Monday, October 6, 2014

GRATEFUL for Connections!

"Cherish your human connections: your relationships with friends and family."
-Joseph Brodsky

"Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude is going to determine how you're going to live your life."
-Joel Osteen

"I'm grateful for always this moment, the now no matter what form it takes."
-Echart Tolle

Last week I met my friends, Ella and Heather at Starbucks…
I am always GRATEFUL when we connect to catch up on our lives
especially for a Starbucks!

I also enjoyed a starbucks later in the week with my hubby and
a friend, Rod for a nice visit… and connection, too.

I know Jana and Nels are GRATEFUL they have the grandparent
CONNECTION when they need the kids picked up from school
and daycare on short notice!
We picked up the kids last week and they enjoyed TV and iPad games
till their parents were done work and got them.

I was GRATEFUL for a great lunch outing with my friend
Claudette, who actually treated me to lunch…
and who I haven't connected with in a few years.
Her daughters danced at my studio back in the day, and we
became good friends as a result then… we had a great visit.

With my brother, Brian now living out of town,
I do not connect with him as often as I once did.
I was GRATEFUL for the little visit and meal connection
 we shared with him on the weekend.
I plan to get out to see his new place this week as well.

We have tried to make many connections with my mother-in-law, Blanche,
lately to check in on her. We are GRATEFUL she is doing so well.
Here she is with my sister-in-law, Bev's dog, Jake,
and my grand daughter, Mariah.
Blanche will be moving into her new home in a month…
I know we are all grateful and excited for her and that move.

We are always GRATEFUL for the fun connections we make
with a varying group of friends each Sunday morning at
Fuddruckers… yesterday was a big group!

On the left are friends, Joyce and Jacquie at breakfast yesterday…
and on the right… Brian and I were out for a mall walk yesterday,
and we took a break for little booster juice and starbucks…
while we caught up with some connections on the phone!

The grandkids popped by for a visit yesterday… their mommy was tired
and fell asleep while the kids played office and watched some TV and youtube.
I have a hard time re CONNECTING back to the computer sometimes after
Mariah has been on it!!!…
(which is what happened to me today preventing me to get my blog up!)

I am always GRATEFUL for our little "BUG" doggie, SHUFFLE!
Today she posed so nicely for a little photo shoot
beside our pumpkin I just brought up from the basement
for the month of October!

Today as I was organizing for another blog post, I was slower to get it going. I was trying to think of a theme to tie this week's events together. I realized I had made some fun connections this past week… and with Thanksgiving coming up… the title GRATEFUL and CONNECTIONS sounded good. Then coincidentally I couldn't connect to the internet, after my grand daughter had been on our computer yesterday! So then once I finally got connected… I added the word "for" into the title of the blog, too!!!

I have had another week filled with outings with family and friends as well as some routine meetings etc., and some gym connections as well. We have also had the grandkids here a couple times, too.

Yesterday Jana came for a visit… but her and Brian were both sleepy so both proceeded to fall asleep in the family room while I ended up doing the visit/entertaining the kids.
Mariah likes to pretend she has her own office, and gets on the computer, and then Beau feels he wants to do the same, so we turned an old adding machine into his computer! Each child is cute with their little setup, but each one demands a fair amount of attention, too and they both compete for my fullest attention!

I was delighted to connect with some friends last week out for lunches, breakfasts and coffees as shown above in the photos. We are always grateful we have so many wonderful people we can connect with in our lives.

This is also a big month full for many celebrations in the family from birthdays to anniversaries as well as Thanksgiving and Halloween…and a little holiday.
Lots of reasons to be grateful and to connect.

Just today I made some coffee outing connections, too… I was at friend, Ella's briefly this morning and at my sister-in-law, Arleen's this afternoon with my cousin Gwen, as well.
More Grateful connections!

Arleen had a birthday on Saturday. Her son, Brad and his wife Janelle just moved into a new home this past week, too. Janelle has a birthday this Thursday, as well.

Also celebrating birthdays this week…
Auntie Ruth, Auntie Betty, Cousin Bev, and my nephew Maxwell. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all of you.

Coming soon are birthdays for my mother-in-law, Blanche, my niece, Emily and my hubby Brian.

This month we will think of Blanche and Greg on what would have been their 64th wedding anniversary. And I will think of my mom on the 25th too, which is the date she passed away 4 years ago. Some celebrating in heaven even this month!

I am looking so forward to the connections we will make with our good friends, Mike and Lynne from Regina… as well as our son, Colin and his girlfriend Caro… when we travel to Montreal for a special and brief little get away at the end of the month.

Tonight… is my favourite TV night so I will be grateful to settle in and watch my shows I tape weekly.

This weekend… we will celebrate Thanksgiving…
I have no plan as of yet… but I know we have lots to be THANKFUL for that is for sure!

On that note, here is my rhyme of the day…

I'm so grateful for so many things,
The connections to people and all that it brings.
Fun to connect to friends near and far,
And also to family where ever they are.
October is a month so full of fun,
So many occasions, until it is done.
I do have a lot to be grateful for…
And a lot to be celebrateful for!

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