Thursday, January 9, 2014


"If we celebrate the years behind us they become stepping stones of strength and joy for years ahead."
Author Unknown

"Celebrate love. It is the breath of your existence and best of all reasons for living."
-Author Unknown

"Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving, make everyday a holiday and celebrate just living."
-Amanda Bradley
(I know this quote was in my previous blog post, too, but it went well with this one, too so it's in here again!)

Whether celebrating with friends at an early birthday lunch,
or turning a cappucinno into a "HAPPY- CAPPY" at home...
I continue to "CELEBRATE ON!"

Last Friday was my friend, Joanne's Birthday, and my friend
Brenda threw a little Surprise Birthday CELEBRATION for her at Earl's.
Also last week my friend Ella dropped by on her way home from the gym
for a little coffee visit CELEBRATION! 

Any time the grandkids pop by is a reason to celebrate...
Here are Beau and Mariah when they stopped by for
a little visit last weekend!

Sunday we have made it tradition to meet friends for breakfast,
usually at Fuddrucker's... and this past Sunday we did that.
Later on Sunday we did a little special CELEBRATE supper
with Melissa and her mom, Betty along with Jana, Brian and myself
at Mano's. This treat was on SWANK SHOE LOUNGE...
Thanks to Jana and Melissa for that! 

This past Monday I had yet another CELEBRATION...
and early Birthday lunch with friends, Ella, Brenda, and Kellie at
McNalley Robinson's Prairie Ink cafe.
Brenda even had a little knitting lesson there!!! hehehe

Tuesday I turned the house from MERRY to HAPPY by taking down the tree...
It is one CELEBRATION I do find hard... as I love my Christmas decor...
but luckily for me... I got right from MERRY CHRISTMAS CELEBRATING
The room does seem somewhat bare, though
after having the tree up nearly 2 months!!!

Yesterday I did more CELEBRATING...
in fact it was simply "SPEC"-TACULAR...
I was treated to another Birthday lunch with friends,Heather, Jacquie, and Ella
and my cousin Gwen... we shared chicken fajitas at Montana's...
I even wore the birthday head piece and had the birthday chant too!

Although these party glasses are rather unflattering...
my friends were such good sports, to not only put them on, but to get several photos
in them too!... I truly have the best friends!!!

I continued to just CELEBRATE ON... yesterday when we met up with our
good buddy Vern who just returned from his month long trip to Australia.
We first met up with him at Starbucks when he treated us all to coffee...
then we kept the party going... when Ella purchased a meal from Dinner Rush
that we shared at our house... fun day all round...

It has been on going with me trying to clean up my big stash in
the basement...where I do many things I love to CELEBRATE...
like... TAP, WRAP, SCRAP...and here is evidence
I actually tidied up my SCRAPBOOKING table somewhat!!!
My birthday isn't actually until tomorrow, but already
I have received many heartfelt gifts and cards, and have felt very
CELEBRATED all week!
Thanks to all my friends and family for all the CELEBRATIONS,
I do love to CELEBRATE...and continue to CELEBRATE ON!

I do feel very lucky in my life that I am surrounded by such loving people who enjoy CELEBRATING!
I certainly have done a lot of that especially this past week with the lead up to my birthday which is tomorrow.

I think of my parents at every birthday I have and am ever grateful for them for giving me my life in the first place...and what a wonderful life it has been.

Tomorrow when I CELEBRATE my last year in my fifties, I am also going to celebrate with my daughter, Jana, who will turn 33 on Saturday. We are doing a traditional mother/daughter birthday bond by going for manicures and pedicures followed by a birthday lunch together.
More than anything I treasure the time I can spend one on one with Jana as in her busy stage of life, it is a treasured time that doesn't happen that often in a year. Most of our time revolves around our families!... (which is also nice, but the one on one is truly special to me!)

My photos are pretty self explanatory with all my special outings and celebrations this past week.
I do enjoy Celebrating always...
whether it is birthday time or not!

Next week I need to kick it up a notch and get going back to the gym once again on a more regular basis. I always celebrate the fact that the gym I go to is simply the best...
GOODLIFE GYM is not only a great place to work out... they have so many great instructors, classes and nice people who choose to workout there as well.
I actually met my good friend, Ella, there around 3 years ago, and we now have become such good buddies.
Something else to CELEBRATE!

I know I say this often, but I feel very lucky to have such a good life...and why not celebrate it? I feel the more I celebrate the good... the less emphasis there is on
the not as good stuff... if that makes sense!
It comes back to making the most of the best
and least of the worst!

So as we continue to live in this very chilly winter we live through each year...
I will continue to CELEBRATE
the good stuff along the way...

I love a quote and a poem...and also enjoy sharing my life here weekly on my blog... so on that note...
here is my rhyme of the day!

I live my life to celebrate...
I love to make each day feel great.
No need for a birthday to do that...
No need to have a party to wear a hat!
It can happen in any day in any season,
Everyday there's something to just find a reason.
Usually for me, it isn't all that hard...
With family or friends or just crafting a card!
I have so many people in my life that I love,
And lots of sweet angels in the heavens above.
So I will continue to just CELEBRATE ON...
Right until the day that I'm gone.
Life is precious, so I don't like to wait...
I live in the now...and just CELEBRATE!

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