Monday, June 22, 2015

SUMMER… from SpECiAL to JaZZy!

Hair gets lighter.
Skin gets darker.
Water gets warmer.
Drinks get colder.
Music gets louder.
Life gets better."
-Author Unknown

"Some people make the world more special 
by just being in it."
-Author Unknown

Jazzy-Something lively or
 suggestive of jazz.

With Father's Day and the first day of Summer yesterday…
 Dear friend, Jacquie's birthday today
… and Jazz Festival beginning this week…
There is a whole lot of SPECIAL to celebrate!

 &...The SPECIAL message on the loving card from Jana to her dad!

Last week we met up with friend, Spence, for a breakfast outing at Fuddrucker's.
I love summer for little outings…
we had a trip to Broadway for sone yummy drinks… Cafe Broadway and Booster Juice.
Mariah got a hair cut after dancing ended for the season…
 We had Beau on Saturday for the day!

Sharing lunches and happy hours on patios
 is another fun thing about summer time!

Beau managed to talk us into a trip to Dollarama
on Saturday when we had him
with us for the day… He loves to get treats…
and I am the Dollarama-Gramma!

Mariah had another fun day of working at the dog adoption
with her Great Auntie Bev on Saturday and we came to visit!
Bev is such a SPECIAL auntie for the grandkids…
and has shared some pretty
special memories with both of them!

Mariah fell in love with this standard poodle who
co-incidentally is named "JAZZ"…
she even wrote a note to her parents with hopes they could adopt her.
I think her dad was on board… but not so sure about her mommy just yet!

Yesterday at Fuddruckers… we did an early celebration
of our friend, Jacquie… who has a birthday today.
Ella and I both took gifts for her to open at Breakfast!
Jacquie is such a SPECIAL lady!

I created a memory book on the computer for Jacquie
in honour of her milestone 80th birthday today…
She is such a special friend to us, and she was so grateful
for the gifts yesterday!

Here are some special FATHER'S DAY memories in honour of some
the best dads I know!
Brian and our kids way back when they were 7 and 9.
My dad and me when I was only 3 or 4!
And my father-in-law, Greg on his last Father's Day
with my grandson, Beau… just last year, June,  2014.

Fathers and grandpas are are special people in our lives…
and these 3 are some of the most special I know!

Yesterday we shared a lovely FATHER'S DAY supper out in the
sunshine on the first day of summer…
here on Nels and Jana's deck.
Jana was chatting with her brother on the phone here
when he called to wish Brian Happy Father's day.
Nels is another favourite dad we know…
We feel so lucky to have him and Jana and the grandkids
so close by too!

I asked the grandkids for a photo with their grandpa…
but only Mariah co-operated!!!
Beau was too busy playing!
I love the special name stones in their backyard…
They were gifts we gave the kids years ago.

Here are a few more examples of summer special!!!

Brian received this lovely bouquet of flowers from Jana's store partner,
Melissa in honour of Father's Day.

I saw this cute little family of ducks while out for a dog walk
yesterday in the park by our house.

The bucket of fun stuff for Nels was his father's day gift…
but I think Beau was more into it, than Nels!

And another flashback memory…
this photo of my mom, and my good buddy, Linda
and me was at the Jazz festival back in 2008.
We traditionally went together… and with the Jazz festival
starting this week, and mom's birthday next Monday
it seemed like a SPECIAL memory to share!

and here's to all the SPECIAL things it brings!

Last week we noticed a guy out trimming a tree across the street from us. When we looked closer it was long time friend, Spence who now lives in BC but was in town visiting and just happened to be hired to do some yard maintenance while in town. We met him last week one day too for a catch up and visit at Fuddruckers. Spence was one of our best men at our wedding nearly 39 years ago. 
So nice to reconnect!

Yesterday was another FATHER'S DAY… and another chance to remember many special memories of the dads no longer here, as well as the ones still here with us.

I have nothing but fond and cherished memories of my dad and father-in-law, as well as the grandpas who have been gone for even longer!

Also yesterday...Brian and I went to Fuddruckers as we do most Sundays for breakfast where we shared some Birthday fun with friends…
Jacquie, Bob and Ella.

