Saturday, February 25, 2012

Live, LOVE, Laugh, ... SnAcK!!!

"Live well, Love much, Laugh often."
-Author Unknown

"We are indeed much more than we eat, but what we eat can nevertheless help us be much more than we are."
-Adelle Davis

"I live for those who love me, for those who know me true."
George Linnaeus Banks

Here is BEAU yesterday enjoying some little marshmallows,
 his little cars...and my LOVE blocks! 

I LOVE that my brother Brian enjoys coming
over for a visit and a few LAUGHS!
He popped by all 3 days I babysat this week. 

BEAU with one of the many SNACKS of the day yesterday.
He was saying CHEESE as he ate his little Cheese crackers! 

Beau always had a smile or LAUGH for me
when I would find him hiding behind the
living room couch! 

Beau enjoying some more GIGGLES here...
He is always so full of life love and laughs!

The kid trade off yesterday...
Nels dropped off Mariah and picked up Beau.
Beau wasn't wanting to be held too tightly here
as his sister was trying to share some sisterly LOVIN! 

Beau snacking on
a little granola bar on his way out the door! 

Mariah LOVES to dance!

LIVING it up and dancing some more! 

Mariah and Brian off to a BLADES HOCKEY
game together last night.

Another one of the many SNACKS of the day here yesterday.
I made these yummy cinnamon buns. 

Yesterday's saying in my
Mary Engelbreit book for February 24th said...
"Other things may change us, but we start and end with family."
-Anthony Brandt
(I thought the little picture looked like me
with Mariah and Beau!)

And the 17 day diet book...
maybe I'll follow this after all my snacking this past week! 

An ANGEL AVON fridge magnet calendar.
I got this today from my good friend, ELLA.
She now sells AVON... and mom used to sell it.
Today marks one year and four months
since mom passed away.

This past week I have done lots of Living, Loving, Laughing... and of course

I babysat 3 days this past week...
Tuesday and Wednesday with
Mariah and Beau here,
and yesterday with just Beau.
All 3 days my brother, Brian popped by too.
I enjoy his company, and he sure
has bonded with Beau since I
used to babysit him as a baby.

Thursday I had a day off of babysitting,
so did a gym class (much needed).
I have been snacking way too much
this past week. I also stopped by my
oldest Brother's house and had a visit
with my sister-in-law, Arleen.
I do not see them as often,
but we had a nice little catch up.

Last night Brian took Mariah and
her little friend to a hockey game.
That has quickly become a favorite way
for them to bond together as Grandpa and Grand daughter. I stayed home and
enjoyed a nice calm relax after all the babysitting and activity of the week!

I do not know why I tend to snack
so much when ever I babysit the grandkids!!!
I had much more "WILL" power before I
 was married! ... Could it be the when
my last name changed from
"WILL" to "RASKOB"?!!!
Not sure if that has anything to do with it...
but I will say it does!

Beau enjoys a snack, too...
he eats most foods... even healthy ones...
and one of his favorites is BROCCOLI!

Today I got up and went to my early
morning saturday Body Vive class
at Goodlife gym.
It felt good to get there after
eating so much junk this week!!!

I went for coffee at Tim Horton's
with my gym friend, Ella, today as well.
It felt good to get out and have a nice visit
with her.  She brought me the newest book
in AVON (which she sells) and a cute little ANGEL fridge magnet calendar, too.
That was not only thoughtful of her...
it seemed so timely seeing as this is
the year and four month anniversary
of mom's passing, today.

Last week at my Dr. visit I had ...
she told me of a good diet to
get a good kick start on losing belly weight.
It is called the 17 day diet. I bought the
book and have tried starting this diet
 3 times now! However so far I never
get past the first breakfast of day one...
could be a LONG 17 days!

As Dr. Oz mentioned a while back
on his show... it is good to have one
"FAT-urday" in a week....
( I would say I had a few of those
this past week!!!)

So on that thought...
here is my poem of the day.

I babysat lots,
but it felt good to get back...
To the gym this morning,
after many a SNACK!
What is it about having
the kids over here???
That makes me SNACK
on food, far and near!
I LOVE when the grandkids
are here to share fun,
But I have to confess...
I had two buns, not just one!
I had lots of laughs
chasing after sweet Beau,
I think I got some exercise,
at least a bit I know!
And in the end the laughs and
snacks that we all share,
Just add up to lots of LOVE...
and nothing can compare!
So laughing, loving, and snacking
are all good...
Regardless of eating
way more than I should!


  1. My life is so crazy and it's had a lot of speed bumps - selling our land/farm (we signed the papers yesterday - sigh and sad), two cats with cancer (one weaker as the hours pass)- hubby trucking and so very busy, empty well at our farm, etc. Not a pity party, life is still sweet and good and you remind me of that.. So thanks for writing so expertly and giving me a glimpse of what normal is. Thanks for sharing your life and being a good friend.. We also share the same thought, though our lives are quite different, still we both are of the mindset that each day is another day in paradise! (As much as I try, I don't share your zeal for the gym so kudos to you.)

  2. Thanks for your kind words Arlene... I have been following you on FB today and see how you are struggling with your poor cat. I know new chapters are often hard... but sometimes they have little glimmers of bright to them as well... Hang in there... thanks again for always reading my blog... that means a lot to me! :)
