Thursday, February 13, 2014

Throw Back Thursday LOVE!

"A kiss is only a moment, but that moment forever lasts in your heart."
-Author Unknown

"Love is like the wind, You can't see it but you can feel it."
-Nicholas Sparks

"Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own."
-Robert A. Heilein

Here is a Throw Back to Valentine's time last year...
Although this is a blurry picture...
I absolutely feel the LOVE that shines through!

I continue to feel the LOVE from ABOVE...
this is my mom's locket filled with pics that throw back to my parent's teen years!

This is Valentine's Day 2013...
here are my adorable grandkids showing off their Valentine treats.
I am missing them now because they are now away on a little vacay,
 and will be visiting Disneyland... a place that is always close to my HEART!

Here is a little throw back to when my kids first visited Disneyland
when Colin was 7 and Jana was 5...
This is one of my all time favourite holidays...
A Throw Back picture filled with LOVE!

Jana's very first dancing costume was a big HEART!
Here she was at the age of 3 when she danced to the song
"Buttons and Bows!"
Loving memories for me on so many levels!

Another page out of Jana's dance scrapbooks...
photos of our first ever mother/daughter duo...
to the Shirley Temple hit...
"On Account of I Love You!"
Jana was 5 here... and so adorable!

Another throw back favourite... here is Mariah at the age of 4
when she danced her very first TAP number to "I LOVE YOU"!
The costume was just like a Shirley Temple Dress!

Above is a special doll from my Mom's Shirley Temple Doll collection,
wearing the dress like Mariah's costume!
Also is a video collection I have of Shirley Temple movies, and I am posting
in honour of her passing  earlier this week... she was a cherished childhood
star who will live on in the hearts of many... myself included.

A little artwork made by Mariah and that I snapped on her school wall last year around this time
... I now have a photo of this on my fridge... how sweet is her sentiment?
I love this little throw back!

Here are but a few of my crafted valentines last year... but I did not get around to
making any this season.
Crafting does hold a special spot in my heart none the less!

Here is a throw back of Shuffle on Canada Day 2013...
showing off her CANADIAN PRIDE...
I love that she is always so willing to be so in fashion!

Mariah sharing her pride as well last summer in Montreal.

These cute special Valentine edition of Starbucks cups came out in
2012... but they have not used them since... glad I kept one...
might be worth something some day...
I love the passionate words on it...and also love STARBUCKS always!

This CD was a special VALENTINE related one by my favourite all time
artist, Paul McCartney, which came out in 2012.
I absolutely loved the special on the Beatles on TV this past week, too...
so many memories... so much LOVE!

Scrabble has been a game we have been passionate about for a long time.
I have fond memories of mom when playing... now my new favourite scrabble partner...
is my all time VALENTINE and LOVE of my LIFE!
I love these scrabble mugs I found as gifts to us for this years valentine's day!

This is a throw back to last summer in Montreal with my family...
We hope to walk this walk again this coming summer... as our journey in life continues!
So much love in memories of family!

Thanks for popping by my blog post today to check out my little bit of nostalgia!

With my grandkids away this past week... I have not taken as many photos... so decided to do a

I originally was going to do a repost onto Facebook
 of a blog from March of 2011 that I wrote called
... however after trying four times to repost it... I gave up.
Then I decided to create my own little throw back...

Childhood star, from the depression era, Shirley Temple, now aged 85... passed away this past week.
It brought so many memories for me.
I watched many of her movies with my mom growing up. My mom really got me into loving her... and the art of tap dancing too! Mom had a huge collection of Shirley Temple dolls as well... the one I photo I shared above was a favourite from the collection, which we displayed at mom's funeral. Unfortunately the head of that doll broke off when the display was dismounted... but can still be propped up for photo purposes!

I watched a Beatles special on Tv which I loved... it had many throw back memories of them making history back in the 60's when they came to perform on the Ed Sullivan show.
I will always hold them as an all time favourite musical group of mine... ever close to my heart.

Dance will always hold a special spot to my heart as well... and I only shared a very few of the LOVE related photos above in this blog... but lots of my dancing life revolves around a huge passion.

FAMILY is what holds us together through the JOURNEY of LIFE...and they hold the biggest part of my heart... so regardless of whether it is VALENTINE'S DAY or not...
LOVE is what makes the world go round!

So in honour of VALENTINE'S...
I share a little passion with you today in this little rhyme of the day...


It's throw back thursday and time for some love,
From my "Besties" on earth... to my loved ones above!
Time to recall lots of love from the past...
And remember how special, and also how fast,
The ones we hold dearest and close to our heart,
Live on in our hearts every day from the start.
Memories and Love are always in fashion...
Especially at Valentine's...when we share our passion!

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