Monday, April 20, 2015


"Life isn't a matter of milestones, but of moments."
-Rose Kennedy

"It is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all."
-Laura Ingalis Wilder

"Don't save things for a special occasion. Everyday of your life is a special occasion."
-Thomas S. Monson

Last week my friend, Jacquie treated friend, Trona and me
to a delicious lunch at a new restaurant in town called MILESTONES.
We were actually celebrating Trona's Milestone 50th  birthday
which was on the 7th of April.
As it turns out… Jacquie and I both re on milestone years in 2015 too.
My Birthday has passed already and Jacquie's is in June…
So it was a fitting place for us to dine!

Later in the week we met with our good friends,
Joan and Gerry for fun evening
and meal at Mano's.
Every time we connect it is a SWEET OCCASION!

My good buddy, Linda, from Lanigan came to the city
on Saturday…and it is always tradition for us
to not only have a latte at STARBUCKS … but
to capture it , too. sometimes we have to do that with a
"selfie"  or two!!!
We have shared many sweet occasions and milestones
together in our lifetime!

I love every chance I get to craft a card for
a sweet occasion and or milestone…
here are but a few in this past month of friends' with birthdays.
I have made more, too, but can't share them yet until the
recipient sees them first!

We sold our boat last week.
We had many a sweet occasion on it, but were not
getting as much use out of it in the past couple years, so it was practical to sell it.
The top right photo is some shared fun from a couple of years ago on the boat.
The other pics are Brian on the day we sold it.

I am super proud of my grand daughter who works one or two days a month at
a dog adoption for about five  hours each time.
It is a huge commitment for an 8 year old…
but she loves it and seems to be very responsible.
We babysat the grandkids on Saturday night and
shared some fun with them then too…
We had fun in the little dollarama glasses!!!
Sometimes it's all about the little things.

We enjoyed our time with Beau on saturday night, too.
He was so into the glasses and the puzzle making. We popped by
my mother-in-law, Blanche's place too.
Beau and her were having a cute conversation in this photo.
Every little memory is a sweet occasion!

Saturday would have been my father-in-law, Greg's
MILESTONE 90th Birthday…
but instead he had his first birthday in HEAVEN!
Mariah and Beau sent wishes to him in balloons
to the sky on Saturday night.
We turned it into a SWEET OCCASION,
knowing POPPA GREG will live on in our HEARTS forever!

Thanks for popping by my weekly blog post
to see what we have been up to.
Mondays are always a
I recall all the positives in my life.
I am forever grateful for all the wonderful
as well as all the people who help to
make them that way!

Today's blog is my 430th post since I began blogging in December of 2010. That in itself is quite the milestone!
I am glad I began recording my fun things in life back then and was able to continue doing so, now it is in my records for me to check back on when ever I feel the need to
recall a date or occasion and or photo along the way.
I often check back to previously written posts, too, to see what I was up to back around the same time in previous years. Fun to see the growth in my grandkids, too.
Beau was only a baby when I began writing…
and he will be 5 soon, and
Mariah is coming up to her 9th Birthday next month!
Time sure flies … when you are living the life with all it's milestones and sweet occasions along the way.

I have many good friends who had birthdays in March and April. Just this past week, my dancing buddy, Brenda had a birthday on the 17th and we will celebrate her on Wednesday at a lunch. This Wednesday our good buddy, Vern is having a birthday as well and my friend, Ella is throwing him a party at her place that day. so lots of birthday celebrating on that day… which is also EARTH DAY… something else to CELEBRATE!
The cards I crafted above are some of my other great friends who celebrated Birthdays in the last month…
Ella, Lynne, Linda, Trona… and the list goes on.

At the end of this month, my son, Colin's girlfriend,
when she turns 30 on the 30th!
I believe that is called a CHAMPAIGNE birthday, too when you turn the age of your date… SWEET!
She also reached a MILESTONE last week, when receiving her internship as a social worker in Montreal… which is a huge accomplishment… we are so proud and wish her all the best on all those SWEET OCCASIONS!

Although my dad and my father-in-law are no longer here on earth… they are still in my heart. I did recall both of them as they had birthdays in the past month, too…
on the 8th and 18th.
I do hope they could celebrate their sweet occasions together in Heaven.

We enjoy any chances to go out with friends and we try to do that often within our week. Last week we managed to get in a few sweet occasions with lunches, suppers and starbucks dates… as shown in the photos above.
We also shared a lunch with Jana last week, too.
We didn't capture it with a photo, but we enjoyed our time with her. She is always so busy, so we cherish the times we can bond with our daughter… and with her family!

I truly enjoy all the TV shows pertaining to music and dance and competition, so much so… that I have decided to write down critiques of the shows… 
I really loved the "DWTS" last week on their Disney theme.
I also enjoyed "The Voice" as well as"The  Idol",
giving all the numbers a score and
comments in a little note book.
I am kind of a nerd that way, but I find I am more invested in the shows when I record my thoughts on it… must be the adjudicator in me coming through!!

We are super proud of Mariah and her commitment to the dog adoption she works for.
They do have a Facebook page which is called
"We All Need a Rescue K9 Rescue"
The dog adoption is held at a place in the city called "Cowtown" , and Mariah's Great Auntie Bev has taken Mariah many times to help at it.
Bev and Mariah along with my nephew, Sam
 are all very passionate about dogs getting adopted, and
volunteer their time for this adoption
and for these little doggies.
It is always a sweet occasion when ever any dogs do get adopted into loving and caring homes.

My nephew, Jeff is coming up to a birthday on the 26th.
He is enjoying his fatherhood…
his little girl, Jorja will soon be 5 months old.
It is such a milestone to become a parent.
It was a wonderful milestone for me to become a
GREAT AUNT, too, for the first time.

Soon I will be a Great Auntie again… when my nephew, Brad and his wife, Janelle have their first baby in May.
That time is coming quickly… very exciting!

There are so many reasons to be grateful
but it's all the sweet occasions,
big and small along the journey of life
that make it all worthwhile!

On that note… here is my rhyme of the day!

Life is full of MILESTONES
and OCCASIONS that are SWEET,
From each day's adventures … to going for a treat!
Life is like a journey, and that is really true.
It's all about the little things… and the big things, too!
So take every occasion and turn it into fun…
Making just the most of it, until the day is done.
Life is what you make it… so always give your best,
Live out each occasion and milestone full of zest!

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