Later we were invited to Jana's for a nice Father's Day supper with her, Nels, the grandkids
and also the kid's Uncle Jens.
We enjoyed a lovely evening out on their nice deck in the evening sun of the first day of Summer!
Colin phoned while we were there, too and chatted with the family members as well…
so it was a SPECIAL day all round.

Today is our dear friend, Jacquie's 80th Milestone Birthday… and there is a party this coming Sunday to honour her… but we chose to give her gift yesterday. She was so appreciative of both the gift 

and the crafted card as well.

I love Summer time… for many reasons… one of them of course is the warmer weather. Another is the Jazz Festival both here in town as well as the one I get to attend in Montreal on our little get away.

My dog, Shuffle loves the daily walks in the park once summer is here… I enjoy those, too along with the soundtrack to life I listen to on our way.
Yesterday's walk I noticed some cute little ducklings on our way as well. Today I have Mariah here and we took Shuffle out and saw the little family of ducks
out swimming on the lake today! So cute!

Mariah loves that dancing is done for summer and she could have a hair cut. Although her hair still fits back into a pony tail… it seems special to her to get to have it cut!

We enjoy more time with the grandkids when it's summer time, too… school is nearly done and so are all the regular activities that go with the school season.

Next week we look forward to our annual trip to Montreal to see Colin and his girlfriend, Caro. We love Montreal and not only is it a beautiful city in the summer time… they have an awesome Jazz Festival which also begins this week, so I look forward to attending some 

of that while we are there, too. Their's is one of the biggest Jazz Festivals in the world.

I think of my parents when Jazz Festival time comes each year. They instilled my love of Jazz music…and we went together while they were both still living.
My mom's birthday is coming up on the 29th of June, too.
She will be celebrating her birthday in Heaven once again,
and I am quite sure she will be enjoying some chocolate cake there, too! I have so many special memories of my mom at her birthday time and jazzing it up together!

With Summer time… I will capture lots of memories for the many blog posts to come… but until then…
I will get out and enjoy the sunshine today, so
here is my rhyme of the day.

Oh I love this time of year…
With lots of special and jazz so near.
Birthdays so special, I know of a few,
Remembering dads and grandpas, too!
Trips to visit our favourite places,
Seeing old friends and special faces.
There's just so much special for us to adore…
Lots to celebrate, and Jazz it up more!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Feel the PaSSiON...HiP HoP HooRaY!

"Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focussing on what excites you."
-Oprah Winfrey

"Great dancers are not great because of their technique, they are great because of their passion."
-Martha Graham

"Don't count the days… Make the days count."
-Author Unknown

Here is Mariah in her Hip Hop Costume for her number called "ICE"
and kicking it up a notch in her Jazz costume  for her dance called
Jana took these photos of her on Sunday at her year end show,
and texted me the photos today…
I may be biased, but I think she is pretty cute in her costumes.
Mariah had a lot of PASSiON to share as she performed these dances, too!

Here she is in her Tap costume for her dance called "HAPPY FEET"…
(I love the polka dots on this one!)
and in her Character Ballet costume for her dance called "GRAND HOTEL".
I was such a proud Grandma on Sunday at her year end performances…
and was sitting front and centre at TCU Place for the show.

Here is Mariah looking very happy with her flowers after her Sunday show.
Beau is also looking proud with his Gold Medal he won at his Soccer Tournament
on Saturday last week.
I am so PROUD of both Grand kids… and say HIP HIP HOORAY!

Here was Mariah at BP after her show… with a little Hip Hop pose… and
another pic with her beautiful flowers!

The pics of Beau are yesterday at his soccer game…
He seemed to enjoy his game, once he got there!

Here are the programs for the two dance shows I attended this past weekend.
A show performed by Abiding Lines Dance Company, called "LOVE & WAR"
was so good I went to it twice… Friday and Saturday.
Sunday was the La Danse 30th annual year end show …
and I have been to many of their shows over the years.
These 3 directors , Linda, Heather and Hazel-Ann
all sure know their genres of dance and do a fabulous job of
instructing the students giving them fine technique and skills.
HiP HoP HOORAY for a fun filled weekend full of DANCE!

