Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Keep Calm and SHUFFLE ON!

Today I am kind of lost in the 
"SHUFFLE" (ball change) of life!

... But as my t-shirt states...
"Keep Calm and SHUFFLE on!"

Sidetracked in the SHUFFLE of my day
in the new shirt and my old tap shoes! 

I got this t-shirt yesterday and it's
the perfect shirt for a TAPPER! 

For those reading my blog who are not TAP DANCERS...
"SHUFFLE" is the name of a TAP dance STEP! 

Putting my HEART into TAPPING today to the
SHUFFLE of tunes on my ipod! 

Instead of washing my floors...
I got SHUFFLING on them ...
and snapping pics...
You gotta LOVE it! 

Yesterday I joined my dance teacher friend, Brenda for a lunch.
She just finished a busy few days from a Baton competition ,
to Stars of Hope show, to a day of Tap exams...
so she has been SHUFFLING from one even to the next ...
as she often does! 

My doggie SHUFFLE (named after the dance step!)
is enjoying the sunshine in the family room . 

Mariah and Beau yesterday after I  SHUFFLED
around and
picked them up from their daily activities! 

I said to the kids...
And Beau proudly said

This picture makes my heart DANCE
(maybe it is doing SHUFFLES!)

Out for a STARBUCKS today with my friend ELLA.
They have SHUFFLED from the red cups of the past season
 to the new HEARTY cups for Valentine's day coming up!

A closer look at the new cups at STARBUCKS
this would have fit right into my last blog
called "HeArTs and StArS!"

Today I truly have been lost in the
SHUFFLE (ball change) of life!

I had good intentions of making today a cleaning day... but as the day
I really got sidetracked!

I often have my ipod on SHUFFLE
playing lots of my favorite tunes,
as I clean, but today so many tunes
came on which motivated me to
DANCE instead of CLEAN!...
Imagine that... ME... SIDETRACKED!!!

I had bought this new t-shirt yesterday
with the saying
on it which was kind of the
initial inspiration for my title
of today's blog!

When ever a great tune played
in the SHUFFLE of my ipod,
 I found myself TAPPING
until I finally went and got my
TAP SHOES from the basement!

The next thing I knew instead of a
dust rag in hand, I had my camera and
got snapping pictures of the t-shirt,
 me and the shirt...
and my tap shoes!
I can get so sidetracked ...
really lost in the SHUFFLE for sure!

But it is all good!
I had originally thought I would take
a day off from the gym today,
but I suppose I got my exercise

I ended up going for a coffee with
my gym friend, ELLA...
and STARBUCKS now has their new
HEARTY cups with Valentine's Day
coming up next week.
Those cups would have fit perfectly
in my previous BLOG THEME...
"HeArTs & StArS!"
hehehe (I was ahead of my time
with that one, I guess!)

Yesterday after doing my
TWO CLASS "TWOSDAY" at the gym,
I met my dance teacher friend, Brenda
for a lunch at a new restaurant
owned by a former dance student of ours.
She did lots of SHUFFLING with us
back in the day!

I picked up Jana's kids yesterday from
their activities and took them back
to their house until Jana
got home from work.
They were both such happy campers
and had fun playing together.
Mariah even put on a bathing suit and
created some cute little dances for me,
 and Beau grooved along on the side, too,
not to be left out of the SHUFFLE!

I enjoyed my two new TV shows
this week...
Tonight I look forward to another
episode of IDOL...
I do SHUFFLE through many favorite
 TV shows in a week!
I have no trouble getting
lost in the SHUFFLE
with whatever I am into!

My Mary Engelbriet calendar
says this today:

"You can't use up creativity.
The more you use, the more you have."
-Maya Angelou

So on that quote,
I will SHUFFLE on to
my poem of the day.

Today my plan was to
just clean my home...
But here I am writing
yet another poem!
I have put on my tap shoes
and tapped a wee bit,
But cleaning my house
just hasn't been it!
I've snapped a few pictures
of this and of that,
I got really side tracked,
right off the bat!
Although my intentions
are often real good,
I don't stay on track
the way that I should!
I'll try to "KEEP CALM
Before I know it,
the day will be gone.
I dusted and vacuumed...
and moved the odd thing,
The songs on my SHUFFLE
made me dance and then sing!
Nice to switch things up
and just rearrange,
As I get lost in my day
and the SHUFFE (ball change!)
I guess we all need a day
sometimes like this,
To go where life takes us
and to follow our bliss!


  1. I missed this in my busy shuffle.. Ha.. Great poem, pics.. Your energy amazes me, inspiring. That shirt was made JUST for you.
    Love it - this is another happy blog, friend!

  2. Thanks Arlene... I am glad you SHUFFLED by to read it! hehehe... I always am so grateful for your comments on my blog. Being a blog writer yourself, you know how much it means to have our blogs read and appreciated... so once again I say thanks to you!
