made it to the gym 4 times in addition to other routine things 
we have to do … so lots going on!

I always enjoy times shared with good friends and family alike. We did enjoy our birthday celebration for good friend, Vern this past week at Ella's. She put on a wonderful meal and was such a great hostess for all the friends who came.
Not only was it his birthday … it was also EARTH DAY!

In addition to lunches, and coffee outings, Brian and I enjoyed attending the GATSBY themed event to raise funds for the "Autism Society" here in the city. As the day progressed, I was actually dreading getting in costume to go out in the blizzard like weather, but we were happy we had gone in the end. We were grateful for rides to and from…
Jana drove us there, and my sister-in-law, Brenda and her hubby, Mark drove us home. One of the favourite things for me was the awesome live big band music played there. It definitely brought my parents to mind, and especially on their rendition of my parents' favourite song, "Satin Doll ."

Special THANKS to former dance student, Amber, for the loan of the flapper costume from the Sr. Tap group I taught in my final year as a teacher… entitled 
"Hit The Dance Floor!"
Amber's mom, Gailene, also provided a lot of extras to add to the costume including the cute black fur shrug!
I had looked through Jana's costumes… 
but I didn't find a FITTING one in our closet full!

The weather certainly decided to KICK IT UP A NOTCH 
this past weekend… with the crazy snow storm…
However, thankfully the weather is predicting plus 25 degrees by this Wednesday, so I am guessing the snow won't be here for long!

Mariah has an event on this coming week at school called "Identity Fair"… where they have to do a board on what they like. Mariah chose "DANCE" as her theme… 

and asked me to help her put it together… 
I do love a project, and what fun we had doing it together. 
I will also attend the fair day at her school. Mariah will also be KICKING IT UP A NOTCH again this week when she competes in her second competition of the season, here in the city at TCU in a competition
 called "The Performer."
She dances 3 numbers one on Friday and two on Saturday.
I will look forward to watching her dance there, along with many of the other studios who will be competing then, too.

I always enjoy this time of year when lots of my Facebook Dance teacher friends post many of the pictures and results from various dance events they are involved in… festivals, competitions and recitals, etc. I remember this as always being the most fun time of year when
I was a dance teacher…
it was the time we could see all of our hard work
coming to life on stage, as all the dancers

I am still enjoying the DWTS on TV and look forward to that show every week. This week will be different as my favourite dancer on the show, Derek Hough, is being replaced due to an injury he had following last week's show. He adds such a great talent to the show… he always knows how to

In addition to DWTS, I have continued to enjoy and critique the singing shows, too… The Voice and American Idol.
Hard to believe those shows will soon be done for another season… but then we will KICK IT UP A NOTCH with the new season of "SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE"…
and the best goes on!

I continue to acknowledge family and friends on their special days… yesterday was my nephew JEFF'S 38th Birthday.
Last week was friend, Vern's Birthday. and the week before was friend, Brenda …

 This week,
my sister-in-law, Brenda and her husband, Mark 

will celebrate their 25th Wedding Anniversary on the 28th.
On Thursday, the 30th, my son's girlfriend, CARO, will celebrate her  birthday as she turns the milestone age of 30.
(Do they still call it your "Champaign Birthday"?
 when you turn the age of the date… 30 on the 30th!!!)
I hope everyone KICKS IT UP A NOTCH
for their special occasions!

On that note… here is my rhyme of the day…

This past week was so full of fun…
From the start until it was done.
We kicked it up a notch or two,
And oh the time just really flew!
From celebrating and going out,
Just kicked it up, and there's no doubt,
It's always fun to just review ,
The fun things we had time to do!

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