At Friday's performance of "Love & War"…
I attended with my good friend Cathy,
and her daughter Megan who was a former dance student of mine.
Two of the dancers in the show were also former dancers I once taught…
Kelly and Andrea.
I am always super proud when I see dancers I taught
sharing their passions for dance.
Was an awesome show with great dancing and choreography.

At the show… there were giant photos on a screen on stage of the cast…
I snapped some quick photos as they were going on…
I happened to catch the cast as well as Andrea with the two directors,
and Kelly and Andrea individually, too.

The second night I went to the show with my sister-in-law, Brenda and my niece
Rowen… but didn't get a photo with them… they also enjoyed the show!

Friend Ella came over for a Happy Hour with us on our deck
last week and also Brian and I went to celebrate a 2 year milestone for him
on the rooftop of Yard and Flagen
and got some new plants for our yard
in honour of this date!

Last Friday the grandkids were excited to have their Edmonton
Grandparents in town… we joined their family at Leyda's restaurant for
a fun little lunch… I didn't do well with photos…
but here is my attempt!

On Sunday I was saying HIP HIP HOORAY for my sister-in-law, BEV…
 she babysat Beau
while we attended Mariah's dance recital… and thanks to her, it was calm
in the audience!!! hehehe
Beau had so much fun with his GREAT AUNTIE BEV, too… so it was a win-win!

Afterward we went to BP for a celebration supper with the kids' other
grandparents, Nancy and Arvid, too.
Beau was full of life… as he always is
…here in his helmet and goggles!!!

Mariah was grateful for her dance fans who came  to watch her in the show on
along with her daddy and me in the front row… was Jana's friend, Shelane.
Right behind us in row 2, was Mariah's BFF, DREW and her mom, Mel
 and they all brought flowers or gifts… so thoughtful of them.
Jana spent the day working in the behind the scenes …
helping back stage
and in the dressing rooms.

One day last week I cleaned out my closet and drawers…
I came across 3 of my "TaPpiNeSs" shirts from back in 2008,
my final year as a dance teacher…
These were fund raiser t-shirts…
some of the proceeds of the shirt sales went to
Cancer Cures.

I saw this quote the other day and liked it…
it has a great message and speaks for itself!

Happy Tuesday everyone… usually I do my blog posts on Mondays… but yesterday ran away without me!
HiP HoP HooRaY for Blog days…
It always makes me feel the PASSiON from the week leading up to it. We definitely had another busy fun filled week once again, too. One full of many reasons to CELEBRATE and say HiP HoP HooRaY!

As the photos show… my week had it's share of dance events. I do love dancing and I always feel so proud when I can watch dancers I once taught just loving to perform still.
I always hope that my days of teaching them has given them a little of their passion for dancing in the first place!
The show called "Love & War" was so well done and performed by dancers from in and around Saskatoon. There is a lot of talent in the dance world around here for sure.
I was super proud of former dancers…
Kelly and Andrea in that show.

I was also so proud of my grand daughter, Mariah, in her year end show in her four dances… Hip Hop, Tap, Jazz and Ballet. She did an outstanding job of each one…
if I do say so myself!!!

I have been on many sides of the stage in my life as a dancer… dance teacher… studio owner … dance mom… dance adjudicator… dance Aunt…
and now as a PROUD DANCE GRANDMA!!!!

I had my studio for 28 years and was in competition with the teachers at La Danse, where Mariah now dances.
All 3 of the directors teach Mariah and I know they are doing a great job. They definitely kept me on my toes back in my studio days. They always set the bar high so they kept me working hard to compete with them!
They continue to set the bar very high as they share their passion and awesome technique with their dancers.
Jana did do a few years of ballet at that studio, too, when she was growing up as a dancer…
so nice to see some dance traditions continued.
Also fun to see a little history repeating.

Mariah also dances with a couple dancers whose moms once danced with Jana … more history repeating!

Beau had a very successful week, too… he won his little soccer tournament on the weekend. Although he is only 4… he is pretty excited and proud of that gold medal!!!
Yesterday we were to get him to his weekly soccer game…
I won't go into detail… but it was a challenge,
to say the least!!!
Once he got there, though, he got right into the game!

Many of my blog readers know we have been on a journey now for the past two years… and we are all delighted that journey continues onward… here's to many more years of life on that little journey… and as my quote above says…
"Don't count the days… Make the days count."

