Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I"ve Got The MUSIC In Me!

"Music washes away from the soul 
the dust of everyday life."
-Berthold Auebach

"Music is what feelings sound like."
-Author Unknown

"There is nothing in the world 
so much like prayer as music is."
-William P. Merrill

My little MUSIC loving Munchkins
on route to the very first FREE concert in the park
 at this year's JAZZ FESTIVAL! 

Mariah and Beau just before heading to the Jazz Festival on Friday.
Beau has a cookie for each hand... so he is all sweetened up! 

... and some ice cream cones at the festival
for more sweetness!!! hehehe
Listening to "Oral Fuentes" in the free stage
at Friendship Park. 

Mariah showing off her crafty bracelet and anklet
that her poppa bought her at the festival on Friday! 

Mariah getting a sparkly tattoo of cherries
 at the festival Friday night! 

Earlier Friday I was out for a lunch with my dancing buddy,
 for a nice lunch in the sunshine on their deck. 

A little pic of my friend, ELLA with me in the park
 at some free jazz on Saturday afternoon.
We heard Dean McNeil Septet and Stone Frigate Big Band.

Ella and I picked up a STARBUCKS
 to go with our little Jazz fest experience...
they go together perfectly! 

Later Saturday I enjoyed the
year end recital with my eye doctor, Lori and
her daughter, Leah...
(who used to dance with me a few years ago!) 

Sunday I  enjoyed some relaxing JAZZ by soloist,
BOB EVANS in the beautiful
Garden Architecture setting. 

I noticed this cute little ANGEL ornament
and had a photo with it ...
like an ANGEL sitting on each shoulder!
(which is how I always feel at the Jazz fest,
 especially now with both my parents in heaven!)

The above photo was taken by former dance student, SARAH,
who was working at the festival.
Here she is with her parents in the Garden Architecture venue. 

I also enjoyed
THE BASSMENT BIG BAND in Friendship park
sunday afternoon, too...
followed by the "MAURICE DROUIN SHOW"
called Summertime,
at Dakota Dunes in the evening with hubby, Brian!
FABULOUS SHOW and dinner, too.  

Monday I listened to some cool
laid back tunes by
in the heat of the free downtown stage,
once again with my friend, Ella!

I also enjoyed
Dixie Plus at this stage earlier monday...
as seen with favorites Maurice Drouin and Bobby Klassen.
who performed at 5.

Monday at 7 in the free park there was a performance by
 which featured a little "FLASH MOB"
choreographed by Shannon Miko!

Today as I sit with my french vanilla coffee
out of my red and white polka dot mug
I am really thinking the advice
in my cup is true!
It states...

This is one of my most favorite
times of year, because it is filled with
the things that make my life special.
Those things revolve around one big
ingredient and that is MUSIC!

This is now the end of the
DANCE RECITAL season in Saskatoon
and now the beginning of the
which I always love!
Both of those events revolve
around MUSIC, too!

I made it to 6 Dance Recitals this season
and hope to take in lots of the free jazz
in and around Saskatoon during our
26th annual JAZZ FESTIVAL.

I am always so impressed with the DANCE as well as MUSICAL talents living in our city. There is a fabulous ARTS community  here.

My mom and dad instilled a real love
in me from little on...
and I am ever so grateful they did.
Although they are both in HEAVEN now...
it is as if they were sitting on my shoulders
as I enjoy the music at the Jazz festival,
which we used to attend together when
they were both still here!

A couple of our favorite local
artists are piano player, MAURICE DROUIN,
And Sax /clarinet player, BOBBY KLASSEN.
I enjoyed them in 2 events so far at the first few days of Jazz Festing.
They played at both my parents' funerals, so they hold a dear spot in my heart... and they are so extremely talented, too.

As the next few days unfold I hope to hear these two along with many others sharing their talents for MUSIC as they play at various venues in and around the city.

Today is my UNCLE CHARLIE'S Birthday...
so I wish him a special one.
Mom's second birthday in HEAVEN
will be on Friday...
so I am hoping some one will
 play her favorite song that day...

On that note...
I am off to hear more free jazz in the park, and am hoping the rain is not coming again... it has been so sunny so far!

I got the MUSIC in me...
It goes with all I do...
I love so many kinds of it,
It fills me through and through!
The JAZZ that's played in the park,
at festival is free,

I love to sit out in the sun, 
or under the shade of a tree!
Nothing like free music
 to lift the spirit and soul,
That is what it does for me, 
like EAR CANDY in a bowl!
Whether I am walking my dog 
to the ipod SHUFFLE!
Or out amongst the festival, 
enjoying the JAZZ KERFLUFFLE...
MUSIC is the soundtrack to
my daily life each day,
That's just how I like it, 
wouldn't have it any other way!
Music is the thread 
that sews everything together,
And goes so very nicely in
any kind of weather!
I feel very blessed to live
in pretty Saskatoon...
And listen to the talents
of our city as they croon!

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