Monday, March 11, 2013

Love... Life... Simplicity...& FuN!

"I have found if you love life
life will love you back."
-Arthur Rubinstein

"I have a simple philosophy: Fill what's empty. empty what's full. Scratch where it itches."
-Alice Roosevelt Longworth

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."
-Leonardo Da Vinci

"Fun is good"
-Dr. Seuss

Mariah yesterday SIMPLY having FUN in front of the Easter display,
in our matching Old Navy Tee Hoodies!

We are really ready to WELCOME SPRING and EASTER...
The sooner the better!!!

Mariah having FUN getting out the Easter decor yesterday...
she just LOVES LIFE... and adds so much to it's SIMPLICITY!

Mariah did this little display yesterday and
 we finally put away the snowmen that were in it before...
(even though it is still very snowy when we look outside!)

Mariah and I had FUN creating a table of
EASTER/ ST. PAT'S decor!

Mariah sharing her crafty book of photos and drawings
with her poppa!

We went to another movie yesterday
"Jack Frost and the RISE of the GUARDIANS"...
It was a cute movie with a FUN message!

To complete the day of fun and simplicity yesterday
we met with Jana, Nels and Beau after the movie.
We ate a yummy supper at Montanna's.

Mariah and I had a little dance session yesterday,
We TAPPED into a very FUN afternoon!

Some cute... SIMPLE & FUN polka dot bandaids I found ...
Beau always needs one when ever he is here!!!!
 He calls them BANDINGS!

More Family FUN bonding!
Saturday night we met Jana, Nels, Mariah and Beau
at Marble Slab for dessert....
a LOVE Life... Simplicity and Fun kind of photo!

Welcome to a blog with photos once again!
Although the previous blog had a sense of SIMPLICITY to it with no photos...
this one is much more FUN with pictures
to go with my words!!!

I am ever grateful to my sweet hubby, Brian for helping me make the photo attachment work once again after I had a couple of days
where it just wasn't happening for me!

This weekend I had many reasons to just
and FUN within it!
I did a morning of exercise at the gym at my Body Vive class Saturday morning,  followed by a nice coffee visit here with
my good buddy Ella.

I decided to go for a SIMPLE wander through some stores on Saturday afternoon. I often enjoy just a little shopping adventure on my own just to poke around in the places I like and see what's new and what's on sale out there!
It's always a "Pick Me Up", too, when I can "Pick Me Up" some BARGOONS... which I did!

Saturday evening we decided to meet Jana, Nels and their kids at MARBLE SLAB for a little yummy ice cream dessert. It was then that Mariah asked if she could come here Sunday afternoon for a little playdate with us! We LOVE when ever we can share time with either or both of the grandkids! One on One is fun when we can devote fully to one at a time...
next time will be Beau's turn!

So yesterday was another
kind of afternoon with my little princess!
She does enjoy living life to the fullest. We did a little dance session then a quick scoot out to OLD NAVY where they had a sale on ....
We both got one of the TEE HOODIES... she picked out GREEN and I got a GREY one... they were cheap and are so comfy.

We got out the Easter Decor...and she helped me decorate! With it being St. Patrick's day next Sunday, we added little Shamrock hats to the chicks, ducks, lambs and bunnies on display on my dining room table...
kind of a festive and FUN touch!

We did some crafting and then off to see a cute movie at Rainbow Theatre. After the movie we met up with Mariah's mommy, daddy and her brother again at Montanna's for supper.
It never seizes to amaze me how generous Brian is with all the treating he does!!!
We had a FUN supper and visit and were well entertained  by both the grandkids!!!

When ever I have a day like yesterday it makes me thank my lucky stars that we live so close to the grandkids and can spend time with them a lot. These are the years that will count in years gone by, for sure... so many memories are being chalked up along the way.
Although they seem simple now...
they will be the ones we look back on
and see why we
LOVED LIFE so much!

Today it is SNOWING and BLOWING AGAIN outside... it has been such a long cold and snowy winter, but I am hoping soon
SPRING will come.
In the mean time I do enjoy visits over a nice warm and tasty STARBUCKS with either a friend or relative to help keep my spirits up! Today I am meeting my cousin Gwen for one, and we will catch up on the latest,
while adding a little FUN
to this wintery looking day.

So on that thought...
here is my rhyme of the day!

I have noticed in my simple little life,
Of being a grandma, a mom and a wife,
And also among many circles of friends,
just never ends!
I do a lot of simple things special to me,
They might mean nothing to others that I see.
But in my life, I have learned this...
The LOVE I send out there,
comes back by way of bliss!
It's often not in what one does,
but in how it's done...
That makes the simple moments
and turns them into fun!
So as I look out at more snow
scattering about,
It's better just to smile away,
than to wear a pout!
Soon it will be Easter...
and hopefully spring real soon,
Until it comes... I'll just sing
a simple snowy tune!!!
Simplicity is special...
and also can be fun!
So enjoy the simple little things
until the day is done.

1 comment:

  1. Good one, enjoyed pics, post and poem.. You are so right, getting the most out of life is always in the simple things. Thanks for the reminder, sweet friend. You are a blessing!