Thanks to everyone for their continued support to us as we journey forward!!! We always appreciate you.

As we continue on our day to day journey of life… we are always trying to make the most of our best and the least of our worst. That is the best way to live… it is always good to be grateful for the good each day brings.

This coming Sunday we will be saying
Hip HipHooray for our FATHERS….
as we Celebrate Father's Day.
Although my dear dad, Roy, has been gone now since January of 2000… this will be our first Father's Day without my dear Father-in-law, Greg.
We will continue to cherish the memories of our dads, and remember just how special they were in our lives to not only us, but to our kids, too!

On that note… here is my rhyme of the day…

Oh what a week… oh what fun…
Right from the start... until it was done.
From dancing to soccer, and milestones too,
With many excitements in all we did do.
Connecting with friends both near and far,
Watching each grandkid shine like a star!
Our week was full of celebrations, I'd say…
We sure felt the PaSSiON…
and say... HiP Hop HooRaY!

Monday, June 8, 2015

Here For The FUN!

"We are driven by five genetic needs: survival, love and belonging, power, freedom and fun."
-William Glasser

"Never underestimate the importance of having fun."
-Randy Pausch

"My philosophy is: if you can't have fun
there's no sense in doing it."
-Paul Walker

Last week the grandkids were here a few times…
we had FUN…
Beau found some fun glasses in my cupboard…
and Mariah and I danced in the basement…
she told me that was FUN!

One of my grandkid pick ups …
I had Mariah stand under the big Welcome to Willow Grove School
sign in the lobby of her new school… it is a nice school and looks like
it will be a fun one, too!
Beau was into glasses…and found my old ones which
he said were "burly"… ( his word for "blurry!)
He was into crafting, too… he always has fun
with my stickers and crafting papers!

I always have fun in the backyard… especially on sunny days!
In my wee garden… I have a lilac bush that was planted the summer
of 2000 in honour of my dad… it was his favourite flower!
I also have a little angel cherub sitting since summer
of 2011, after mom passed away the previous fall.
Beside those Mariah planted a little bean plant last monday…
it will be FUN to watch that one grow this summer!

It is always fun to get some flowers to add some colour and happiness.
We got some bedding plants out front to go with our bleeding heart plant.
I also got some gerber daisies for our indoors, too!

Last Thursday, my sister-in-law, Arleen had
my two cousins, Bev and Gwen as well as
her daughter-in-law, Janelle and her her new baby,
Brielle over for a coffee party!
We do have FUN whenever we can connect.
One month old Baby Brielle was the fun
focus of the get together!!!

My brother Bob and his wife, Arleen are over the moon
with becoming grandparents twice in less than six months!
They are loving every minute of FUN it is bringing them!!!
Just as I left their house, my nephew, Jeff, arrived with his sweet
baby, Jorja in the baby bjorn… and more fun for all!!!
I am so happy for the new grand parents…what fun they will have
with their two grand daughters… especially after raising two sons!

I popped by Jana's Thursday night… and the kids were in their PJs already!
Mariah was entertaining me… doing line dancing in the basement…
and showing me her tap dance called "Happy Feet"
 out on their back patio.
Beau was all cuddled under a blankie watching TV!
(I love that Mariah was wearing her PJ's we gave her for Christmas…
they look so cute on her!)

Friday morning we met Jana and Beau for a breakfast outing at Grainfilelds.
Beau was full of life… and made this outing FUN… and full of mischief!

A week ago we had a fun outing to friend's Ross and Trona's for supper.
Here are Trona and her cute daughter, Rae, who just had a birthday too!
What a yummy meal and fun evening we had there.

Saturday Brian and I went to the Farmer's Market…
we ran into his sister, Bev and her sister-in-law, Dianne,
visiting her from Vancouver.
We also saw this very darling little pug, named Lola!
I am sporting my shirt with today's blog title on it…
"Here for the FUN!"

Brian and I often take little drives through the city just for fun…
often we end up stopping by to see Jana and Melissa at
their store…
Swank Shoe Lounge.
Hard to believe they have had this store for nearly 6 years,
and it is just recently renovated to utilize the space better…
looks great!
These two have had a fun time selling shoes together!!!

More drives through the city took us by the big JAZZ poster
on the corner of Acadia and JAZZ street( 21st)…
We stopped and got copies of this year's line up for the jazz festival.
I love the Jazz festival each year… so much fun…
we also drove by a Saxaphone player on 20th…
I snapped a pic of him as we drove by!

Summer adds so much fun to our lives when we can just enjoy
the backyard life on our deck with our dog, Shuffle…
whether having happy hours or BBQ's
…so much fun in the sun!
My hubby makes the yummiest burgers, too!!!

Yesterday our Fuddrucker's group was a smaller one…
 but we still enjoyed the fun on their patio!
Later my good friend, Ella and I went to "Art in the Park"
at Caswell Hill park.
Ella bought a very cute little table there…
and also bought me a little special gift…
a tile that says...
"be someone's sunshine when their skies are grey"
Ella adds so much SUNSHINE and FUN to my life
whenever we are together… I am ever grateful
for her friendship!

While at ART IN THE PARK yesterday we also ran into….
My dear Auntie Mary with her daughters, (my cousins), Bev and Gwen,
and also Mary's grand daughter, Elaine with her boyfriend, Mark, too.
We all had a fun filled day in the park… it was such a perfect day for it!

Here it is another MONDAY- FUNDAY for me…
I look forward to reviewing all the FUN from the previous week and sharing it here on my weekly blog each week!
Thanks for stopping by to check out the
FUN times I had last week.

Last week, my son-in-law, Nels, was off to Vancouver to pick up a new pump truck for his new business called "Paragon".
I wish him much success with his new business,
I know he will do very well.

While he was gone, Brian and I were on pick up duty for the grandkids a few times. We always have FUN when around them. We do lots of things from crafting to dancing
and other fun stuff… never a dull moment!
Mariah even told me what fun it was to tap with me…
which did my heart good!

The weather has been especially nice out this past week and it was been so fun to just enjoy the good old outdoors!
We do enjoy sitting in our own backyard when it is nice out.

I had a few  fun outings this past week, too.
My sister-in-law, Arleen had a little coffee gathering at her place. It is always good to catch up with family and see what they are all up to lately. The hit of the that gathering was baby Brielle… she was born on Mother's day, and this was our first time to meet her. She is truly as adorable as ever.
Thanks Arleen for hosting a fun get together… always great to see the cousins and relatives over a coffee!

We did a few other city outings, too, including…  the
Farmer's Market on Saturday, and later a trip over
 to visit my mother in law, Blanche.
She seems to be doing well in her lovely home and always welcomes her visitors when any one stops by.
I also enjoyed the "Art In The Park" on Sunday.
There were over 150 vendors selling and sharing their arts, including some local musical talents…
a very fun and entertaining afternoon all round.

This past week I have noticed many posts on Facebook of people graduating and convocating…
one of those was my nephew, SAM…
Congratulations to him on his convocation…
we are all so proud!

I love all the connections I make and have made on Facebook… it brings me many smiles each day…
and lots of FUN to
share in everyones' happy moments in life, as well!!!

I also enjoyed some fun TV  last week…
America's Got Talent… as well as SYTYCD began.
Last night I really loved watching the
it almost makes me want to go and watch a few Musicals on Broadway in New York again one day!
I recalled the fun I had on my 3 trips to New York back in the nineties… I think it must be time to go again!!!

Yesterday one of my biggest dance mentors,
BRIAN FOLEY, hit the milestone age of 70.
He has not only been a mentor to me, but he has also been a huge influence to many on dance over time…
 and he is still going strong.
He and I have had so much FUN over the years
in my dance career, too… with all the workshops, dance exams… and he even danced in one of my shows with his son, Ryan way back when, too!
Oh the memories!

This weekend, I have a couple more FUN
dance related events to go to…
Friday I will go watch a couple former dancers,
Kelly and Andrea perform in a little company
called "Abiding Lines"
as they do their annual show this year called
"Love and War" held on Friday and Saturday night
at St. Joe's Theatre.
Good Luck to them… looking forward to going with good friend Cathy to see that.
Also this weekend, I am excited to watch
my grand daughter, Mariah, perform her 4 dances in
 La Danse's 30th milestone
year end recital held on Sunday
at TCU Place at 2 PM.
So many milestones this year….
Just this past weekend, good friend, Barb Jackman,
held her milestone 25th show for her dance studio,
called Dance Images by BJ… in Moose Jaw!
Congrats to all my dance friends celebrating

We have so much to celebrate in life
 as we journey forward…we count our blessings every day and try to make the very most of all the FUN in it!

On that note… here is my rhyme of the day!

Life is always better… when we focus on the FUN!
Right from the very beginning, until each day is done.
Making the most of the best times,
and the least of all the worst.
Putting all the happy things at the top, and the first!
Connecting with people who add a smile to our face,
Where ever we may travel… at whatever pace.
Life is short so do it right… enjoy the little things,
Just focus on the fun stuff and all the joy it brings!

Monday, June 1, 2015

Steps… Chapters… Stories… Journeys

"Life is a series of steps. Things are done gradually. Once in a while there is a giant step, but most of the time we are taking small, seemingly insignificant steps on the stairway of life."
-Ralph Rhanson

"Home is where your story begins."
-Author Unknown

"The road of life twists and turns and no two directions are ever the same. Yet our lessons come from the journey, not the destination."
-Don Williams

Saturday night  I absolutely loved the year end show of my good buddy, Brenda's…
her Theme this year was "STORIES OF OUR LIVES"
Brenda and I have shared so many stories of our lives together…
including merging  studios back in 2002.
Some other friends who have shared many stores of my life with me
are Ella and Jacquie who watched the show with me…
and Joanne… who is a teacher at BSOBAD and is seen with us above.

Brenda dedicated her show to her dear friend, Doreen, mother
of her best friend, Tara, and also here is Tara's youngest daughter, Kim.
In the bottom right of photo are
sisters, Cara and Shannon who have been at BSOBAD since they were kids.
Cara was Mariah's first dance teacher … so we share many stories as well.

Brenda's son Matthew posted this great pic on FB after the show…
of him and his brother, Andrew… saying what a great show his mom puts on.
I couldn't agree with him more on that… it was an outstanding show.
Ending  with the big colour co-ordinated balloon drop.
So many dancers' lives revolve around the dance memories and
year end shows are the grand finale to the year's journey
each season.

I have been wrapping the year end gifts for Brenda's show since 2001.
Each year the staff seems to grow a bit… this year there were 57 gifts,
which were a wonderful book about THE STORY of the LIFE
 of a dancer who grew up dancing at Brenda's,
called "Confessions of a Dance Mom"…
each book was signed by the author, Alison
and mom of this dancer, Jesse.
Also included in the gifts were lovely bracelets
saying "Memories" on them!
Because I work at the studio… I received one of
these thoughtful and generous gifts, too…
thanks Brenda!

Also on Saturday May 30th…
I attended another dance year end show in the afternoon.
Co-incidentally the two themes were similar… one about
journeys and one about stories of our lives.
I liked the calendar quote on this date…
it not only suited the two studio owners…
 but many dance teachers and people I know!
My friend, Ella's grand daughter performed in Kristy's show
so Ella and I both did the two shows that day together.
Both shows were awesome entertainment including many steps…
chapters… stories and journeys!

One day last week, Beau and Mariah popped by for a visit.
I have loved our journey since they have been in our lives.
Their is no better story in life than being a part of
 your kids and grandkids growing up… every step of the way!

Tuesdays I often get Mariah to her dancing lessons… and she comes here first.
These pics were her enjoying some happy free time
in our back yard last Tuesday before her lessons!
She even took our dog Shuffle for a quick walk…
she has taken many
steps with her over time!

Our very good friends, Bob and Jacquie hosted a lovely evening
and BBQ supper last week.
They are such gracious hosts and we have shared
many stories of our lives with them over time.

Also enjoying our evening out at Bob and Jacquie's lovely home…
were our good friends… Vern and Ella.

Each day has some happy hours and special moments in it...
Whether it be over a glass of wine… or a fruit beverage!

Last week we were invited to see our sweet  great niece, JORJA…
soon to be 6 months old.
Although her journey has barely begun… it seems to have gone through a few chapters…
she is already taking some awesome steps in her jolly jumper!

Jorja's parents, Jeff and Savanna, are loving the journey of parenthood so far.
We love having her in our life , too…
and I hope to soon meet my other great niece, Brielle,
born on Mother's day, in May of this year.

The chapter to our Sunday mornings pretty much always includes
a breakfast at Fuddrucker's
with these good friends…
Judy, Ella Jacquie…
Vern, Dan, Bob and Brian!
We get to share many of our life stories and journeys while there
each week… so fun to share with good friends.

Happy Monday to all my blog readers!
Where does the time go on our fast
moving journeys of life????
Another week has quickly come and gone, seems like only yesterday I was writing about the journey we took to Waskesiu a week ago!

The writing of my life story in my weekly blogs has brought me lots of enjoyment for over 4 and half years now… and at any given time I can pop back to a previous blog post and see what I was up to then. I am glad I have kept track of some of the positive highlights in my story of life as I journey on forward.

This was another fun filled and busy week for us.
A lead up to the year end shows for many dance studios…
My good friend, and studio owner of BSOBAD, Brenda, hosted her show on Saturday night at TCU place and it was an extravaganza of awesome dancing. Brenda does her show in a theme each year and breaks her themes into mini chapters within the theme… so her show has such great creativity and flow to it. Between the wonderful theme, choreography, dancing, spectacular costuming and marvellous lighting and set designs… the show was truly another STORY for the book of her life as a Dance Teacher.
Brenda and I became really good friends shortly after losing our fathers in early 2000. By 2002, our studios merged and our stories did too!… Although I only do odds and ends for her studio now and no longer teach dancing…
our friendship has remained strong through the on going stories and journeys of our two lives.

Another dance friend, Kristy, also hosted her show Saturday and I enjoyed that as well. It was held at the Lake View Church which is a lovely venue for a dance show.
Her show revolved around journeys.
Kristy's dance journey and mine have crossed paths many times over the past years.
I have actually taught a couple summer school sessions at her studio as well.
My good friend, Ella's grand daughter danced in that show, so it was nice to see her perform.

I consider myself so lucky to have so many wonderful acquaintances and friends in the dance world… who share the same type passions in their lives as I do.
From the STEPS… to the CHAPTERS…
through the STORIES and the JOURNEYS…
We all DANCE our way through our daily lives!

I also feel blessed to have many friends who share an interest in not only dance but other things I like as well.
We are so fortunate to spend a lot of time with our good friends, too, which makes our life stories so much more worth the journey!

We were out for dinner last night at other friends of ours who shared many years with Brian's journey as a car salesman.
His boss, Ross, and his wife, Trona, hosted a delicious meal last night at their beautiful home and entertained us.
They have been such dear friends for many years and
so kind and generous to us always.

Today we attended a celebration of a life well lived.
We were at the funeral service for a man well respected in this city and it was very evident by the massive turnout at his service. What a lovely tribute to our friend, Urban.
Lots of chapters and stories were shared
about the journey in his life.

Yesterday our dear friends,
who we 'co-grandparent' with
celebrated their 40 year journey of marriage.
We celebrated with them the week previously in Waskesiu,
but yesterday, MAY 31st was their actual wedding date.
I know they have built some wonderful chapters and stories
in the journey of their life together.
Now we are sharing the Grandparent stories with them as we delight in watching our Mariah and Beau grow up right before our very eyes!
Hope their anniversary was as special as they are.

Later today we will have the grand kids here for supper time… never a dull moment… as our daily chapters unfold!
I look forward to all the times we can spend together along the way with them, too.

Tonight is the start of another journey for the new season of "So You Think You Can Dance"
on TV… I look forward to watching that from week to week.

Life is really a journey… a big story…
and chapter by chapter ... step by step
everyone's life is created.
All unique and different !

On that note…
 here is my rhyme of the day…

Our lives are really just like a big book…
With so many chapters as we take a look.
Our paths and journeys all cross at some stage,
With lots of memories as we turn each page.
Every step we take on the journey we tread…
Is like a new chapter, soon to be read.
Our lives are a blend of so many stories,
Of so many memories and also of glories.
Our friends become family in our story of life,
Sharing our passions and supporting our strife.
Dancing through life every step of the way,
And making each moment as it happens each day.
Every step, every story… to the journey's end,
We make many memories and many a friend!